The objective of this exploratory study was to investigate and underline the contrasts between African and Canadian pregnant women, and their living conditions. We also intended to evaluate how they compared on low back pain, a condition that seems common across all pregnant women everywhere in the world.
Subjects and method
Thirty Beninese and 50 Canadian women were surveyed with demographic disability questionnaires O.D.I at approximately 25 weeks of pregnancy.
There were large differences between the two groups due to the differences between the life style. Beninese women were more likely to be self-employed or housewives, while Canadian women were more likely to be employed. Beninese women worked for 18 hours more per week, and had on average one more child at home. A higher percentage of Beninese women reported back pain, 83% versus 58% for Canadian women, but the disability scores were in the “moderate disability” range for both groups. A higher percentage of Beninese women also reported at least severe disability, 33% versus 14% for Canadian women.
The results suggest that the higher percentages of Beninese women affected by back pain and by severe back pain is related to the longer hours worked and more strenuous physical work performed.
L’objectif de cette étude exploratoire consistait à étudier les conditions de vie ainsi que les douleurs du bas du dos de femmes enceintes. Notre étude s’est intéressée en particulier à des femmes béninoises et canadiennes.
Sujets et méthode
Trente femmes béninoises et 50 canadiennes ayant atteint la 25 e semaine de grossesse ont fait l’objet d’une enquête menée à l’aide d’un questionnaire démographique et d’une évaluation d’incapacité fonctionnelle ODI.
Compte tenu des différences de conditions de vie entre les deux pays, de grandes différences entre les deux groupes apparaissent. Si les femmes béninoises travaillaient le plus souvent à leur compte ou étaient femmes au foyer, les femmes canadiennes étaient majoritairement salariées. Les Béninoises travaillaient 18 heures supplémentaires par semaine et élevaient également en moyenne un enfant de plus à la maison. Un pourcentage plus élevé (83 %) de celles-ci se plaignaient de douleurs dorsales ; chez les femmes canadiennes, le chiffre ne s’élevait qu’à 58 %, mais les degrés d’incapacité constatés dans les deux groupes se situaient dans la fourchette « incapacité modérée ». Un pourcentage plus important de femmes béninoises (33 %) faisaient état d’incapacité sévère, voire invalidante ; chez les femmes canadiennes interrogées, ce chiffre ne s’élevait qu’à 14 %.
Les résultats suggèrent que les pourcentages plus élevés de femmes béninoises souffrant de douleurs dorsales, voire de douleurs dorsales sévères, sont liés au plus grand nombre d’heures de travail et à des tâches ménagères nettement plus contraignantes sur le plan physique.
English version
Back pain and/or pelvic pain are common complaints among pregnant women in Western countries and have been the subject of many publications, as reported in a review of 106 papers by Wu et al. (2004) and other review articles . Most earlier studies did not distinguish between pregnancy-related low back pain (affecting the lumbar spine area) and pelvic pain (affecting one or both sacro-iliac joints and/or symphysis pubis) possibly because it is not easy to discriminate between them from site, character, intensity and related disability of pain unless specific tests are used . In addition, the two syndromes are sometimes combined . From their review, Wu et al. reported that around 45% pregnant women suffered from pelvic girdle pain and/or low back pain, of whom 25% had severe pain and 8% had severe disability. The aetiology of the pain is still unclear though a number of factors have been investigated for association with pain. Strenuous work, previous low back pain and history of pregnancy-related pelvic girdle or low back pain were shown to be strong predictors of pregnancy-related back/pelvic pain . Conversely, maternal weight and weight gain were not related to back/pelvic pain . No relation between fatigability of back muscles and back pain was found by Dumas et al. in a longitudinal study with a small sample, but muscle dysfunction was associated to back pain by Sihnoven et al. . It has also been demonstrated that, in late pregnancy, motion in pelvic girdle joints is larger in women with pelvic girdle pain than in pain-free women by Mens et al. . Another study by Albert et al. found associations between both physical and psychosocial factors including parity, stress and poor job satisfaction, and pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain.
Pregnancy-related back or pelvic girdle pain can reduce the ability of women to perform their regular work. It has been shown that women with more control over their work pace and breaks had better health by Wergeland and Stand and less back pain (Cheng et al. ). In late pregnancy, staying in a confined area and having restricted space were related to more severe back pain . These factors could be used as a basis for job adjustment for pregnant women.
