Biologic substance
Highest level of evidence
Pseudarthrosis rates
Gold standard
0–10 %
Local autograft
Level 1 [13]
5–10 %
Unconcentrated bone marrow aspirate + scaffold
Level 1 [14]
1.4–16 %
Bone marrow aspirate concentrate
Level 2 [15]
Fresh-frozen/freeze-dried allograft
Level 1 [16]
8.7–14 %
Demineralized bone matrix
Level 1 [17]
3.2–14 %
Level 1 [18]
7.5 %
Platelet gels
Level 2 [19]
4–10 %
Bone morphogenetic protein
Level 1 [20]
0–8 %
Given steady surgical volume increases for adult lumbar spinal pathology, with arthrodesis representing the most common reason for autologous bone grafting, this chapter will explore the utility of various osteobiologic substances in the surgical setting of adult lumbar scoliosis [26, 27]. Specifically, this chapter will provide an overview of ICBG, rhBMP-2, BMA, DMB, and ceramics and gels, with a focus on long-term arthrodesis rates and complications associated with degenerative lumbar scoliosis correction, including adjacent level disease, proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK), pseudarthrosis, and instrumentation failure.
Traditionally, autologous bone has been utilized as a foundation for arthrodesis [28]. Various forms of autologous bone available for use in spine procedures include: iliac crest bone graft; local bone harvested during a laminectomy, facetectomy, corpectomy, vertebrectomy, or osteotomy; and bone marrow aspirate. However, each method carries with it its own set of limitations in terms of ability to achieve fusion as well as complication profile.
Iliac Crest Bone Graft
The anterior and posterior iliac crests have long been utilized as a source for harvesting autogenous bone graft [29, 30]. In many cases, ICBG is readily available within the same surgical incision for procedures involving the lumbosacral spine. For anterior spinal or posterior procedures not involving the lumbosacral region, the anterior or posterior iliac crest may be included within the surgical field and accessed through a separate incision to harvest cortical, cancellous, or corticocancellous graft. Cancellous graft provides an osteogenic, osteoinductive, and osteoconductive scaffold while cortical grafts can provide structural support [30].
ICBG is often considered the gold standard for obtaining solid arthrodesis in spinal surgery [31, 32]. In uninstrumented lumbar posterolateral fusion procedures, fusion rates of 40–65 % have been reported [33–36]. With the addition of rigid internal fixation, arthrodesis rates up to 95 % have been reported [35–40]. Much variability on fusion rates exists in the literature because investigations are performed on a multitude of surgical fixation techniques, as well as different radiographic methodologies (plain radiograph versus CT scan) used to determine whether fusion has occurred. ICBG used in isolation for adult spinal deformity has demonstrated 72 % fusion rate [7], suggesting that long lumbar fusions may require supplementary sacrum grafting.
Harvesting from the iliac crest is not without complications, however. Major complications such as arterial or neurological injury, iliac fractures, abdominal content injuries, and deep wound infection are rare. Minor complication rates of 10–50 % have been reported, including superficial infection, hematoma or seroma formation, donor site numbness, and persistent postoperative donor site pain [30, 41–43]. Typically, persistent donor site pain has been reported as the most common complication in 2–60 % of patients [7, 37, 38, 44–46]. Accessing the iliac crest through a separate incision and obtaining tricortical full thickness graft have the highest prevalence of complications [47]. Similarly, anterior harvest has been shown to have significantly higher complications compared to posterior harvesting, including magnitude and duration of postoperative donor site pain [29]. In addition, ICBG harvest complications can lead to worse patient-reported disability in terms of ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) and work activity [31]. It must be noted that confounding factors such as surgical technique, harvest of cancellous versus corticocancellous graft, volume of crest harvested, and performance of concomitant lumbosacral procedures all may affect the interpretation of postoperative donor site pain. In comparing low lumbosacral to thoracolumbar fusion procedures, patients with fusion above L3 reported significantly less donor site pain, suggesting that patients may not be able to differentiate between lumbosacral back pain and pain from the harvest site [48]. A subgroup analysis of the Spine Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT) found no difference in patient-reported outcomes or complication rates between patients that had fusions performed with ICBG and those who had no ICBG [49]. This discrepancy has been demonstrated in other studies as well [48, 50, 51]. Ultimately, the amount of pain directly attributable to the iliac crest harvest is a difficult variable to define.
