Case Reports
“In the ancient times
The sages worked on I.
They followed the truth of nature
And the meaning of destiny.
They established the Tao of Heaven
And named it yin and yang.
They established the Tao of Earth
And named it yielding and firm.
They established the Tao of Humanity
And named it benevolence and justice.
They combined these three and doubled them.
Therefore, in I, six yao [lines] make up an accomplished
gua [six line symbols].
They differentiated yao into yin and yang,
Nowby the yielding and nowby the firm.
Thus, in I, a systemof six places was formed.”1—
I Ching
The following is a collection of 18 reports to demonstrate how YNSA is easily integrated into cranial osteopathic manipulation practice. These neuromusculoskeletal cases are typical of YNSA’s usefulness and effectiveness in medical practice.
Cervical Herniated Disk/Cervical Radiculopathy
Chief Complaint
Neck and thumb pain.
46-year-old female with neck and shoulder pain for the past 3 months. Numbness and tingling of the right first two fingers and in the arm. MRI shows a herniated disc at C5–C6 with pinching on the thecal sac.
Key Physical Findings
Deep tendon reflexes were +2/+2 biceps and triceps. Sensation diminished with numbness of the right index finger and thumb. Somatic dysfunction was found with C2–C4 rotated left sidebent left, C5–C6 rotated right sidebent right, T4–T7 rotated left sidebent right, L5 rotated left sidebent left, anterior right innominate, left sacral torsion.
Cervical radiculopathy with herniated nucleus pulposus C5–C6, somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis, and myositis.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulation using indirect, myofascial release, articulatory, and high velocity/low amplitude techniques, and YNSA.
Frequency: One visit.
Details: Yin of YIN right M-2, A, B-1, and C-1.
100% pain relief of thumb and index finger numbness and arm pain.
Cervical Radiculopathy
Chief Complaint
Constant burning and pain in the neck and shoulder that started 1 week prior. Numbness in the left distal index finger radiating from the neck into the left shoulder blade, and tingling of the left arm. Pain is 2/10.
59-year-old female hairdresser with chronic neck, shoulder, and arm pain. She has had two motor vehicle accidents within the last 9 months.
Key Physical Findings
Deep tendon reflexes +2/+4 equal bilateral. C2 rotated left sidebent left, C1 rotated left, C6 rotated right sidebent right, C4–C7 rotated right sidebent left, L5 rotated right sidebent left, left sacral torsion, and anterior right innominate.
Cervical radiculopathy, post-traumatic acceleration/ deceleration injury/whiplash, myositis, and somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulation using indirect, myofascial release techniques and YNSA.
Frequency: Patient received weekly treatments for 6 weeks.
Details: The left Yin of YIN PC, SP, KI, and BL. Right Yin of YIN KI. Left Yin A, D-1–6. A diagnosis of spinal stenosis and bulging cervical discs was made with subsequent MRIs. Pain continued to be modulated with YNSA acupuncture and gradually diminished with no surgeries performed.
100% pain relief.
Chronic Cervicalgia
Chief Complaint
Cervicalgia with burning sensation into the hands from the neck.
Pain for the past 2 years.
Key Physical Findings
Areas of somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis; neuritis; and cervicalgia.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulation using indirect, high velocity/low amplitude, articulatory procedures and YNSA.
Frequency: Monthly visits.
Details: YNSA left Yin of YIN HT, SI, and KI. Yin left and right M-2, M-3, and A.
100% pain relief post-treatment.
Chronic Migraine
Chief Complaint
Migraine headaches.
Constant daily incapacitating migraine headaches for 5 years. Seen by multiple headache clinics.
Key Physical Finding
48-year-old female. Neurological and musculoskeletal components within normal limits except for cervical hypertonicity, a various specific type of somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Migraine cephalgia, tension cephalgia, somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulation using indirect myofascial release, articulatory, and high velocity/low amplitude techniques and YNSA.
Frequency: Patient was seen over the next 2 years once a month and has been pain-free for 6 weeks at a time, with all treatments using cranial osteopathic manipulation, YNSA, and non-narcotic polypharmacology.
Details: Left Yin of YIN GB, LR, HT, PC, and KI. Right Yin of YIN HT, ST. Yin of YIN M-1.
After initial cranial osteopathic manipulation, migraine pain diminished from 5/10 to 0/10 and tension headache pain diminished from 5/10 to 3/10. Post-YNSA, tension headache diminished from 3/10 to 0/10.
Leg Paresthesia
Chief Complaint
Low back pain and burning pain on the lateral aspect of the right leg that at times causes muscle spasm and pain in the lateral aspect of the right leg. The pain has been ongoing for several weeks.
