Jo Nijs, Margot De Kooning, Anneleen Malfliet, Mark A. Jones Despite extensive global research efforts, chronic ‘unexplained’ pain remains a challenging issue for clinicians and an emerging socioeconomic problem. Pain neuroscience has evolved, and musculoskeletal clinicians around the globe are at the front line for implementing contemporary pain neuroscience in clinical practice. Contemporary pain neuroscience has advanced our understanding of pain. The initial paradigm was pain proportional to nociceptive input; the second was Wall and Melzak’s gate theory (Wall and Melzack, 1994), and the most recent is pain as central sensitization (CS). Peripheral sensitization and, to some extent, also CS, occurs normally with acute pain but normally decreases soon after the inflammatory phase. Therefore, here we conceptualize the sensitization in chronic pain as ‘maladaptive central sensitization’ (referred to as nociplastic pain elsewhere in this book). For brevity reasons, maladaptive central sensitization in chronic pain is abbreviated throughout this chapter as CS pain. It is now well established that sensitization of the central nervous system (CNS) is an important feature in many patients with chronic pain, including those with whiplash (Van Oosterwijck et al., 2013b), shoulder impingement syndrome (Paul et al., 2012), chronic low back pain (Roussel et al., 2013), osteoarthritis (Lluch Girbes et al., 2013), headache (Ashina et al., 2005; Perrotta et al., 2010), fibromyalgia (Price et al., 2002), chronic fatigue syndrome (Nijs et al., 2012c), rheumatoid arthritis (Meeus et al., 2012), patellar tendinopathy (van Wilgen et al., 2011), and lateral epicondylalgia (Coombes et al., 2012; Fernandez-Carnero et al., 2009). Also, neuropathic pain may be characterized/accompanied by sensitization; peripheral and central (segmentally related) pain pathways can become hyperexcitable in patients with neuropathic pain. CS has been defined as ‘an amplification of neural signaling within the central nervous system that elicits pain hypersensitivity’ (Woolf, 2011) or ‘an augmentation of responsiveness of central neurons to input from unimodal and polymodal receptors’ (Meyer et al., 1995). Such definitions originate from laboratory research, but the awareness that the concept of CS should be translated to the clinic is growing, which is illustrated by the present case report. CS encompasses various related dysfunctions of the CNS, all contributing to an increased responsiveness to a variety of stimuli, such as mechanical pressure, chemical substances, light, sound, cold, heat, stress and electrical stimuli (Nijs et al., 2010). Such dysfunctions of the CNS include altered sensory processing in the brain (Staud et al., 2008), malfunctioning of descending anti-nociceptive mechanisms (Yarnitsky, 2010; Meeus et al., 2008), increased activity of pain facilitatory pathways and enhanced temporal summation of second pain or wind-up (Filatova et al., 2008; Raphael et al., 2009). In addition, the pain (neuro)matrix is overactive in CS and chronic pain, with increased brain activity in areas known to be involved in acute pain sensations (the insula, anterior cingulate cortex and the prefrontal cortex) as well as in regions not involved in acute pain sensations (various brainstem nuclei, dorsolateral frontal cortex and the parietal associated cortex) (Seifert and Maihofner, 2009). Musculoskeletal practice has come a long way in terms of integrating the understanding of contemporary pain neuroscience. Pain neurophysiology has traditionally been one of the cornerstones of musculoskeletal practice, making it easier for us to understand new concepts like CS. Still, clinicians struggle with the treatment of CS pain. Given the complexity of the mechanisms behind CS pain and the lack of evidence-based treatment for CS pain, this comes as no surprise. Here we illustrate how musculoskeletal clinicians can apply contemporary pain neuroscience in a patient with chronic (neck) pain. The majority of the reasoning outlined herein applies to many chronic pain patients rather than being specific for (traumatic) neck pain only. Anna is a 37-year-old female patient who suffered a traumatic neck injury due to a car accident 8 years before she entered our practice upon referral from a physician specialized in rehabilitation medicine. She was driving the car herself and was wearing a seatbelt. The day following her car accident, she went to work (full-time teaching at a university college) but experienced difficulties concentrating and suffered from a headache and increased sensitivity to bright light as well as sound. After work, she consulted her family physician, who referred her for x-rays of her cervical spine and prescribed sick leave. After 3 months of sick leave, she was obliged to return to work according to the local insurance system. Because she felt unable to resume work, she took her available holidays. In total, she didn’t return to work until 2 years post-injury. The initial imaging findings (x-rays and nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR] imaging of the cervical spine and the brain) were rather limited, showing nothing but slight degeneration of the C4–C5 facet joints and anterior bulging of the C5–C6 disc. The NMR re-assessment 3 years later showed similar findings without progression. A third NMR scan a few months before she entered our practice confirmed the lack of progression. Since her car accident up to her first attendance in our practice, Anna had developed severe chronic whiplash-associated disorder (WAD), including shoulder and neck pain radiating to her arms, headache, concentration difficulties, fatigue, sleeping problems and hypersensitivity to bright light and sound. Anna described her shoulder, neck and arm pains as ‘fatiguing and vague’. She sometimes experienced sensory loss in both arms (including the hands), but these symptoms would come and go. Anna did not report any other new-onset hypersensitivity symptoms such as increased sensitivity to smell and hot or cold sensations. She also had extensive previous screening for neurological and arterial symptoms, which were negative. Anna experienced difficulties (variable provocation of neck, shoulder, arm pains and headache) undressing, lifting, walking or standing for a long time, looking down and upward, and during household activities (especially repetitive overhead activities). She used to be good at coping with stress, but in the last couple of years, she had been very irritable, anxious and ineffective