Associated techniques

8 Associated techniques

Soft tissue approaches

In Chapter 6 a detailed description was given of NMT in spinal, cervical, pelvic and intercostal structures, and abdominal techniques were described in Chapter 7.

In this chapter a number of additional soft tissue approaches/modalities/methods that are frequently employed alongside NMT (listed in Box 8.1) will be outlined in alphabetical order, rather than any other sequence.

Chronic shoulder restriction

An example of more focused use of elbow technique involves work on the lateral border of the scapula in cases of chronic shoulder restriction (see Fig. 8.1B).

In order to encourage more normal movement of the humerus in the glenoid fossa, as well as the free glide of the scapula on the rib-cage:

Treatment of piriformis muscle, and its central trigger points, can usefully be achieved by means of direct elbow pressure, applied to the main trigger point area in the belly of the muscle, while the side-lying patient’s leg is rotated to internally rotate the hip, in order to achieve a lengthening of the muscle. (See illustrated details of the use of the elbow in this way, later in this chapter under the heading Piriformis Technique (see Fig. 8.11)).

image imageimageChill-and-stretch (spray-and-stretch) technique

Chilling and stretching a muscle housing a trigger point rapidly assists in deactivation of the abnormal neurological behavior of the site. Travell & Mennell have described these effects in detail (Mennell 1969, 1975, Simons et al 1999, Travell 1952, Travell & Simons 1992).

Travell & Simons (1992) and Simons et al (1999) have discouraged the use of vapocoolants to chill the area, because of environmental considerations relating to ozone depletion, and have instead urged the use of stroking with ice in a similar manner to the spray stream to achieve the same effect. The objective is to chill the surface tissues while the underlying muscle housing the trigger is simultaneously stretched. They also point out that the spray is applied before or during the stretch and not after the muscle has already been elongated.

However recently, Gebauer’s Spray and Stretch (prescription) and Instant Ice (non-prescription), both non-flammable, nonozone-depleting vapocoolants, have emerged into a market that has until recently been devoid of environmentally friendly sprays. Spray and stretch techniques can therefore now not only be applied in the treatment room, but also in home care with the patient’s use of the non-prescription version – without environmental risk.

A container of vapocoolant spray with a calibrated nozzle which delivers a moderately fine jet stream, or a source of ice, is needed. The jet stream should have sufficient force to carry in the air for at least 3 feet. Experience suggests that a mist-like spray is less effective. (See Figs 8.2A,B.)

Simons & Mense (2003) report that the vapocoolant spray appears to inhibit pain and reflex motor, and autonomic responses in the central nervous system. When the pain stimuli subside a degree of relaxation takes place allowing stretching and lengthening of the muscle to be more effective and less uncomfortable (Lupandin & Kuz’mina 1985). (See Fig. 8.2C).

Ice as an alternative

Ice used to achieve the same effects as the cold spray discussed above, can comprise a cylinder of ice formed by freezing water in a paper cup and then peeling this off the ice. A wooden handle will have been frozen into the ice to allow for its ease of application, as it is rolled from the trigger towards the referred area in a series of sweeps.

The author has found that a cold soft-drink-can, that has been partially filled with water and then frozen, is more suitable, because ice applied directly onto skin melts rapidly and, as Travell & Simons (1992) have pointed out, the skin must remain dry for this method to be successful, because dampness slows the rate of cooling of the skin and may also delay rewarming.

An ice-cold, metal container, can however be rolled over the skin, and will retain its chilling potential for long enough to achieve the ends desired.


Whichever source of cold is chosen, the patient should be comfortably supported to promote muscular relaxation.

If a spray is used, the container should be held approximately 2 feet (60 cm) away, in such a manner that the jet stream meets the body surface at an acute angle or at a tangent, not perpendicularly (Figs 8.2A,B).

This lessens the shock of the impact. For the same reason, the stream is sometimes started in air, or on the practitioner’s hand, and is gradually brought into contact with the skin overlying the trigger point.

The stream/ice massage/frozen canister should be applied in one direction only, not back and forth.

