Basic Science

Basic Science

image Bone

Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, and Osteocytes


1. From which cells do osteoblasts arise? 1. Undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)
2. What seven growth factors influence osteoblast differentiation? 2. Interleukins (ILs)
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I)
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
Bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs)
Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β)
Runx 2 (formerly Cbfa 1)
3. What is the function of IGF? 3. Osteosynthesis
4. Through what intracellular signaling pathway does it work? 4. Tyrosine kinase
5. What is the function of PDGF? 5. Chemotaxis
6. Through what intracellular signaling pathway does it work? 6. Tyrosine kinase
7. What is the function of BMP? 7. Stimulates mesenchymal cell differentiation
8. Through what intracellular signaling pathway does it work? 8. Serine/threonine kinase through SMAD proteins
9. Is BMP osteoinductive or osteoconductive? 9. Osteoinductive
10. TGF-b stimulates mesenchymal cells to produce what two substances? 10. Type II collagen
11. TGF-b also indirectly stimulates osteoblasts to produce what? 11. Type I collagen
12. Through what intracellular signaling pathway does it work? 12. Serine/threonine kinase
13. What four substances do osteoblasts produce? 13. Alkaline phosphate
Type I collagen
RANK ligand
14. Osteoblasts respond directly to what five factors? 14. Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
1,25-vitamin D
15. Which two of these favor osteogenesis? 15. 1,25-vitamin D
16. Which three favor resorption? 16. PTH (resorption releases calcium)
17. What two factors upregulate adenylate cyclase at the cellular level? 17. PTH
18. What factor downregulates adenylate cyclase? 18. Estrogen
19. What factor also decreases calcium absorption at the level of the gut? 19. Glucocorticoids


20. From what cells do osteoclasts arise? 20. Monocyte progenitors
21. How do osteoclasts bind to the surface of bone? 21. With integrins (vibronectin)
22. Where does resorption occur? 22. Howship’s lacunae
23. What are the two products of osteoclasts? 23. Hydrogen ions (through carbonic anhydrase)
Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase
24. What do osteoclasts respond directly to? 24. Calcitonin
25. What is the effect of calcitonin on the osteoclast? 25. Inhibits osteoclast function
26. What is the effect of IL-1? 26. Stimulates osteoclast function
27. What is the effect of IL-10? 27. Inhibits osteoclast function
28. What is the effect of IL-11? 28. Increases production of RANK ligand
29. What is the function of RANK ligand? 29. Links osteoblast and osteoclast function
30. What cell contains RANK ligand? 30. Osteoblast
31. How does RANK ligand work? 31. Binds to and stimulates osteoclasts
32. What cofactor is required? 32. Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)
33. What inhibits the RANK stimulation of osteoclasts? 33. Osteoprotegerin
34. How? 34. Blocks RANK binding to the osteoclast, competitive inhibition

Hormonal Effects on Bone Metabolism

35. If considering estrogen replacement therapy, when should it be started for maximal benefit? 35. Within 5 to 10 years of menopause
36. Generally speaking, how does estrogen work? 36. Decreases both bony resorption and formation
But resorption is decreased much more than formation
37. What are two pharmacologic alternatives to estrogen therapy? 37. Alendronate


38. What are osteocytes stimulated by? 38. Calcitonin
39. What are osteocytes inhibited by? 39. PTH
40. How does mechanical stimulation work? 40. Increases prostaglandin E2 production (stimulus)
41. How are osteons connected to one another? 41. By haversian canals
42. What are the extensive networks of osteonal processes that allow communication? 42. Canaliculi
43. What is the outer osteonal border called? 43. Cement line
44. What lies in between osteons? 44. Interstitial lamellae

Composition of Bone

45. What is the principal organic component of bone? 45. Type I collagen
46. What is the composition of a collagen fibril? 46. Two α1 chains
Two α2 chains
47. How is collagen secreted? 47. Secreted as procollagen
48. Then what happens? 48. Cross-linked after secretion
49. What is the difference between a hole and a pore? 49. Holes are the spaces between the ends of collagen molecules
Pores are the spaces between the sides of the collagen molecules
50. What are the three noncollagenous matrix proteins of bone? 50. Osteocalcin
51. What stimulates osteocalcin production? 51. 1,25-vitamin D
52. What inhibits osteocalcin production? 52. PTH
53. Osteocalcin attracts what cell type? 53. Osteoclasts
54. What are osteocalcin levels a marker of? 54. Bone metabolism
55. Bone mineralization consists of what two processes? What are the key features of each? 55. Initiation (sialoproteins, pores, high-energy requirement)
Growth (osteocalcin, coalescing areas of mineralization)
56. What are the three laboratory markers of bone resorption? 56. Urinary hydroxyproline
Urinary pyridoline
57. What are the laboratory markers of bone formation? 57. Alkaline phosphate

