Biomechanics of Sacral Fixation

Fig. 36.1
Two safe zones identified on the sacrum for screw placements. (a) Viewed from CT reconstructed 3-D model. (b) Top view of the safe zones on the sacrum

Bone Mineral Considerations of the Sacral Fixation

Following the popularity of spinal pedicle screw instrumentation, much attention has been focused on the importance of bone mineral density (BMD) for instrumented spine fusion in clinical practice [1520]. Clinical reports have shown that sacral screw fixation has a high failure rate. The failure of sacral screw fixation may be due to several factors such as inadequate sacral bone purchase, inappropriate direction or depth of the screw insertion, and bone mineral density variations within the sacrum [13, 2123]. Previous studies [2426] employed BMD measurements to obtain area density (g/cm2) using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), or volumetric density (g/cm3) using quantitative computed tomography (QCT) (Fig. 36.2). QCT is advantageous in that it can quantify BMD along the screw insertion pathway, and is therefore a more accurate technique than DEXA for measuring the relationship between BMD and the strength of screw fixation [24, 27]. Most investigations into sacral BMD distributions have been carried out on aged specimens, with only a few studies on young cadaveric specimens. Since sacral fixations are commonly applied in patients of young to middle age, BMD measurements of young specimens provide clinically relevant data for the assessment and comparison of sacral fixation. In this text, we will focus on the BMD variations within the S1 body and ala of young patients.


Fig. 36.2
The sacral specimen in the QCT device

Based on 13 young adult fresh cadaveric sacrum specimens, recent studies [27, 28] reported a mean BMD of the S1 vertebral body of 381.9 mg/cm3, 31.9 % higher than that of the sacral ala (mean 296.9 mg/cm3). Table 36.1 and Fig. 36.3 list the bone mineral density at different regions of the S1 body and ala. There are significant differences in BMD, with the regions near the lateral posterior and lateral anterior areas of the vertebral body having higher BMD. This again shows that these areas would provide better purchase for pedicle screw fixation. Furthermore, BMD of the posterior region closest to the spinal canal was lower than that of lateral and central areas. In the ala, the BMD of the internal anterior areas closest to the S1 body were the highest with a BMD of 326.8 mg/cm3.

Table 36.1
The mean values (SD) of BMD at different columns of S1 body and ala

S1 body columns

Lateral posterior

Lateral anterior

Middle posterior

Middle middle

Middle anterior

The mean values of BMD (SD)

381.6 (5)a

368.9 (64.8)a

297.6 (102.6)a

372 (93.9)a

351.1 (68.1)

Ala columns

Internal anterior

Internal posterior

Middle anterior

Middle middle

Middle posterior


The mean values of BMD (SD)

326.8 (12)a

226 (135)

205.4 (69.2)

185.1 (91.1)



aSignificant difference found, Unit: mg./cm3


Fig. 36.3
Schematic diagram of the front of the sacrum showing the five transverse layers. (15) Transverse layers of the front of the sacrum with different resistances

The mean BMD at different layers (Fig. 36.4) of the S1 body and ala has also listed in Table 36.2. The BMD of the first layer in the S1 body, close to the superior end plate, was significantly higher than the others with a BMD of 516 mg/cm3. The BMD was lowest in the central layer of the body, and increased again towards the inferior endplate. This suggests that sacral pedicle screws directed close to or cephalad penetrating the superior sacral end plate would achieve better purchase. In the ala, the BMD of the top layer was highest with a BMD of 329 mg/cm3 and the BMD decreased caudally from the top layer.