Local Autograft
Given the complications, limited supply, and additional operative time associated with harvesting ICBG, autologous local bone obtained during the operative procedure can be used as an ICBG alternative that maintains many of the biological benefits of the autologous bone. Depending on the volume obtained, the laminectomy-derived bone may be applied in isolation or used as a bone graft extender with ICBG [52, 53]. A 90–95 % fusion rate has been demonstrated in the operative management of single level lumbar spondylolisthesis using the laminectomy-derived bone for posterolateral fusion [13, 54]. Lee et al. similarly observed bilateral fusion masses in 62 % and unilateral fusion masses in 31 % of patients receiving in situ local bone from spinous processes and laminae used in instrumented posterolateral lumbar fusion [55]. Single-level posterior lumbar interbody fusion has shown similar union rates between the local bone and iliac crest graft [56]. The study of the local bone in isolation for lumbar scoliosis deformity cases is however understudied. One report, Violas et al. considered the efficacy of local autograft bone utilization with Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation for scoliosis correction [57]. Successful fusion was determined radiographically in all double-curve cases with an average of 10 levels fused.
Bone Marrow Aspirate
Autologous local bone alone may not provide sufficient volume of graft to obtain adequate union rates in posterolateral fusions of more than two levels [58]. Bone marrow aspirate (BMA), typically the iliac crest or vertebral body, contains osteoprogenitor cells and has shown promising results in spinal arthrodesis procedures and when combined with the autologous local bone has shown similar lumbar fusion rates with ICBG alone [14, 59, 60]. Though aspirate does not provide as high a concentration of stem cells as ICBG, there is some evidence supporting clinical use to induce bone formation [61]. However, typically BMA has been applied to allograft matrices or ceramics as an autograft alternative and has shown similar arthrodesis rates compared to ICBG in posterolateral fusion [62, 63].
In BMA harvested from a 35-year-old patient, there is roughly one mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) per every 250,000 cells and one hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) per every 10,000 cells, the two principal drivers of bone growth and formation. With such small concentrations of MSC’s and HSC’s even in ideal candidates, concentration of the aspirate has been recommended to improve efficacy. A recent study using bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) in conjunction with allograft has shown equivalent arthrodesis rates to autologous ICBG [15]. Also, several recent studies using BMAC to treat nonunions and osteonecrosis have shown equivalence with autografting techniques [64–66]. These studies conclude that BMA should be supplemented through either concentration or additional growth factors; however, studies on clinical efficacy are currently lacking [67, 68].
In response to the aforementioned complications associated with iliac crest bone graft, a significant focus has been placed on the utility and effectiveness of allograft alternatives for successful lumbar fusion. Allograft products, bone harvested from cadaveric donor tissues, encompass extenders and/or substitutes to ICBC. These grafts serve primarily as an osteoconductive matrix with no self-supplied osteogenic or osteoinductive properties. The benefits of intraoperative allograft use include decreased operative time, reduced blood loss, alleviation of donor site morbidity, and elimination of the need to harvest autogenous bone. Allograft is available in three different forms: fresh-frozen, freeze-dried, and demineralized freeze-dried, each imparting differential structural strength [69].