It had been suggested that the increased number of claims in Western countries was related to the welfare system of these countries. In a comparative paper with a provocative title, “Is pelvic pain in pregnancy a welfare complaint?” Björklund and Bergström , showed that pregnancy-related pelvic pain is also frequent in countries with different social structures and socioeconomic conditions, like Tanzania and Zanzibar.
A few other studies have reported back and pelvic pain prevalence and their characteristics during pregnancy in African countries. In an early study, Nwuga reported that nearly 90% of the women in a sample of 99 upper class Nigerian women experienced some back pain during their pregnancies. In 80% of cases, the pain was rated as “mild” or “very mild”, but in 10% of cases, the pain was rated as “severe”. More recently, Ayanniyi et al. surveyed more than 1900 pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Nigeria. A little more than half the women surveyed (52.5%) reported back pain, two third of them in the low back area, and about one quarter (24%) in the posterior pelvic area. The back pain group had on average higher gravidity than the pain-free group.
Previous work has associated back pain with heavy physical work in Western countries for men and pregnant women . Similar results were found in the African context in a study of 4001 Lesotho mothers with children under the age of 5 . The author reported approximately 10% of prevalence of severe back pain while approximately 50% of the women experienced moderate or mild low back pain. Severe low back pain was associated with intensive farm work, residing in a rural (rather than urban) area, and gravidity.
The objective of this exploratory study was to describe and underline the contrasts between African and Canadian pregnant women, and their living conditions. We also intended to evaluate how they compared on low back pain, a condition that seems common across all pregnant women everywhere in the world.
Beninese women
A sample of convenience of thirty women attending antenatal clinics in the capital city of Porto-Novo and the rural town of Bopa were recruited and volunteered to participate in the study following screening performed by their midwives or gynaecologists. Participants gave verbal consent after the purpose of the study was explained to them. The study received approval from the Comité Scientifique sectoriel STAPS that assumes the functions of departmental Ethics Committee for the INJEPS.
Canadian women
Canadian participants were initially recruited for a study on back pain and muscle fatigability. As part of the study, they completed a demographics questionnaire and the Oswestry Disability Index (O.D.I.) .
Recruitment was done through advertisements in newsletters, posters put up and flyers distributed in obstetrics and ultrasound clinics, general practitioners and midwifes offices, and other appropriate locations. The study was approved by the Queen’s University Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethics Board (REB# MECH-013-01). Exclusion criteria were dictated by the muscle strength part of the study and were: severe back pain (diagnostic of serious back problem or back pain requiring medical treatment, changes in occupations or leisure, or days off work in the last year), and; risk of miscarriage or early delivery. Overall, 50 women provided complete data sets.
Two different questionnaires were administered. First, the Demographic Questionnaire covered general demographic information intended to portray the living conditions of pregnant women; age, anthropometric data, information about children, marital status, income, etc. The last question inquired about the occurrence of low back pain prior to the current pregnancy and at any other time during the participant’s life. Women were asked to refer to back pain as “ache, pain or discomfort in the back, whether or not it extends from there to one or both legs”. The pain would be described as “aching, stiffness, burning, numbness, or tingling” . No further effort was made to differentiate between low back pain and pelvic girdle pain. The questionnaire was first developed in English, and later translated in French for the Benin part of the study.
Next, the O.D.I. questionnaire was administered as a standard measure to evaluate the level of disability of the participants affected by back pain. The O.D.I. is one of the best evaluated questionnaires and it is considered to be valid, reliable, and responsive for low back pain , A translation in French has recently been published and validated for a European population by Vogler et al. but it was not available at the time of data collection. The O.D.I measures the impact of back pain on 10 daily activities such as sitting and walking as well as socializing and travelling. Participants were first asked about their back pain since the beginning of their pregnancy and then if they reported suffering from back pain, they were instructed to fill out the O.D.I. referring to their worst back pain episode for that period of time. One question was excluded as we believed it would be inappropriate (and possibly leading to untruthful answers) to ask African women about the effect of back pain on their sex lives. The total O.D.I. score was therefore calculated only on nine questions for both groups, which does not affect the validity of the score according to the authors of the questionnaire.
Data collection
Questionnaires were administered by four research assistant students who had received specific instruction as part of their research methodology training. The research assistants read the questions to the participants and recorded their answers. For participants with no schooling, the research assistants translated the questions in the local languages and recorded their answers in French. Data collection took place in the fall of 2006. Average week of pregnancy at time of data collection was 25.33 (8.76).
