© ISAKOS 2017
C. Niek van Dijk, Philippe Neyret, Moises Cohen, Stefano Della Villa, Helder Pereira and J. Miguel Oliveira (eds.)Injuries and Health Problems in Football 10.1007/978-3-662-53924-8_88. Biomechanics of Lower Limb Injuries
Orthopaedic Department Hospital de Braga, Braga, Portugal
ICVS/3B’s Laboratório Associado, PT Government Associate Laboratory, Braga, Portugal
Clínica do Dragão, Espregueira-Mendes Sports Centre – FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, Porto, Portugal
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
School of Health Sciences (ECS), University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
8.1 What Is it?
Biomechanics is a discipline among the sciences derived from the natural sciences, which deals with physical analysis of biological systems, therefore, the physical analysis of the human body movements. When dimensioned biomechanics in the context of related sciences, whose aim’s to study the movement, we must remember that this scientific context rests on two fundamental facts: (a) the biomechanics has clearly defined its subject matter, thus defining its basic structure of knowledge, and (b) the results of investigations are obtained through the use of scientific methods [20, 22, 35].
As opposed to a rigid body, the biological structure of the human body allows the production of strength through muscle contraction, which turns the body into an autonomous and independent system. In this way, science is define that describes, analyses and models biological systems as the biomechanics and then a highly interdisciplinary science of relations given the nature of the phenomenon investigated. Thus, the biomechanics of movement seeks to explain how the waveforms of the bodies of living things happen in nature from kinematic indicators and dynamic. Through sport biomechanics and their areas of expertise applied, we can analyse the causes and parameters related to sports movement. So, it is considered the movement as the central object of study and analysing causes and effects generated for the optimization of income [20, 25, 44].
In the field of sports movement analysis area, overloading the normal behaviour of the joint and the effects of motor mechanisms in the learning process are examples of topics that relate to the diagnosis of sports technique. Therefore, we refer also to biomechanics of sport, dedicated to the study of the human body and the sporting movement relative laws and physical-mechanical principles including anatomical and physiological knowledge of the human body. In the broadest sense of its application, it is still the task of biomechanics of sport, characterization and optimization of motion techniques through scientific knowledge which delimit the operating area of science that has the sports movement [22, 39].
The biomechanics can be divided into internal and external, given the large difference in their approach and application. The internal biomechanics is concerned with the internal forces transmitted by the internal biological structures of the body, such as muscle strength and strength in the tendons, ligaments, bone and articular cartilage, among others. The determination of the internal forces of the muscles and joints still represents a methodological problem not fully resolved in biomechanics but surely if it constitutes fundamental basis for better understanding of criteria for motion control. The external biomechanics constitutes the parameters for quantitative and/or qualitative determination referring to the place change and position of the human body in sports movements, with the aid of descriptive measures kinematic and/or dynamic therefore those which refer to the observable characteristics outside the structure movement [20, 29].
8.2 Football Injuries
The risk of injury is present in all sporting activity. However, prospective and retrospective research studies have described the risk of injury in football as considerable and high compared to other sports. Certain risk factors can make football more dangerous than some high-risk industrial occupations, such as agriculture and construction [4, 24].
Suffering an injury can have physical, psychological and financial consequences for the player. For example, a loss of playing time can cause a reduction in revenue from supporters wanting to see the best players. Teams may also fail to do as well in competitions, which can directly influence the prize monies won and further discourage supporters from watching their team. Furthermore, if the player continues to train and/or compete with an injury, their performance could be impaired, which could lower the chance of being successful. Also, if these injuries are repeatedly sustained, they can have long-term effects on the participant’s mental and physical well-being. In the most extreme case, multiple minor injuries can lead to a more serious injury and ultimately result in the player having to retire early.
Treatment of injury is also a huge financial burden on the health service. Sports and exercise contribute significantly to this high cost of treatment. Serious injury can also affect their long-term health of both professional and amateur football players as they may be unable to participate in an active lifestyle, if the injury becomes untreatable. Therefore, the pain and discomfort, along with the frustrations that come from the rehabilitation of injury, and the high financial cost provide clear reasons for research into the understanding and prevention of injury risk in football [32, 35, 37].
Van Michelin, Hlobil and Kemper presented a four-step paradigm by which the prevention of injury could be addressed [44]:
Step 1: To establish the extent of the sports injury problem
Step 2: To establish the specific aetiology (risk factors) and mechanisms of injuries
Step 3: To introduce preventative measures
Step 4: To assess the effectiveness of the preventative interventions by repeating step 1
Steps 1 and 2 of this framework are used in this literature review to discuss the existing research that relates to the occurrence and severity of certain football injuries. It is also used to highlight the biomechanical characteristics of football players while experiencing the various risk factors. In addition, the framework is used to identify research that is needed to further knowledge behind the characteristics of football players when these injuries potentially occur and the interventions presently prescribed to reduce similar injuries in other sports [44].