Fig. 36.4
Axial view of seven vertical columns in S1 body and six vertical columns in S1 ala. The IA and IP areas are also defined as sacral pedicle, LA Lateral Anterior, LP Lateral Posterior, MA Middle Anterior, MM Middle Middle, IA Internal Anterior, IP Internal Posterior, L Lateral

Table 36.2
The mean values (SD) of bone mineral density at different layers of S1 body and ala







S1 body

516.1 (72)a

376.9 (37)

342.4 (56)

365.6 (56)

397.5 (81)



329.1 (196)a

225.6 (128)

177.4 (8)

142.1 (63)

aSignificant difference; Unit: mg./cm3

Based on the principle that inserting the pedicle screws directly penetrating the superior endplate should increase the fixation strength, a novel sacral screw fixation technique has been developed recently with good clinical results. To support the clinical findings, the mechanical stability of this technique was conducted afterwards [29]. Following cyclic loading, the mean maximum insertion torque and mean pull-out force were significantly higher for bicortical fixation through the S1 endplate (mean 3.17 N · m and 1457N) than bicortical fixation through the anterior sacral cortex (mean 1.98 N · m and 1122N). By taking advantage of the density of the upper sacrum and the thick cortical endplate of the S1, the bicortical S1 endplate sacral pedicle screw fixation technique provided a greater screw insertion torque and a stronger screw fixation after cyclic loading than the conventional bicortical anterior cortex fixation technique. In addition, for both fixation techniques, the screw insertion torque was shown to correlate with the screw pull-out force following cyclic loading, indicating that insertion torque was a good intraoperative indicator of screw pull-out force.

Based on the BMD distribution within the sacrum [13, 27, 28], the recommended screw pathway is shown in Fig. 36.5. Further to radiographs, CT scans, and specimen observation, it is suggested that the S1 pedicle screw should be directed parallel to the S1 end plate in the sagittal plane, and the ala screw inserted to the tip of the ala along the ala slope. The insertion angle of the S1 pedicle screw in the transverse plane should be between 15° and 25° medially and the angle of the ala screw should be 30–40° laterally for better bone purchase (Fig. 36.6 from CT). If the insertion angle is less than 10° for S1 pedicle screws, the screw will not obtain good purchase on the S1 promontary, leading to a greatly reduced purchase of bone and less biomechanical stability. On the other hand, if the insertion angle for the S1 screw is larger than 25°, the potential for injury to the spinal cord is higher [30]. With respect to ala screw insertion, Edwards and Louis preferred lateral placement into the sacral ala at 35–45° [31, 32], while Mirkovic and associates suggested the screw should be angled at 30–40° in order to obtain a better purchase [7]. If the angle of ala screw is greater than 45°, the potential for lumbosacral trunk injury is high [7].


Fig. 36.5
Schematic diagram of the sacral body, ala and pedicle. The pedicle screw pathway and the ala screw pathway are defined based on BMD measurements


Fig. 36.6
CT showing the angles of screw insertion

The importance of vertebral bone mineral density for screw fixation has been the subject of several studies to determine screw stability and predict lumbar vertebrae strength [7, 1113, 20, 3335]. Some have suggested that pre-operative measurement of BMD is necessary for transpedicular screwing in osteoporotic cases [28, 36, 37]. Other studies [20, 38] found that vertebral bodies of human lumbosacral spines had a mean BMD of 92 mg/cm3 and the mean BMD of the sacrum was 152 mg/cm3 for the elderly of mean age of 78 years old. Studies also indicated that at a QCT BMD value of less than 90 mg/ml, early loosening of the screw may be expected, while it is less likely with an BMD of more than 120 mg/cm3. The mean BMD from young adults with mean age of 31 years was approximately 2.5 times greater than that in the above mentioned group. Since the sacrum mainly consists of cancellous bone and the lumbosacral junction sustains more load than others above the sacrum, failure of sacral screw fixation can occur without significant osteoporosis.