The administration of the questionnaires was intended to be conducted at around 24-week of pregnancy, and thus on average women were at 24.9 weeks (1.86). Participants came to our research facilities for testing in the period from 2002 to 2005. An assistant read the questions to the participant and then wrote down their answers.
Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) were used to summarize the data of each group separately. Due to the exploratory nature of the study and the small number of subjects, no statistical tests were attempted to compare the two groups or to relate risk factors to back pain scores.
As shown in Table 1 , the two groups of women are similar in age, height, and weight prior to pregnancy, although the Canadian women at the time of the data collection were heavier by 7.9 kg. Regarding gravidity and parity, Beninese women had on average 0.85 more pregnancies and 1.06 more children, and had more children living at home, close to one child on average. Smoking habits were, or had been, frequent for some Canadian women as opposed to Beninese women who reported none. When asked about marital status, most women from both groups (70% and up) were married, either in a mono- or polygamous marriage in the case of Beninese women. While all Canadian women were literate and almost all of them had at least a college level education, 24% of Beninese women were illiterate and only one of them had reached university level.
Beninese women, n = 30 | Canadian women, n = 50 | |
Age | 26.34 (6.24) | 29.66 (4.84) |
Height (m) | 1.61 (0.07) | 1.64 (0.07) |
Weight before pregnancy (kg) a | 65.4 (9.55) | 68.23 (17.95) |
Current weight (kg) | 64.52 (11.66) | 72.23 (17.67) |
Week of pregnancy | 25.33 (8.76) | 24.9 (1.86) |
Gravidity | 1.83 (1.79) | 0.98 (1.15) |
Parity | 1.68 (1.76) | 0.62 (0.81) |
Age of the oldest child | 7.05 (4.91) | 4.63 (4.05) |
Mean age of all children | 6.79 (4.57) | 4.68 (4.02) |
Children at home | 1.62 (1.66) | 0.64 (0.8) |
Back pain prior to pregnancy | 10 (33.3%) | 33 (66%) |
Number of smokers and ex-smokers | 0 (0%) | 19 (38%) |
Marital status | ||
Single | 4 (13.3%) | 1 (2%) |
Living with someone | 3 (10%) | 10 (20%) |
Married (monogamous) | 13 (43.3%) | 38 (76%) |
Married (polygamous) | 9 (30%) | 0 (0%) |
Divorced | (0%) | 1 (2%) |
Widow | 1 (3.33%) | 0 (0%) |
Level of education b | ||
Illiterate | 8 (24%) | (0%) |
Primary school | 13 (43.3%) | 1 (2%) |
High school | 4 (13.33%) | 5 (10%) |
College | (0%) | 21 (42%) |
University | (0%) | 13 (26%) |
Graduate | 1 (3.33%) | 10 (20%) |
Occupation | ||
Housewife | 11 (36.67%) | 7 (14%) |
Student | 1 (3.33%) | 6 (12%) |
Self-employed | 15 (50%) | 2 (4%) |
Employed | 3 (10%) | 35 (70%) c |
Unemployed | 0 (0%) | 1 (2%) |
Women still working at time of survey | 10 (33.33%) | 35 (70%) |
Hours of work per week | 50.56 (17.99) | 32.74 (12.89) |
Annual household income | ||
0$–732$ d | 17 (57%) | |
732$–2000$ | 3 (10%) | |
Over 2000$ | 2 (7%) | |
0$–19 000$ d | 1 | |
20 000$–39 000$ | 9 | |
40 000$–69 000$ | 22 | |
Over 70 000$ | 18 |
c One participant reported two jobs.
Most Canadian women were employed whereas half of Beninese women were self-employed (tailor and sales occupations were the most reported) and close to a third identified themselves as housewives. All employed Canadian women were still working at the time of the survey, in contrast to only ten of employed or self-employed Beninese women. On average, Beninese women worked 18 more hours per week. More than half the Beninese women were from families with the lowest income category, while 80% of the Canadian women’s families had an income of 40,000 CAD or more.
Oswestry Disability Index
A higher percentage of Beninese women (83%) reported back pain during pregnancy than Canadian women (58%). All the women with back pain completed the O.D.I. ( Table 2 ). Beninese women scored higher on all dimensions, particularly on pain intensity (discrepancy of 1.28 with Canadian women), and travelling (discrepancy of 0.98). Both groups were most similar on lifting (discrepancy of 0.04) and Standing (discrepancy of 0.08). The final score was higher for Beninese women by 5.2%, although the scores from both groups correspond to moderate disability (20% to 40%) .
