Care of the Soft Tissue Envelope
The care and handling of the soft tissue is often the most crucial aspect of fracture management. In the 1950s and 1960s, as surgeons adopted the principles of anatomic restoration of the articular surface, stable fixation of fractures, and early motion, concern for the soft tissue envelope was secondary to anatomic reduction and rigid fixation. Although this approach worked for many fractures, it was associated with high complication rates, including wound dehiscence and infection. In response, more biologically friendly implants were designed and surgical techniques, such as minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis (MIPPO)1–4 were developed. These methods have improved outcomes and reduced complications.
The majority of complications that are persistent and problematic for surgeons and patients are those associated with soft tissue injury. Indeed, the number of wound problems and deep infections far exceeds the number of nonunions. Furthermore, orthopaedic surgeons often feel inadequate to address these issues definitively because of inadequate training in the art of soft tissue handling. This chapter discusses the anatomy of skin, soft tissue, and bone, and demonstrates handling techniques that can help protect the injured but viable soft tissue envelope and help manage the problems that inevitably arise.
The skin receives its blood supply by means of well-defined vascular territories termed angiosomes.5 Angiosomes are the vascular equivalent of dermatomes, which describe the cutaneous distribution of peripheral nerves. Analogous to dermatomes, angiosomes describe the vascular territory of cutaneous blood flow based on the arteries. Knowledge of these angiosomes forms the basis of many types of flaps used to cover soft tissue defects,6–13 and can guide the surgeon when considering surgical approaches, extension of traumatic wounds, or reoperations through previously traumatized skin.
Common angiosomes of the arm and leg are shown in Figs. 2.1 and 2.2 . The blood supply to a given cutaneous angiosome arises from the deeper source vessels through the perforating vessels. These perforating vessels travel to the fascia and skin of a given angiosome through either muscle or the intramuscular septa (Fig. 2.3). Once these cutaneous perforating vessels reach the deep fascia, they distribute axially along the fascia and send branches superficially to the subdermal plexus of the skin. At the fascial and subdermal levels, there are longitudinal networks of vessels connecting the vascular territories of adjacent perforating vessels. Within the interconnecting zones of separate angiosomes are smaller-caliber anastomotic vessels known as choke vessels that regulate blood flow between angiosomes. When a neighboring angiosome sees a decrease in blood flow, these choke vessels may dilate to enable lateral flow to this angiosome.

Tips and Tricks
Learn the basics well. Correct handling of instruments, understanding the blood supply to the skin, recognizing the importance of the fascia, and gaining solid knowledge of the principles of debridement will help you avoid many problems.
This concept of blood supply explains the well-recognized adage that wounds around the ankle joint, knee, and anterior tibia have higher complication rates than those in other anatomic regions. In these areas, there are watershed zones at the junctions between neighboring angiosomes where blood supply may not be as robust. Blood supply to the soft tissue in these watershed areas relies heavily on longitudinal flow through the fascia and subdermal plexus from neighboring perforating vessels. These watershed areas commonly occur in tissue directly overlying tendon, bone, or joints where perforators are less prevalent.
Clinically, the vascular anatomy in these areas has several important implications. First, when dissecting down to deeper structures in these watershed zones, it is important to maintain the skin and underlying fascia as a unit and avoid undermining the skin. This careful dissection will best preserve the blood supply to the skin edge. Second, when planning an incision or deciding how far to undermine the fascia while gaining exposure, it is important to be mindful of the location of the perforating vessels that feed the over-lying tissue. In trauma and in reoperations, the condition of the perforating vessels must be assessed, as these vessels may have been injured or previously ligated. Careful treatment of the tissue and an understanding of vascular anatomy are essential to successfully designing operative exposures and local flaps in the orthopaedic patient.
Initial Assessment and Classification
The assessment of a wound involves an initial survey assessment of the wound in the emergency department, whereas a more comprehensive assessment is performed in the operating room. In the emergency department, the surgeon should begin with an evaluation of the overall condition of the patient. Careful attention to the patient′s physiology is required. Factors such as resuscitation status, medical comorbidities, more urgent surgical considerations, and smoking history should be ascertained.
