Fig. 13.1
Offset-type tensor. The tensor consists of three parts: upper seesaw plate, lower platform plate, and extra-articular main body. Two plates are connected to the extra-articular main body by the offset connection arm
13.3.2 Soft Tissue Balance with a Reduced PF Joint
We reported our experience using this device for intraoperative measurement with the PS TKA and further discussed the importance of the patellar orientation during the measurement [43, 49, 50]. First, we reported joint component gap kinematics in PS TKA with and without patellar eversion. The component gap showed an accelerated decrease during full knee extension. With the PF joint everted, the component gap increased throughout knee flexion. In contrast, the component gap with a reduced PF joint increased with knee flexion but decreased after 60° of flexion [49]. Second, we reported that intraoperative joint component gap kinematic assessment with a reduced PF joint has the possibility to predict the postoperative flexion angle and thus allows evaluation of the surgical technique throughout a range of knee motion. Both an increased value during the extension to flexion gap and a decreased value during the flexion to deep flexion gap with PF joint reduced, not everted, showed inverse correlations with the postoperative knee flexion angle, not with the preoperative flexion angle [43]. Third, we demonstrated that the correlations between the soft tissue balance, assessed by the tensor, and the navigation system were higher with a reduced PF joint than those with an everted PF joint. This suggests that surgeons should assess soft tissue balance during PS TKA with the PF joint reduced when using a navigation system [50]. In a series of intraoperative soft tissue balance assessments, we emphasized the importance of maintaining a reduced and anatomically oriented PF joint in order to obtain accurate and more physiologically relevant soft tissue balancing.
In addition to our reports, some recent studies have emphasized the importance of the physiological postoperative knee condition in assessing soft tissue balance with PF joint reduction [17, 26, 91]. Using our tensor with a 5-mm-long minute uniaxial foil strain gauge, Gejo et al. reported a similar kinematic pattern of the intraoperative joint component gap; when the patella was reduced, the joint gap was decreased at 90 and 135° of flexion (by 1.9 mm and 5.5 mm, respectively) compared with the gap with the patella everted. Patellar tendon strain at 90° of flexion, increasing with knee flexion, correlated with the joint gap difference with the patella in the everted and reduced positions. Based on their study, they concluded that the knee extensor mechanism might have an influence on the joint gap and be important in achieving the optimal joint gap balance during TKA [17]. With the use of an original tensor device that can measure the load of the spread joint gap, Yoshino et al. reported a significant difference between the loads in the patella-everted position and the reset position in flexion, but not in extension, in PS TKA. However, in CR TKA, they reported no significant difference between the loads in the patella-everted position and in patella-reset position at either extension or flexion. Therefore, they concluded that the load in the flexion gap will increase in PS TKA or, in other words, the flexion gap distance will decrease by resetting [91]. With the use of an offset-type tensor that has been developed based on our tensor, Kamei et al. reported a joint gap size and inclination measured intraoperatively on a knee in 90° flexion, with and without patellar eversion [26]. After the tibial and distal femoral cuts were made, they showed that the joint gap with the patella in situ (17.0 ± 3.4 mm) was significantly greater than that with patellar eversion (15.4 ± 3.0 mm), as was gap inclination at 90° flexion with the patella in situ (4.9° ± 3.1°) compared with that observed with patellar eversion (4.0° ± 2.9°). Based on these results, they speculated that the steeper flexion gap inclination obtained without patellar eversion induced more externally rotated femoral positioning in the absence of patellar eversion. They emphasized that these results ought to be taken into account by surgeons considering a switch from conventional to minimal incision surgery (MIS) TKA.