Properties of Mature Bone

58. Normal mature bone is of what type? 58. Lamellar
59. What is the defining characteristic of lamellar bone? 59. Remodeled along lines of stress
60. What are the two subtypes of lamellar bone? 60. Cortical
61. In contrast, immature or pathologic bone is of what type? 61. Woven
62. Bone is strongest in what direction? Weakest in what direction? 62. Strongest in compression
Weakest in shear
63. When bone is under torsion, where is the greatest load experienced? 63. Maximum load experienced at 45 degrees to the long axis of the bone
64. What is the basic premise of Wolff’s law? 64. Increased stress leads to increased bone formation
65. Piezoelectric charges: is compression electropositive or negative? 65. Compression results in a negative charge
66. The negative charge then leads to what process? 66. Bone formation
67. Is tension electropositive or negative? 67. Positive charge
68. What does the positive charge lead to? 68. Bone resorption
69. What is the Heuter-Volkmann law? Give an example of where this law applies. 69. Compression inhibits growth
Tension stimulates growth
Example: scoliosis
70. At what age is peak bone mass achieved? 70. End of the third decade of life (the 20s)
71. What is the annual rate of bone loss after peak? 71. 0.3 to 0.5% per year
72. What is the annual rate of bone loss after menopause, without treatment? 72. 2 to 3% per year for 6 to 10 years after menopause
73. Is the observed postmenopausal decline simply estrogen related? 73. Not just estrogen, but changes in calcium metabolism also
Decreased intestinal calcium absorption
Increased calcium losses

Blood Supply of Mature Bone

74. Is the nutrient system high or low pressure? 74. High pressure
75. What does it supply? 75. Inner two thirds of bone
76. Is the periosteal system high or low pressure? 76. Low pressure
77. What does it supply? 77. Outer one third of bone
78. In what direction does blood flow in the adult? 78. Nutrient to periosteal
79. In what direction does blood flow in immature bone? 79. Opposite direction of flow

Fracture Healing

80. What is the principal determinant of fracture healing? 80. Blood supply
81. What are the three components of the sequence of changes in blood supply after fracture? 81. Immediate decrease in blood supply
Increased vascularity (maximal at 2 weeks)
Return to normal by 3 to 5 months
82. What is the effect of reaming? 82. Destroys endosteal blood supply
83. What are the three effects of nicotine on fracture healing? 83. Increased time to fracture healing
Increased risk of nonunion
Decreased fracture callus strength
84. Nicotine use is associated with increased risk of fractures at which locations? 84. Increases risk of wrist and hip fractures
85. How does smoking affect lumbar fusion rates? 85. Increases the pseudarthrosis rate of lumbar fusion by 500%
86. What is the two-step sequence of callus types formed after fracture? 86. Bridging (soft) callus within 2 weeks
Replaced by woven bone (hard callus)
87. Callus is ultimately remodeled over what period? 87. Remodeled to lamellar bone within 7 years
88. What two types of bone formation are seen with cast treatment of fracture? 88. Periosteal bridging callus
Enchondral ossification
89. Is there any difference with intramedullary (IM) nail treatment? 89. IM nail treatment also results in medullary callus formation late
90. Under what two conditions can intramembranous bone formation (no cartilage precursor) be seen after fracture? 90. Low strain
High oxygen tension
91. What type of chondrocytes are present in the first 10 days after fracture? 91. Proliferative chondrocytes
92. What collagen type do they produce? 92. Type II
93. What other collagen type is present in the chondroid phase? 93. Type IX: cross-linking function
94. After 14 days, what chondrocyte type is present? 94. Hypertrophic chondrocytes
95. What type of collagen do they produce? 95. Type X
96. What are the next three steps? 96. Calcification
Osteoclasts resorb matrix
Osteoblasts lay down new bone
97. How do hypertrophic nonunions heal? 97. Mineralization of fibrocartilage
98. What other treatment modality has a similar mechanism? 98. Pulsed electromagnetic field treatment (bone stimulator)
99. Rate the four tissue types from highest to lowest strain tolerances? 99. Granulation tissue (100% strain tolerance)
Fibrous tissue

