Cerebrovascular Disease in Childhood
Bradley L. Schlaggar
Andrew J. Kornberg
Arthur L. Prensky
Cerebrovascular disease can be divided broadly into two primary pathophysiologic processes: occlusion and hemorrhage. In occlusive vascular disease, cerebral blood vessels are blocked by the formation of a clot (thrombosis) or by the migration of clotted material (emboli) from the heart, vessels, or other organs. In hemorrhagic vascular disease, rupture of blood vessels occurs with bleeding into cerebral parenchyma, subarachnoid, subdural, or epidural spaces.
These processes reduce blood flow (i.e., ischemia) to brain parenchyma. When severe ischemia leads to death of neurons and the surrounding neuropil, the process is termed infarction. With hemorrhage, in addition to physical disruption of nerve tissue, pressure on parenchyma can further obstruct blood flow locally, leading to ischemia and infarction.
Two important factors, the blood supply and the metabolic needs of the brain region supplied, govern the extent of damage to nervous tissue produced by cerebrovascular disease. Blood is supplied to the brain by two essentially separate circulations, the carotid (anterior) and vertebrobasilar (posterior) systems, and to a lesser extent by small perforating blood vessels from the meninges. Anastomoses between the carotid and vertebrobasilar systems exist at the circle of Willis and in the meninges. These anastomoses are important because they may prevent hypoperfusion when circulation is reduced in the territory of a single vessel. The efficiency of these anastomoses in preventing ischemia and infarction is dependent on how quickly flow is interrupted. With slower occlusion, the region of brain supplied by the vessel more likely will remain adequately perfused by collateral vessels, and the area of ischemia and subsequent infarction will be minimized. When end arteries, which are smaller vessels that have few or ineffective anastomoses, become occluded, the likelihood of infarction is relatively higher. Brain parenchyma situated between the most distal portions of the two circulations or major arteries within a circulation (e.g., those from the anterior and middle cerebral arteries in the anterior circulation) is termed a watershed zone or area. These “zones” have some blood supply from both circulations and, consequently, have some protection from occlusion of one or other circulation. However, watershed areas are especially vulnerable to damage from a general decrease in the cerebral perfusion pressure that can occur with severe systemic hypotension or with very high intracranial pressure (ICP) that produces decreased cerebral perfusion.
Two fundamental mechanisms protect the brain in the setting of decreased perfusion and oxygenation: autoregulation and elevation of the oxygen extraction fraction. Autoregulation is an important physiologic mechanism that supports maintained normal cerebral perfusion (the difference between mean arterial pressure and ICP or central venous pressure) in the setting of decreased and increased systemic pressures by altering the resistance of blood vessels in the brain. To what extent the developing cerebral vasculature can autoregulate or modulate oxygen extraction and at what age the capacity for these mechanisms reaches maturity remain unclear.
Recent research has improved the understanding of the pathophysiologic processes involved in stroke and has suggested some therapeutic strategies. Experimental data suggest that ischemic brain injury is an evolving process, with the amount of injury related to the degree of diminution of local cerebral blood flow (CBF). The ischemic penumbra in stroke refers to a region of tissue that is electrically silent as a result of absent or decreased perfusion. Ultimately, the central core of this ischemic penumbra will be damaged irreversibly, and a surrounding ischemic zone will, with return of perfusion, survive with normal or near-normal function. If blood flow falls further in these surrounding regions, more extensive infarction will occurs, and “progression” of the stroke will be seen. When flow to these ischemic regions is restored, then clinical improvement occurs. In adults, CBF is roughly 50 mL/100g/minute. Clinical manifestations of cerebral ischemia manifest when CBF falls to less than 20 mL/100g/minute. When CBF is less than 15 mg/mL/minute, recipient tissue becomes electrically silent. CBF of less than 8 to 10 mg/mL/minute leads to the failure of ion conductance. The corresponding parameters are not well understood in the developing brain. The concept of a penumbra has suggested strategies for decreasing the ultimate size of infarcted tissue by effectively restoring blood flow to ischemic regions. Therapeutic strategies include reperfusion of ischemic areas by thrombolytic drugs or angioplasty, neuroprotection using drugs that may ameliorate the neurotoxicity of released chemicals, and anticoagulation to prevent further embolic phenomena. Prompt diagnosis and treatment may decrease the extent of infarction and may thereby reduce the ultimate morbidity in stroke.
