Trauma I Structured SBA Questions
Trauma I Structured SBA Questions
1. A 75-year-old female presents with a shoulder injury following a fall. Radiographs show a fractured proximal humerus (Figure 12.1).
Figure 12.1 (a) Anteroposterior (AP) and (b) lateral scapula view radiographs proximal humerus
Which of the following is NOT a good predictor of humeral head ischaemia?
2. A 35-year-old male sustains a closed proximal tibial fracture and elects to undergo intramedullary nailing. His radiographs are shown in Figure 12.2.
Which of the following surgical technique is used to prevent a valgus and procurvatum deformity?
3. While playing rugby, a 30-year-old male sustained the injury seen in Figure 12.3, taken on presentation to the ED.
Which of the following is true?
4. A 40-year-old roofer fell 10 feet off a ladder onto his left foot. Radiograph and CT scan are shown in Figure 12.4.
Figure 12.4 (a) Lateral radiograph calcaneum and (b) sagittal CT view calcaneum
Regarding this injury, which of the following is TRUE?
Double density sign seen on lateral radiographs indicates a superiorly displaced calcaneus fracture/dislocation
5. Regarding radiology for Lisfranc injuries, which of the following is FALSE?
The ‘step off sign’ is caused by dorsal displacement of the 2nd metatarsal relative to the cuboid
The medial border of the cuboid should normally line up with the medial border of the 4th metatarsal on the oblique view
The medial edge of the 2nd metatarsal should normally line up with the medial edge of the middle cuneiform on the AP radiograph
6. Which of the following is INCORRECT concerning Lisfranc joint anatomy?
The Lisfranc joint is formed by the five metatarsals that articulate with the three cuneiform and cuboid bones
7. Which mode of plating should be ideally used for the distal radius fracture pattern seen in Figure 12.5?
Figure 12.5 Lateral radiograph distal radius
9. Regarding the injury shown in Figure 12.6, indications for urgent surgical treatment do NOT include which of the following?
Figure 12.6 Lateral radiograph supracondylar fracture elbow
10. A 53-year-old male fell down 12 flights of steps onto his right elbow. His radiographs are shown in Figure 12.7.
Figure 12.7 (a) Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph and (b) lateral radiographs fractured distal right humerus
Regarding his injury, which of the following is NOT a technical objective to achieve maximal fixation and stability?
The screws in the distal fragments should lock together by interdigitation, creating a fixed-angle structure
11. A 24-year-old male sustains a type II odontoid fracture following a diving injury.
Regarding anterior pin placement for a Halo device, which of the following is true?
12. A 26-year-old male patient fell directly on his right shoulder with the arm in an outstretched and overhead position. Pain and swelling were immediate and were associated with a ‘step deformity’. The patient had limited right shoulder range of motion (ROM), strength and function.
Regarding this injury, which of the following statements is correct?
Type IV injuries involve rupture of both AC and CC ligaments with increased CC distance of 25–100%.
13. A 20-year-old right-handed man sustained a displaced comminuted radial head fracture following a traffic accident.
Regarding fixation of radial head fractures, which of the following is correct?
The capsule should not be dissected too far posteriorly, as the PIN runs over the back of the posterolateral portion of the elbow capsule
14. A 30-year old patient falls off his motorbike and sustains the injury shown in Figure 12.8. He has a blood pressure of 90/60 and pulse of 110 on arrival in ED.
Figure 12.8 Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph pelvis
Which of the following would initial management NOT include?
15. A 45-year-old woman has sustained a talar neck fracture following a motor vehicle accident. She has been added to the trauma list for ORIF. The CT1 on call at the time of admission has read up that the possibility of AVN developing in this fracture is high.
The blood supply to the talar neck does NOT include which of the following?
16. A toddler was brought to the ED with irritability.
In an investigation of non-accidental injury, which of the following has a high specificity for NAI?
17. A 30-year-old, right-hand-dominant man sustained an isolated injury to the right wrist after a fall from a height of approximately 15 feet. The patient reported that he fell on his outstretched hand with the wrist in extension. The right wrist was painful, swollen and tender to palpation. The hand was neurovascularly intact with no sensory deficit in the distribution of the median nerve. His radiographs are shown in Figure 12.9.
Figure 12.9 (a) Anteroposterior (AP) and (b) lateral radiographs right wrist
In the pathoanatomy of the injury, which of the following lists the events in the correct order?