Fresh-Frozen and Freeze-Dried Allograft
Allograft bone, rather than inducing de novo bone formation like autogenous bone graft, promotes osteoconduction due to its matrix: the porosity provides a scaffolding material for new bone growth to create a solid fusion. The three-dimensional scaffold matrix provides an appropriate environment for bone cells and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs): migration, adhesion, and proliferation. Fresh-frozen and freeze-dried allografts differ in their processing, and consequentially retain specific advantages and disadvantages. Fresh-frozen allografts have the simplest preparation protocol, carry a higher risk of disease transmission and generation of an immune reaction, and are typically implemented as a graft extender or scaffold adjunct rather than used in isolation. As such, the efficacy of isolated allograft for use in lumbar spine fusions is not very well supported. Allograft processing mitigates the osteoinductive potential, and consequently the graft is not as readily incorporated by the host. An et al. compared arthrodesis achievement among 144 posterolateral lumbar fusion patients using side-by-side grafts comparing: (1) iliac autograft, (2) demineralized cancellous chips, (3) demineralized cortical power, (4) demineralized cortical powder mixed with autograft, or (5) mineralized cancellous chips [70]. Radiographic analysis at 1-year postoperative follow-up revealed significantly lower fusion rates in allograft alone or in combination with autograft. In a comparable study design, Jorgenson et al. found that ethylene oxide-treated allograft was inferior to autograft for achievement of posterior lumbar fusion at 1-year postoperatively [71]. Thalgott et al. have conversely observed success in using fresh-frozen allograft as a structural interbody graft for circumferential lumbar fusions [16]. The authors reported a greater fusion rate of 77 % in patients receiving fresh-frozen allograft versus 65 % in freeze-dried allograft cases, with the latter group displaying a significantly higher likelihood of pseudarthrosis at 24-month follow-up.
Beyond concerns surrounding efficacy, allograft use is correlated with a risk of disease transmission that is inherently absent from autograft. As such, the FDA has implemented strict regulations related to the procurement, testing, and distribution of allograft. Reported rates of disease transmission are 1 in 1.6 million with fresh-frozen allograft and 1 in 2.8 billion with freeze-dried allograft [72]. There has been only one documented case of HIV transmission in the setting of spine surgery in 1992 prior to FDA regulations [73].
Demineralized Bone Matrix
Demineralized bone matrix (DBM) is a family of allograft bone that is derived via demineralization of human corticocancellous bone by means of acid extraction. The remaining matrix is composed of non-collagenous proteins, and osteogenic growth factors, including BMPs, and collagen fibers. DBM possesses a moderate degree of osteoconductive ability based on these properties. Given that DBM is derived from human tissue, its quality is affected by donor-specific characteristics such as age and bone quality and has disease transmission rates similar to those of the allograft bone [74, 75].
The purported advantage of DBM over the allograft bone is the isolation of BMPs through the demineralization process, thereby imparting osteoinductive potential to the product. The wide variability in production of DBM products, however, had caused concern over the extent to which DBM actually contributes osteogenic potential. There have been few well-designed randomized clinical trials that document the efficacy of DBM in lumbar spine fusion. Animal models, such as that of Peterson et al. have compared spine fusion rates between DBM (Synthes) and various other products, such as Grafton putty (Osteotech) and AlloMatrix injectable putty (Wright Medical Technology) [76]. Analysis of single-level posterolateral arthrodesis in athymic male rates revealed varying amounts of residual demineralized bone matrix and new bone formation, with Grafton eliciting the greatest radiological and histological evidence of fusion [76].
Despite limited data, several clinical studies have supported the use of DMB as a bone graft extender in posterolateral lumbar fusion procedures. Cammisa et al. conducted a multicenter, prospective, controlled trail investigating the effectiveness of DBM as a graft extender for ICBG in the setting of posterolateral instrumented lumbar fusions [77]. Of 120 patients enrolled, a comparable fusion rate was observed in both treatment arms—52 % for patients receiving Grafton DBM and 54 % with autograft. These results signified the potential for DBM to act as an effective extender, decreasing the amount of ICBG required for solid arthrodesis. The pilot study of Schizas et al. supports this recommendation; in evaluating the radiographic and clinical outcomes of 59 consecutive patients undergoing 1- and 2-level posterolateral instrumented lumbar fusion, the authors failed to observe a significant difference in a 1-year fusion status between DBM mixed with autograft/BMA versus isolated autograft (69.7 % vs. 76.9 %, p=0.57) [78]. Similarly, in a prospective randomized study, Kang et al. compared fusion rates among single-level instrumented fusion patients receiving either local autogenous bone and Grafton DBM or ICBG [17]. Final fusion rates among 41 included patients at 2-years were 86 % (Grafton Matrix) versus 92 % (ICBG), though this difference in rates was not statistically significant. There was also a nonsignificant trend for improved clinical outcome scores in the Grafton group. In another study, Thalgott et al. evaluated clinical and radiographic outcomes for patients undergoing instrumented posterolateral fusion [79]. The authors found that patients receiving coralline hydroxyapatite with an additional 10 cc Grafton DBM experienced lower fusion rates (89.3 %) compared to those that did not receive the DBM addition.