A stroke also can be caused by obstructing the outflow of blood from the brain, which can be seen if cerebral veins or the venous sinuses are occluded. The pathophysiology of this entity is related to “backpressure,” which results in stasis and subsequent ischemia, as well as raising ICP and decreasing the perfusion of the brain. This type of backpressure also may result in the rupture of smaller vessels that feed the venous sinuses.
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is defined as loss of neurologic function lasting less than 24 hours with subsequent complete return of normal function. By definition, TIA is caused by ischemia, but not infarction, of brain tissue.
Classically, the clinical presentation of cerebrovascular disease is thought to depend on the specific brain regions and/or white matter pathways damaged and the functions subserved by these regions. Indeed, a great deal of what is known about the localization of function in the human brain stems from the consequence of cerebrovascular disease and stroke. Strokes in the anterior (internal carotid) system usually present with hemiplegia, hemisensory loss, aphasia, or hemianopsia, whereas events in the posterior (vertebrobasilar) circulation typically present with brainstem dysfunction such as bilateral motor, sensory, and visual disturbances, vertigo, abnormal eye
movements, and problems with balance and coordination. Specific stroke syndromes have been well characterized but are beyond the scope of this chapter. The reader is referred to standard neurology textbooks for detailed accounts.
movements, and problems with balance and coordination. Specific stroke syndromes have been well characterized but are beyond the scope of this chapter. The reader is referred to standard neurology textbooks for detailed accounts.
Stroke is a relatively rare occurrence in children. In population-based studies from Minnesota and California, the annual incidence rate was roughly 2.5 cases per 100,000 population, or approximately one-half the incidence for primary intracranial neoplasm. Of these, 0.6 to1.2 per 100,000 were ischemic strokes and 1.1 to 1.9 per 100,000 were hemorrhages, depending on whether patients with sickle cell anemia were included in the analysis (absent for Minnesota, present for California). Adult series report between 90 and 110 cerebrovascular accidents per 100,000 adults/year. Of these, most are thrombotic strokes related to occlusive vascular disease. African American children are more likely to develop ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes, even when those with sickle cell disease are excluded. Their risk of death also is greater. Male patients, in general, are more likely to die of stroke in childhood.
Many strokes in children are without a known origin or are a complication of a disease originating outside the central nervous system (CNS). Congenital heart disease, sickle cell disease, vasculitis, infection, hypercoagulable states, vascular dissection, and trauma are the usual causes of childhood stroke. Although these diseases usually are evident before the stroke occurs, sometimes stroke is the presenting problem. Atherosclerosis and hypertension, the major systemic disorders associated with occlusive vascular disease in adults, are rare causes of stroke in the pediatric population.
Cerebrovascular disorders usually present as an acute alteration in neurologic function, but changes occasionally occur in a gradual or stepwise fashion. Other disorders may present with similar symptoms and need to be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute neurologic dysfunction. Brain tumors may mimic cerebrovascular disorder because of the rapid onset of surrounding edema or hemorrhage into the tumor. Unwitnessed focal seizures may present as hemiparesis, but, in contrast to hemiparesis caused by a vascular event, the signs usually begin to resolve at around 6 hours and are resolved completely within 24 to 48 hours (e.g., Todd paresis). In embolic stroke or stroke associated with an arteriovenous malformation (AVM), a focal seizure may herald the event. In these cases, the hemiparesis usually will persist for more than 24 hours. Intracranial infections, such as meningitis, may be associated with cerebrovascular events because they can involve vessel walls leading to spasm or local thrombotic occlusion. Tuberculous meningitis, a chronic form of meningitis, may present with gradual neurologic dysfunction and/or may be associated with stroke. Cerebral abscess may mimic a cerebrovascular event, but other symptoms such as fever or a source of infected emboli should help to differentiate an abscess from a vascular occlusion.