Each sweep should commence in the tissues overlying the trigger point and be moved slowly and evenly outward over towards reference zone (where pain is reported as being experienced by the patient). The direction of movement of the spray/ice should follow the fibre direction of the muscle.

It appears that it is advantageous to spray, or ice-chill, both trigger and reference areas, because secondary trigger points are likely to have developed within reference zones when pain is very strong.

Clinical experience suggests that the optimum speed of movement of the sweep/roll over the skin, is approximately about 4 inches (10 cm) per second.

Each sweep should be started slightly proximal to the trigger point, and be moved slowly and evenly through the reference zone, to cover it and extend slightly beyond it.

These sweeps should be repeated in a rhythm of a few seconds on, and a few seconds off, until all the skin over trigger and reference areas has been covered once or twice.

If aching or ‘cold pain’ develops, or if the application of the spray/ice/canister sets off a reference of new pain, the interval between applications should be lengthened.

Care should be taken not to frost or blanch the skin.

During the application of cold the taut fibres should be placed at light stretch, and after the chilling should be further stretched passively.

Steady, gentle stretching is usually essential if a satisfactory result is to be achieved.

As relaxation of the muscle occurs, continued stretch should be maintained for 20–30 seconds, and after each series of cold applications active motion should be tested.

The patient should be asked to move in the directions that were restricted before spraying/chilling, or that were painful to activate.

An attempt should be made to restore the full range of motion, but always within the limits of discomfort, as sudden overstretching can increase existing muscle spasm.

The treatment is continued in this manner until the trigger points (often several are present) and their respective pain reference zones have been treated.

The entire procedure may occupy 15–20 minutes and should not be rushed.

The importance of re-establishing normal motion in conjunction with the use of the chilling is well founded. It may be that the brief interruption of pain impulses is insufficient and that input of normal impulses must also occur for the obliteration of trigger points to be successfully achieved by these means.

Simple exercises that use the principle of passive or active stretch should be outlined to the patient, to be carried out several times daily, after the application of gentle heat (hot packs, etc.) at home. Usual precautions should be mentioned, such as avoiding the use of heat if symptoms worsen or if there is evidence of inflammation.

Deep tissue release

In using NMT it is often helpful to apply a local ‘tissue release’ technique to areas of marked contraction or spasticity. In areas overlying bone, the techniques suitable for use in the abdominal region (see Specific (abdominal) release techniques, later in this chapter) are not applicable.

The method recommended is as follows:

The last stage of the release technique may be performed in one of two ways:

This soft tissue approach, which emerged from American naprapathy (a form of soft tissue manipulation popular primarily in Sweden, and the Chicago area of the United States), and an adhesion releasing method (known as ‘bloodless surgery’ between the two World Wars), has been adapted for use in the UK by McTimoney chiropractic practitioners.

Induration technique

Note: This method is suitable even in cases of great fragility (osteoporosis) because pressure is not meant to exceed an ounce or two (30 to 60 grams), at most.

imageAs many patients are too frail, or too ill, to allow the full NMT treatment to be applied, a useful technique exists to aid in normalizing reflex and local areas of the paraspinal musculature. Stoddard (1969) has pointed out that protective spasm in muscle can often indicate underlying pathology (osteoporosis, etc.) and, clearly, deep pressure techniques would be contraindicated in such conditions.

This technique, which has strong echoes of ‘strain/counterstrain’ (described later in this chapter) can be used with NMT or instead of deeper probing measures, that, for practical reasons, may be contraindicated (for example if the patient’s condition involves extreme sensitivity, inflammation or pathology).

Ischaemic compression and trigger point release

Direct inhibitory pressure has a long history of use in many forms of bodywork, including osteopathy, in order to achieve a release of hypertonic, tense tissues, spasm, cramp, etc.

Hou et al (2002) report: ‘Ischemic compression therapy provides alternative treatments using either low pressure (pain threshold) and a long duration (90 s) or high pressure (the average of pain threshold and pain tolerance) and short duration (30 s), for immediate pain relief and myofascial trigger point sensitivity suppression.’