The significant variability of DBM’s osteoinductive properties between donors renders its use in isolation rare. Application of DBM may be best in conjunction with autogenous bone or marrow to expand the graft volume with particular effectiveness when supplementing arthrodesis combined with stable internal fixation [6, 80].
Cellular Bone Matrix
Similar to mesenchymal stem cells obtained through autologous bone marrow aspirate, several commercial products are available consisting of prepared, cryopreserved mesenchymal stem cells harvested from cadaveric tissue (bone, adipose, or placental tissue) embedded within an allograft carrier [81]. Preliminary retrospective studies have reported fusion rates during interbody procedures of over 90 % [82–84]. However, there is currently a lack of randomized clinical trials evaluating the efficacy and safety profile of cellular bone matrices.
Ceramics are matrices of inorganic, nonmetallic atoms held together by ionic and covalent bonds [85]. Given that the capacity of each biologic is dependent upon its structural, cellular, and biochemical properties, ceramics are prepared to mimic the mineral phase of the bone [86]. Ceramic materials used in spine surgery include calcium sulfate and calcium phosphate, particularly used in the setting of implant coatings and defect fillers. Bone mineral and ceramic matrices display similar crystal structure and molecular compositions as the bone and yield an osteoconductive surface for arthrodesis [87]. For example, Pro-Osteon and Interpore are two frequently employed hydroxyapatite biologics made by application of extreme heat to the calcium phosphate body of a coral, Porites astreoides, which was chosen for its pore size—comparable to the bone. There are several preparations of calcium phosphate and calcium sulfate that display different characteristics as bone graft extenders, with optimal remodeling matching the degradation and remodeling profile of the bone. However, ceramics lack the organic phase of the bone and are therefore brittle with low tensile strength and significantly higher modulus of elasticity than the bone.
Hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate (TCP), the ceramic forms most frequently employed in medicine, are purely osteoconductive and are replaced by the host bone through a process of creeping substitution. They exist in the forms of powders, pellets, putty, and injectable cements. Hydroxyapatite is the most studied calcium phosphate material since the 1970s [88]. Hydroxyapatite directly bonds to the bone, allowing for osteoblast proliferation into its scaffold [89]. TCP has similar biocompatibility of hydroxyapatite formations and comparable tensile and compressive strength to the bone but dissolves more rapidly in situ.
Ceramic-based bone grafts have been widely used in spinal surgical procedures to reduce the complications associated with autograft. However, recent studies in the lumbar spine do not present clear support for its use [90]. For example, Sathira-Angkura et al. in 2011 reported “doubtful fusion” in 22 of 23 patients at a 2-year follow-up when hydroxyapatite was mixed with autogenous bone marrow in posterolateral lumbar fusion [91]. Similarly, Acharya et al. prematurely ended a study after 95 % of the hydroxyapatite group had poor consolidation of the graft after 1 year [92]. However, the study and control groups in examination of hydroxyapatite have generally been of poor quality. According to a meta-analysis by Kaiser et al. in 2014, ceramic bone grafts are demonstrably feasible graft extenders or substitutes [90].