Review of systems shows that the paresthesia is only noted in the lateral aspect of the right thigh and leg and does not extend to the foot. It covers more than one dermatone. MRI shows no herniated disc and is negative.
Key Physical Findings
Deep tendon reflexes were +2/+4, normal sensation to pinprick, coordination normal, normal gait. Somatic dysfunctionwas found with specific joint restrictions. L4 and L5 were rotated right sidebent left, with left sacral torsion present and a right anterior innominate. Left lower extremity has good muscle strength. Normal range of motion. Right lower extremity has good muscle strength. Pain distribution that is consistent with the bladder channel. There is no dislocation, subluxation, laxity, or crepitation of any of the joints.
Paresthesia, somatic dysfunction of the lumbar, sacrum, pelvis, and lower extremity.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulation and YNSA acupuncture.
Frequency: One visit.
Details: Yang of YIN left GB and right GB; right D-1–6, D-leg.
100% pain relief.
Lumbar Herniated Disk
Chief Complaint
Right hip and leg pain for the last 2 weeks. Celebrex 200 mg two twice a day. Pain in the leg not the hip, and leg is weak. Pain was 2/10.
48-year-old male with herniated nucleus pulposus L4–L5 by MRI 1 year prior.
Key Physical Findings
Deep tendon reflexes were +2/+4. Left quadriceps was 2/4 and right quadriceps was 0/4. Somatic dysfunction identified with left sphenobasilar synchondrosis torsion, C2 rotated left sidebent left, T4 rotated right sidebent left, L5 rotated right sidebent left, left sacral torsion, and anterior right innominate.
Sciatica, old herniated disk (HNP) L4–L5 disc, somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulative using indirect, myofascial release, muscle energy techniques, and YNSA.
Frequency: Weekly visits for 4 weeks.
Details: YNSAY in right D-1–6.
Resulted in 100% pain relief and remained symptom-free for 2 years.
Post-cerebrovascular Accident—Hemiplegia
Chief Complaint
Right-sided hemiparesis with contractions of the elbow, wrist, and fingers, decreased sensation of the lower extremities.
1.5 years ago experienced stroke causing left-sided weakness and lack of mobility during a cervical laminectomy with fusion.
Key Physical Findings
Several specific areas of somatic dysfunction were identified, including head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Right hemiparesis and somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulation using indirect, myofascial release and YNSA.
Frequency: Weekly.
Details: YNSA left Yin of YIN KI, BL and right Yin of YIN GB, BL, Yin of YIN M-1 left and right, M-2, M-3, right A, right C-1, and right Broca’s aphasia point.
Increased range of motion of the right upper and lower extremity immediately after placement of the needles.
Chief Complaint
Pain in the left leg radiating from the lumbar spine.
Onset several weeks prior. MRI shows L5–S1 bulging disc. Pain was 2/10.
Key Physical Findings
Deep tendon reflexes were +2/+4. Sensory is normal to pinprick. Positive Lasègue’s sign. Somatic dysfunction was found with T2–T7 rotated left sidebent right, T8–T9 rotated right sidebent left, L2–L4 rotated right sidebent right, L5 rotated right sidebent left, left sacral torsion, right anterior innominate. Left and right lower extremity range of motion joint and muscle strength were within normal limits.
Sciatica, bulging disc L5–S1, myositis, and somatic dysfunction of the thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulation using indirect, high velocity/low amplitude techniques and YNSA.
Frequency: One visit.
Details: Yin of YIN left C-2.
100% pain relief. Patient was instructed to resume normal activity. Patient was seen 1 month later with no recurrent sciatica or additional neuromusculoskeletal problems.
Sciatica with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Chief Complaint
Left sciatic pain of 5 months’ duration.
50-year-old female with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (CRPS II) of the right foot. Spinal stenosis diagnosed by MRI of the lumbar spine.
Key Physical Findings
Review of systems was noncontributory. Areas of somatic dysfunction were found of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Sciatica, spinal stenosis of the lumbar spine, RSD, and somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulation using indirect, high velocity, low amplitude techniques and YNSA.
Frequency: Weekly for 8 weeks then monthly.
Details: Left Yin of YIN GB, KI, and right Yin of YIN GB, left Yin of YIN D-1–6, E, and right Yin of YIN D-1–6.
After the fourth visit, patient had several days of 0/10 pain compared with the initial pain level of 8/10.
Chief Complaint
Ringing in the ears for over 2 years and minimal hearing loss.
56-year-old female who had high-pitched ringing of the ears for the past 6 months.