Biomechanical Considerations of the Sacral Fixation

Strengths of Varieties of Fixations

The sacral screw can be placed either anteromedially through the S1 pedicle into the promontory or anterolaterally into the sacral ala. There are a few anatomical and biomechanical studies regarding the safety of the screw placement when bicortical inseertions are used [3, 7, 21, 39]. (see section above). A variety of fixation techniques and instruments have been designed to improve the strength of lumbosacral fixation [8, 33, 37, 4046]. It is assumed that increasing the number of sacral screws and using a triangulated insertion technique may increase the strength of purchase for lumbosacral fixation. A technique with a sacral Chopin block using S1 pedicle and ala screws with modified CD instrumentation was introduced to clinical practice in the early 1990s [4749]. This new technique can theoretically increase the strength of fixation due to the anteromedial screw and the added ala screw in divergent triangular orientation. However, a clinical study conducted by Devlin et al. [50] found that the CD system using sacral pedicle and ala screws in the deformity correction of adult patients did not appear to offer any advantages over alternative techniques in achieving arthrodesis.

A cadaveric study [13] using a sacral Chopin block with S1 pedicle and ala screws on sacra of different age groups evaluated the stiffnesses and failure strengths of fixation under different loading conditions. With bicortical screw purchase, the average stiffnesses of single screw and two divergent triangulated screw fixations (Fig. 36.7) were found to show statistically significant differences under compression, tension and torsion (see Table 36.3). With one S1 pedicle screw fixation, the average stiffness was 203 N/mm for compression, 147 N/mm for tension and 2 Nmm/deg. for torsion. With two-screw fixation, the average stiffness increased to 255 N/mm (126 %), 185 N/mm (126 %) and 2.4 Nm/deg (120 %) respectively, suggesting increasing the number of screws and using a triangulated insertion can increase the strength of fixation.


Fig. 36.7
(a, b) AP and top view of instrumented specimen. Right side was with one anteromedial S1 pedicle screw and left side was a Chopin Block with anteromedial and anterolateral (alar) screws

Table 36.3
The average stiffness of younger and aged specimens with one and two screw fixation to the sacrum

One screw fixation

Two screw fixation

Compression (mean ± SD)

Tension (mean ± SD)

Torsion (mean ± SD)

Compression (mean ± SD)

Tension (mean ± S)

Torsion (mean ± SD)

<30 years

220 ± 34

169 ± 24

2.1 ± 0.8

296 ± 43

209 ± 23

2.7 ± 0.6

>60 years

179 ± 20

112 ± 19

1.9 ± 0.4

195 ± 23

150 ± 27

1.9 ± 0.3

P value








203 ± 35

147 ± 35

2 ± 0.6

255 ± 62

185 ± 38

2.4 ± 0.6

Unit: Compression = N/mm; Tension = N/mm; Torsion = Nm/deg

Biomechanical tests have also shown that triangulated double screws instrumented either anteriorly or posteriorly, can significantly increase the strength of fixation [30, 41, 51]. Ogon and associates [51] found that anterior double screw fixation can increase fixation strength in vitro by 73 %, while Ruland and co-authors [30] found that a doubled pull-out strength can be achieved by using posterior triangulated CD pedicle screws with a transverse plate. By applying the load along the screw axis instead of simulating in vivo loads perpendicular to the screw axis, Zindrick and co-authors [52] conducted a pullout test to compare the strength of screw fixation in different orientations. They found that the anterolaterally directed screw sustained greater loads to failure. In contrast, other biomechanical studies reported that anteromedial screw fixation was significantly stronger than anterolateral screw insertion [3, 21, 37, 53]. This also correlated with the higher bone density of the S1 centrum, which provides a more rigid bone screw fixation [21].

A negative relation between the specimen age and the stiffnesses under different loading conditions has also been found [13]. Table 36.3 shows that the younger specimens had significantly higher stiffnesses than the aged ones. The average failure strength under tension load was found to be 1450 N in the younger specimens (<30 years), but 980 N in the aged specimens (>60 years). Studies have also revealed that the bone mineral density is closely related to the fixation strength of transpedicular screws [36, 38, 5254]. Under the same test conditions, it was found that fixation stiffnesses of the aged specimens were lower than those of younger specimens.

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Aug 2, 2017 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Biomechanics of Sacral Fixation

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