Anterior Cruciate Transection/Disruption Models of Post-Traumatic Arthritis


ACL-T type

Surgery age

Exp. time




Stab incision


1–26 weeks

OA changes in articular cartilage (fibrillation, loss of cells in superficial layer); synovitis subsides within 1 week



Stab incision


1–48 weeks

Periarticular osteophytes seen weeks 3–48 in marginal zone



Stab incision

2 years

3, 6, 9, 48 weeks

Thicker cartilage observed; chondrocytes synthesize GAGs with more chondroitin sulfate vs. keratin sulfate than normal


Foxhounds, Collies, Alsatians

Stab incision

2 years

1–48 weeks

Experimental, biochemical, morphological changes observed



Stab incision

2–3 years

6, 12 weeks

Significant ↓ in tension, compression, shear; significant ↑ in hydraulic permeability, hydration of cartilage matrix


Mongrel dog

Stab incision

2–3 years

12 weeks

↑ chondrocyte apoptosis, caspase 3, and Bcl-2 in articular cartilage; L-NIL (NO inhibitor) group showed ↓ apoptosis, caspase 3 after ACL-T


Mongrel dog

Stab incision

2–3 years

12 weeks

↑ IL-1-converting enzyme (ICE), IL-18 in articular cartilage; ↓ PI-9; ICE not regulated by NO


Mongrel dog

Stab incision

2–3 years

8 weeks

↑ gene expression of MMP-13, cathepsin K, ADAMTS-4, ADAMTS-5, 5-lipoxygenase in OA; ↑ bone loss and osteoclast staining of MMP-13, cathepsin K; licofelone ↓ OA changes

[9, 13]

Mongrel dog

Stab incision

2–3 years

8, 12 weeks

↑ osteocalcin week 8; ↑ MMP, PGE2 at week 12; ↓ NO levels in trabecular bone at week 12



Stab incision

1 year

6, 12, 24, 48 weeks

Subchondral bone edema in tibia by week 6; articular cartilage erosion by week 12; menisci degeneration by week 24; osteophytes by week 48



Stab incision

1–2 years

6, 12, 24, 48 weeks

Elevation of collagen I, II early; ↑ MMP-13 week 24; ↑ aggrecan, tenascin C week 48


After the introduction of the Pond-Nuki transection model (stab incision), other methods of ACL-T were studied. Brandt published a review validating the use of the canine ACL-T model for the study of arthritis [16], and open induction models were implemented, where the ACL was visualized and transected either through an arthrotomy or arthroscopically. A wide range of studies followed, looking at aspects of open-induction ACL-T such as biochemical changes and gene expression [1724], bone morphological changes [2528], biomarkers [2931], and imaging techniques [32, 33]. O’Connor and coworkers published two studies looking at the combined effect of nerve removal and ACL-T on the development of PTA [34, 35]. Two therapeutic studies used the open-induction ACL-T model, including a doxycycline therapy study [36] and an MMP inhibitor study [37]. Doom and coworkers published a review of immunopathological mechanisms that result from the ACL-T model, leading to PTA [38]. A summary of the studies using the open-induction canine ACL-T model are listed in Table 6.2 below.

Table 6.2
Canine ACL-T model (open induction)


ACL-T type

Surgery age

Exp. time






45, 54 months

Articular cartilage thicker at month 36, focal loss at month 45; osteophyte formation; ulceration of articular cartilage on medial side; fibrous thickening of capsule

[27, 28]


Not specified



Neurectomy + ACL-T resulted in significantly higher OA scores than neurectomy without ACL-T, ACL-T



Not specified


72 weeks

Dorsal root ganglionectomy (DRG) + ACL-T after results in significantly severe OA compared to ACL-T, ACL-T + DRG, DRG





16 weeks

Loss of tensile properties and remodeling of collagen network in surface zone of articular cartilage


Mixed breeds

Cranial transection

2–7 years

4, 10, 32 weeks

Aggrecan mRNA ↑ weeks 10, 32; collagen type II mRNA ↑ at all time points; transcription mechanisms must differ


Mongrel dog

Lateral arthrotomy

1–3 years

3, 12 weeks

Structural changes in trabeculae in cancellous bone at 3 weeks, more prominent at 12 weeks; ↓ anisotropy-accompanied changes


Mixed breeds

Lateral arthrotomy

2–7 years

3, 12 weeks

20–38-fold ↑ collagen type I, VI at 3 weeks; 11–19-fold ↑ at 12 weeks; higher concentrations in medial menisci versus lateral