at coping with everyday stressors. At the time of the initial appointment, Anna was able to work full-time, but besides working, she had little energy left for other activities. Notably, her social activities, including catching up with friends, were at a very low level, much lower than she would like. Anna is happily married with two lovely children of 3 and 6 years. Her husband is very supportive of her medical problems. Her symptoms have been fluctuating over time ever since her car accident. Anna has no other health conditions (comorbidities) and has never been diagnosed with any other long-term illness. She has no history of unexplained weight loss or any other red flag. In the early phase post-injury, she was advised by her treating physician to wear a collar and to continue wearing it whenever necessary. She tried physiotherapy several times, with mixed results and only small, non-lasting improvements in pain. Treatments included exercise therapy, massage, electrotherapy and heat therapy. At the moment, she is taking muscle relaxants and painkillers (acetaminophen) depending on pain severity, which offer some relief, but she indicates that they appear to work less effectively than they used to. The Pain Catastrophizing Scale (Sullivan et al., 1995) generated a total score of 30/52, with a normal score on the subscale of pain magnification (5/12) but high scores on the helplessness (15/24) and rumination (10/16) subscales. The brief Illness Perceptions Questionnaire (Broadbent et al., 2006) revealed that Anna thought that increased muscle tension and doing too much caused her sustained disability, did not understand her health problem, believed that her pain would last for a long time, worried a lot about her health problem and was unable to find a cure or way to self-control her pain. Finally, the Pain Vigilance and Awareness Questionnaire (Roelofs et al., 2003) clearly revealed pain hypervigilance. On examining her posture in standing and sitting, no major issues were identified. Anna’s passive physiological and accessory cervical joint mobility was normal (full range of motion at all levels and in all directions with no provocation of symptoms), but active cervical mobility in sitting was restricted toward flexion, and combined neck extension and rotation to the left and the right was painful and restricted. She indicated she was afraid to hurt her neck when performing the active movements. The examination of her shoulder complex was negative. Her breathing pattern was normal, including the coordinated action of the thoracic cage with the abdomen. Anna tested positive on the craniocervical flexion test, showing impaired deep cervical neuromuscular control, with clear overshooting of the requested movements (Jull et al., 2008). Anna had moderately increased cervical muscle tone limited to the cervical muscles (trapezius, scaleni and upper cervical muscles) but no active trigger points. As is often the case in patients with chronic WAD, the outcome of the examination of neurodynamic tests (previously known as brachial plexus tests or upper limb tension tests) was rather vague and did not generate a consistent picture of restricted mobility or symptom provocation consistent with any of the major upper limb nerves (median, ulnar, radial). In addition, we used a hand-held analogue Fisher algometer (Force Dial model FDK 40 Push Pull Force Gage, Wagner Instruments, P.O.B. 1217, Greenwich CT 06836) for assessing pressure pain thresholds at three anatomical locations: the right trapezius belly (midway between the spinous process of T1 and lateral part of the acromion), her right hand (midpoint of the first metacarpal) and the midpoint of her right calf. In order to determine pressure pain thresholds at each location, pressure was gradually increased at a rate of 1 kg/s until she reported the first onset of pain (at which point Anna said ‘stop’). Next, for assessing the functioning of brain-orchestrated endogenous analgesia, conditioned pain modulation was induced by inflating an occlusion cuff (conditioning stimulus) around Anna’s left arm (midway of her upper arm) to a painful intensity (Daenen et al., 2013b). The occlusion cuff was inflated at a rate of 20 mmHg/s until ‘the first sensation of pain’ was reported. This cuff inflation was maintained for 30 seconds. Afterward, Anna was asked to rate the pain intensity, as a result of cuff inflation around the left arm, on a numerical rating scale (0 = no pain to 10 = worst possible pain). Next, the cuff inflation was increased or decreased until pain intensity at the left arm was rated as 3/10 on the verbal rating scale. Then the previously described pressure pain thresholds were repeated during maintenance of the cuff inflation and relaxation of the left arm. This way of assessing conditioned pain modulation has revealed impaired endogenous analgesia in patients with chronic WAD (Daenen et al., 2013b) and allows performance in a clinical setting. Anna’s results at the baseline pain threshold measurements and the change during conditioned pain modulation indicated dysfunctional endogenous analgesia in the lower limb (from 6.8 kg/s at baseline to 7.2 during cuff inflation) and the neck (from 2.0 kg/s to 2.6), but not at the hand (7.2 kg/s to 13.4). Contrary to her ability to activate pain inhibition at rest, Anna was able to activate endogenous analgesia in response to a short, low-intensity, graded bicycle test (4 minutes of stationary cycling starting from 50 watts increasing by 25 watts per minute). This was shown by the increases in manually assessed pressure pain threshold at the right hand (increase from 8.25 kg/s at baseline to 9.20 immediately post-exercise) and right lower limb (6.8 kg/s to 10.6). The small increase in pressure pain threshold at the right hand should not be interpreted as an important change, but the fact that it did not decrease as is often seen in chronic pain patients (Nijs et al., 2012), together with the observed increased pain threshold at her right lower limb, supports a physiological activation of endogenous analgesia during exercise.
Applying Contemporary Pain Neuroscience for a Patient With Maladaptive Central Sensitization Pain
A Brief Background of Pain Neuroscience
Clinical Examination
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Applying Contemporary Pain Neuroscience for a Patient With Maladaptive Central Sensitization Pain
Fig. 25.1 Algorithm for the differential diagnosis of nociceptive versus central sensitization pain. (Modified from Nijs et al. [2014].)