Mechanisms for thrombotic and embolic occlusive cerebrovascular disease in children are listed in Box 400.1.
More than three-fourths of thrombotic and thromboembolic events occur in the territory of the carotid artery or branches of the middle cerebral artery. A specific cause can be identified in approximately 50% to 60% of patients, and an arterial occlusion without a specific cause can be identified in a further 20%. A cause should aggressively be sought because treatment of the primary disorder may possibly prevent recurrent episodes of stroke.
When atherosclerosis occurs in children, generally it is because they have an inherited disorder of lipid or lipoprotein metabolism. Types 1, 2, and 4 of the hyperlipoproteinemias are associated with premature atherosclerosis, including plaques in the major cerebral vessels, in children. The same problem can be found in children with hypercholesterolemia with low levels of high-density lipoproteins and in hyperlipidemia associated with juvenile diabetes. Disorders predisposing to accelerated atherosclerosis such as juvenile diabetes, Down syndrome, and progeria also may predispose to stroke. A history of cerebrovascular disorders or coronary artery disease occurring before the age of 40 years in other family members is an indication for an evaluation of serum lipids and lipoproteins in a child with a suspected vascular accident. The management of these children involves lowering blood lipids with dietary manipulation or medication.
Arteritis refers to inflammatory changes in the arterial wall, which narrows or occludes the vessel, thus producing tissue ischemia. The arteritides affect a variety of different vessel sizes, with certain disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), often affecting smaller vessels. The arteritides usually are associated with systemic symptoms such as fever, myalgia, arthralgia, and weight loss. Multiple organ systems, particularly the kidneys or lungs, often are involved. Significant laboratory findings include an elevated sedimentation rate, decreased serum complement, and elevated antinuclear antibody titers. However, if the arteritis is limited to the CNS, these laboratory abnormalities usually are absent, and frequently no systemic symptoms are present.
SLE is one of the most common collagen-vascular diseases in childhood. Between 13% and 30% of children with SLE have neurologic complications from their disease. In some series, 3% of children with SLE develop cerebrovascular occlusive disease. Most of them have significant multisystem disease at the onset of their neurologic complications.
Takayasu disease is an arteritis of unknown origin that primarily involves the aorta and its branches. The disorder occurs most commonly in female patients between the second and fifth decade of life, but it has been reported in infancy. Claudication in the upper extremities and loss of pulses with bruits commonly are seen. When left untreated, the disorder is progressive and may lead to death. Stroke is uncommon, occurring in approximately 10% of cases.
Other causes of arteritis such as polyarteritis nodosa and Henoch-Schönlein purpura are unusual events in children. Varicella infection has been described, with the presumed pathophysiology of arteritis involving large vessels. Stroke also should be considered in children with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who develop focal neurologic signs because that infection also may produce an arteritis of large vessels.
Delayed-onset hemiparesis after primary spasm or thrombosis of the arteries at the base of the brain occurs with severe meningitis. This type of occlusive vascular disease is seen more commonly with chronic fungal and tuberculous meningitides, but it also can be seen with acute bacterial meningitis in children, particularly if treatment is delayed. The chances of full
recovery are poor. Major strokes rarely occur when bacterial meningitis is treated early. Radiation therapy for brain tumors may predispose to arteritis of both small and larger vessels (see later).
recovery are poor. Major strokes rarely occur when bacterial meningitis is treated early. Radiation therapy for brain tumors may predispose to arteritis of both small and larger vessels (see later).
