Back pain in the elderly

Chapter 31 Back pain in the elderly

Case 31.1


Larry is a 71-year-old male, in seemingly good physical condition, but with longstanding low back pain with diffuse radiation to both lower extremities without specific nerve root distribution. The pain is bilateral, but somewhat worse on the right side of the lower back. It is of a chronic nature and accompanied by stiffness. It is less severe in the morning and increases during the day.

For several years Larry has had stiffness after sitting and getting up in the morning. Three years ago he had an acute case of sciatica, located to the left side. The sciatica gradually got better with medication. Eighteen months later and ‘back to normal’, he suddenly began to experience pain in both lower extremities, especially distally, after running. This was accompanied by numbness and paresthaesia.

These symptoms gradually worsened, and within a few months he could not walk back and forth to his mail box (about 200 meters), without sitting down or stopping to rest. His symptoms seemed to improve more rapidly when he assumed a squatting position or lay down, rather than standing still or sitting.

The back pain, on the other hand, was aggravated by flexion/extension in all planes, as well as long periods of standing and sitting. None of his symptoms seemed to be temperature sensitive.

Larry has also complained about neck and shoulder pains.

He had not been involved in any severe accidents or had any serious illnesses which required hospitalisation. He had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus a few years earlier and suffers from haemochromatosis, which is controlled by giving blood every 3 months.

Physical examination

General Larry is well built and appears healthy, and looks younger than his stated age. He had some difficulties getting up from the sitting position and has a somewhat staccato gait
Vitals • Pulse rate/min 74
• Respiratory rate/min 14
• Blood pressure mm Hg 120/84
• Height (cm) 185
• Weight (kg) 85
• BMI 25
• Temperature (degrees C) 36.6



Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Back pain in the elderly

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