Additional Fracture Treatment Modalities

100. At what phase of fracture healing does direct current exert an effect? 100. Inflammatory-response phase
101. At what phase of fracture healing does alternating current exert an effect? 101. Repair phase (callus)
102. What is the effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields? 102. Initiates fibrocartilage calcification
103. What is the classic application of this technology? 103. Nonhealing pseudo-Jones fracture
104. What are the two benefits of pulsed low-intensity ultrasound? 104. Accelerated fracture healing
Increased callus strength
105. What are the two detrimental effects of radiation? 105. Decreased cellularity
Decreased callus strength

Distraction Osteogenesis

106. How long should the latency phase last? 106. 5 to 7 days
107. What is the desired rate of distraction during distraction phase? 107. 1 mm/day
108. What is the duration of the consolidation phase? 108. Twice as long as the distraction phase
109. What is the weight-bearing status throughout treatment? 109. Weight-bearing as tolerated (WBAT)
110. What changes are seen in blood vessels? 110. Proliferation of vasa vasorum
111. What is the oxygen tension with distraction osteogenesis? 111. High oxygen tension
112. So what type of bone formation is seen under these low-strain, high oxygen tension conditions? 112. Intramembranous bone formation (no cartilage precursor)

Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism: Key Concepts


113. What is the daily calcium intake recommendation for healthy children and adults? 113. 750 mg
114. What is the daily calcium intake recommendation for teenagers, pregnant women, and individuals with healing fractures? 114. 1500 mg
115. What is the daily calcium intake recommendation for lactating mothers? 115. 2000 mg
116. What is the mechanism of calcium absorption in the duodenum? 116. Active transport
117. What is the mechanism of calcium absorption in the jejunum? 117. Passive diffusion
118. What is the mechanism of calcium absorption in the kidney? 118. Proximal tubular resorption
119. What percentage of total body calcium is within plasma? 119. 1%
120. What are the relative proportions of bound vs. unbound plasma calcium? 120. Bound = unbound
121. What are the two principal regulators of plasma calcium concentration? 121. PTH
1,25-vitamin D


122. What are the relative proportions of bound vs. unbound plasma phosphate? 122. Unbound predominates
123. What is the principal site of phosphate resorption within the kidney? 123. Proximal tubule

Parathyroid Hormone

124. What type of molecule is parathyroid hormone (PTH)? 124. Peptide
125. Where is PTH produced? 125. Chief cells of the parathyroid gland
126. What is the stimulus for release of PTH? 126. Low plasma calcium concentration
127. What receptor detects calcium concentration? 127. Calcium sensing receptor (CaSR)
128. In what organ and gland can this receptor be found? 128. Kidney
Parathyroid gland
129. What type of receptor is CaSR? 129. G-protein-coupled receptor
130. What are the three effects of CaSR activation within the parathyroid gland? 130. PTH secretion
PTH gene expression
Cellular proliferation
131. In what organ and in what cells can PTH receptors be found? 131. Kidney
132. What are PTH’s two actions on the kidney? 132. Increase 1,25-vitamin D production
Decrease resorption of renal phosphate
133. What are PTH’s three actions on the bone? 133. Stimulate osteoblasts
Osteoblasts produce RANK ligand
RANK ligand stimulates osteoclasts
134. What is the net effect of PTH on plasma calcium and phosphate concentrations? 134. Increased plasma calcium
Decreased plasma phosphate

1,25-Vitamin D

135. What type of molecule is 1,25-vitamin D? 135. Steroid
136. As vitamin D is activated to 1,25-vitamin D, what are the two sites of hydroxylation? 136. First: liver
Second: kidney
137. What are the three stimuli for release of 1,25-vitamin D? 137. Low serum calcium concentration
Low serum phosphate concentration
Elevated PTH levels
138. What are the two effects of 1,25-vitamin D? 138. Increased intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate
Increased osteoclast activity
139. What is the net effect of 1,25-vitamin D on plasma calcium and phosphate concentrations? 139. Increased plasma calcium
Increased plasma phosphate


140. What type of molecule is calcitonin? 140. Peptide
141. Where is calcitonin produced? 141. Clear cells (parafollicular cells) of the thyroid gland
142. What is the stimulus for release of calcitonin? 142. Elevated serum calcium
143. What is the effect of calcitonin? 143. Inhibits osteoclast activity

Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism: Pathologic States

Primary Hyperparathyroidism

144. What is a common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism? 144. Adenoma of one parathyroid gland
145. If four glands are affected, what diagnosis must be considered? 145. Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndrome
146. What is the effect of primary hyperparathyroidism on 1,25-vitamin D levels? 146. Increased 1,25-vitamin D
147. What is the effect of primary hyperparathyroidism on serum calcium concentration? 147. Increased serum calcium
148. What is the effect of primary hyperparathyroidism on serum phosphate concentration? 148. Decreased serum phosphate
149. What is the hydration status of hypercalcemic patients? 149. Generally dehydrated as hypercalcemia leads to polyuria
150. What is osteitis fibrosa cystica? 150. Resorption of bone due to PTH overactivity and replacement with fibrous tissue
151. What are the two characteristic histologic features of brown tumors? 151. Giant cells
152. What are the other systemic effects of hypercalcemia? 152. Renal stones
Psychiatric disorders
Abdominal pain
153. What are the four available hypercalcemia treatment methods? 153. Saline hydration
Loop diuretics


154. What is the most common cause of hypoparathyroidism? 154. Iatrogenic
155. What is the effect on serum calcium concentration? 155. Decreased serum calcium
156. What is the effect on serum phosphate concentration? 156. Increased serum phosphate (because low PTH levels)
157. What is the effect on 1,25-vitamin D levels? 157. Decreased 1,25-vitamin D
158. What is the characteristic radiographic finding on skull films? 158. Calcification of the basal ganglia


159. What is the cause of pseudohypoparathyroidism? 159. No PTH effect at target cells
160. Inheritance? 160. X-linked dominant (XLD)
161. Quick review: what other disorder has a similar inheritance pattern? 161. Hypophosphatemic rickets
162. What gene is involved? 162. GNAS1
163. Mutation? 163. Gα subunit
164. Quick review: in what two other clinical situations do G-proteins play a vital role? 164. Fibrous dysplasia
CaSR function
165. What is the PTH level in pseudohypoparathyroidism? 165. Normal or high
166. What is the serum calcium concentration? 166. Low serum calcium
167. What is the serum phosphate concentration? 167. Elevated serum phosphate (again, no PTH effect)
168. What is the effect on 1,25-vitamin D levels? 168. Low 1,25-vitamin D
169. Give an example of a disorder associated with pseudohypoparathyroidism? 169. Albright syndrome
170. What are the four characteristic features of pseudohypoparathyroidism? 170. Short metacarpals
Bony exostoses
Mental retardation
171. Quick review: what is another disorder that is associated with obesity and mental retardation? 171. Prader-Willi


172. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism is phenotypically similar to what? 172. Pseudohypoparathyroidism
173. What is the serum calcium concentration? 173. Normal
174. What is the target cell response to PTH? 174. Normal

Renal Failure Osteodystrophy

175. What are the two general types of renal failure osteodystrophy? 175. High turnover
Low turnover (excess aluminum leads to decreased metabolic activity)
176. With the high turnover type, what is the serum phosphate level? 176. Elevated due to renal failure/inability to dump phosphate
177. … the serum calcium level? 177. Low because with elevated phosphate, calcium precipitates out of solution
178. … the PTH level? 178. Elevated, because high phosphate levels lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism
179. What are the two components of the treatment for high turnover renal osteodystrophy? 179. Phosphate binders (antacids)
Activated oral vitamin D
180. With the low turnover type, what is the serum calcium level? 180. Normal
181. … the serum phosphate level? 181. Normal
182. … the PTH level? 182. Low
183. … the 1,25-vitamin D level? 183. Low because of impaired renal hydroxylase
184. With renal osteodystrophy, what is the clinical appearance of the spine? 184. Rugger jersey spine
185. What other disorder also exhibits a rugger jersey spine? 185. Osteopetrosis
186. What other generalized bony changes are present? 186. Osteitis fibrosa cystica due to secondary hypoparathyroidism
187. Chronic dialysis treatment also leads to what disorder? 187. Amyloidosis

Renal Tubular Acidosis

188. With renal tubular acidosis, what two ions are lost in the urine? 188. Sodium
189. What is the key lab value for diagnosis? 189. Urine calcium > serum calcium
190. What is the treatment of renal tubular acidosis? 190. Alkalinize the urine
191. Renal tubular acidosis is phenotypically similar to what disorder? 191. Rickets
192. Quick review: What are three other situations in which calcium losses can exceed intake? 192. Postmenopausal woman (increased urine calcium, decreased absorption)
Elevated glucocorticoids (increased urine calcium)
Osteogenic rickets (fibroblast growth factor-23 [FGF-23])