Failure of lunocapitate ligament – failure of scapholunate ligament – failure of lunotriquetral ligament – lunate dislocates into carpal tunnel
Failure of lunotriquetral ligament – failure of lunocapitate ligament – failure of scapholunate ligament – lunate dislocates into carpal tunnel
Failure of lunotriquetral ligament – failure of scapholunate ligament – failure of lunocapitate ligament – lunate dislocates into carpal tunnel
Failure of scapholunate ligament – failure of lunocapitate ligament – failure of lunotriquetral ligament – lunate dislocates into carpal tunnel
Failure of scapholunate ligament – failure of lunotriquetral ligament- failure of lunocapitate ligament – lunate dislocates into carpal tunnel
18. An 18-year-old tennis player attended the orthopaedic clinic complaining of radial-sided wrist pain after a fall on an outstretched hand. Radiographs have shown a displaced waist of scaphoid fracture.
Regarding the volar approach to the scaphoid, which of the the following statement is FALSE?
20. A 6-year-old boy falls off a trampoline onto his left elbow and sustains the injury noted on radiographs shown in Figure 12.10.
Figure 12.10 (a) Anteroposterior (AP) and (b) lateral radiograph child’s elbow
Regarding the elbow fracture, which of the following statements is CORRECT?
21. A 46-year-old motorcyclist sustains the isolated closed injury (Figure 12.11) after falling off his motorbike at high speed.
Figure 12.11 Anteroposterior (AP) and lateral radiographs tibia
Regarding the initial management of this injury, which of the following is CORRECT?
There is a statistically higher infection rate when using locking plates compared to intramedullary nailing
25. A 30-year-old patient sustains an epileptic fit and attends the ED complaining of severe right shoulder pain. An anteroposterior (AP) shoulder radiograph is shown in Figure 12.12. It is irreducible in the ED.
Figure 12.12. Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph right shoulder
Which of the following is NOT a recommended treatment option?
26. A 35-year-old man is found 6 hours after sustaining a comminuted fracture of his right tibia secondary to a high-velocity gunshot wound. He has a systolic BP of 90 but responds well to fluids. He has a weak dorsalis pedis pulse but good capillary refill.
What is his MESS value?
28. A 25-year-old male was resuscitated after coming off a motorbike at 50mph. He sustained an open humerus fracture, femur and tibia fracture and spinal fracture. His ISS score was 20. After he was resuscitated initially, the trauma team wanted to plan for fixation of his injuries.
In the Early Appropriate Care (EAC) protocol which of the following is INCORRECT regarding fracture fixation?
29. A 74-year-old man falls downstairs while intoxicated and attends ED complaining of neck pain. Plain lateral radiograph cervical spine is shown in Figure 12.13. He is awake and alert.
Figure 12.13 Lateral radiograph cervical spine
Which of the following is the most appropriate INITIAL management following resuscitation?
30. An 80-year-old male presented to the ED with neck pain following a mechanical fall at home. Coronal CT image cervical spin is shown in Figure 12.14.
Figure 12.14 Coronal CT scan cervical spine
Which of the following statements is FALSE in elderly patients with this injury pattern?
31. A 35-year-old male came off a motorbike. Following resuscitation, he complained of weakness in both legs and lower back pain. Clinical examination revealed bruising and swelling over his lumbar spine with M3 power in both legs and bilateral paraesthesia. Sagittal CT imaging is shown in Figure 12.15.
Figure 12.15 Sagittal CT iimage lumbar spine
What is the most appropriate management following initial resuscitation?
32. A 33-year-old male falls down a flight of stairs while intoxicated, sustaining an injury to his right upper arm. Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph is shown in Figure 12.16(a) and clinical photograph is shown in Figure 12.16(b). The injury is isolated. On clinical examination, he is unable to dorsiflex his wrist and extend his fingers at the MCPJs.
Figure 12.16 (a) Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph right humerus and (b) clinical photograph upper limb
The most appropriate next step in management would be which of the following?
33. A 41-year-old woman undergoes a radial head fixation for a Mason II radial head fracture. The Kaplan approach is used.
Postoperatively, what complication is most likely?
34. A 77-year-old woman resident of a nursing home with limited functional ability falls onto concrete sustaining the above closed injury. She has radiographs performed, which confirm the injury (Figure 12.17).
What is the most appropriate management option?
35. A 31-year-old man falls off his motorbike. sustaining the isolated injury shown in Figure 12.18. He is neurovascularly intact and is initially resuscitated in the ED.
Figure 12.18 AP and lateral radiographs elbow
What is the most appropriate definitive management?
36. A 63-year-old golfer falls awkwardly onto his left shoulder. He is neurovascularly intact. Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph demonstrates a three-part fracture of the proximal humerus involving the surgical neck and the greater tuberosity (Figure12.19). There is posterior and superior displacement of the greater tuberosity by 1cm
Figure 12.19 Anteroposterior radiograph (AP) shoulder
What is the most appropriate treatment?