Key Physical Findings
Noncontributory osteopathic structural examination found areas of somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Tinnitus and somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulation using indirect, myofascial release, articulatory techniques and YNSA.
Frequency: Follow-up visits show that the tinnitus stays away for hours to days.
Details: Left Yin of YIN GB, PC, and SI. Right and left tinnitus points.
Immediate relief of tinnitus with each YNSA treatment, no permanent relief after 12 treatments.
Temporomandibular Joint/Jaw Pain
Chief Complaint
Pain on both sides of jaw. Headaches. Pain was 3/10.
Jaw pain for 9 months after her wisdom teeth were pulled. She had difficulty opening her mouth.
Key Physical Findings
Opening 28mm from incisor to incisor, crepitance of left and right TMJ. MRI shows anterior displacement of the disc.
Temporal mandibular joint disease, myositis, somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, sacrum, pelvis.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulation using indirect, myofascial release procedures and YNSA.
Frequency: Weekly for 4 weeks, then every other week for 4 weeks.
Details: YNSA Yin of YIN GB, PC, M-1, and TMJ point left and right.
Resulted in improvement of opening to 34mm. After six visits, opening increased to 40mm. No pain after the fourth visit. MRI post-treatment shows the right condyle appears to be deformed, forward motion is restricted. No disturbance of TMJ disk is identified. Small joint effusion is visualized.
Chief Complaint
Complained of headache and neck pain particularly in the left side of the back of the head.
14-year-old gymnast landed flat on her back, hitting her head. Diagnosed with whiplash by her family physician.
Key Physical Findings
Diminished cranial rhythmic impulse, left sacral torsion, right lateral strain in the sphenobasilar synchondrosis, C2–4 rotated right sidebent right, T4–7 rotated right sidebent left, L5 rotated right sidebent left, right anterior innominate.
Acceleration/deceleration injury/whiplash and somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulation using indirect, myofascial release, high velocity, low amplitude, articulatory procedures and YNSA.
Frequency: Weekly.
Details: YNSAYang of YIN GB, LR, HT, PC left.
100% relief of pain post-treatment. Pain scale went from 6/10 pretreatment to 0/10 post-treatment. Maintenance treatment of four visits per year needed.
Poor Balance after Stroke
Chief Complaint
67-year-old female first seen in January with a chief complaint of weakness of the left side of the body with poor balance.
History of chief complaint is that of a prior stroke that occurred on September 2, and a second stroke that occurred in November of that same year resulting in left-sided hemiparesis and disequilibrium with minimal dysarthria.
Key Physical Findings
Active movement of the left forearm included supination 20 degrees, pronation 10 degrees, no wrist flexion or extension, no abduction or adduction, no finger or thumb movement. Shoulder movement allowed for flexion 10 degrees, abduction 10 degrees, adduction 10 degrees, and extension 0 degrees.
Other significant findings: acupuncture pulse was characterized as hollow and deep. Five Phase pulse diagnosis was (–1) HT, (=) SI, (+0.5) LR, GB, KI, and BL, (=) LU, LI, (+0.5) SP, ST, PC, and TB.
The patient had many areas of somatic dysfunction of head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and pelvis, with significant cranial restrictions.
Treatment Type
After cranial osteopathy was applied, YNSA neck diagnosis was positive for Yin of YANG, Brain, LR, PC, HT, GB, BL, SP, ST, and SI.
Frequency: Visits occurred twice weekly for 2 weeks and then weekly thereafter.
Details: YNSA treatment was: M-1 left and right, M-2 left and right, M-3 left and right, A-1–7 left and right, C-1 left and right, LR left and right, PC left and right, HT left and right, GB left; KI, BL, SP, ST, and SI right. All points taken in the Yin of YANG scalp position.
Response after first treatment: upper extremity movement; supination improved to 30 degrees, flexion improved to 90 degrees, adduction was 90 degrees, abduction was 40 degrees
The next visit the patient had reported some improvement a few days after the last treatment, but recently unsteadiness has returned and the left hemiparesis continues.
YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN position and YNSA treatment consisted of M-1, M-2 left and right, M-3 left and right, A-1–7 left and right, B-1 left and right, C-1 left and right; in the Yin of YIN scalp position right, LR, PC, HT, GB, BL, SP, ST, SI, left PC, HT, GB, BL.
On third visit, hemiparesis had improved slightly, hand is showing some signs of discomfort, and the Yin of YIN scalp position was identified and Basic points M-1 left and right, M-2 left and right, M-3 left and right, A-1–7 left, C-1 left, E-1–12 left and right, D-1–6 right, Ypsilon point LR, PC, GB, KI, LU, all on the right and left PC, HT, KI, LU.
