Stage 0
Completely normal muscle, no fatty streaks
Stage 1
Muscle contains some fatty streaks
Stage 2
More muscle than fat infiltration
Stage 3
Muscle equal to fat infiltration
Stage 4
More fat infiltration than muscle
The “healability” of a massive rotator cuff tear is a key consideration when determining the appropriate treatment. Other factors that play a role in treatment decisions include the patients’ pain, function, as well as short- and long-term goals/expectations. Symptomatic patients below the age of 60 who have low levels of atrophy and fatty infiltration are ideal candidates for repair. Patients older than 60 should also be offered repair, but their age is a poor prognostic factor [18]. In patients with advanced atrophy or high-grade fatty infiltration, alternative treatments such as simple debridements, tendon transfers, or reverse arthroplasty should be considered.
Complete Repair: Posterosuperior Tears
Successful anatomic reconstruction of the rotator cuff leads to optimal short- and long-term outcomes as well as possibly decreased rates of arthropathy [19, 20], and complete repair of massive rotator cuff tears should be done whenever possible. The is little evidence to support the exclusive use of either the beach chair or lateral decubitus position, and setup should be done based on surgeon preference. A variety of portals facilitate this operation by allowing assessment of the torn tendon via different angles. Although many portals have been described, the surgeon should not feel constrained to only the use of these named portals. Ideal portal placement can be made at any location that does not risk injury to the neurovascular structures (Fig. 5.1).

Fig. 5.1
The numerous possibilities for portal placement are shown. Recognition that the location of a portal is limited only by neurovascular structures frees the surgeon to establish portals as necessary to perform the repair. Most posterior-superior tears require a posterior portal (9), a lateral portal (6), and an anterior portal (2). Anchors can be placed percutaneously through small stab incisions lateral to the acromion. Subscapularis repair requires posterior (9), anterior (2), and accessory anterolateral (3) portals. Important bony landmarks and arthroscopic portals: (A) acromion, (B) clavicle, (C) scapular spine, (D) coracoid process. (1) anterosuperior portal, (2) anterior central portal, (3) superolateral portal, (4) anterolateral portal, (5) portal of Wilmington, (6) transrotator cuff portal, (7) posterolateral portal, (8) axillary pouch portal, (9) posterior portal, (10) 7 o’clock portal, (11) Neviaser portal
Tension on a repaired tendon impairs tendon to bone healing [21]. Tendon retraction and scarring are common with chronic, massive tears and must be addressed to achieve adequate mobilization for a successful repair. Mobilization is critical not only for repair but also to free the muscle-tendon units to freely glide for motion.
A stepwise method of releasing the scarred and medialized tendons can be used and is greatly facilitated by the use of traction stitches (Fig. 5.2). The principles of this method are the same as with open repair. Traction stitches are placed at the apex of the tear and externalized through small mini-portals placed to create an optimal vector for tear reduction. Tendon excursion can first be increased by release of all bursal-sided adhesions, both subacromial and subdeltoid [22]. This is best done by viewing through a lateral or posterolateral portal and dissecting in the plane immediately above the rotator cuff.

Fig. 5.2
(a) A traction stitch is placed at the apex of the retracted tear which exposes the humeral head. (b) The mobilized tear is lateralized to the tuberosity with a gentle pull on the traction stitch. This technique aids in releasing tendon adhesions and with suture passing. (c) A double-row repair compresses the tendon to the footprint, increasing contact area for healing
If bursal-sided releases do not produce sufficient excursion, articular-sided adhesions are then addressed. With chronic retracted tendon tears, the tendon and capsule may become scarred to the glenoid rim and must be released (Fig. 5.3). This can safely be performed by starting at the rotator interval and working posteriorly [23]. Dissection should not extend more than 2 cm past the glenoid neck in order to avoid suprascapular nerve injury.

Fig. 5.3
Articular-sided releases are performed by dissecting between the rotator cuff and the superior labrum to release capsular adhesions. Looking from the lateral portal, the electrocautery is slid under the cuff and the capsule is released. The glenoid is seen inferiorly. The dissection should not extend more than 2 cm medially to avoid suprascapular nerve injury. Traction on the cuff during this release aids in identifying sites of adhesion
If the above techniques do not afford sufficient mobility and there is differential retraction of adjacent tendons, interval slides can be performed. These arthroscopic techniques are modifications to those originally performed during open surgery. If the supraspinatus is retracted and scarred to an intact subscapularis, the arthroscopic anterior slide is performed by releasing the interval between the subscapularis and supraspinatus tendons [24, 25]. The coracohumeral ligament, which has often become contracted and tethered, is also incised off of the coracoid process.
The posterior interval slide can provide additional tendon excursion if there is unequal retraction of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus. This release is performed between the two adjacent musculotendinous units [26]. The scapular spine can be delineated by removing excess subacromial fibroadipose tissue. This anatomical landmark serves as the boundary between the two units and directs the accurate release of the interval between them. The posterior interval slide allows increased excursion of both muscle units.
Collectively, double-interval slides can afford over 5 cm of mobility to the posterosuperior rotator cuff. However, because suprascapular nerve injuries have been reported with greater than 3 cm of mobility, surgeons should be cautious with over-mobilization [27].
Some massive rotator cuffs can be further mobilized with utilization of margin convergence. Though initially described by Inman [28], Burkhart coined the term to describe a side-to-side closure of the anterior and posterior tendon leafs [29]. Traditionally, U-shaped tears were closed by mobilizing the medial, retracted margin back to its bony bed. This technique resulted in high tensile stresses that predisposed to eventual repair failure. The technique of margin convergence utilizes sequential tendon sutures, starting medially and working laterally, causing the free margin of the tear to converge toward its bone bed, offloading the strain on the repair and leaving a tension-free cuff margin to be repaired to the footprint (Fig. 5.4). The biomechanical benefits of margin convergence have been borne out in several studies, with side-to-side repair of two-thirds of a U-shaped tear resulting in one-sixth the strain across the repair site. Mazzocca [30] showed in an open cadaveric study that margin convergence also has a significant role for large retracted rotator cuff tears, with sequential side-to-side sutures resulting in progressive gap closure as well as decreased repair strain.

