Cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators

Cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators

Chris L. Wells


The heart has specialized cells called conduction cells which generate an electrical impulse that alters the resting membrane of the myocardial tissue. This leads to myocardial contraction and the ejection of blood. As well as the conduction system, the myocardium also possesses other electrical properties that facilitate cardiac function. The myocardium has automaticity and excitability; this allows an electrical impulse to be self-generated and able to be depolarized if a stimulus is present. If an impulse reaches a sufficient threshold, the myocardium will depolarize and conduct this electrical impulse throughout the myocardium, which leads to myocardial contraction. Finally, in the all-or-none principle, which is specific to cardiac muscle, if an electrical impulse is sufficient, complete depolarization and full contraction of the myocardium occurs.

In the presence of a cardiac disease or disorder, and through the natural process of aging, there is an increased incidence of dysfunction of the conduction system. This dysfunction may be benign and not disrupt general heart function or it can have life-threatening consequences. The type of conduction dysfunction, its rate and occurrence or frequency determines the clinical significance of the arrhythmia. The bottom line for the clinician is how the arrhythmia affects myocardial perfusion and what happens to cardiac output. For example, in the presence of ischemic heart disease, a fast conducting rhythm, such as supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), rapid ventricular rate or atrial fibrillation, will decrease the diastolic filling time, which leads to a decline in myocardium perfusion and further ischemia, resulting in a vicious cycle. The same tachycardiac arrhythmias can lead to a decrease in cardiac output because of the decrease in filling time. In the presence of myocardial or pump dysfunction, the ventricles rely on volume to improve the contractile force, which is known as the Frank–Starling law. However, with the decrease in the filling time caused by a fast conduction rate, there is a decrease in the volume entering the ventricles leading to a loss of myocardial stretch. The end result is a decrease in contractility. Bradycardiac rhythms allow sufficient time for ventricular filling but the rate may be too slow to maintain the cardiac output needed to meet the metabolic demands of the body. The loss of cardiac output is associated with the following common clinical signs and symptoms: light-headedness, dizziness, visual disturbances, altered mentation, syncope and increased risk of falls. The frequency with which arrhythmia occurs can also disrupt perfusion and cardiac output, particularly in cardiac dysfunction.

Cardiac arrhythmias may be temporary or permanent, depending on the etiology. Transient arrhythmias may be caused by significant alterations in electrolytes. This may result from gastrointestinal distress because of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, or from the use of medications, such as diuretics and potassium supplements. Transient arrhythmias may also be caused by myocardial hypersensitivity resulting from heart catheterization, open heart procedures, myocardial infarct or trauma. More permanent arrhythmias may be caused by ischemic disease that directly impairs the cells of the conduction system. This may lead to various conduction arrhythmias, such as heart blocks, atrial or ventricular bradycardia or tachycardia. Heart failure (HF) is commonly associated with atrial fibrillation and abnormal ventricular electrical conduction or ectopy. Aging may also lead to a significant loss of conduction cells, which may lead to such conduction dysfunction as sick sinus syndrome. Arrhythmias can be managed via technology, including pacemakers and defibrillators. They are discussed below.


Over 400 000 people in the United States of America and 1 million worldwide undergo pacemaker implantation annually for the management of arrhythmias (Wilkoff et al., 2009). There has been a rise in use of permanent pacemakers because there has been an expansion in the indication for pacemaker placement (Cutro et al., 2012). Permanent pacemakers have been shown to improve the quality of life, oxygen consumption and exercise tolerance, decrease hospital admissions and mortality rates and improve survival of patients with life-threatening arrhythmias and HF (Houthuizen et al., 2011; Crozier & Smith, 2012; Cutro et al., 2012).

Pacemaker devices have become very sophisticated in their programming features, which has expanded their use for various diseases and patient populations (Cutro et al., 2012). Pacemakers basically function by sensing or detecting the intrinsic electrical activity of the heart and deliver an electrical impulse in the absence of intrinsic activity. When the intrinsic conduction system fails the pacemaker delivers an electrical impulse that causes an action potential. This leads to depolarization and contraction of the myocardium and the ejection of blood from the heart into the systemic and pulmonary circulations.

There are specific indications for utilization of a pacemaker, including sinus node dysfunction and atrioventricular heart blocks, which is an ineffective communication between atrial and ventricular conduction pathways. Sinus node dysfunctions are commonly associated with bradycardia, periods of lack of conduction and brady–tachy syndrome in which the heart rate varies from very slow to very fast (Beyerbach & Rottman, 2012). Pacemakers may also be used to control atrial arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, other tachyarrhythmias, and the presence of a block of the ventricular bundle branches (Beyerbach & Rottman, 2012). (For a discussion on cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disturbances, readers are referred to Chapter 41.) More recently pacemakers have become accepted as part of optimal medical care for patients with HF (Houthuizen et al., 2011).