13.3.3 Soft Tissue Balance with Femoral Component Placement
The main concepts of measurement using the new tensor are different from the conventional tensioning device with the femoral trial component in place as well as a reduced PF joint. As the next step, accordingly, we focused on the difference in soft tissue balancing between the placement of femoral trial component and the conventional osteotomized condition. In the intraoperative assessment of soft tissue balance, the joint gap showed a significant decrease in extension, but not flexion, after femoral trial prosthesis placement. Varus ligament balances were significantly reduced in extension and increased in flexion after femoral trial placement [58]. These changes in extension might be caused by the tensed posterior structures of the knee, associated with the posterior condyle of the externally rotated, aligned femoral trial. At knee flexion, a medial tension in the extensor mechanisms might be increased after femoral trial placement with PF joint repaired and increased ligament balance in varus. We measured the “joint component gap,” which is remarkably different from the more conventional gap measurement. The joint component gap is measured with the femoral component in place, whereas the conventional gap measurement is made between the cutting surfaces of the femur and tibia. By keeping the femoral component in place, the knee is afforded a greater degree of extension because of its curving arc. In this arrangement, the posterior condyles of the component tighten the posterior capsule, resulting in a smaller joint gap at full extension. In addition, because of the 7-degree posterior slope of the tibia and a slight femoral anterior bowing, we can consider the “conventional extension gap” to be at about 10° of the knee flexion angle. Mitsuyama et al. similarly reported on 80 varus-type osteoarthritic knees with the offset-type tensor that selecting a larger size femoral component as well as femoral component placement reduced the extension gap [55]. They reported that the placement of the femoral component reduced the medial and lateral extension gaps by 1.0 mm and 0.9 mm, respectively. The medial and lateral gaps further decreased by 2.1 mm and 2.8 mm, respectively, when a specially made femoral component with a posterior condyle enlarged by 4 mm was tested. Mihalko et al. found in a cadaver study that the release of more posterior structures had a greater effect on the extension gap than on the flexion gap, explaining the importance of the relationship between posterior structures and the extension gap [54]. Sugama et al. reported in their operative study that a bone cut from the posterior femoral condyles could change the tension of the posterior soft tissue structures and so alter the width and shape of the extension gap [75]. These previous reports support our hypothetical mechanism.
13.4 Different Patterns of Soft Tissue Balance in Specified Conditions
13.4.1 Soft Tissue Balance in CR and PS TKA
Our abovementioned series of studies were only implemented with PS TKA. The long-term results of CR and PS TKAs have shown an ability to relieve pain and improve function. Nevertheless, the superiority of the CR or PS TKA remains a source of great controversy in the field of TKA. Proponents of the CR TKA advocate maintaining the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) in order to increase stability, promote femoral rollback, and thereby enhance the patient’s ability to climb stairs [1, 2, 6, 13, 37], while proponents of the PS TKA highlight studies in which patients with a resected PCL display a greater postoperative range of motion [23, 25, 37]. It is important to note in this debate, however, that investigators have been unable to show a difference in clinical outcome between these types of knees [6, 13, 83]. We have previously shown that, among patients undergoing bilateral TKAs performed by the same surgeon and including a CR and PS TKA in alternate knees of the same patient, there was no difference in the postoperative knee score, yet the postoperative range of motion was significantly superior after resecting the PCL [40]. Accordingly, we extended our previous study and report on our experience with this device for the intraoperative soft tissue balance measurements of CR and PS TKAs, performed with both a reduced and everted patella.
While the joint component gap measurements made with a reduced patella of PS TKA increased from extension to flexion, these values remained constant for CR TKA throughout the full range of motion. Additionally, the joint component gaps at deep knee flexion were significantly smaller for both types of prosthetic knees when the PF joint was reduced [42]. From our data, the CR TKA had stable joint kinematics from extension into deep flexion, while the joint kinematics for the PS TKA were more dynamic. Our data thereby support prior studies, indicating that the CR TKA affords patients greater stability. Our data further indicate that compared with a CR TKA, a PS TKA with a reduced patella results in significantly larger gaps when the arc of motion ranges from mid- to deep flexion.
In the assessment of varus/valgus balance, while the measurements of varus ligament balance with a reduced patella in PS TKA slightly increased from extension to flexion, these values slightly decreased for CR TKA from extension to flexion [46]. The data showed that CR TKA produced constant soft tissue tension from extension into deep flexion, whereas PS TKA produced soft tissue tension that tended to be more in varus during flexion. The PCL in the knees with osteoarthritis is considered relatively rigid and shortened, despite being macroscopically intact. Our findings indicate that compared with CR TKA, PS TKA with the patella reduced results in a significantly larger varus angle when the arc of motion is between midrange and deep flexion. After performing the independent cut procedure, we applied 3° or 5° of external rotation in the series of studies when setting the femoral component, which may have caused a decreasing varus balance in flexion in patients who underwent CR TKA. Some studies indicated that the flexion gap in healthy knees is not rectangular and that the lateral joint gap is significantly lax [39, 56, 72, 79]. The use of both a traditional soft tissue release and the measured resection technique for the knees with osteoarthritis in varus produces a pattern of soft tissue tension that may at least partly explain why PS TKA produces a better postoperative range of motion.
