Fig. 29.1
(a) Preoperative TTC arthrodesis patient with diabetes sent for angiography. Confirmed occlusion of anterior tibialis artery. (b) Poststenting procedure showing significantly improved flow (Courtesy of Dr. Patrick Antoun)
Soft Tissue Envelope
Almost equally important to the bone is the ability for patient to mend their soft tissue envelope. It is of the upmost importance that a thorough examination be performed to determine incision planning and tissue perfusion. Oftentimes, patients that are undergoing ankle arthrodesis procedures will have had one or multiple surgeries, or poor quality skin from previous high-energy trauma (Fig. 29.2). This edematous, non-pliable, fibrous skin may be at risk when performing incisional placement for the ankle fusion [25]. The author often utilizes fluorescence microangiography preoperatively to assess skin and tissue perfusion for incisional planning (Fig. 29.3). This has helped prevent skin and soft tissue closure complications including dehiscence and infection. An incisional wound vacuum-assisted closure device has also been useful in reducing pain, edema, and skin and soft tissue complications, especially when an angiosome may be at risk (Fig. 29.4).

Fig. 29.2
Patient with poor skin envelope. Multiple surgical interventions including skin grafting for open fracture following motor vehicle accident

Fig. 29.3
(a) Fluorescence microangiography used preoperatively to assess skin perfusion and avoid areas of concern. (b) Postoperative microangiography displaying poor perfusion along the incision site; this indicates future tissue necrosis. (c) Removal of offending staples increasing perfusion to site

Fig. 29.4
Use of an incisional VAC to help prevent dehiscence
Rheumatological Disease
The complex interaction between the skeletal system and immune system explains the joint destructive nature of rheumatoid arthritis [26]. It is estimated that 1.5 million adults in the United States have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) [27]. The effect of RA on bone mineral density (BMD) derives from the interference of the dynamic balance between osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity [28]. This imbalance leads to bone demineralization and is a serious concern in regard to using and maintaining proper fixation. If the patient’s bone mineral density is adequate, ankle arthrodesis benefits overall stability. It has been demonstrated that when ankle arthrodesis is performed in the RA patient , it succeeds in decreasing pain and improves movement of the knee and hip joints as well [29].
Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol abuse has also been reported to increase risk of nonunions in patients [30]. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to an osteopenic state decreasing the ability to form bone across arthrodesis site. In an animal model, elevated levels of alcohol have been noted to decrease total bone mineral content with decreased bone formation at periosteal and cancellous sites [31].
Alcoholism and substance abuse in general have been linked to patient noncompliance as well. Thorough screening should be performed if alcoholism or drug dependency is suspected. Although it is unclear at this time whether or not intervention can prevent noncompliance, it is beneficial for the overall health of the patient [32].
Surgeon Factors
As a surgeon it is sometimes difficult to own responsibility of a complication; however, during the process of the root cause analysis, it is essential to critically evaluate our own technique during the time of the surgery. The primary errors typically made by the surgeon include improper technique , in adequate fixation for the patient, and in proper patient selection.
Ankle arthrodesis is a technically demanding procedure and requires attention to detail. This begins with the dissection involved, which should be carefully carried out as to not create significant disruption of the neurovascular structures. Care must be taken around peritalar structures as not to disturb the vascularity of the talus as it is tenuous. Aggressive dissection has been known to lead to an avascular necrosis, or avascular nonunions (Fig. 29.5).

Fig. 29.5
Use of a rotary burr during arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis, joint preparation can be difficult to visualize utilizing the camera alone
If the subchondral bone plate is not adequately removed or violated, no arthrodesis will ever be achieved. It is essential that the subchondral bone plate be removed during open and/or arthroscopic procedure (Fig. 29.6). Oftentimes it may be difficult to assess how much of the subchondral bone plate and/or surface of the tibiotalar joint has been resected during an arthroscopic procedure, especially for those new to this technique. Utilizing intraoperative arthroscopy and intraoperative fluoroscopy simultaneously can often be helpful to assess the area of resection. It has often been said that “position is everything” and “thou shall not varus,” these tenants hold true especially in ankle arthrodesis where position can be considered one of the most vital aspects of the procedure, and one that is in complete control of the surgeon. Insuring a proper position of the tibiotalar arthrodesis will help prevent malunion and nonunion [33].