In a teaching setting, only one clinician, such as an orthopaedic resident, should examine the wound directly, because repeated examinations by multiple clinicians are associated with a higher incidence of infection. A digital camera may be used to accurately convey the extent of the injury to the senior surgeons. The degree and type of contamination should be assessed. Time also is a factor in decision making. For example, a wound that was exposed to water for a prolonged period of time or that is already 12 hours old is different from a wound that occurred in a motor vehicle accident 2 hours ago and may lead the surgeon to suspect different organisms.
Two classification systems are used to describe soft tissue injury. The Tscherne classification of closed fractures was developed in 1982 (Table 2.1).14 It relies on a relatively subjective description of the general condition of the soft tissues based on observation, mechanism of injury, and severity of the fracture. This classification system, which is applied only to closed fractures, is inherently subjective and entails moderate interobserver variability; nevertheless, it is widely used.
The Tscherne classification was expanded by the AO Foundation to provide a more objective system of classification that incorporates injury grading of each component of soft tissue. In this system, wounds are classified by the extent of injury to the integument, muscle and tendon, and neurovascular tissue (Table 2.2). This classification system is very complicated and difficult to use in practice, but it does encourage the surgeon to think systematically about the injury to soft tissue.
In the management of a patient with soft tissue trauma, it is less important to appropriately classify the wound than to critically examine all aspects of the soft tissues and plan surgical treatment appropriately. The surgeon should consider the injury to each component of the soft tissue and the implication of that injury in terms of healing the fracture.
Open fractures are classified used the Gustilo-Anderson classification. Type I injuries have a skin wound that measures less than 1 cm, and have minimal periosteal stripping and little bony comminution, suggesting a low-energy mechanism of injury. Type II injuries have more periosteal stripping with a larger skin wound, 1 to 10 cm. Type III injuries are associated with larger skin wounds, extensive periosteal stripping, and a much higher energy fracture pattern. They are further classified into IIIa, which have the above characteristics; IIIb, which require flap coverage for closure; and IIIc, which require vascular repair. The classification system is intended to place more emphasis on the degree of injury to soft tissue and the degree of contamination of the wound, rather than strictly on the size of the external wound. Therefore, certain injuries such as those caused by high-energy weapons, shotguns, and farm or battlefield injuries are automatically classified as type III because of the potential for contamination and extensive soft tissue injury. Although this classification system is generally well known and universally reported in the literature, several authors have reported that it has less than good inter-rater correlation.15,16
Source: Tscherne H, Gotzen L. Pathophysiology and classification of soft tissues associated with fractures. In Fractures with Soft Tissue Injuries. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1984.
Source: Südkamp NP. Soft tissue injuries of the tibia. In Thomas P. Ruedi, Richard E. Buckley, Christopher G. Moran, Eds. AO Principles of Fracture Management. Stuttgart: Thieme; 2007
A newer classification has been developed by the Orthopaedic Trauma Association17 to address the issue of inter-rater reliability. This system includes a more objective rating of the various tissues involved in fractures, such as skin, muscle, and arteries, as well as bone loss and the degree of contamination. Each aspect of the fracture is rated according to a three-tier assessment (see text box).
The Orthopaedic Trauma Association Open Fracture Classification (Version 2)
Laceration with edges that approximate
Laceration with edges that do not approximate
Laceration associated with extensive degloving
No appreciable muscle necrosis; some muscle injury with intact muscle function
Loss of muscle but the muscle remains functional; some localized necrosis in the zone of injury that requires excision; intact muscle–tendon unit
Dead muscle; loss of muscle function; partial or complete compartment excision; complete disruption of a muscle–tendon unit; muscle defect does not reapproximate
No major vessel disruption
Vessel injury without distal ischemia
Vessel injury with distal ischemia
No or minimal contamination
Surface contamination (not ground in)
Contaminant embedded in bone or deep soft tissues or high-risk environmental conditions (barnyard, fecal, dirty water, etc.)