Taken together, the kinematic patterns of soft tissue balance differ between the patellae everted and reduced as well as between PS and CR TKA. In light of these findings, we should carefully select patients according to the condition of their PCL, set an appropriate angle of external rotation, or do both if we wish to obtain good outcomes in CR TKA.
13.4.2 Soft Tissue Balance in Minimal Incision Surgery TKA
MIS TKA is widely promoted as a possible improvement over the conventional TKA. Its major advantages are the requirement of a smaller skin incision and the avoidance of patellar eversion and quadriceps muscle splitting, leading to reduced blood loss, less perioperative pain, shorter length of hospital stay, and earlier return of knee function [9, 20, 27, 32, 35, 36, 71, 82]. Although traditional TKA allows for excellent visualization, component orientation, and fixation and has been associated with remarkable long-term implant survival, MIS TKA is attractive because of the small incision, minimal or absent pain, and discomfort associated with surgery. However, while there is some evidence that these short-term benefits occur with MIS TKA, there is concern because of more complications associated with the MIS technique, including vascular injury [81], patellar tendon injury, condylar fracture, wound dehiscence and necrosis, and component malalignment. In particular, the quadriceps-sparing (QS) approach has been developed as the least-invasive approach to the extensor mechanism by limiting medial parapatellar arthrotomy to the superior pole of the patella [82]. Although new surgical instrument designs enable surgeons to use this approach, this technique remains challenging to perform without causing damage to the vastus medialis obliquus due to the limited working space [63, 68].
Accordingly, we compared intraoperative soft tissue balance measurements of MIS QS and conventional TKA, performed with the patella and femoral component in place. Whereas the joint component gap in MIS QS-TKA was significantly larger through the entire arc of flexion compared with that of conventional TKA, the pattern of joint looseness (joint component gap-polyethylene insert thickness) showed no difference between the two procedures. The varus ligament balance in MIS QS-TKA was significantly larger than that in conventional TKA at 0°, 90°, and 135° of knee flexion [48]. The study suggested that MIS TKA may lead to ligament imbalance due to the difficulties induced by a limited working space. Furthermore, different approaches seemed to result in a different pattern of intraoperative soft tissue balance. The intraoperative patterns of soft tissue balance differ between the laterally retracted and reduced patella as well as between QS and mini TKA [62]. The results indicate that surgeons performing conventional soft tissue balance evaluation with the patella laterally retracted in MIS TKAs are at a greater risk for underestimating joint gap and varus ligament imbalance depending on the joint exposures compared with those performing the evaluation in the postoperative condition after TKA with the patella reduced. Similarly, Niki reported on parapatellar, midvastus, subvastus, and lateral subvastus approaches and found that the joint gap in mid-flexion to flexion showed a large value with the medial parapatellar approach and a laterally shifted patella, while the subvastus approach caused a reduction of the flexion gap [61].
13.4.3 Soft Tissue Balance in Gap Technique
In the abovementioned study, soft tissue balance measurements were made only in PS or CR TKAs using the measured resection technique. However, the best method to obtain rotational alignment of the femoral component in flexion remains controversial. Some investigators favor a measured resection technique in which bony landmarks (femoral epicondyles, posterior femoral condyles, or the anteroposterior axis) are the primary determinants of femoral component rotation [7, 19, 38, 66, 70, 87]. Others recommend a gap-balancing methodology in which the femoral component is positioned parallel to the resected proximal tibia with each collateral ligament equally tensioned [12, 14, 28]. Given this debate, several surgeons recently reported more consistent equalization of extension and flexion gaps with the use of a computer-assisted gap-balancing technique and compared it with the conventional measured resection technique [64, 73]. In contrast, in a comparison between the navigation-assisted measured resection and navigation-assisted gap-balancing techniques, some surgeons reported a better restoration of the joint line position in the navigation-assisted measured resection technique, despite no differences in short-term clinical outcomes [33, 78].