Fig. 29.6
Overaggressive retraction of soft tissue as well as stripping of vascular supply to the talus may lead to postoperative complications including dehiscence and avascular nonunions
Inadequate fixation can often lead to complications involving nonunion or malunion. Careful determination of the type fixation should be evaluated during preoperative evaluation. In a study by Hutchinson, he has shown that the ideal mechanical construct would be an anterior plate and with a lag screw (Fig. 29.7), which is similar to the biomechanical data for first MPJ arthrodesis [34]. It is important to note that lateral plate with compression screw was similar in stiffness. While this construct is sufficient for open procedures, it may not be relevant for arthroscopic procedures, which requires percutaneous fixation. It has been shown that when performing arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis in vivo, the fastest rate of union was achieved with three parallel screws placed medially from the distal tibia into the talus [35]. While this construct has shown to lead to a faster time to fusion, it has not been shown to be biomechanically more stable. In patients with a suspected infectious process, it may be advantageous to utilize external fixation, as internal fixation often will propagate the infectious process (Fig. 29.8).

Fig. 29.7
Use of compression screw with locking plate leading to successful union

Fig. 29.8
Use of external fixation for septic nonunion
Patient Selection
While the ankle arthrodesis is quite versatile with minimal contraindications, it is essential that as the surgeon, we critically analyze the patient to determine whether or not the procedure would be best for them. As stated above it is essential to perform not only a thorough history and physical but also a social and socioeconomic evaluation of the patient prior to surgery. Often complications can occur because we are focused more on the patient’s radiographic findings and deformity rather than on the patient as a whole. It is the recommendation of this author that patients with multiple comorbidities be critically evaluated to determine whether or not they are candidates for elective ankle arthrodesis; it cannot be understated that a thorough history and physical examination should be performed prior to surgery. Laboratory testing to determine if an infection is present should be performed especially if the patient has sustained an open fracture or any type of trauma that is unknown, or history of surgery. All revision should be worked up for an infectious process. Circulatory, hematopoietic , metabolic, and nutritional profiles should be established and corrected to decrease healing deficits prior to any surgery.
Nonunion is the most common complication of the ankle arthrodesis procedure (Fig. 29.9). It has been reported in the literature that the percentage of nonunions is anywhere between 10 and 30%. As discussed earlier, patient selection and comorbidities can play a significant role in the incidence of nonunion. Frey et al. found nonunion rates of 89% in patients with documented avascular necrosis of the talus, 83% in patients with open fractures, and 60% of patients with known infection. He also reported an 85% nonunion rate in patients with significant medical issues [36]. While nonunions are the most frequent complication of ankle arthrodesis, it has not been established which type of nonunion most commonly occurs with this procedure. Inevitably when revising nonunions, one should always suspect an infectious process . Appropriate blood work and even bone biopsy may be useful in determining if the process is infectious in nature. Not only infectious but also nutritional labs such as vitamin D levels should be checked with any nonunion diagnosis. Nonunions can often be subtle and sometimes difficult to assess radiographically due to hardware interference. Oftentimes a thorough physical examination will reveal pain and edema around the affected joint or surgical site, several months after the procedure. If a nonunion is inspected and not obviously detected on radiograph, it is imperative to order a CT scan to assess the fusion site.

Fig. 29.9
Nonunion following arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis. The patient’s failure to quit smoking and inadequate joint preparation likely combined to play a role in the failure
Surgical Treatment of Nonunions
Once the diagnosis of a nonunion has been made, it is vital to identify the cause. A root cause analysis may be performed to determine the etiology of the nonunion. Achieving this can prevent future surgical errors as well as prevent a reoccurrence nonunion. Identification of the type of nonunion is also helpful in creating a treatment plan. Treatment should also be based upon the patient’s symptoms. Often a nonunion may not be painful; in this case, surgery is not indicated. In these cases the patient should be educated as to potential hardware failure, or other complications that may occur in the future. If the nonunion is asymptomatic and stable and the patient is neuropathic, a rigid brace should be prescribed to maintain correction [37].
The surgical plan should begin with the incisional approach. A thorough inspection of the soft tissue envelope should be performed as well as a review of vasculature in the potential surgical site. Often it is necessary to place the incision through the previous surgical site when percutaneous hardware removal cannot be achieved. If percutaneous hardware removal can be achieved, it may advantageous to plan an incision that will allow adequate access to the nonunion and through non-traumatized skin. Incision placement, when possible, should respect the angiosomes of the lower extremity. Anterior incision placement should be avoided if possible, as it may compromise this angiosome and is the reason for a 25% reported dehiscence rate in ankle arthroplasty [38].
Lateral or posterior incisional approaches tend to be safe and reliable. Hanson reported no complications in his series of ten patients undergoing pantalar arthrodesis through a posterior approach (Fig. 29.10).