Platelet Gels
Platelets are activated at sites of injury where they physically limit blood loss and promote generation of thrombin to coagulate blood [93]. Additionally, platelets are also involved in wound healing and aid repair of highly vascularized bone tissue by releasing growth factors that attract mesenchymal cells of the bone marrow [94]. Lowery et al. suggested in 1999 that the application of platelet-rich plasma results in higher bone density 6 months after lumbar spine fusion and that osteoblasts lining a cancellous bone surface survive transplantation and respond to platelet growth factors [95]. And, given usage of hemocomponents like hyper-concentrated platelets gels as a wound sealant, platelet gels have seen the use in combination with autologous bone during lumbar spine fusions [96]. Platelet gels, combinations of concentrated platelets with thrombin, have been used successfully as autologous fusion adjuncts in both animal and human models and are now being marketed to promote bony growth [93, 97–99].
Studies into the efficacy of platelet gels as bony fusion enhancers are limited. Carreon et al. reported a nonunion rate of 25 % in the platelet gel with ICBG group compared to 17 % in the control group with ICBG alone [97]. Castro et al. in 2004 detailed an increase in pre-anesthesia time of 18 min for obtaining the platelet gel and a 19 % lower arthrodesis rate in the platelet gel group [100]. These preliminary reports on platelet gel’s decreased efficacy as a growth factor adjunct have limited further research. To date, there have been no level one evidence studies on the effect of platelet gels in lumbar fusion.
Bone Morphogenetic Protein
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are a family of soluble signaling factors in the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily of growth factors discovered by Marshal Urist in 1965. Several BMP molecules have been identified, though only certain forms demonstrate significant osteogenic properties, including BMP-2 [101–103]. Currently, recombinant human BMP-2 (rhBMP-2) and osteogenic protein-1 (OP-1) are available for commercial use. BMP-2 has been previously reported to induce bone and cartilage formation through osteoblastic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells [104]. The original US FDA approval of BMP in 2002 was in the setting of anterior lumbar interbody fusion, though BMP-2 has since been implemented with varying success in posterolateral fusion and posterior or transforaminal interbody fusion [20, 105–107]. Currently, it is estimated that the off-label use of these agents exceeds 85 % in primary spine procedures [108]. The reported benefits of BMP centralize on achieving higher fusion rates and decrease donor site morbidity in comparison to autograft [109]. In the operative management of lumbar scoliosis, the use of BMP has proven to be advantageous as a suitable bone graft alternative for multilevel fusion, though reported adverse events may cause a reevaluation of BMP’s efficacy in these procedures. Substantial variation in the literature surrounding BMP’s use, integrated with unclear cost-effectiveness, requires continued evaluation.
BMP use in the surgical treatment of adult lumbar pathologies varies by surgeon preferences and specific pathology. Currently, the only FDA-approved use of BMP in spine surgery is in single-level anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) with interbody cage [20]. In 2002, Burkus et al., in a multicenter, prospective, randomized study, compared rhBMP-2 on absorbable collagen sponges versus autogenous iliac crest bone graft for interbody fusion in patients with degenerative lumbar disc disease to evaluate fusion progression at 6, 12, and 24 months postoperative. Radiographic fusion assessment was highest (94.5 %) in patients receiving rhBMP-2 compared to ICBG (88.7 %), though new bone formation was identified in all investigational patients. Moreover, the authors reported a 5.9 % rate of adverse events related to the iliac crest graft harvest and a 32 % graft site discomfort rate at 1-year post-op [20]. The summation of these findings was used to highlight the use of BMP as a viable alternative to ICBG in the lumbar spine, given new bone formation in all investigated patients. Multiple studies in subsequent years also underscored the effectiveness of BMP-2 in lumbar spinal fusion. In 2004, Haid et al. evaluated the use of BMP-2 on a collagen sponge carrier in single-level posterior lumbar interbody fusions (PLIF) against an ICBG control in a multicenter, prospective, randomized trial [110]. Clinical and radiographic outcomes were assessed in 6-month intervals through a 2-year follow-up. At 24 months, the authors observed a nonsignificant difference in fusion rates in favor of the investigational cohort (92.3 %) compared to the controls (77.8 %). The authors did not report any device-related adverse events compared to a 6.1 % rate in the control patients. Moreover, patients receiving rhBMP-2 reported superior improvement in Numeric Rating Scale Back Pain scores at 24-months postoperative, while 60 % of controls complained of donor site pain. Kim et al. reported on structural lumbar curve fusions with a posterior approach augmented with structural anterior interbody grafting. These authors used BMP as deemed necessary in concentrations ranging from 24 to 96 mg based on the number of levels fused. BMP was soaked on an absorbable collagen sponge and then wrapped around the cortical bone and placed onto the posterior elements [4]. In total, Kim et al. used rhBMP-2 in 12 cases in anterior column reconstructions and posterior spinal fusions with significantly more BMP use in patients with an anterior apical release.