Bone Loss
Bone missing or devascularized bone fragments, but still some contact between proximal and distal fragments
Segmental bone loss
Source: Orthopaedic Trauma Association: Open Fracture Study Group. A new classification scheme for open fractures. J Orthop Trauma 2010; 24:457–464
Surviving the Night
Use negative pressure wound therapy for wounds that have soft tissue defects unless there is a high index of suspicion for infection (prolonged exposure to water or contamination) or exposed bone without periosteum. An antibiotic bead pouch may be more appropriate in these settings.
Bony stabilization with an external fixator or definitive fixation protects soft tissue from further damage.
Antibiotics should be given as soon as possible, even before cultures are obtained. Do not forget tetanus!
Early debridement in the operating room of heavily contaminated wounds is warranted. Lightly contaminated wounds can wait until the morning.
This classification has been evaluated for inter-rater agreement and seems to be an improvement over the Gustilo-Anderson classification.18 This classification has not yet gained widespread use.
Soft Tissue Handling
Many surgeons, especially more junior surgeons, do not appreciate the extent to which careful soft tissue handling can improve the viability of the wound bed. They cannot alter the damage done to soft tissues at the time of injury, but they can avoid further damage by learning good soft tissue techniques.
Proper soft tissue handling is an art that is either learned from years of conscientious self-examination and correction or from learning by observation of the masters. Unfortunately, it is difficult to teach soft tissue techniques in a book. However, there are some basic principles that can be taught didactically. This section provides some guidelines that may prove useful to both experienced and novice surgeons.
Tips and Tricks
Many orthopaedic surgeons have not been adequately trained in soft tissue management, even though they have primary responsibility for fracture care. It is their right and responsibility to learn good soft tissue handling and coverage techniques.
Preoperatively, the incision should be planned with consideration of the possible need to extend it or to make additional incisions. A classic example is a trimalleolar ankle fracture. When planning the lateral approach, consideration must be given to whether the posterior malleolar fracture will be reduced and repaired from the lateral, posterior, or medial side. Also, remember that small incisions are not the same as minimally invasive surgery. A small incision with excessive retraction can cause more damage than a larger incision with less vigorous retraction.
Instrument Handling
A common mistake when using the scalpel is to allow the blade to skive the soft tissues. The blade should always dissect perpendicular to the skin to avoid devitalizing the skin. Scissors, when used to dissect down to the fascia, should remain in the plane of the incision, avoiding undermining of the skin (Fig. 2.4). Forceps should be used to retract, rather than pick up, damaged tissue. They should never squeeze injured tissue. When possible, pick up fascia rather than skin. In areas with poor blood supply, retractors should be used only after exposing the deep fascia and should be placed below the fascia. Retractors should be relaxed whenever they are not needed for exposure. Self-retaining retractors are particularly dangerous, because they are not smart enough to know when to relax.

The use of a tourniquet is a matter of surgeon preference, but there are reasons to consider not using it.19 Tissues that are marginally viable after trauma may be further injured by the ischemia caused by the tourniquet, resulting in further tissue necrosis. Additionally, edema caused by reperfusion may further compromise venous and lymphatic drainage of the extremity. The use of a tourniquet may lead to less meticulous hemostasis and residual subcutaneous hematoma.
Care must be taken to ensure adequate, but not indiscriminate, hemostasis. Electrocautery must be used with precision. It is used to selectively stop bleeders that can be visualized, not to cauterize the entire surface of the incision. Gentle pressure on the skin adjacent to the surgical wound may be applied to occlude bleeders within the surgical wound and to allow precise visual localization. Most small skin bleeders coagulate without cautery if gentle pressure is applied for a few seconds or if stretched by a retractor.
Internal Fracture Reduction
Periarticular fractures can be reduced from within the fracture itself. Fig. 2.5 shows an approach to central depression of an articular fracture that allows fixation and bone grafting with minimal soft tissue dissection. This is accomplished by planning the skin incision over a cortical fracture line that would facilitate access to the depression fracture. The cortical wall fragment is displaced with a lamina spreader, and the depressed fragment is reduced. Bone graft is placed in the metaphysis. The cortical fragment is then closed and stabilized with a percutaneous screw or a plate placed using a percutaneous technique to place the proximal screws.