Fig. 29.10
Posterior approach to revision arthrodesis given multiple previous surgery performed through medial and lateral incisions
Once the surgical approach has been determined, attention should be directed to the osseous component of the surgery. A plethora of fixation, biologic, and grafting options are available to the surgeon in preparation for surgery. There is no general consensus on which combination of options is most advantageous. The treatment plant should be patient specific and therefore may result in a variety of combinations of fixation, biologic, and nonbiologic augmentations as well as bone grafting. Typically if the nonunion is a simple hypertrophic type, without any other suspected pathology other than poor technique and/or fixation , the nonunion may be treated with takedown and aggressive resection followed by either bone grafting or biologic augmentation, with rigid internal fixation. If the patient has multiple comorbidities that may have contributed to the nonunion, it is recommended that the underlying malady be addressed. This might include tighter control of a patient’s Hba1c, smoking cessation, weight loss, or discontinuation of DMARDS. Only once these issues are addressed, it is recommended to proceed with the surgical plan.
There are over 40 documented fixation techniques described in the literature which fall into two major categories: internal fixation which is the most common and includes crossing screws, plate fixation, intramedullary nails, and combinations of these [39]. The other is external fixation, which is typically reserved for complex planar deformities, Charcot, and in patients who have suspected or known infection. When using screw fixation it has been advocated that a three-screw tripod technique be utilized. This technique is commonly employed for primary fusions; however, it is the opinion of the author that given the biomechanical data comparing screw with plate and screw fixation, the later technique be employed to ensure the most biomechanically stable construct. Patients who are identified with a nonunion may often have concomitant subtalar joint pain with degeneration of the joint. Use of intramedullary retrograde nail or precontoured anatomic tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) locking plates should be considered in this patient population. A recent biomechanical evaluation of intramedullary nail versus locking TTC fusion plate with TTC augmentation screw in cadaveric models showed higher final rigidity in the locking plate group [40]. While plate fixation may be more biomechanically stable, it often requires a large exposure; therefore, it may not be optimal if there is concern for the soft tissue envelope. If possible a posterior approach with a posterior locking TTC plate would be an ideal approach if plate fixation is the choice of fixation. In cases where minimal exposure is desired, intramedullary nail fixation may be utilized successfully. In a retrospective review of ten cases of nonunion, a minimally invasive retrograde locking nail gave excellent results with a 90% union rate [41]. The use of a blade plate has also been advocated by many authors for complex ankle or TTC fusions with reported successful union rates as high as 90% [42]. Biomechanically this construct has been shown to be inferior to crossing screw constructs in a sawbone model [43] (Fig. 29.11).

Fig. 29.11
Attempted ankle arthrodesis in an uncontrolled diabetic with a blade plate resulted in asymptomatic nonunion given the patients neuropathy. The patient was placed in a ridged brace to prevent breakdown
External fixation can be a valuable tool for treatment of nonunions especially when infection is suspected. External fixation provides rigid immobilization with resistance to multiplane stresses especially torsional and axial load while allowing access to soft tissue defects and early weight bearing (Fig. 29.12). If there is significant bone loss after resection, external fixation may but utilize with proximal corticotomy and distraction osteogenesis to lengthen and then compression distally at the nonunion site. External fixation is the author’s fixation of choice in treatment of septic nonunions. External fixation may be considered for aseptic nonunions as well; however, in a retrospective review of 26 nonunions treated with external fixation, Kitaoka reported a satisfactory result with only 77% of the nonunions going on to successful fusion and fair or poor results in nearly half the patients [44].

Fig. 29.12
Use of TSF for ankle malunion allowing access to the graft laterally
Biologics and Grafting
The past decade has seen significant advances in the field of orthobiologics. Bone biology may be manipulated to promote healing potential through osteoconductive or osteoinductive mediators. Osteoconductive products provide a scaffold for ingrowth of bone (Fig. 29.13). More recently research has been focused on osteoinductive products that stimulate osteoprogenitor stem cells to differentiate into osteoblasts. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) has been the most widely studied type of the osteoinductive cell mediators. Bibbo showed a 96% union rate in 108 high-risk fusion patients using recombinant human BMP-2 (rhBMP-2) [45]. Equally impressive, Fourman reported a 93% union rate in his rhBMP-2 group versus a 53% union rate in patients without the growth factor in complex ankle fusions [46]. Allogenic stem cells have also been reported in the literature as a safe and effective biologic augmentation, although it has not performed as well as autogenous grafting [47].

Fig. 29.13

Patient with open injury and subsequent fusion with osteoconductive bone grafting results in nonunion. (a) After ORIF patient reinjured site due to non-compliance resulting in an open injury. (b) Patient underwent pinning of ankle joint to prevent future dislocation. (c, d) Patient with resulting ankle deformity. (e) Patient underwent bone biopsy with antibiotic spacer placement. (f, g). After negative cultures patient underwent ankle arthrodesis with plate fixation and osteoconductive bone graft resulting in what appeared to be a successful union. (h, i) After being lost to follow-up after 1 year, patient returned to the office with subsequent nonunion and broken hardware

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