Naturally occurring

1–13 years


MMP-3, TIMP-1 ↑ in SF of arthritic groups; KS ↑ in SF after ACL rupture


Mixed breeds

Lateral arthrotomy


3, 12 weeks

↑ aggrecan, collagen type II mRNA in cartilage; amount of collagen type II > aggrecan for OA



Medial arthrotomy

2 years

2 years

Cartilage changes of decorin, fibromodulin, aggrecan differ in models


Mongrel dog

Cranial transection


12 weeks

Significant changes from μMRI: depth of maximum T2, ↓ SF zone thickness, ↑ total cartilage thickness; PLM confirmed


Mixed breeds

Cranial transection


3, 12 weeks

Collagen type II markers ↑ in SF; collagen type II, aggrecan markers ↑ in serum; collagen type II markers ↑ in urine


Mixed breed

Lateral arthrotomy


36, 72 weeks

Mechanical changes in ACL-T group at 36 weeks less noticeable in both ACL-T and ACL-T + Dox group; Dox therapy limited bone loss at week 72


Walker hounds



2, 10, 18 weeks

PGE2 levels ↑ through study; correlated with gait, pain



Not specified

2–3 years

2 years

Minor/severe articular cartilage damage in medial compartment; joint space significantly ↑ for minor group, no change for severe group; minor group had 73 % of observed osteophytes; severity of damage of menisci and cartilage related



Naturally occurring



↑ cathepsin-K+ cells in CCL-ruptured group; TRAP+ cell levels correlate with inflammation



Naturally occurring

3–8 years


Treatment of CCL-explant cells with COL-3 (MMP inhibitor) led to ↓ collagen fragment generation



Naturally occurring



↑ Cathepsin-KMMP-9, TRAP in SF of OA group; TRAP ↑ OA versus other arthritis groups; matrix turnover/immune response genes ↑ in OA



Naturally occurring



CD4+, CD8+, CD3 + CD4-CD8-lymphocytes ↑ in CCL-ruptured dogs; CD3 + CD4-CD8-lymphocyte levels in SF inversely correlated to radiographic OA


Sheep Model

The use of sheep has not been widely utilized for the study of PTA; however, sheep may provide advantages because of their large joint size, which allows for the analysis of biochemical and biomechanical measures that may not be able to be performed in human subjects [3941]. As with other large animals, sheep can readily undergo arthroscopic surgery and MRI observation, allowing for more direct translation of studies to the clinic. However, there are limited reagents and antibodies available, and until recently, a limited mapped genome for sheep, making it difficult for genetic studies [13]. Furthermore, their large size is a disadvantage in testing novel pharmacologic interventions. Most studies utilizing the ACL-T model in sheep have focused on radiographic tracking and kinematics of PTA. O’Brien and coworkers examined the effects of immediate reconstruction of the transected ACL on cartilage degeneration and osteophyte formation [41], while Atarod and coworkers examined the kinematic loads placed on soft tissue after ACL-T in the sheep [39]. A summary of the use of ovine ACL-T models is in Table 6.3 below.

Table 6.3
Ovine ACL-T models


ACL-T type

Surgery age

Exp. time




Arthrotomy + reconstruction

3–4 months

4, 20 weeks

ACL-R group had ↑ cartilage + osteophyte scores compared to controls; some OA development




3 years

20 weeks

Load redistribution after ACL-T led to a significant ↓ in both PCL and LCL loads; no change in MCL loads


Cat Model

Neuromuscular control has been extensively studied in cats, as well as muscle mechanics and locomotion [42]. Logically, cats would be well suited to study interventions towards musculoskeletal diseases, such as PTA that results from an ACL-T injury. Cats are advantageous to use because of their large size and known genome. However, like dogs, cats can be costly to house during experiments, and public perception and their role as companion animals discourage the use of cats for research [13].

Herzog and coworkers first studied the effect of ACL-T in cats on hindlimb loading and changes in articular cartilage [42]. Khalsa and coworkers studied the effect of severing the nerves associated with the joint capsule after ACL-T [43]. Herzog and coworkers monitored cats for a year, using force testing plates and radiographs to track kinematic and radiographic changes due to OA [44, 45]. Boyd and coworkers studied the changes to the periarticular bone as a result of ACL-T, while Clark and coworkers studied the adaptive response of cartilage after ACL-T [46, 47]. A summary of the studies utilizing feline ACL-T models follow in Table 6.4.