Caution – Direct pressure should be avoided, or performed with great care:

Travell & Simons (1983, 1992) have suggested that in treatment of trigger points, these should receive ischaemic compression (‘sustained digital pressure’) for a period of between 20 seconds and 1 minute. The pressure should be gradually increased as the trigger point’s sensitivity (referred sensation, as well as the local discomfort) reduces, and the tension of the tissues housing the trigger (‘taut band’) eases. Stretching techniques should be applied following the compression; see integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique (INIT) described later in this chapter.

Fernández-De-Las-Peñas et al (2006) report on a study that verified these suggestions. ‘Ischemic compression technique and transverse friction massage were equally effective in reducing tenderness in myofascial trigger points.’

The mechanisms involved, as seen from a Western perspective, would include ‘neurological overload’, the release of endogenous morphine-like products (endorphins, enkephalins, endocannabinoids) (McPartland & Simons 2007) as well as ‘flushing’ of tissues with fresh oxygenated blood following the compression. Oriental interpretations would include modulation of energy transmission.

See Chapter 3, Box 3.5, for more detail on compression effects.


Using standard massage protocols, Field (2000) and others have demonstrated, in hundreds of research projects, that significant benefits occur in the following conditions and patient populations: enhanced growth in preterm infants, cocaine and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-exposed infants, pain reduction, during labour, pre-debridement for burn patients, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, premenstrual syndrome, migraine, children with autism, adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (enhanced attentiveness), anxiety (e.g. exam settings), depression, post-traumatic stress, adolescent psychiatric patients, adolescent mothers, bulaemia and anorexia, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune and immune disorders, diabetes mellitus (reduced glucose levels), asthma, cystic fibrosis, atopic dermatitis, HIV-positive adults, oncology patients.

Some of Field’s explanations for the benefits of massage are summarized later in this section.

We should also not lose sight of the tried and tested effects of massage on the soft tissues. The degree of that effect will vary with the type of soft tissue manipulation employed, and the nature of the patient and the problem. Soft tissue techniques, apart from those specifically associated with NMT, may include the following.

Massage methodology

The various modes of application of massage (e.g. gliding, effleurage, kneading, petrissage, compression) provide the most efficient means of applying variations of therapeutic load to tissues. Each method can be modified, depending on the desired outcome, by adjusting depth of pressure, drag (amount of tensile force applied), direction, speed, rhythm, frequency and duration of contact.

The strokes that make up massage strokes include:

Petrissage – wringing and stretching movements, across the fibre direction of muscles.

Kneading – where the hands shape themselves to the contours of the area being treated. The tissues between the hands are lifted and pressed downwards and together.

Inhibition – which involves application of pressure directly to the belly or origins or insertions of contracted muscles or to local soft tissue dysfunction for a variable amount of time or in a ‘make-and-break’ (pressure applied and then released) manner to reduce hypertonic contraction or for reflexive effects.

Effleurage – this is a relaxing technique that is used, as appropriate, to initiate or terminate other manipulative methods. Pressure is usually even throughout the strokes, which are applied with the whole hand in contact.

Vibration and friction – such contacts are used near origins and insertions and near bony attachments for relaxing effects on the muscle as a whole and to reach layers deep to the superficial tissues. It is performed by small circular or vibratory movements, with the tips of fingers or thumb. The heel of the hand may also be used.

Roulement – this involves skin lifting and rolling, which, as with most massage methods, can be used diagnostically as well as therapeutically (see earlier in this chapter for discussion of skin rolling).

Transverse or cross-fibre friction – this is performed along or across the belly of muscles using the heel of the hand, thumb or fingers applied slowly and rhythmically or vigorously, depending upon the objectives.

Tapotement – involves percussive tapping, clapping, drumming and vibrating activities, involving fingertips or the ulnar borders of the hands.

Physiological effects of massage

The biochemical influences of massage include altered stress hormone (cortisol) production (Field 2000). Perhaps surprisingly, massage fails to increase blood flow through muscle unless it is exceptionally vigorous (Shoemaker et al 1997); however, drainage efficiency is improved when light techniques are employed (Ikimi et al 1996).