Fig. 5.4
The technique of marginal convergence can be used to address a “U”- or “V”-shaped tear. (a) A “V”-shaped tear seen from a lateral portal. (b) Sutures passed anteriorly to posteriorly closing the V and converging the lateral edge of the tendon to the tuberosity. (c) The lateral edge is brought to the footprint under little tension
The optimal technique for reattachment of the tendon to the bone has been widely researched, but no consensus has been reached yet. Gerber et al. [31] described the characteristics of the optimal rotator cuff repair as having (1) high initial fixation strength, (2) minimal gap formation, and (3) sustained mechanical stability until healing has occurred. Some factors analyzed to enhance repair constructs include utilization of stronger suture, various methods of knot tying, and analysis of anchor fixation biomechanics. Recently, much interest has focused on the results of single-/double-row repairs and transosseous equivalent repairs. Double-row fixation has been shown to have improved initial strength and stiffness and decreased gap formation compared with single-row repairs [32]. In a cadaveric study by Brady et al. [33], more than half of the anatomic footprint remained uncovered with single-row fixation, whereas near complete coverage was gained with double-row fixation. The transosseous equivalent technique utilizes a medial row of suture anchors placed lateral to the articular surface, with crossing sutures to a lateral row of suture anchors placed in the greater tuberosity. This technique compresses the free edge of the rotator cuff tendon down onto its footprint, thereby increasing surface area contact for tendon to bone healing (Fig. 5.2c). Transosseous equivalent repairs better recreate the native footprint of the cuff compared with single- and double-row repairs and improve contact area for healing.
Despite these theoretical structural benefits, most studies have not shown a clinical benefit to double-row repairs when analyzing arthroscopic tendon repairs of all tear sizes. Park et al. [34] stratified patients by tear size and found that large or massive rotator cuff tears (>3 cm) had significantly improved function with double-row fixation, suggesting that this technique may be more suitable for larger tears. Careful consideration should be made when using double-row fixation particularly in massive rotator cuff tears since over-tensioning of the repair is potentially higher in these cases (as compared with smaller tears). Since few studies have investigated this issue in massive rotator cuff tears, additional research must be done to further assess for any potential clinical benefits and to define the circumstances for the utilization of either technique.
Re-tear rates after arthroscopic repair of massive rotator cuff tears are relatively high, ranging from 25 to 90 % [1, 35, 36]. Despite these high rates of healing failure, functional outcomes and satisfaction rates have only been marginally associated with tendon healing success and, instead, have consistently been shown to be favorable.
Yoo et al. [37] reported on 89 patients with large to massive rotator cuff tears repaired arthroscopically. At a mean follow-up of 30 months, they found a re-tear rate of 45.5 % but with significantly improved pain and function scores. No difference was noted between re-tear and non-re-tear groups. Similar findings were reported by Chung et al. [19], who studied 108 arthroscopically repaired massive rotator cuffs. At a mean follow-up of 32 months, they found 40 % of patients had a recurrence of their tear, though the mean defect size was significantly smaller than the initial tear size. All functional outcome scores significantly improved and were not significantly different between healed and unhealed cuffs. They also noted that degree of fatty infiltration significantly predisposed to healing failure in a multivariate analysis.
Longer follow-up studies confirm durability of functional outcome improvements. Galatz et al. [1] studied outcomes in 18 patients who had arthroscopic repairs of tears >2 cm in the transverse plane, with mean follow-up of 36 months. Recurrent tears were seen in 17 of the 18 patients as measured using ultrasound, with many tears measuring the same size as before surgery. Nevertheless, 13 patients had American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) scores >90 points at 1 year, with significant improvement in pain relief, range of motion, strength, and ability to perform activities of daily living. By 2-year follow-up, the average ASES score declined to 80. A 10-year follow-up study [38] of the same cohort of patients with re-torn rotator cuffs showed unchanged ASES and pain scores, though all patients had evidence of degenerative radiographic changes. The authors concluded that healing of the rotator cuff was not vital for successful outcome of tear repairs and that early clinical improvement was durable at long-term follow-up.
Anterosuperior Rotator Cuff Repair
In the past, anterosuperior tears were less commonly diagnosed and treated, likely because they were not diagnosed [1, 31, 39]. Improved methods of clinical and radiographic evaluation, as well as the widespread use of arthroscopy, have led to increased recognition and an improved understanding of their significance [40–42]. Arthroscopic treatment of these tears has lagged behind that of other rotator cuff pathology because it is technically difficult, and there is potential for injury to the neurovascular structures which are in close proximity to a medially retracted tendon. Promising results with arthroscopic repairs have been reported, however [40, 43–46]. The subscapularis is an integral part of the anterior-posterior force couple which maintains ball and socket kinematics during humeral abduction [47], and rotator cuff tears which involve the subscapularis have inferior outcomes following repair compared with those that do not [48].
Arthroscopic treatment of anterosuperior tears generally can be performed through three working portals. Due to the retroversion of the humeral neck, the anterior deltoid muscle naturally drapes over the footprint of the subscapularis tendon and limits visualization during the repair. With increased operative time, swelling from fluid extravasation can exacerbate this problem [49]. After general diagnostic arthroscopy, the subscapularis tendon is repaired before the biceps or any of the other rotator cuff tendons.
Identification of the tendon edge may be difficult, depending the severity of muscle retraction (Fig. 5.5). The inferior muscular portion of the subscapularis may be intact and attached to the lesser tuberosity [49]. In these cases, this retained segment can be followed proximally to the retracted tendinous portion. Recognition of the tendon can also be identified by the “comma sign,” a structure formed by parts of the superior glenohumeral ligament and the coracohumeral ligament that is consistently located along the superolateral aspect of the tendon [6, 40]. During tearing of the tendon, this complex avulses off of the humerus along with the medial sling of the biceps tendon.

