Shoulder/Elbow I Structured SBA Questions
Shoulder/Elbow I Structured SBA Questions
1. A 36-year-old sportsman attends the clinic complaining of left shoulder weakness and deep-seated pain. Examination reveals wasting below the spine of scapula affecting the infraspinous fossa only.
Which of the following would be the most useful investigation?
2. A 71-year-old woman attends complaining of a 3-month history of right shoulder pain and stiffness. There is no history of trauma. Examination reveals active movements of 30°of flexion, 30° abduction and no active external rotation.
What is the next most useful step in this patient’s management?
3. An 83-year-old man undergoes a reverse polarity shoulder replacement for rotator cuff arthroplasty using a McKenzie approach.
An injury to the axillary nerve directly related to this approach leads to which deficit?
4. An obese patient undergoes a total shoulder replacement through a deltopectoral approach. The surgeon states that large soft tissue retractors had to be used.
Given the history, the most likely neurological deficit would be which of the following?
5. A 24-year-old athlete sustains a traumatic dislocation of the left shoulder. Following reduction, he is noted to have absent sensation in the deltoid area.
Which of the following is most likely to be positive?
6. A 36-year-old woman sustained a fall 3 months ago and was referred by her GP to Physiotherapy. She was noted to have her arm in fixed internal rotation with reduced flexion.
What would be the most useful investigation at this stage?
7. A 32-year-old male undergoes a distal biceps tendon repair.
The most likely neurological deficit with this procedure is which of the following?
8. A 7-year-old child sustains a lateral mass fracture of the right elbow.
What is the most likely late onset functional deficit?
9. A 9-year-old girl falls off a trampoline and sustains an injury to her elbow (Figure 10.1).
The most likely structure to be injured will result in which of the following deficits?
Figure 10.1. AP radiograph elbow
10. A 30-year-old male presents to clinic with pain and bruising in the anterior aspect of his right elbow. He says that 3 days ago he was in the gym and felt a pop in his distal arm.
If he wishes to proceed with non-operative management, he will likely lose approximately which of the following?
11. A 36-year-old body builder sustains a distal biceps tendon rupture and is offered surgical repair.
The more common complication encountered with a two-incision technique as compared to a 1-incision is which of the following?
12. A 25-year-old rugby player sustains recurrent anteroinferior traumatic dislocations of the shoulder. Plain MRI scan was normal and at arthroscopy, no soft tissue or bony Bankart lesion was found. The patient continued to experience recurrent instability.
Which of the following was the most likely lesion that was missed?
13. A 49-year-old male sustains a traction injury to his left arm while operating a machine in a chocolate factory. Neurophysiological studies suggest a preganglionic lesion.
This is characterised by which of the following?
14. A 72-year-old patient is diagnosed with rotator cuff arthropathy. She is offered a reverse polarity shoulder replacement.
What are the main biomechanical advantages of this prosthesis?
15. A 36-year-old male sustains a penetrating injury in the right infraclavicular area. He is noticed to be unable to extend right wrist and fingers. EMG confirms injury to the posterior trunk.
What other positive neurological findings is he expected to have?
16. An elderly patient undergoes shoulder surgery under regional anaesthesia. Postoperatively, he is noticed to keep his right eye half closed.
What other clinical signs is he most likely to present with?
17. A 55-year-old female undergoes cervical spine surgery. A few weeks after surgery, she presents with left scapula winging.
What other positive findings is she likely to have?