Other methods that we would associate with the above techniques of traditional massage might include the various applications of NMT, as described in this text, as well as connective tissue massage techniques, which are used primarily for reflex effects.

Massage effects explained

How are the various effects of massage and soft tissue manipulation explained? Field (2000), discussing her many research findings, states:

Field further suggests that the evidence from her studies points to enhanced homeostatic function, in both infants and adults, following massage therapy, as evidenced by improved sleep patterns (and therefore higher levels of somatostatin), as well as increased serotonin levels. These thoughts are supported by the work of other researchers (Ironson et al 1993).

Apart from the undoubted anxiety and stress-reducing influences of massage, a combination of physical effects also occurs (Sandler 1983):

Soft tissues at centre stage

We are in the midst of a change in the concepts of manual therapy that has far-reaching implications. One of the major changes is the restoration of the soft tissue component to centre stage, rather than the peripheral role to which it has been assigned in the past as ever more general health problems are found to involve musculoskeletal dysfunction, for example chronic fatigue conditions (Chaitow 1990).

Lewit (1985) discusses aspects of what he describes as the ‘no man’s land’ that lies between neurology, orthopaedics and rheumatology, which, he says, is the home of the vast majority of patients with pain derived from the locomotor system, and in whom no definite pathomorphological changes are found. He makes the suggestion that these be termed cases of ‘functional pathology of the locomotor system’. These include most of the patients attending osteopathic, chiropractic and physiotherapy practitioners.

The most frequent symptom of individuals involved in this area of dysfunction is pain, which may be reflected clinically by reflex changes such as muscle spasm, myofascial trigger points, hyperalgesic skin zones, periosteal pain points, or a wide variety of other sensitive areas that have no obvious pathological origin. As the musculoskeletal system is the largest energy user in the body by far, it is no surprise that fatigue is a feature of chronic changes in the musculature. It is a major part of the role of NMT to help in identifying such areas, and also in offering some help in differential diagnosis. NMT and other soft tissue methods are then capable of positively influencing many of the causative aspects of these myriad sources of pain and disability.

Muscle energy techniques (MET) – including isolytic stretch

Muscle energy technique (MET) involves the use of isometric contractions (Mitchell et al 1998) to assist in modification of muscle and joint behavior. Variations on this basic theme involve the use of isotonic concentric, or eccentric, contractions (Schmitt 1999), or a series of rhythmically pulsating contractions (Ruddy 1961) instead of, or as well as, basic isometric variations.

Proposed MET mechanisms

Kuchera & Kuchera (1992) as well as Denslow et al (1993) have speculated on the neurological mechanisms that may follow use of MET (contract/relax version).

Some studies support the concept of neurological muscle inhibition, following MET isometric contraction. For example Moore & Kukulka (1991) found that a strong brief depression of the soleus H-reflex occurred, for about 10 seconds, following sub-maximal isometric plantar flexion contractions, probably as a result of pre-synaptic inhibition.

However simultaneous monitoring of the tibialis anterior muscle’s EMG activity revealed minimal activity, so excluding the possibility of reciprocal inhibition operating (Moore & Kukulka 1991).

Since many studies have demonstrated that active motor activity plays a minimal role in producing resistance to stretch (Magnusson et al 1996b) the question remains as to whether low-level motor activity plays a role in limiting the passive stretch of a muscle.

Self-evidently, in order for it to be accepted that MET produces increased muscle length, by means of reflex muscle relaxation, low-level motor activity needs to be shown to play a role in limiting passive stretching of muscle, and this has not been possible (Fryer 2006).

Ballentyne et al (2003) suggest that the PIR theory is poorly supported by research. Citing EMG evidence they note that ‘various studies have shown that passive stretch does not influence the electrical activity of the hamstring muscle (Klinge et al 1997, McHugh et al 1998) demonstrating that low level muscle contraction does not limit muscle flexibility, disputing the proposal of [such] a neurological mechanism.[i.e. PIR]’

Lederman (1995) states that the PIR model ignores the complex and dominant influence of the central nervous system.