The utilization of BMP in adult spinal deformity (ASD), where pseudarthrosis is a common postoperative major complication, is driven by different surgical and radiographic indications [24, 111, 112]. Interbody support though has shown consistent effectiveness in stabilizing long fusions for lumbar deformity. Surgeons are recently trending away from the standalone use of ICBG and using instead a combination of locally harvested autogenous bone graft and allograft to stimulate fusion. Crandall et al. evaluated the use of TLIF with rhBMP-2 among 509 patients, of which 123 were diagnosed with lumbar deformity (including adult idiopathic scoliosis and degenerative lumbar scoliosis) [113]. The arthrodesis rate was 98.4 %, and, of the eight patients that developed nonunions at TLIF levels, five were long fusions for deformity. These lumbar scoliosis patients had significantly lower preoperative visual analog scale (VAS) functional scores, though they also displayed significant improvements at a 2-year follow-up. Comparably, Maeda et al. reported on long fusions to the sacrum and found that of the 23 patients receiving rhBMP-2, only 1 (4.3 %) developed a pseudarthrosis in contrast to a rate of 28.1 % in the ICBG cohort. However, the BMP group was limited by a shorter follow-up interval—2.7 years versus. 4.9 years in the ICBG group [114]. As previous usage recommendations were established largely based on trials studying single- and double-level fusions, which represents 85 % of rhBMP-2 use, the role of BMP in the context of ASD and lumbar scoliosis surgery in particular is continually being refined [115–117]. For example, Bess et al. in 2014 found no increased risk of perioperative complications using BMP versus ICBG in long fusions for ASD [118]. Future research on BMP in ASD should focus on a dose effect and correlations with longer-term outcomes to provide meaningful recommendation for use.
Since its initial introduction, the use of BMP-2 in the lumbar spine has been associated with several adverse events and complications. Contraindications for BMP use include active malignancy, pregnancy, active infection at the operative site, and hypersensitivity, among others. At the forefront of discussion is the impact of BMP on the growth and invasiveness of malignancy, given BMP’s properties as a growth factor. Despite preclinical safety, data regarding BMP-2 effects on cancer cell proliferation failed to unveil any mutagenic associations, and high expression of BMP surface receptors have been observed in certain tumors [115, 119, 120]. Carragee et al. evaluated the risk of new malignancy in patients receiving a high dose (40 mg) of rhBMP-2 in a compression-resistant matrix in single-level posterolateral arthrodesis for degenerative lumbar spine conditions compared to autogenous bone control [121]. At 2-year follow-up, the author identified 15 distinct cancer events in the rhBMP-2 group with an incidence rate of 3.37 (95 % confidence interval, 1.89–5.56) compared to two cancer events in the control arm. This observed risk was sustained in a retrospective cohort study of Malham et al. of lumbar fusion (anterior, lateral, posterior, and posterolateral) with rhBMP-2 [122]. Twenty-seven of 527 patients were diagnosed with invasive cancer following treatment. Despite support in the literature, there remains as of yet no definitive or causative link between BMP use and tumorigenesis. Importantly, the Yale University Open Data Access (YODA) Project meta-analyses displayed no clinical advantage of BMP over bone graft, further confounding direct indications for BMP use.

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