8.2.1 Problem in Football Injury
Football is one of the most popular sports worldwide and requires the player to have considerable stamina while superimposing sprinting, jumping, tackling, rapid changes of direction and kicking. This contact sport has a significant risk for acute and overuse injuries.
The term football injury encompasses all injuries that occur during participation which vary in terms of their anatomical location and severity. Therefore, the overall injury value does not provide enough detail into which injuries are the most common and as such isn’t particularly useful, when trying to lower the occurrence of injury. Instead, it is more valuable to identify the specific, most problematic injuries which are the largest contributor towards the high rate of injury found in football. As such, it may be possible to apply suitable interventions to lower the risk of these specific injuries [35, 36].
Due to the bipedal nature of football, many injuries occur to the lower extremity. Across this region, the ankle and knee joints are most commonly injured, with muscle and tendon strains and ligament sprains being consistently reported. However, although these sites are most common, the risk of injury to these regions can vary throughout the year [30, 32].
In sports such as football that start in summer and early autumn, the risk of injury can increase during this time. Woods et al. observed the presence of an early season bias towards certain injuries, which is not typically reported in summer football competition or indoor sports such as basketball. These injuries are generally less severe than those experienced at other times, with a significantly greater percentage of slight and minor injuries being observed. However, it has been shown that the experience of an initial injury will put the participant at a considerably greater risk of reinjury at a later date. Indeed, one third of football players who experience a minor injury in the first instance, sustaining a more serious injury at the same location. Likewise, in response to the first injury, participants may change their movement patterns. This can put other previously less used structures at an increased load and unexpected stress, accentuating the risk of a new injury to result. Therefore, much of the high injury rate observed in football may be reduced by establishing the causes of the most common injuries during the preseason period [53].
8.3 Biomechanics of Football Injury
Sports medicine professionals use biomechanical principles to understand injury mechanisms, select appropriate injury prevention and rehabilitation protocols and monitor recovery. The qualitative analysis of exercise technique can help sports medicine professionals ensure that the client’s technique achieves the desired training effect. Qualitative analysis of therapeutic exercise also requires an interdisciplinary approach, especially integrating clinical training and experience with biomechanics. Other issues sports medicine professionals must take into account beyond biomechanical principles are pain, fear, motivation and competitive psychology [29, 38].
Biomechanical studies on injuries in football are increasing, and the need to optimize the recovery and avoidance of injuries has largely focused on the two most frequently injured joints, the knee and ankle, but the most common injuries in football are the muscle and tendon injury.
8.3.1 Biomechanics of Pelvis, Hip and Groin Injury
The biomechanical studies that evaluate the pelvis movement in football were poor. The pelvis contains the centre of gravity of the body and acts as the fulcrum for all athletic movement in football. Anatomically and functionally, this area is extremely complex with several mobile and fixed articulations associated with powerful muscle groups, aponeuroses and ligaments that make it difficult to calculate accurately forces and associated moments [54].
The hip joint is the main area of the pelvis that has been formally evaluated biomechanically with in vivo prosthesis monitoring. The hip effectively acts as a multiaxial ball-and-socket joint upon which the upper body is balanced during stance and gait. Stability of this joint is critical to allow motion while supporting the forces encountered during activity. Nearly all motion between the femoral head and acetabulum is rotational, with no detectable translation because of the congruency of the articulating surfaces. The high degree of articular congruency is provided by the bony architecture of the joint and the acetabular labrum, articular cartilage, joint capsule and surrounding musculature [1, 6, 16, 38, 43, 47].
The joint reactive forces calculated through the hip joint are five times the body weight while jogging and over eight times the body weight during athletic activity or stumbling. These forces are further increased in single stance, which commonly occurs in football with kicking, jumping or cutting-in.
The labrum is a complex structure consisting of a fibrocartilaginous rim composed of circumferential collagen fibres spanning the entirety of the acetabulum and becoming contiguous with the transverse acetabular ligament. The complete physiologic function of the labrum is not entirely defined, but it appears to serve multiple purposes including a limitation of extreme range of motion and deepening the acetabulum to enhance the stability of the hip joint. The labrum contributes approximately 22% of the articulating surface of the hip and increases the volume of the acetabulum by 33%. In athletic motion, the labrum undergoes shearing forces while limiting femoral head motion, which can result in acute labral tears or chronic degeneration. Indeed, in retired football players, there is a high incidence of premature hip osteoarthritis, and there is now an increasing recognition of osteochondral and labral injuries occurring during active playing careers [6].