Using the offset-type tensor, which can be used in the gap technique [77], we assessed soft tissue balance during CR TKA using the tibia-first gap technique with a navigation system. With the tibia-first gap technique, the kinematics of the component gap showed a similar pattern to the measured resection technique during CR TKA; following a significant increase during the initial 30° of knee flexion, the joint component gap showed a gradual decrease toward 120° of flexion [42, 46]. With the offset-type tensor, soft tissue balance could be assessed after tibial cut and femoral cut were made and the femoral component placed (Fig. 13.2). The basic value of the joint gap before femoral osteotomy reflected the final value, following the femoral cut and with femoral component placement [45]. Accordingly, the tibia-first gap technique may have the advantage of letting surgeons predict the final soft tissue balance even before making the femoral osteotomies. The tibia-first technique, as with the measured resection technique, showed a different intraoperative soft tissue balance pattern associated with different approaches, and soft tissues could easily be balanced in CR TKA [41]. When compared among the four combinations, PS or CR TKA and measured resection or gap technique, CR TKA with the gap technique was found to obtain equalized rectangular gaps in extension and flexion more easily than the other techniques. However, the different patterns in intraoperative soft tissue balance assessment showed no differences in objective clinical scores at 2-year follow-up [44]. A patient-derived subjective scoring system may be useful for identifying the importance of intraoperative soft tissue balance assessment.

Fig. 13.2
Assessment option. The tensor can be used in the two conditions after tibial bone cut and after femoral bone cut and femoral component placement
13.5 Clinical Relevance of Intraoperative Soft Tissue Balance Assessment
Considering the clinical significance of intraoperative assessment, we should confirm that intraoperative values assessed with the tensor reflect the postoperative soft tissue balance. Hence, we investigated the correlation between the intraoperative values assessed with the tensor and the 5-year postoperative values assessed with stress radiography in extension and flexion [47]. In CR TKA, postoperatively both the joint component gap and ligament balance in extension and flexion showed positive correlations with the intraoperative values of 10° and 90° of flexion. However, in PS TKA, whereas postoperatively both the joint component gap and ligament balance in extension showed positive correlation with the intraoperative values at 10° of flexion, postoperatively neither joint component gap nor ligament balance in flexion correlated with that in 90° of flexion. These results indicate that the intraoperative measurements of soft tissue balance by the tensor reflect the postoperative values assessed by the stress radiographs, even at the 5-year follow-up. However, despite existing correlations in extension, there were no correlations in flexion in either the joint component gap or the ligament balance between intra- and postoperative values in PS TKA. This discrepancy in PS TKA may be caused by flexion instability due to a flexion gap larger than the extension gap [42].
Acquisition of a high flexion angle after TKA is one of the factors leading to patient satisfaction. Therefore, we focused on the relationship between the postoperative flexion angle and the intraoperative soft tissue balance. In the series of studies in PS TKA, the joint gap change value (90–0°) with the PF joint reduced, not everted, showed an inverse correlation with the postoperative knee flexion angle and posterior condylar offset [43]. However, in another series of studies on CR TKA, the postoperative flexion angle was positively correlated with the joint gap change value (90–0°). In either case, multivariate regression analysis among various values, including various joint gap change values, ligament balance, and preoperative knee flexion angle, demonstrated that the preoperative knee flexion angle and the joint gap change value (90–0°) had a significant independent effect on the postoperative knee flexion angle [76]. One of the reasons for this discrepancy may be the different patterns of soft tissue balance between PS and CR TKA [42, 46]. In that report, CR TKA in comparison with PS TKA showed significantly smaller gaps when the arc of movement ranged from mid- to deep flexion [42]. PCL in the osteoarthritic knee is considered relatively rigid and shortened, despite being macroscopically intact. When we consider the flexion gap tightness, Ritter et al. reported that 30% of CR TKA required ligament balancing to obtain a smooth flexion arc [67]. If the PCL was too tight, excessive femoral rollback resulted in anterior lift-off of the tibial trial in flexion, leading to limitation of flexion [29]. Balancing the flexion gap can facilitate postoperative flexion to an increased angle and result in a satisfactory range of motion [3, 34]. In our studies on CR TKA, we found that a 16% increase in flexion gap tightness (smaller flexion gap than extension gap) resulted in a smaller flexion angle. Similarly, using a commercially available knee balancer with the measurement under 80 N distraction force, Higuchi et al. reported that flexion medial/lateral gap tightness led to restriction of the flexion angle [22]. Therefore, in these cases, surgeons are advised to release soft tissues such as the PCL to decrease flexion gap tightness by [29, 67, 90].