Table 6.4
Feline ACL-T models


ACL-T type

Surgery age

Exp. time




Anterior capsulotomy

1–3 years

4, 12, 35 weeks

↓ in muscle mass in ACL-T knee; ↑ in cell density, hexuronic acid in articular cartilage at weeks 12 and 35



Lateral arthrotomy


0 days

Mechanoreceptor neurons in joint capsule are not affected by ACL-T





16 weeks

Significant ↑ in articular cartilage thickness, significant ↓ in stiffness in ACL-T knee





Ongoing (1 year)

↑ in knee instability, osteophyte formation, articular cartilage thickness, joint degeneration



Anterior capsulotomy


16 weeks, 60 months

Significant ↓ in cancellous bone mass, subchondral bone thickness at 60 months; ACL-T intensified bone changes compared to control



Anterior capsulotomy


16 weeks

↑ patellar articular cartilage, larger chondrocytes, more chondrocyte clusters, larger chondrocyte volume fraction; no femoral groove cartilage adaptation


Rabbit Model

Rabbits have been a popular model for use with both ACL-T and meniscus injury models because of their low spontaneous joint degeneration, large joint size, and ease in use for testing new therapeutic agents. Rabbits preferentially load their lateral side, unlike rodents, and have the capability to spontaneous regenerate transected menisci with fibrous tissue, which can cause disadvantages for some studies. Similarly, rabbits have altered joint biomechanics, potentially resulting in a change in disease pathology compared to what may be expected in other animals. However, rabbits have been widely used as a model for OA because they form lesions similar to those seen in clinical OA [13].

The ACL-T model has been used in rabbits to study many aspects of PTA development. Studies have examined articular cartilage and meniscus properties [4850], gene expression and surface receptors [5153], osteophytes [54], bone properties [55, 56], and imaging techniques [57, 58]. The rabbit ACL-T model has also been used to test out therapeutics, such as HA therapy [59] and oral glucosamine supplements [60]. Furthermore, one study compared surgically induced ACL-T versus a blunt trauma ACL-T, which closely resembles clinical ACL-T in humans [61]. Studies using rabbit models of ACL-T are summarized in Table 6.5.

Table 6.5
Rabbit ACL-T models


ACL-T type

Surgery age

Exp. time



New Zealand

Medial arthrotomy

8–12 months

9 weeks

[Articular cartilage] Significant ↓ modulus (18 %); ↓ in GAG density; significant ↑ water content


New Zealand

Medial arthrotomy

12 months

9 weeks

Menisci from ACL-T knees had degenerative changes; high # of apoptotic cells on medial side of menisci; ↑ nitrotyrosine reactivity


New Zealand

Medial arthrotomy

9–10 months

2, 4, 9 weeks

Rapid ↑in MMP-1, -3, -13 gene expression in articular cartilage; aggrecanase-1, -2 levels stable


New Zealand

Anterolateral capsulotomy

12 months

3, 8 weeks

Matrix deterioration; medial menisci showed cell-depleted areas, cell clusters, altered cell distribution; ↑ collagen type I, III staining lat/med; ↑ collagen type II staining on med side only


New Zealand

Anterolateral capsulotomy

12 months

3, 8 weeks

Significant ↑ RNA yield from med menisci only; significant ↓ DNA yield from med menisci week 8; significant ↑ collagen type I, TIMP-1; significant ↓ decorin, TNF-α, IGF-2; more mRNA changes by medial/lateral side


New Zealand

Medial arthrotomy

12 months

4, 9, 12 weeks

Osteophytes present in femur and tibia compartments by week 12; hypertrophic chondrocytes in osteophytes produce VEGF; NO production/chondrocyte death during osteophyte formation


New Zealand

Medial arthrotomy


2, 8 weeks

Can detect synovial effusion, menisci/ligament lesions, and osteophytes accurately using MRI


New Zealand

Medial arthrotomy

2.5 years

4, 8, 12 weeks

Bone loss 4 and 8 weeks after, but returns to baseline by week 12; osteophyte volume significantly ↑ at weeks 8 and 12; damage to cartilage correlates to MRI values


New Zealand

Medial arthrotomy

2.5 years

4, 8, 12 weeks

MRI and μCT can be used to detect changes in articular cartilage, joint space, BMD, calcified tissue associated with OA


New Zealand

Medial arthrotomy


9 weeks

Apoptosis ↑ with ACL-T; treatment with HA ↓ apoptosis


New Zealand

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Nov 27, 2016 | Posted by in RHEUMATOLOGY | Comments Off on Anterior Cruciate Transection/Disruption Models of Post-Traumatic Arthritis

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