“No-Touch” Technique
The “no-touch” technique for the treatment of calcaneus fractures is widely accepted. Using this technique, the surgeon exposes the calcaneus through a lateral approach and then places a Kirschner wire (K-wire) in the fibula and the talar neck as retractors for the remainder of the reduction and fixation (Fig. 2.6). This technique reduces injury to the flap by maintaining constant, firm retraction on the soft tissue flap. This same technique can be used elsewhere, such as the distal tibia.

Wound Conditioning
Wound conditioning refers to efforts to improve the likelihood that a wound can be successfully closed. It may include efforts to reduce swelling, improve vascularity, decrease bacterial colonization, provide temporary coverage for wounds, or prevent retraction of skin edges.
Edema Reduction
Pneumatic compression devices such as the PlexiPulse device (NuTech, San Antonio, TX) have been shown to reduce the duration of swelling in lower extremity fractures.20 These devices seem to work by stimulating venous return from the lower extremity. In our experience, however, despite the gains in edema reduction, the devices are not well tolerated by patients because of pain and the constant noise associated with inflation and deflation of the device. They are also not well suited to use in an outpatient setting. Strict elevation remains the hallmark of edema control in the acute setting. Swelling usually peaks at days 4 to 5 after injury and gradually abates over the next 7 to 10 days.
Skin Traction (Rubber Bands and Staples)
A very effective technique for achieving wound closure during a subsequent surgery is the use of vessel loops and staples. This technique is applicable when wounds cannot be closed as a result of swelling of the soft tissues. This is commonly the case with fasciotomies done for compartment releases,21 but it may be applied to other injuries where a wound cannot be closed simply because of the soft tissue swelling. It is not successful with wounds in which there is tissue missing. Using this technique, a vessel loop is stapled to the apex of a wound near the wound edge (Fig. 2.7), and then, in a fashion similar to shoelaces, the vessel loop and staples are alternated back and forth across the wound. This technique produces constant pressure on the skin edges, and, as the swelling decreases, the skin edges may be reapproximated sufficiently to allow using suture at a second surgery. This technique may also be used in cases where one wishes to avoid wound retraction while awaiting definitive skin grafting.

Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy
Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is a treatment that employs a reticulated foam sponge, a canister to collect wound exudate, and a pump to maintain suction. NPWT is postulated to work by a combination of three different mechanisms: increased angiogenesis; interstitial edema reduction; and the mechanical stretching of soft tissue leading to tissue genesis.22 Clinically, it is evident that NPWT can produce a tremendous amount of granulation tissue in a very short time when applied to a viable wound bed. In our experience, it can also produce granulation tissue over approximately 2-cm defects over bone, relying on ingrowth from adjacent tissue. However, it is not as successful when applied to larger areas of exposed bone, as it may desiccate and compromise the vascularity of the bone. There is some animal evidence that the NPWT can decrease bacterial counts in wounds, but no clinical studies have confirmed these findings.23–26 NPWT has been used in a wide range of clinical settings, from orthopaedic surgery to abdominal wounds to burns.
Herscovici et al27 published a consecutive nonrandomized study using vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) (Kinetic Concepts Inc., San Antonio, TX) to provide NPWT for orthopaedic trauma patients. They concluded that VAC is cost-effective, and it remarkably decreased the number of patients who required flap coverage of their wounds. There have also been case reports published using NPWT as an adjunct to treat infected total knee arthroplasties,28 as well as to obtain wound closure over exposed hardware and tendons.29 In a level I study, Stannard et al30 demonstrated a significant difference in infection rates after open fractures between those treated with NPWT versus controls. In another level I study,31 these same authors also reported a decrease in wound complications, including wound dehiscence and infection, with the use of NPWT after high-risk surgical wounds such as pilon and calcaneus fractures.

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