Fryer (2000) points to the lack of evidence supporting muscle contraction as a factor in restricted joint ROM, or in spinal dysfunction.

Magnusson et al (1995) found that low-level EMG activity was unchanged following isometric contractions, or passive stretching.

Magnusson et al (1996a) have demonstrated that increases in muscle length, following 90 seconds of passive stretching, occurs without any change to the low-level EMG activity of that muscle.

Fryer (2006) has speculated that although the exact mechanism by which increased muscle extensibility occurs, remains unclear, it probably involves both neurophysiological and mechanical factors, possibly including viscoelastic and plastic changes in the connective tissue elements of the muscle. In fact Fryer maintains that although MET techniques produce greater ROM changes than static stretching, they also produce greater EMG activity in the muscle undergoing the stretch.

Fryer & Fossum (2008) have hypothesized a neurological explanation for the analgesic effects of MET. A sequence is suggested in which activation of muscle mechanoreceptors and joint mechanoreceptors occur, during an isometric contraction. This leads to sympatho-excitation evoked by somatic efferents and localized activation of the periaqueductal grey that plays a role in descending modulation of pain. Nociceptive inhibition then occurs at the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, as simultaneous gating takes place of nociceptive impulses in the dorsal horn, due to mechano-receptor stimulation (see Fig. 8.6C).


Figure 8.6C Schematic diagram of hypoalgesic effects of MET.

Modified from Fryer G., Fossum C. 2009. Therapeutic Mechanisms Underlying Muscle Energy Approaches. In: Physical Therapy for tension type and cervicogenic headache. Fernández de las Peñas C., Arendt-Nielsen L., Gerwin R. (Eds): Jones & Bartlett, Boston.

Alternative explanations

So if PIR and RI are not the neurophysiological mechanisms that lead to the effectiveness of MET, in increasing joint ROM, or extensibility of soft tissues, and analgesia, what does produce these results?

The phrase ‘increased tolerance to stretch’ has emerged to describe what happens, although it does not explain how it happens.

At its simplest this explanation observes that if, after an isometric contraction, the same degree of effort is used, as was employed to take the muscle or joint to its end of range, before the contraction, no increase in range or extensibility occurs.

Magnusson et al (1998, 1996b) measured the degree of applied effort used during passive knee extension, before and after the hamstrings were stretched to the point of pain. They found that both ROM and passive torque were increased following the contraction – because subjects were able to tolerate a stronger stretch.

Ballantyne et al (2003) confirmed these findings by showing that when the degree of post-test force applied to the muscle remained constant (i.e. the same as used in pre-testing), no change in length took place, suggesting that a single application of MET created a change in tolerance to stretch.

Fryer (2006) explains: ‘The application of MET would appear to decrease an individual’s perception of muscle pain, and is greater than that which occurs with passive stretching. Stretching and isometric contraction stimulate muscle and joint mechanoreceptors and proprioceptors, and it is possible that this may attenuate the sensation of pain. … MET and stretching appear to produce lasting changes in stretch tolerance, and so the mechanism is likely to be more complex than just gating at the spinal cord, and may also involve changes in the higher centres of the CNS.’

Hamilton et al (2007) suggest that techniques – such as MET – that stimulate joint proprioceptors, via the production of joint movement, or the stretching of a joint capsule, may be capable of reducing pain by inhibiting the smaller diameter nociceptive neuronal input at the spinal cord level.

What else might produce MET’s analgesic effects?

Brodin (1982), Cassidy et al (1992) and Wilson et al (2003) have all reported that there is a reduction in spinal pain, following application of MET. These reports therefore support the evidence described above, of an increased tolerance to stretch, of muscles treated by MET.

Degenhardt et al (2007) report that concentrations of several circulatory pain biomarkers (including endocannabinoids and endorphins) were altered following osteopathic manipulative treatment incorporating muscle energy, and other soft tissue techniques. The degree and duration of these changes were greater in subjects with chronic LBP than in control subjects.