Finally, postoperative kinematics such as tibial internal rotation and tibial anterior translation are important to achieve better clinical outcomes, including a high knee flexion angle. With regard to achieving high flexion after TKA, some studies have emphasized that an increase in postoperative tibial internal rotation is observed during knee flexion [31, 88]. Therefore, we investigated the correlation between intraoperative soft tissue balance (assessed by the tensor) and postoperative knee kinematics (assessed by a navigation system) following all prostheses implanted [53]. The results confirmed a positive correlation between varus ligament balance and tibial internal rotation, which may indicate that looseness of the lateral compartment in relation to the medial side at 60° and 90° of flexion permits rotational mobility and results in increased tibial internal rotation. In fact, the positive correlation between the lateral compartment gap and tibial internal rotation from mid- to deep knee flexion was a more sensitive factor than the joint component gap, and the fact that there was no relationship between the medial compartment gap and tibial internal rotation supported this result. Moreover, in another study assessing the correlation between intra- and postoperative knee flexion angle and knee kinematics, postoperative as well as preoperative knee flexion angle was significantly correlated with the postoperative tibial internal rotation [52]. In addition, we reported a positive correlation between intraoperative lateral laxity in flexion and postoperative flexion angle in CR TKA, indicating that medial stability with appropriate lateral laxity was important for achievement of a high flexion angle [60]. Similarly, Kobayashi reported, using postoperative stress radiography, that lateral laxity in flexion (flexion-valgus, 3.4°; flexion-varus, 6.2°) showed a positive correlation with the postoperative knee flexion angle [30]. Other studies also support these findings, indicating that the flexion gap in healthy knees is not rectangular and that the lateral joint gap is significantly lax [39, 56, 72, 80]. In summary, to reproduce medial pivot motion after TKA, medial stability with moderate lateral laxity during flexion might lead to appropriate tibial internal rotation and result in a high flexion angle.
13.6 Perspective
The most important aspect of soft tissue balancing is not just an assessment but also the close interaction between the surgical technique and the assessment, in which surgeons should reflect the surgical technique to attain final soft tissue balance. With the measured resection technique for CR TKA, we recently reported the importance of minimal medial release (osteophyte removal and release of the deep layer of the medial collateral ligament) for varus-type osteoarthritis to maintain an appropriate tibial internal rotation and to gain a high flexion angle [51]. Recently, an offset-type tensor was developed to use with the gap technique as well as the measured resection technique during TKA. With this new system, FuZion™ (Zimmer, Inc.) (Fig. 13.3), surgeons can assess and correct soft tissue balance after making the distal femoral and proximal tibial cut, then adjust femoral rotation based on the tensor measurement, and confirm the final balance throughout the range of motion with femoral component placement. The information, made available by the use of the tensor during surgery, is useful in a real-time manner and is essential for providing insight regarding the true postoperative kinematics. It allows the surgeon to adjust the soft tissue balance more accurately and thereby to expect a better postoperative outcome.

Fig. 13.3
FuZion™ Instrument (Zimmer, Inc.). The FuZion Instruments are based on two platforms, the FuZion Spacer Block and FuZion Tensor, and were specifically designed to provide crossover utility, harmonizing measured resection and gap-balancing philosophies
To achieve successful clinical outcomes, accurate osteotomy/implantation and soft tissue balancing are essential in TKA. Appropriate bone cut and prosthetic implantation have improved due to advances in surgical instrumentations, such as the computer-assisted navigation system, preoperative image-matching technique, or patient-specific instrumentation. Similarly, appropriate soft tissue balancing has become more important than it was previously. With the recent advances in this field described here, improved patient satisfaction after TKA is expected in the near future.

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