On the fourth visit, left arm is achy, hemiparesis persists, YNSA neck diagnosis showed Yin of YANG quadrant. Treatment in the Basic points was: M-1 left and right, M-2 and M-3, right LR, PC, GB, left LR, PC, HT, GB, KI, BL, TB, and LI.
On the fifth visit, left-sided weakness persists, but the range of motion had improved; flexion of the left upper extremity was 90 degrees, extension was 20 degrees, internal rotation 0 degrees, external rotation 0 degrees, abduction 90 degrees, adduction 20 degrees.
YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN quadrant and YNSA Ypsilon points on the right was GB, left LR, PC, GB, KI, BL, ST.
On the sixth visit (4 weeks of treatment), YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN, scalp points were taken of M-1 left and right, M-2,3, and A-1–7; right PC, HT, GB, KI, BL, TB, LI, ST, and LU; left PC, TB, GB, KI, BL.
On the seventh visit, flexion was 90 degrees, extension was 30 degrees, internal rotation was 15 degrees, external rotation was 5 degrees, abduction was 60 degrees, and adduction was 30 degrees.
YNSA found Yin of YIN scalp quadrant, Basic points were M-1 left and right, M-2,3, A-1–7, D-1–6; left B-1, C-1, right-hand Yin of YIN LR, PC, HT, SP; left was LR, PC, HT, GB, BL, and SP.
The eighth visit found range of motion slightly improved, overall with Yin of YIN on YNSA neck diagnosis, and Basic points needed were left A-1–7, left D-1–6, and E-1–12; left is LR, PC, HT, GB, and KI.
With left hemiparesis as a result of two different strokes with the oldest being 4 months ago, significant range of motion improved in all of the cardinal ranges of motion of the shoulder. However, finger and hand dexterity did not change in the first six visits. Visits occurred twice weekly for 2 weeks and then weekly thereafter. The disease state can start in any one of the four quadrants, but the longer the disease is within the person’s system, body, mind, and spirit, the higher it is in the yang area. Her condition started as Yin of YANG, then went to Yin of YIN, and in this case had a reversal back to Yin of YANG on one occasion, was treated and reversed to the ideal position for healing to occur in Yin of YIN.
YNSA is helpful in stroke rehabilitation and old, serious illnesses often progress from YANG to Yin of YIN.
Spinal Cord Injury
Chief Complaint
Pain in the lower abdominal area, burning and stabbing pain not related to abdominal disease after GI work up, pain was dermatomal L1–3.
A 24-year-old female, seen in February with T12 and spinal cord injury that occurred in January of the previous year due to a motor vehicle accident.
Key Physical Findings
Loss of sensation to pinprick in the lower abdomen T12 dermatome to sacrum. Loss of motor muscle control from T12 to sacrum, with resultant leg paraplegia.
T12 spinal cord transaction secondary to trauma with resultant paraplegia of lower extremities.
Treatment Type
YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN condition with Basic points M-1 left and right, M-2,3, A-1–7, E-1–12, and right C-2; right LR, PC, GB, HT, BL, TB, LI, SP, ST; left PC, GB, KI, BL, TB, LI, SP.
Frequency: One visit per week for 3 weeks.
Details: Second visit: YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN, scalp treatment of the Basic points were: M-1 left and right, M-2,3, A-1–7, E-1–12, D-1–6, C-2; right LR, PC, HT, GB, LU; left LR, PC, HT, GB, KI, BL, and LU. Pain level was 0/10 after treatment.
Third visit: YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN, scalp treatment of Basic points left and right M-2,3, E-1–12, and C-1; no pain post-treatment.
Examination the following week noted that the pain had decreased. YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN, scalp treatment M-1 left and right, M-2,3, A-1; left LR, PC, GB, KI, BL, ST, SP; no pain post-treatment.
Pain level diminished from a 5/10 to a 2/10 on the first visit.
Second visit was 1 week later, the patient reports improved feeling in her back and across the lower abdomen, pain level was 5/10, post treatment it was 0/10.
Third treatment 1 week later, the patient reported that the nerve pain had decreased, but was more prominent the night before, at the time of visit her pain level was 6/10, post treatment it was 0/10.
The paraplegia did not change since it was traumatic, severing of the spinal cord, but the lower abdominal pain abated after each YNSA treatment.
Neck Stiffness and Low Back Pain
Chief Complaint
A 63-year-old female seen in March with a chief complaint of neck stiffness, pain level is 2 on a 10 scale.
