Back pain in the elderly

Chapter 31 Back pain in the elderly

Case 31.1

Case 31.2

7. What investigations are required? Why? What would you expect based on the physical examination findings?

Initial screening of a suspected AAA is done by the use of abdominal ultrasound. Although it is recognised that computed tomography (CT) scanning is the definitive means of assessing the size of AAA,[4] some studies suggest that ultrasound gives a more accurate determination of true maximal AAA diameter.[4] Scanning is required to assess the size of the aneurysm and also to asses for rupture and blood leaking into the abdominal cavity or retroperitoneal space. In David’s case you would expect to see an enlarged section of aorta, consistent with an aneurysm, and based on the history of abdominal pain and signs of hypovolaemic shock, rupture of the vessel wall.

9. Describe the factors which increase the likelihood of developing this condition.

There is some debate in the literature as to what risk factors are specific to the cause of AAAs and at the moment it is possible to say that the exact cause is unknown. It would appear that older age (over 60 years), male gender, smoking and family history of AAA all contribute to an increased risk of developing AAAs.[3,5,6,7,8] Traditionally, hypercholesterolemia was thought to play a role in the development of AAA through the process of atherosclerosis. Although AAA is not a direct result of atherosclerosis, atherosclerosis does appear to contribute to AAA development.[8] Interestingly, diabetes appears to have a protective effect against AAA formation. Hypertension, although not a risk factor for the development of AAAs, appears to increase the growth rate of already established AAAs.[8] Genetic diseases, such as Marfan’s and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, also increase the risk of developing AAAs.

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Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Back pain in the elderly

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