Beninese women, n = 25 | Canadian women, n = 29 | |
Pain intensity | 2.04 a | 0.76 |
Personal care | 1.04 | 0.67 |
Lifting | 2.04 | 2 |
Walking | 1.44 | 1 |
Sitting | 1.48 | 1.34 |
Standing | 1.56 | 1.48 |
Sleeping | 1.08 | 0.92 |
Social life | 1.52 | 1.09 |
Travelling | 1.88 | 0.9 |
Final score (percentage based on 9 questions) | 31.29 (21.3) b (moderate c disability) | 26.09 (16.03) (moderate disability) |
a All scores to individual questions are out of 5.
b Values are given as mean (standard deviation).
c Scores of 0–20% correspond to “minimal disability”, 20–40% to “moderate disability”, and 40% to 60% to “severe disability”, 60% to 80% to “crippled”, 80% to 100% to “bedbound” or “exaggerating” .
Severe back pain
Among all the participants, 33.33% of Beninese women, and 14% of Canadian women obtained a score on the O.D.I. corresponding to severe disability (40% to 60%) or crippled (60% to 80%). Table 3 shows the characteristics for these two groups only. All Canadian women reported suffering from back pain prior to the current pregnancy while only one Beninese woman shared the same experience. In terms of employment, all Canadian women and three Beninese women said they were still working at this stage of their pregnancy, but Beninese women reported working more, that is 10 hours per week more on average. Beninese women, though younger by approximately 4 years on average, have also had more previous pregnancies and more children than their Canadian counterparts. The two groups of women did not vary in height but Canadian participants were 12.5 kg heavier ( Table 3 ).
Beninese women, n = 10 (33.3% of all Beninese women) | Canadian women, n = 7 (14% of all Canadian women) | |
Previous back pain | 1 (10%) a | 7 (100%) |
Employed/self-employed and still working | 3 (30%) | 7 (100%) |
Hours of work per week | 51.33 (10.26) | 41.14 (9.44) |
Gravidity | 2.4 (1.96) | 0.43 (0.84) |
Parity | 2.2 (1.9) | 0.14 (0.41) |
Number of children at home | 2.4 (1.65) | 0.14 (0.41) |
Height (m) | 1.64 (0.08) | 1.64 (0.07) |
Current weight (kg) | 66.83 (8.62) | 79.33 (24.33) |
Age (years) | 27.9 (7.19) | 32.14 (5.55) |
Average score on Oswestry | 52.67 (11.57) | 48.7 (9.42) |
a Values are given as mean (standard deviation) except for the first two questions where the number of women (percentage of this group) are given.
The findings of this study showed differences between Beninese and Canadian women that are consistent with the differences between developed and developing countries; Canadian women were taller, heavier, they had less children, were more educated, most of them were employed and their household income was greater than Beninese women. Difference in weight between the two groups may be related to nutritional aspects between the two countries as recently reported in addition to the difference in stature. Concerning back pain, a larger percentage of Beninese women reported back pain, but the severity of disability measured with the O.D.I. was similar in the two groups, corresponding to moderate disability, though the score was slightly higher for the Benin group. Moreover, a greater percentage of Beninese women reported severe disability with an average O.D.I. score greater than for the Canadian group. It should be noted though that inclusion criteria introduced a bias for the Canadian group that tended to decrease the percentage of women with severe disability. However, the percentage of Canadian women reporting back pain and severe disability is comparable to the literature on Western pregnant women .
In the biopsychosocial model first proposed by Waddell 1993 , fear-avoidance beliefs and pain catastrophizing have been associated with perceived disability, including in a pregnant population . Perception, pain experience as well as beliefs and attitudes toward pain may vary in different cultures and countries, and affect reported disability. Cross-cultural differences in self-perceived dysfunction have been shown for chronic patients by Sanders et al. . This may also affect the results of this study, and should be investigated in future studies for the sub-Saharan context.
Some of the demographic differences between the two groups may explain the differences in back pain incidence. Though slightly younger, Beninese women had had one more child than Canadian women and were living with one more child at home on average. This reflects the difference in fertility rates between the two countries (5.5 births per woman in Benin, 1.6 in Canada) . Some studies have shown that women with higher parity had a higher incidence of back pain during pregnancy, but others found the opposite effect, or no effect at all .