Nutritional Rickets: Vitamin D Deficiency

193. What is the suggested daily intake of vitamin D for healthy adults? 193. 200 international units (IU)
194. What is the suggested daily intake of vitamin D for children, pregnant women, and lactating mothers? 194. 400 IU
195. What is the only natural dietary source of vitamin D? 195. Oily fish
196. What is the serum calcium level with vitamin D deficiency? 196. Decreased (due to decreased absorption)
197. What is the resulting effect on PTH? 197 Increased (in response to low calcium)
198. What two clinical features of nutritional rickets are most sensitive and specific? 198. Wrist enlargement
Costochondral enlargement
199. What is the serum phosphate level? 199. Decreased (due to high PTH)
200. What does treatment of vitamin D deficiency rickets consist of? 200. 5000 IU per day of vitamin D

Nutritional Rickets: Calcium Deficiency

201. Deficient calcium intake has what effect on PTH levels? 201. PTH levels become elevated
202. What effect does this have on vitamin D levels? 202. Increases vitamin D levels (attempt to absorb greater amounts of calcium, phosphate)
203. What are serum phosphate levels? 203. May actually be low (due to elevated PTH)
204. What is the treatment of calcium deficiency rickets? 204. 750 mg/day of calcium

Nutritional Rickets: Phosphate Deficiency

205. Deficient phosphate intake has what effect on PTH levels? 205. None (PTH responds only to high phosphate)
206. What effect does low serum phosphate have on vitamin D levels? 206. Increases vitamin D levels (attempt to absorb greater amounts of phosphate)
207. What is the treatment of phosphate deficiency rickets? 207. Oral phosphate supplementation

Vitamin D-Dependent Rickets Type I

208. Inheritance? 208. Autosomal recessive (AR)
209. Mutation? 209. Defect in renal 1,25-hydroxylase
210. What is the effect of defective hydroxylase? 210. No conversion of inactive vitamin D to active form
211. What is the characteristic clinical feature? 211. Rachitic rosary responsive to vitamin D
212. What is the resulting serum calcium level? 212. Decreased
213. What is the resulting serum phosphate level? 213. Decreased (due to decreased absorption)
214. What is the resulting serum PTH level? 214. Elevated (in response to low calcium)
215. What is the treatment of vitamin D-dependent rickets (VDDR) type I? 215. Oral activated vitamin D

Vitamin D-Dependent Rickets Type II

216. Defect? 216. No receptor for 1,25-vitamin D at target cells
217. What is the serum level of 1,25-vitamin D? 217. Very high
218. What is the serum level of active vitamin D in type I? 218. Very low in type I
219. What are the two characteristic clinical features? 219. Alopecia
Rachitic rosary unresponsive to vitamin D therapy
220. What is the treatment of VDDR type II? 220. Vitamin D analogue
221. What is the relative severity of both types of vitamin D dependent rickets vs. nutritional rickets? 221. Vitamin D dependent rickets I and II are more severe

Hypophosphatemic Rickets

222. What is the relative frequency of hypophosphatemic rickets as a cause of rickets? 222. Most common cause in the United States
223. What is the inheritance? 223. XLD
224. What is the mutation? 224. Impaired renal tubular absorption of phosphate
225. What is the gene? 225. PHEX
226. This disorder is also known as what? 226. Vitamin D resistant rickets
227. What is the serum phosphate level? 227. Low, because a lot of phosphate is lost in the urine
228. What is the resulting PTH level? 228. Normal (no PTH response to low serum phosphate)
229. What is the serum calcium level? 229. Normal
230. What is the classic triad of clinical features? 230. Short child
Lower limb deformities
Low serum phosphate
231. What are the two components of treatment of hypophosphatemic rickets? 231. High-dose phosphate replacement
High-dose vitamin D (to facilitate phosphate absorption)


232. What is the inheritance? 232. AR
233. What is the defect? 233. Enzymatic deficiency leads to low levels of alkaline phosphate
234. Clinical features are similar to what group of disorders? 234. Nutritional rickets
235. How is hypophosphatasia diagnosed? 235. Elevated urinary phosphoethanolamine
236. What is the treatment of hypophosphatasia? 236. No good options exist

