
Ankle and Foot




  20% to 42% in people >65 years (2)

  Significant foot pain is more common in obese females and older people (especially individuals 65–74 years old [YO])

Risk factors

  Relationship between shoes and foot pain

    images  Rare in population not wearing shoes. More common in females wearing tighter shoes (3)

  Foot pain can be related to poor functional performance, walking, stair negotiation, and history of multiple falls



  Ankle: most commonly (MC) injured joint among athletes (up to 30%); ankle sprain (75%–85%) (5)

  Common in soccer, basketball (>40%), football (>10%, lateral sprain: MC), long-distance runners (overuse), young dancers, and gymnasts (fracture and fatigue fracture)

Adolescent athletes

  Growth-related problems (coalitions and accessory ossicles), overuse injuries (apophysitis and osteochondrosis), stress fractures, and epiphyseal fractures



  10% of total workplace injury, median of 5 days off

Common causes

  Direct trauma, secondary to slip, trip/fall, or shoe-related problem

  Related to environment (construction zone, type of floor, etc), type of footwear, long periods of standing

  Ankle: sprains and strains: MC (>70%) followed by fractures (15%) and bruises (contusion, 5%)

  Foot: bruises > fractures > sprains and strains > cuts and punctures

  Toes: fractures > bruises




Classification of foot regions (Figure 10.1)

  Forefoot: metatarsal (MT) and phalanges




Surface anatomy of the foot and ankle.

Source: Courtesy of Dr. Mooyeon Oh Park.

  Midfoot: cuneiform, cuboid, tarsometatarsal (TMT) (Lisfranc) joint, and cuneiform-navicular joint

  Hindfoot: talus, calcaneus, subtalar, and midtarsal joint (Chopart joint: talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints) (7)

  Ankle joint: tibiotalar joint and tibiofibular syndesmosis


Foot pain



Classification of foot and ankle pain.

MSK, musculoskeletal; post., posterior.





Plantar heel

Fat pad

Fat-pad atrophy: middle age, rare in young adult ± H/O steroid injection

Plantar fascia

Plantar fasciitis: MC cause of plantar heel pain. Pain at the fascial insertion to medial calcaneal tuberosity

Plantar fibromatosis: distal to the insertion, palpable nodule


Stress fracture: vague pain, H/O osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus (DM), or recent change in activity

Peroneus longus tendon

Tendinopathy/tear: Lateral plantar heel to medial midfoot, deep, ± H/O inversion sprain

Posterior heel/ankle

Achilles tendon

Non-insertional tendinopathy/tear: MC cause of the posterior heel pain (4 times more than insertional)

Insertional Achilles tendinopathy (2nd MC)

Os trigonum

Os trigonum syndrome: deep posterolateral pain ± H/O minor ankle trauma or repetitive trauma

Flexor hallucis longus tendon

Tendinopathy/tenosynovitis: posterior medial ankle/hindfoot pain, ± H/O ankle sprain or overuse (ballet)


Retrocalcaneal/superficial calcaneal bursitis: often irritated from shoe (heel counter) ± bulging. Patient prefers open back shoes (clogs, slippers, flip flops)


Posterior ankle/subtalar joint effusion/synovitis or loose body. Worsening pain on tip toe walking

Dorsum and ankle

Tibiofibular lig. (syndesmosis)

High ankle sprain: persistent pain after sprain (eversion and dorsiflexion) ± instability

Soft tissue

Anterolateral impingement syndrome: gradual onset of pain after injury

Pain on ankle dorsiflexion (late stance phase of gait)

Talar dome

Osteochondritis dissecans: chronic pain after ankle sprain. Pain is typically not localized

Midtarsal joint

Talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joint/ligament sprain or arthritis

Medial ankle/hindfoot

Tibialis posterior (TP) tendon

Tendinopathy, tear, and tenosynovitis

  Pain between medial malleolus and navicular tuberosity, acquired pes planus

Deltoid ligament

H/O eversion sprain, significant pain, often difficult weight bearing initially, and ecchymosis

Talonavicular joint

Arthritis: tarsal coalition or foot alignment issues (pes planus, cavus)

Lateral ankle/hindfoot

Lateral ligament

Sprain: MC cause of ankle pain (especially, anterior talofibular ligament)

  Common with pes cavus (hindfoot inversion), and H/O previous injury

Peroneal tendon

Tendinopathy, tear (brevis: more common), tenosynovitis, and subluxation

  Pain on the behind/distal to the lateral malleolus (posterolateral) ± intermittent snapping, usually after inversion injury

Sinus tarsi

Sinus-tarsi syndrome: common cause of persistent pain after ankle sprain

Calcaneocubiod joint


Sprain common in dancing, underrecognized cause of sinus-tarsi pain

DM, diabetes mellitus; H/O, history of; lig., ligament; MC, most common; TP, tibialis posterior.