Another difference standing out was the socioeconomic status and level of education of the subjects. Low socioeconomic status and low education are often associated with strenuous physical work. Of the 18 Beninese women who reported an occupation other than housewife, ten were in retail sales. In sub-Saharan Africa, retail sales are almost exclusively performed by women and girls. It is a physically demanding occupation in most cases, because the merchant carries the goods on her head. In the case of ambulant merchants, goods are carried throughout the working day, and they are lowered for each sale and lifted again to reposition them on the head. The loads carried are diverse and can be very high, about 30% of body weight and sometimes considerably more. Housewives in Benin also perform a number of physically demanding tasks including carrying heavy loads like water. Many tasks also involve substantial levels and durations of bending (cleaning the floor, cooking on the floor, etc.). In addition, Beninese women reported working on average 18 hours more per week than Canadian women. Strenuous physical work has been strongly associated with back pain during pregnancy . Future research should study some of the tasks performed by Beninese women, e.g. carrying loads on the head, and how they affect spinal mechanics. Furthermore, none of the Beninese women reported consuming tobacco while more than one-third of the Canadian sample consisted of smokers or ex-smokers. Smoking has been shown to be positively associated with back pain (smokers are more likely to have back pain than non-smokers), although Wu et al. considered this relation as weak. The data also showed that only one-third of Beninese women reported back pain before this pregnancy while two-thirds of Canadian women did. Previous back pain has been strongly associated with back pain during pregnancy and even shown to be the best predictor of future back pain .
When looking at the group with the highest disability scores on O.D.I. ( Table 3 ), it appears that, in both subgroups, women were on average heavier than the whole group. High maternal weight has been shown to be a risk factor for lumbo-pelvic pain in some studies and this relation was considered as positive but weak by Wu et al. .
Other factors differ between the two groups. In the Beninese subgroup, women had a greater parity by almost 1 than for the total group, while it was the opposite in the Canadian subgroup. On the other hand, the Canadian subgroup subjects worked about 8 more hours per week than the total group, but there was no difference in the Beninese group. Only one subject reported previous back pain in the Beninese subgroup while all subjects did in the Canadian one. Though the samples are small, these findings seem to indicate that severe and disabling back pain could be caused by distinct factors in Beninese and Canadian women.
The conclusions of this exploratory study are limited due to the relatively small number of subjects in each group, the larger range of stage of pregnancy in the Beninese group, and by the fact that the participants came from different socioeconomic background within their own society. In a somewhat reductive way, we could say that the Beninese subjects came mostly from the lower class, while the Canadian subjects came mostly from the middle class.
There may also have been some loss of accuracy in the completion of the questionnaires, particularly in Benin when questions and answers had to be translated by the research assistants. The back pain data may be the most affected, in part because the questions are more subjective. In addition, the O.D.I. was designed for and validated with a Western population. The questions may not capture the reality and totality of the daily life of Beninese women to the same extent. A validation of this questionnaire in a sub-Saharan country should be considered in the future if it is to be used again with this population in the same way of the method used for the translation into Arabic and validation of the ASES index in assessment of shoulder disabilities . The use of the O.D.I. in occupational health studies was also recently questioned by Dawson et al. because it is not very sensitive to lower levels of disability. In this study the O.D.I. scores ranged from minimal to severe disability in both groups.
The results of this exploratory study showed that, as expected, there were large differences between the Beninese and Canadian groups of pregnant women due to the differences between the two countries. Beninese women were more likely to be self-employed or housewives, while Canadian women were more likely to be employed. Beninese women worked for 18 hours more per week, and they had on average one more child at home. A higher percentage of Beninese (83%) women reported back pain during pregnancy, as opposed to 58% for Canadian women. Again, a higher percentage of Beninese women reported at least severe disability, 33%, versus 14% for Canadian women. The disability scores were also slightly higher for the Beninese women, but the average O.D.I. score for both groups were in the “moderate disability” range.
These results must be taken with care considering the relatively small samples, and the potential errors in questionnaire data due to translation and lack of cultural adaptation of the O.D.I. Considering the large percentage of Beninese women reporting back pain and the high disability scores reported in this exploratory study, further investigation of this problem should be considered. Avenues for future research may include developing and testing instruments to evaluate back pain and pelvic pain in Sub-Saharan pregnant women and evaluating the workload of certain groups of pregnant women and other risk factors for back pain.
Disclosure of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest concerning this article.
The authors want to acknowledge the contributions of the assistants who conducted the data collection, Juliette Assogba and Florence Dansou in Benin, and Sarah Parisi and Heather Manley in Canada, as well as Rose Gohoun who entered the data from Benin, and the subjects who participated in the two studies.

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