McPartland (2008) and others (Pertwee 2005, Agarwal & Pacher 2007) note that the endocannabinoid (eCB) system, like the better-known endorphin system, consists of cell membrane receptors, endogenous ligands and ligand metabolizing enzymes. Two cannabinoid receptors are known:

Two of the eCB ligands, anandamide (AEA) and 2-AG, are mimicked by cannabis plant compounds. McPartland reports that: ‘AEA and 2-AG are not stored in vesicles like classic neurotransmitters. Rather they are synthesized “on demand” from precursor phospholipids in the neuron cell membrane and immediately released into the neural synapse. (Pertwee 2005). The eCB system dampens nociception and pain, and decreases inflammation in myofascial tissues.’

Agarwal & Pacher (2007) suggest that cannabinoids mediate analgesia largely via peripheral type 1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1), in pain receptors.

Alternatives to standard isometric contraction versions of MET

An isotonic eccentric stretch is one in which the practitioner overcomes the effort of the contracting muscle, stretching and simultaneously toning it (Liebenson 2006, Norris 1999, Kolar 1999).

A rapid isotonic eccentric contraction, the origin and insertion of the muscles involved are taken further apart while the muscle is contracting, due to the greater effort of the practitioner’s counterforce overcoming the muscular effort. When such a manoeuvre is performed rapidly, it is known as an isolytic contraction. Isolytic stretches are useful in cases where a marked degree of fibrotic change is present in the soft tissues. The effect is to create microtrauma during the rapid stretch, subsequently allowing an improvement in elasticity and circulation. To achieve an isolytic contraction (eccentric isotonic), the patient should be instructed to use no more than 20% of possible strength on the first contraction, which is resisted and overcome by the practitioner, in a contraction lasting 2–3 seconds. This is then repeated, but with an increased degree of effort on the part of the patient (assuming the first effort was relatively painless). This continuing increase in the amount of force employed in the contracting musculature may be continued until, hopefully, a fairly strong but painless contraction effort is possible, again to be resisted and overcome by the practitioner. In some muscles, of course, this may require a heroic degree of effort on the part of the practitioner, and alternative methods would need to be found. NMT would seem to offer one such alternative. The isolytic manoeuvre should have as its ultimate aim a fully relaxed muscle, able to reach its normal resting length. This will seldom be possible in one treatment session.

imageA slow isotonic eccentric contraction offers various important clinical benefits (Lewit 1999, Liebenson 2001, Norris 1999): To tone postural (type I) muscles that may have lost their endurance potential, a slow isotonic eccentric contraction should be performed, involving increasing degrees of effort. For example, slowly overcome flexion of the wrist forcing it into extension (i.e. the arm flexors, which are postural type I muscles, are stretched while contracting). To relax hypertonic postural (type I) muscles, a slow isotonic eccentric stretch should be performed of their inhibited antagonists (using 40–80% strength). For example, slowly overcome the extended wrist, forcing it into flexion (i.e. the arm extensors, which are phasic type II muscles, are contracting but their effort is overcome).

A concentric isotonic contraction tones the muscle that is active.

Ruddy (1961) suggested that the effects of what he termed rapid resisted duction (i.e. pulsed isometric contractions) include improved local oxygenation, enhanced venous and lymphatic circulation, as well as an improved static and kinetic posture, due to the effects on proprioceptive and interoceptive afferent pathways.

These variations, along with their particular influences, appear to produce identical benefits in terms of increased ROM and extensibility of soft tissues irrespective of which form of MET methodology is employed. For example, in a study of the use of MET in treatment of piriformis dysfunction, it was found that the same results emerged whether the agonist or the antagonist was used in the contraction phase of ME usage (Wright & Drysdale 2008). (See Figs 8.7A,B.)


Figure 8.7 Fig. 8.7A shows MET treatment of piriformis using an antagonist contraction. Fig. 8.7B shows MET treatment of piriformis using a stretch following an antagonist contraction.

Caution – Stretching of tissues should be avoided:

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