Cuboid-4th metatarsal bone

Arthritis, subluxation (cuboid subluxation, often reduced by the patient), and sprain

Os peroneum

Painful Os peroneal syndrome



Kohler disease (navicular osteochondrosis) or Müller–Weiss syndrome (navicular osteonecrosis)

Painful accessory navicular syndrome

Naviculocuneiform arthritis

Often associated with 1st ray insufficiency (hypermobile 1st ray)

FHL or FDL (at master knot of Henry)

Tendinopathy or tethering

  Rare cause of medial arch pain

FDL, flexor digitorum longus; FHL, flexor hallucis longus.





1st ray

1st metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint

Gout: MC cause of acute disabling foot pain, 1st MTP joint; MC location for gout

Hallux rigidus/limitus: pain on the dorsum of 1st MTP joint initially

Hallux valgus with bursitis: pain on the medial side


Sesamoiditis, sesamoid fracture/necrosis: plantar aspect of the MTP joint

2nd ray

2nd MTP joint

Subluxation or dislocation. Pain can be worsened by tight shoe ± crossing over/overlying toes

2nd metatarsal bone

Stress fracture

    Change in amount of weight-bearing activity; common in athletes (with nutritional imbalance), and osteoporosis

Freiberg disease (osteonecrosis of 2nd metatarsal head): adolescent female

Lesser toes


Intermetatarsal bursitis ± irritation of interdigital N

Taylor’s bunion (Bunionette deformity) on the lateral side of 5th metatarsal head

MTP joints and soft tissues

MTP joint arthritis/synovitis (highly involved in inflammatory arthropathy; underrecognized)

Lateral overloading syndrome: often H/O medial arch support (excessive)

MC, most common; MTP, metatarsophalangeal; N, nerve.




Differential diagnosis of neuropathic causes of foot and ankle pain.

Ant., anterior; LS, lumbosacral; N, neuropathy.





Baxter’s (inferior calcaneal N) entrapment neuropathy

Deep, aching (because of periosteum innervation), and tingling

Underrecognized cause of chronic recalcitrant heel pain. Aggravated by hindfoot valgus

Medial calcaneal entrapment neuropathy

A rare cause of burning, pins/needles pain in the heel


Superficial peroneal neuropathy

Worse at night (weight of blanket plantarflex the ankle with stretching of superficial peroneal nerve) and aggravated by tight shoe

H/O inversion ankle sprain

Deep peroneal neuropathy

Underrecognized cause of sinus-tarsi pain by compression of the lateral branch of deep peroneal N to extensor digitorum brevis


Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Neuropathic pain on the sole of the foot, often aggravated by hindfoot eversion, pronation

Distal tarsal tunnel syndrome: involving a branch similar to presentation of isolated inferior calcaneal, medial calcaneal, or medial plantar neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy

Large fiber-mediated symptoms (unsteadiness) and small fiber symptoms (burning, pins/needles sensation), symmetric.


Medial plantar N (jogger’s foot)

Medial arch pain with radiating pain distally and proximally

Hallucal neuropathy

Numbness, tingling, pins/needles pain in the big toe with pain radiation proximally (Valleix’s phenomenon)

Lateral forefoot

Interdigital neuritis

Pain radiating distally but occasionally radiating proximally, with numbness

Regional or Diffuse

Peripheral neuropathy/small fiber neuropathy, or erythromelalgia

Complex regional pain syndrome: often focal neuropathy misinterpreted as generalized pain

Herpes neuralgia; can precede the skin lesions

N, nerve; H/O, history of.