Temporary and permanent pacemakers

Pacemakers can be classified as temporary or permanent. In the case of an acute dysfunction of the conduction system, a temporary pacer may be used to stabilize the patient’s rhythm and hemodynamics. It is common practice for the surgeon to place pacer wires on the epicardial surface of the heart (atrial, ventricle or both) during an open-heart procedure because a patient can often have transient arrhythmias after heart surgery; these can result from the myocardium becoming irritable from the trauma of surgery, imbalances of electrolytes, disruption of the acid–base balance and alterations of blood gases. Depending upon the type of open heart surgery, the patient may suffer from sinus node dysfunction leading to atrial fibrillation (which is the most common postoperative arrhythmia), junction arrhythmia and idioventricular arrhythmias (Misiri et al., 2012). The wires are passed transthoracically and secured to the anterior chest wall. In an urgent situation, the heart can be temporarily paced via transcutaneous electrode pads. Finally, a temporary pacemaker can be initiated using a transvenous approach, typically through the jugular or subclavian vein. These electrode wires are then attached to an external pacemaker device which is programmed to stabilize the patient’s rhythm with the goal to achieve an adequate cardiac output and blood pressure.

If it is determined that the disturbance of the patient’s conduction system is irreversible and interferes with heart function, a permanent pacemaker will be implanted with the patient’s consent. The pacemaker will be individually programmed to meet the conduction needs so that efficient cardiac function can be maintained.

Details of permanent pacemaker function

The pacemaker comprises two components. The first component is the pulse generator that contains the electronic program and the energy system that generates the electrical stimuli. The device is implanted underneath the skin in the right or left pectodeltoid area or subpectoral in patients who are very thin, to prevent erosion of the skin. The second component of the pacemaker is the lead or wire that senses the activity of the native conduction system and delivers the impulse to the myocardium. The leads for permanent pacemakers are typically attached to the endocardium of the right atrium and right and/or left ventricle via the transvenous approach. Leads can be placed using an epicardial approach at the time of an open-heart procedure.

There are three approaches to lead placement for a permanent pacer. In single chamber pacing there is one pacing lead that is either placed in the wall of the right atrial or right ventricle. Dual chamber pacing has two pacing leads, most commonly in the right atria and right ventricle. Finally there is biventricular pacing; this approach is referred to as cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in which the right ventricle is paced via the endocardial approach and the other pacing wire is advanced through the coronary sinus to pace the left ventricle epicardially (Beyerbach & Rottman, 2012).

The program within the pacemaker generator can sense the intrinsic activity of the conduction system and delay the release of an electrical impulse. In the absence of intrinsic activity, the generator can deliver an electrical impulse that causes the depolarization of the myocardium. There are three general modes for pacing the heart. In a fixed-rate or asynchronous mode, the pacemaker paces the heart at a constant rate, regardless of intrinsic electrical activity or physiological need. This mode does not respond to the metabolic needs of the body and the patient reaches an exercise plateau quickly. Because of this limitation, a fixed mode is not commonly used. The second mode is referred to as the demand or inhibited mode. In this mode, when the pacemaker senses the intrinsic activity it inhibits the generator from releasing its electrical stimuli. In the absence of intrinsic activity, the pacemaker generates a pulse. The third mode is the triggered or synchronous mode that paces when the conduction system fails to pace; this mode also paces in unison with the conduction system when it senses intrinsic activity.

Pacemaker universal reference system

There is a universal reference system that is used to describe the function of the pacemaker. This is very important and enables any clinician who is working with the patient to have a basic understanding of the pacemaker. The details of the generic pacemaker code are shown in Table 43.1. The first letter of the code represents the chambers in which the pacemaker will pace. The second position of the code tells the clinician where the pacemaker senses conduction system activity. The third letter of the code represents how the pacer will respond to the activity that it senses. The fourth and fifth positions of this coding system are less frequently used. The fourth code refers to the programming. With the rate program (R) feature, the pacer can sense an increase in physiological demand, such as occurs during exercise. This is achieved by either sensing changes in thoracic impedance or movement because of increased respiratory rate or sensing changes in blood gases. When the pacemaker senses the increase in metabolic needs, it paces at a faster rate. The fifth code position refers to the chamber in which the pacemaker can ‘tachypace’ the heart in an attempt to control atrial and/or ventricular tachycardias.

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Jun 22, 2016 | Posted by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION | Comments Off on Cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators

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