Review of Key Points of Confusion

237. High-turnover renal osteodystrophy displays clinical features similar to what other disorder? 237. Primary hyperparathyroidism (for example, osteitis fibrosa cystica)
238. The renal osteodystrophy spine has what appearance? 238. Rugger jersey spine
239. This spine appearance is also associated with what other disorder? 239. Osteopetrosis
240. Hypophosphatasia displays clinical features similar to what other disorder? 240. Nutritional rickets
241. The spine has what appearance in hypophosphatasia? 241. Rachitic rosary (like rickets)

Paget’s Disease

242. What are three proposed viral etiologies for Paget’s disease? 242. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Canine distemper virus
243. What is the typical clinical presentation of Paget’s? 243. Bone pain
244. Within a given bone, how does Paget’s progress? 244. Starts at one end and progresses to the other
245. What is the radiographic appearance of progression? 245. Leading “lytic flame”
246. Laboratory findings include increased levels of what four substances? 246. Alkaline phosphate
Urinary hydroxyproline
247. What are the three key histologic features? 247. Osteoclasts with viral inclusion bodies (paramyxovirus)
Cement lines
Relative osteoblastic or osteoclastic appearance depends on phase of disease
248. What is the treatment of Paget’s disease? 248. Bisphosphonates
249. What other clinical conditions occur secondary to Paget’s disease in the spine? 249. Spinal stenosis
250. What other clinical conditions occur secondary to Paget’s disease in the heart? 250. High output cardiac failure
251. What other clinical conditions occur secondary to Paget’s disease in the auditory system? 251. Deafness
252. What does the new onset of severe pain and swelling in a patient with known Paget’s suggest? 252. Malignant osteosarcoma
253. How often does this occur? 253. In 10% of patients


Aging and Bone Metabolism

254. What effect does aging have on stomach acidity? 254. Decreased acidity
255. What effect does the change in acidity have on calcium absorption? 255. Decreased calcium absorption
256. What effect does aging have on vitamin D requirements? 256. Increased vitamin D requirements with age


257. Is osteoporosis a quantitative or qualitative deficiency of bone? 257. Quantitative (not enough bone)
Compare to rickets (qualitative; poor quality bone)
258. What are the common laboratory findings in patients with osteoporosis? 258. Generally normal
259. What is the definition of osteoporosis in terms of T-score? 259. T-score of -2.5 or less
260. What are the two indications for treatment of osteoporosis? 260. T score of -2.5
History of any osteoporotic fracture
261. Compare the definitions of T-score and Z-score? 261. T-score is the number of standard deviations away from mean peak bone mass (comparison to 25-year-old population)
Z-score is the number of standard deviations away from mean bone mass in age-matched population (comparison to population of the same age as the patient)
262. What two imaging modalities are most commonly used to arrive at a T-score? 262. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan
Quantitative computed tomography (CT) scan
263. How much bone must be lost before a change in plain x-ray appearance is evident? 263. 30%
264. Does a DEXA scan evaluate cancellous and cortical bone individually? 264. No, together
265. Does a quantitative CT scan evaluate cancellous and cortical bone individually? 265. Yes, can separate
266. What is the downside of quantitative CT? 266. Increased radiation
267. What test is the most accurate for determining bone density? 267. Quantitative CT
268. What test is the most reliable for predicting fracture risk? 268. DEXA scan
269. What are the two general types of osteoporosis? 269. Type I: postmenopausal
Type II: age related (>75 years old)
270. With type I osteoporosis, what type of bone is principally affected? 270. Trabecular bone (cancellous)
271. Give two examples of typical type I fractures? 271. Vertebral body fractures
Distal radius fractures
272. With type II osteoporosis, what type of bone is principally affected? 272. Trabecular and cortical bone
273. Give two examples of typical type II fractures? 273. Hip fracture
Pelvic fracture
274. How do bisphosphonates affect osteoclast microstructure? 274. Disrupt microtubules within the ruffled border
275. How do they disrupt macrostructure? 275. Disrupt protein prenylation
276. What disadvantageous effect do high-dose bisphosphonates have? 276. Disrupt calcium deposition also, not just resorption

Osteoporosis in the Spinal Cord Injured Patient

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Jun 7, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Basic Science

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277. Over what period of time does the peak bone loss occur? 277. First 16 months after injury
278. After that period of time, how much bone mass remains? 278. Two thirds of the preinjury bone mass
279. What anatomic region is most affected by bone loss? 279. Knee
280. What anatomic region is most spared by bone loss?