Past medical history includes cervical laminectomy with fusion C6–7.
Key Physical Findings
Positive YNSA neck diagnosis, somatic dysfunction, C1 rotated right, soft tissue changes of the lower cervical and upper thoracic region.
Post C6–7 cervical fusion, 6 weeks, somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, and thoracic.
Treatment Type
YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN, scalp Basic points utilized: M-1 left and right, M-2,3.
Frequency: Two visits.
Details: YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN with treatment of Basic points: M2, M3, A1-7 on the right; Ypsilon points on the right: LR, PC, GB, SP, ST, SI. A second visit was similar for the Basic points only.
No pain post-YNSA treatment.
Four months later, she came in complaining of low back pain.
YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN, scalp treatment right D-1–6, left GB. Pain diminished from 2/10 to 0/10 with one treatment.
This is a good example of how often simple, acute flare-ups can be abated with only two or three YNSA needles.
Right Low Back Pain, Right Shoulder Pain
Chief Complaint
A 58-year-old female with a chief complaint of right low back pain, right-sided pain in the right shoulder of 3 weeks’ duration.
The patient had a positive straight-leg-raising test on the right side.
Key Physical Findings
Areas of somatic dysfunction in the lumbar region of L4–5, along with left sacral torsion.
The diagnosis of somatic dysfunction was made in that area along with sciatica.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulative treatment was given using myofascial release, articulatory and high velocity/low amplitude techniques.
Frequency: One visit for YNSA.
Details: YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN, Basic points on the left and right at D-1–6, acupuncture Five Phase diagnosis had pulses with spleen pulse (–1.5), all other pulses (–0.5). Thus, she had a block between stomach (XI) and spleen (XII), acupuncture was given using ST-41, SP-1, and SP-9. The entry/exit points were used with SP-9 to technically transform a single Five Phase acupuncture treatment into a French Energetics treatment. YNSA D-1–6 Yin of YIN was used. This decreased the pain significantly.
The patient returned 2 weeks later complaining of low back pain. Somatic dysfunction was found at L4–5 on the right and osteopathic manipulation was used to relieve this problem, the pulse diagnosis was normal. YNSA diagnosis was normal.
This shows the integration between various styles of acupuncture as well as how YNSA can be used as an adjunct to other modalities, whether it be manual techniques, French Energetics acupuncture, or Five Phase acupuncture.
Migraine Headaches
Chief Complaint
A 53-year-old-female with a chief complaint of common migraine headaches, head tremors, and pill-rolling tremors.
Five years prior, dizziness occurred after an inner ear infection, tinnitus resulted in the right ear and tremor of the left hand began. Neck and shoulder pain started two years prior to first visit.
Key Physical Findings
Positive YNSA neck diagnosis, somatic dysfunction of the head, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacrum, the right temporal was locked in internal rotation, the left temporal was held in internal rotation, right sphenobasilar synchondrosis torsion.
The diagnosis is Parkinson’s along with common migraine. Meningioma of the right cranial nerve VIII, acoustic.
Treatment Type
YNSA every two weeks. Migraines improved after second visit.
Frequency: Every two weeks.
Details: YNSA findings were Yin of YIN, scalp points Basic on the left and right M-2,3, on the left HT, GB; and on the right GB.
Migraine pain abated but pill-rolling tremor remained.
Parkinson’s disease is a disease that needs comprehensive treatment not just YNSA. Common migraine patients have received immediate relief with just one YNSA treatment and multiple treatments for chronic conditions.
Ankle Numbness, Hip Discomfort
Chief Complaint
A 52-year-old female with a chief complaint of numbness/tingling in the left ankle, right hip discomfort, and a history of left knee pain and left patella tracking dysfunction.
Left ankle sprain two weeks prior.
Key Physical Findings
The osteopathic diagnosis was internal rotation strain of the ankle and somatic dysfunction of the lower extremity. Neurological examination found deep tendon reflexes +2/+4 with no abnormalities to pinprick of the ankle. Coordination of the ankle, heel, knee, and shin was normal.
The diagnosis was sprain/strain with neuritis of the left ankle.
Treatment Type
Osteopathic manipulative treatment was given along with YNSA.
Frequency: One visit.
Details: YNSA diagnosis was Yin of YIN, left GB, PC.
YNSA treatment resulted in no pain.
This simple sensory symptomatic case shows that Basic points are not necessarily always required, if the Ypsilon points achieve the result. The GB and PC are energetically paired structures, the GB courses through the ankle, and the GB channel controls the muscles and tendons, thus, this case shows the congruity of TCM, French Energetics, and YNSA.

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