In football, considerable reactive forces also act through the anterior pelvis, in particular the symphysis pubis, inguinofemoral aponeuroses and parasymphyseal muscles. The symphysis pubis and rami function as an effective strut modulating reactive forces between the lower limbs and axial skeleton. Biomechanical studies have attempted to reproduce running and single stance forces in fresh cadaver pelvis and measured forces of the order of 300 N across the symphysis with normal relative pubic body movement of up to 2 mm in the vertical plane. The pelvis is normally tilted anteriorly in relation to the hip and lower limb, and this relationship must be maintained through all the complex athletic movements that occur in football. This core stability is thought to be crucial for normal and repetitive athletic activity of the pelvis, which in turn acts as the stabilizer for effective athletic function of the lower limb kinetic chain. Studies have shown that preseason weakness of the hip abductors and external rotators predisposes to lower limb injury and decreased adductor function predisposes to further ipsilateral adductor injury [1, 16].
In football players, a prospective study of the elite teams in UEFA during seven seasons found a total of 628 hip/groin injuries accounting for 12–16% of all injuries per season. Acute groin injuries in football include myotendinous strain of adductor longus or abdominal muscles, but have a good response to rehabilitation. Chronic injury and pain in this region may be career ending as it can be extremely difficult to diagnose and treat effectively. The increased incidence of chronic injury in sports that require constant cutting-in may relate to chronic shearing forces being further exacerbated, if the player develops one dominant leg and is commonly in single stance. Groin injury has been described more frequently in football players and is a significant problem estimated to constitute 10% of acute and 18% of chronic football-related injuries [12, 16, 17, 54].
8.3.2 Biomechanics of Knee Injury
Knee injuries are prevalent among a variety of competitive sports, especially those that involve sprinting, jumping and landing both with and without passing a ball, cutting-in and direct impact. The incidence of knee injuries during competition is 15–19% of all injuries. Of these, 35–37% are strains, 20–21% sprains and 16–24% contusions. However, knee injuries account for 58% of all major injuries. Two of the most common sports-related knee injuries are patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries [14, 31].
The three main factors that contribute to an increased risk of knee injury in football are the age of the player, a previous injury and the ligamentous status of the knee. Females sustain more injuries during training than males, whereas males sustain more injuries during competition, and particularly during competition in contact situations, with the tackled player being the more susceptible to injury. The playing environment has a role, with a higher number of injuries in indoor football, of which the majority are non-contact. It is not surprising that foul play was identified as a risk for a major knee injury, with 20% of illegal activity-related knee injuries requiring surgery [15, 43].
The high incidence of major knee injuries in female players is of great concern. The majority are non-contact injuries that occur with a change in direction. Many aetiological factors have been considered and include anatomical and structural differences between men and women, muscle strength and neuromuscular activation patterns as well as hormonal influences on knee stability. Although there has been little reported gender-related difference in injury patterns elsewhere in the body, there seems to be a significant increase in the incidence of non-contact internal derangement of the knee in female football players relative to male counterparts [2].
The different biomechanics of muscle and joint recruitment in running and especially landing after jumping have been studied in female football players and matched male controls. When an athlete lands on one leg after jumping, considerable translational force is produced across the knee joint. This is increased in sports where the athlete wants to push off immediately in another direction, requiring forceful thigh muscular contraction resulting in further femur rotation and ligament stress. Muscular recruitment can significantly modify the degree of knee flexion and stress directed across the joint, with the hamstrings in particular acting to decrease tibial anterior translation. Concomitant injury or fatigue of these muscles can precipitate a serious knee injury on landing as more force is transmitted through the knee ligaments alone. ACL Injury
ACL injuries have the highest morbidity of knee injuries for football players and result in the most time lost. The incidence of ACL injury ranges from 0.06 to 3.7 per 1000 h of active football play, with females being two to eight times more likely to sustain non-contact ACL injury than males. ACL injuries occur as a result of a combination of a deceleration and twisting on a planted foot with an extended or near fully extended knee. The result is a varus or valgus strain combined with internal or external rotation of the tibia on a fixed foot, combined with an anterior translation force. The player usually describes a “popping” feeling with a sensation of giving way. The presence of a knee haemarthrosis is positive for an ACL injury in 70% of cases [13, 15, 43].
The active patient with an ACL-deficient knee is at risk for repeated episodes of instability, meniscal and articular cartilage injury, early joint degeneration and a decline in joint function. There is a large variation in the management and rehabilitation approach by surgeons on different continents. Few football players are able to remain competitive with an ACL-deficient knee despite strengthening and bracing, and surgical reconstruction should be recommended for all players wishing to continue the sport. Surgery is usually delayed to start ‘pre-rehabilitation’ until the swelling has subsided and near to normal range of motion has been achieved [4, 24].

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