Arteritis refers to inflammatory changes in the arterial wall, which narrows or occludes the vessel, thus producing tissue ischemia. The arteritides affect a variety of different vessel sizes, with certain disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), often affecting smaller vessels. The arteritides usually are associated with systemic symptoms such as fever, myalgia, arthralgia, and weight loss. Multiple organ systems, particularly the kidneys or lungs, often are involved. Significant laboratory findings include an elevated sedimentation rate, decreased serum complement, and elevated antinuclear antibody titers. However, if the arteritis is limited to the CNS, these laboratory abnormalities usually are absent, and frequently no systemic symptoms are present.
SLE is one of the most common collagen-vascular diseases in childhood. Between 13% and 30% of children with SLE have neurologic complications from their disease. In some series, 3% of children with SLE develop cerebrovascular occlusive disease. Most of them have significant multisystem disease at the onset of their neurologic complications.
Takayasu disease is an arteritis of unknown origin that primarily involves the aorta and its branches. The disorder occurs most commonly in female patients between the second and fifth decade of life, but it has been reported in infancy. Claudication in the upper extremities and loss of pulses with bruits commonly are seen. When left untreated, the disorder is progressive and may lead to death. Stroke is uncommon, occurring in approximately 10% of cases.
Other causes of arteritis such as polyarteritis nodosa and Henoch-Schönlein purpura are unusual events in children. Varicella infection has been described, with the presumed pathophysiology of arteritis involving large vessels. Stroke also should be considered in children with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who develop focal neurologic signs because that infection also may produce an arteritis of large vessels.
Delayed-onset hemiparesis after primary spasm or thrombosis of the arteries at the base of the brain occurs with severe meningitis. This type of occlusive vascular disease is seen more commonly with chronic fungal and tuberculous meningitides, but it also can be seen with acute bacterial meningitis in children, particularly if treatment is delayed. The chances of full recovery are poor. Major strokes rarely occur when bacterial meningitis is treated early. Radiation therapy for brain tumors may predispose to arteritis of both small and larger vessels (see later).
BOX 400.1 Occlusive Cerebrovascular Diseases in Children and Adolescents
Abnormalities of the arterial wall
Lipid abnormalities
Down syndrome
Isolated central nervous system vasculitis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Polyarteritis nodosa
Takayasu disease
Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Human immunodeficiency virus infection
External and internal trauma
Congenital and hereditary disorders
Sickle cell disease
Kinking and tortuosity of vessels
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Williams syndrome
Neuroectodermal disorders
Sturge-Weber syndrome
Neurofibromatosis 1
Tuberous sclerosis
Metabolic disorders
MELAS syndrome (mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes)
Menke disease
Fabry disease
Moyamoya syndrome
Moyamoya disease
Acute infantile hemiplegia
Hypercoagulable states
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome
Leukemia and its treatment
Antithrombin III deficiency
Protein C deficiency
Protein S deficiency
Factor V G1691A (Leiden) mutation (activated protein C resistance)
Lipoprotein (a)
Prothrombin G20210A mutation
MTHFR 677TT (hyperhomocysteinemia)
Antiphospholipid antibodies
Anti-beta-2-glycoprotein 1
Lupus anticoagulant
Cardiac disease
Cyanotic heart disease
Valvular disease
Bacterial endocarditis
Peripheral thrombosis and embolism
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) may allow ready evaluation without the risk of formal angiography if the pathologic process is suspected to be in major vessels that supply the brain or their larger branches. Because MRA is based on flow, it is very susceptible to producing radiologic “overcalls” of vessel disease. Smaller vessels likely are best visualized by conventional percutaneous angiography, which also affords an opportunity to visualize the great vessels. The presence of multiple areas of narrowing or occlusion suggests, but is not pathognomonic of, arteritis.