Fig. 5.5
In contrast to superior and posterior tears, tears of the subscapularis rarely appear as a discrete hole at the time of arthroscopy. With careful examination of the anterior joint, the superior “rolled” edge of the tendon should be identified. If it is not obviously seen and a tear is present, the surgeon should look medially for a retracted tendon. (a) Shows the view from the posterior portal of a torn subscapularis. (b) Demonstrates the restoration of the superior rolled edge after repair
The retracted tendon is often scarred and tethered, and circumferential releases should be performed. The releases done arthroscopically mimicked those used in open surgery. The superior edge is freed from rotator interval tissue and from adhesions to the coracoid. Again, mobilization is aided by the use of traction sutures placed through the tendon edge and externalized through percutaneous mini-portals made so that the vector of the traction stitch draws the tendon to its anatomic location. The subscapularis tendon is then released from the anterior joint capsule and freed of adhesions in the subcoracoid space, as needed. If dissection below the inferior half of the tendon is required, the axillary nerve is identified and protected. This is best done by blunt dissection anteromedially in the subcoracoid space. The comma is preserved when the tear includes the supraspinatus (Fig. 5.6). Coracoplasty may also be required in select cases. A burr is used to resect the lateral tip and posterior aspect of the coracoid to widen the coracohumeral window for the subscapularis tendon [49]. Narrow windows have been associated with increased subscapularis tear rates.

Fig. 5.6
(a) Preservation of the comma tissue (red arrow) connecting the subscapularis (blue arrow) and the supraspinatus can reduce strain on the repair and aid in reducing the supraspinatus. (b) After the subscapularis is repaired, the preserved comma lateralizes the supraspinatus toward the tuberosity
An outside-in technique for passing sutures is a safe and effective method of repair. Viewing intra-articularly from the posterior portal, sutures from anchors in the lesser tuberosity are laid posteriorly to the subscapularis tendon. A pointed grasper is then used to pierce the subscapularis tendon from the superficial through the deep surface of the tendon to grasp the suture. It is then pulled back through the tendon and tied in the subdeltoid space. This is repeated for each suture starting from the most distal and moving proximally. Once the subscapularis tendon has been repaired, attention can be turned to the supraspinatus/infraspinatus repairs as needed. Biceps pathology should also be addressed with either tenodesis or tenotomy.
Studies looking at arthroscopic anterosuperior tear repair are relatively sparse, but all have shown significant benefits for affected patients. Burkhart et al. [40] retrospectively studied 25 cases of subscapularis tendon tears, with 17 involving the supraspinatus or infraspinatus tendons. At a mean of 10.7 months, UCLA function scores improved significantly.
Ide et al. [49] performed a prospective study on 20 patients arthroscopically treated for anterosuperior tendon tears, with 7 patients having infraspinatus tendon extension. At 36 months’ follow-up, 13 of 20 patients had intact repairs as identified by MRI. All patients were found to have improved outcome scores, though patients with re-tears had less improvement than those that had intact repairs. Older age and degree of retraction correlated with re-tearing of the tendon.

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