The treatment of arteritis depends in part on its cause. If the inflammation is a result of an underlying infectious disorder, the infection must be treated appropriately. Antiplatelet medications may be used transiently, depending on the blood count. Arteritis seen with hypersensitivity reactions or autoimmune disorders usually is treated with immunosuppressants, including steroids, cyclophosphamide, prostacyclin, plasma exchange, and high-dose gammaglobulin, depending on the cause of the disease, the rate of progression, and other organs involved. An important point is that no data exist regarding optimal treatment of childhood arteritis.
Trauma probably is the single most common cause of occlusion of the extracranial portions of the carotid system in children. The pathophysiology associated with trauma initially is an intimal tear, then formation of a dissecting aneurysm of the involved vessel, and subsequent occlusion of the vessel by thrombosis. The thrombus may then extend distally, or an embolus can arise from the thrombus and occlude more distal vessels. The pathophysiologic events involved agree well with the clinical features. The neurologic deficit may be acute or associated with a delay in onset of symptoms with a subsequent progressive, stuttering course, often with headache and/or neck pain. Occasionally, the initial symptom is recurrent headache alone. Trauma may occur to the carotid artery in the neck as a result of intraoral trauma such as falling onto a pencil or a stick. Vertebral artery dissections associated with twisting or traction of the neck, such as in chiropractic manipulations, have been described in adults and children. Traumatic dissection should be considered in any patient presenting with neurologic complaint
whose activity increases the risk of injury to the head and neck. Blunt, nonpenetrating injuries to the neck or head rarely cause thrombotic occlusion of major intracerebral vessels with or without dissection.
whose activity increases the risk of injury to the head and neck. Blunt, nonpenetrating injuries to the neck or head rarely cause thrombotic occlusion of major intracerebral vessels with or without dissection.
Congenital and Hereditary Disorders
Extracranial vessels, in particular the carotid arteries, sometimes are extremely tortuous. They may form kinks and interrupt blood flow. These vessel irregularities have been associated with transient ischemic episodes and stroke.
Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is a nonatherosclerotic, noninflammatory angiopathy of unknown origin affecting medium-sized and small arteries. It usually affects female patients in their second to fifth decades of life but is a well-recognized cause of cerebral arterial obstruction causing ischemic stroke in children. Pathologically, segmental hyperplasia with intervening saccular dilatation is present. The diagnosis is made by angiography, with affected vessels showing evidence of luminal narrowing alternating with areas of mural dilatation, producing the so-called “string of beads” appearance. Finding these abnormalities in the arterial system at more than one site renders the diagnosis of FMD highly likely. Diagnosis previously was made using conventional angiography, but more recent advances in MRA have allowed FMD to be diagnosed using this less invasive technique. Ischemic stroke secondary to intracranial multifocal cerebral stenoses has been described in Williams syndrome (see Appendix B), a multisystem disorder also associated with cardiovascular and renal vascular disease.
Several neuroectodermal disorders have been associated with stroke in children. The Sturge-Weber syndrome is a congenital malformation of venous vasculature that is manifested by a facial angioma (port-wine stain) involving the first or second division of the trigeminal nerve and an associated leptomeningeal angioma on the ipsilateral side to the port-wine stain. The disorder commonly is manifest by glaucoma, progressive hemiparesis, focal seizures, mental retardation, and occasionally cerebral hemorrhage. The pathophysiologic process primarily consists of abnormal venous return through the vessels of the angioma, stagnation of blood, and local hypoxemia with subsequent damage to neurons. Diagnosis is based on identification of the clinical features and the typical calcifications on computed tomography (CT) scan that resemble a railroad track. However, only a few children with facial port wine lesions have this syndrome. Neurofibromatosis 1 has been associated with moyamoya syndrome (see later), particularly after cranial irradiation has been performed for an optic glioma or other intracranial tumors early in life. Tuberous sclerosis has been associated with embolic stroke, possibly related to emboli from cardiac rhabdomyomas. The CNS white matter changes in incontinentia pigmenti have been postulated to be secondary to vascular events in utero.

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