  Compartment syndrome: history of trauma or injury

  Acute ischemia: with history of vascular disease, rest pain, pain relieved by dependent position

  Drug-seeking behavior




Neuromuscular (progressive)


    Muscle disease

Muscular dystrophy

    Peripheral nerves and root

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease/peripheral neuropathy (common)

    Anterior horn cell Dx

Polio, spinal dysraphism (can involve root only), diastematomyelia, syringomyelia, spinal cord tumor, spinal muscular atrophy

    Long tract and central nervous Dx

Cerebral palsy, Friedreich’s ataxia, Roussy-Lévy syn., primary cerebellar disorder

Congenital (lifelong)

Idiopathic, residual of clubfoot (equinocavovarus), arthrogryposis, and fibular hemimelia


Residuals of compartment syndrome, crush inj. to lower ext. severe burn, malunion of foot Fx.

Talar neck fracture

Dx, diagnosis; ext., extreme; Fx, fracture; inj., injury; syn., syndrome.





Congenital vertical talus: congenital rigid flat foot

  Associated with neuromuscular disease (arthrogryposis, meningocele)

Tarsal coalition: severe osteophyte in the talonavicular joint (common)

Muscle weakness

TP dysfunction (insufficiency): MC cause of acquired flat foot

Ligament laxity

Hypermobile flat foot

Hyperpronated foot

Dropping of the talar head ± spring ligament injury/insufficiency

Femoral int. rotation, coxa vara, and medial tibial torsion

Trauma and others

Calcaneal fracture

Charcot neuroarthropathy (long-standing DM: MC cause)

DM, diabetes mellitus; MC, most common, TP, tibialis posterior.



  Normal aging, immobility, upper motor neuron syndrome, deconditioning, DM, Achilles enthesopathy/tendinopathy/tear, and the like

Osseous (pseudoequinus): anterior tibiotalar exostosis, distal tibiofibular osseous bridging


Recurrent ankle sprain (MC cause), occurs in 10% to 30% of recurrent ankle sprain

Mechanical causes: arthrokinetic restriction, synovial, and degenerative pathologies

  Loose bodies, osteochondral injuries, chondromalacia, osteophytes/painful ossicles, synovitis/adhesion, impingement, and peroneal tendon pathology

Functional causes: proprioception, neuromuscular, impaired postural control, and strength deficit


Lateral (behind the lateral malleolus, MC)

  Peroneal tendon subluxation with retinacular injury, more common than extensor digitorum longus (EDL) with inferior retinaculum injury

    images  Static MRI: not sensitive images better evaluated by dynamic ultrasound (US) with passive ankle dorsi/plantarflexion with eversion


  TP subluxation and dislocation or tibialis anterior (TA) snapping


Pain on the lateral forefoot, midfoot, hindfoot, and lateral calf due to compensatory mechanism (avoid weight bearing on the medial side)

Common underlying medial foot pathologies

  Hallux rigidus/limitus (with/without gout or degenerative joint disease (DJD) of MTP joint)

  1st ray insufficiency (with medial cuneiform-metatarsal joint arthropathy)

  2nd MTP joint arthralgia/subluxation

  Plantar fasciitis

  Posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction

  Ambitious arch syndrome from medial arch support (or foot orthotics)


Length-dependent neuropathy: stocking pattern, distal symptoms more severe than proximal

Focal/regional pain


More than one part of foot (regional or diffuse) involved

  Tarsal tunnel syndrome (proximal)

  Distal peripheral neuropathy

  Lumbosacral radiculopathy


  Distal tarsal tunnel syndrome involving the medial plantar nerve

  Medial plantar neuropathy (jogger’s foot)

  Medial hallucal nerve lesion (at MTP joint area)


  Morton’s interdigital neuritis

  Distal tarsal tunnel syndrome involving the lateral plantar nerve

  Lateral plantar neuropathy; neurilemma, iatrogenic, etc


  Medial calcaneal nerve: posterior heel/cutaneous burning, pins/needles sensation

  Baxter’s nerve (1st branch of the lateral plantar nerve); deep aching pain in the heel



  Superficial peroneal neuropathy (where it perforates the crural fascia above the ankle, rarely at the level of the knee)

  Anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome involving deep peroneal neuropathy

  Hallux rigidus/limitus with dorsal osteophytes irritating the deep and superficial peroneal nerves/medial dorsal branch, or the medial dorsal hallucal nerve

  Saphenous N lesion (at the knee or leg)

  L5 radiculopathy


  Deep peroneal N (branch to EDB, sinus-tarsi syndrome)

  Superficial peroneal N (perforating the crural fascia or distally at navicular junction)

  Sural neuralgia

  S1 radiculopathy

EDB, extensor digitorum brevis; N, nerve.




Ankle joint


    images  Talar dome: wider anteriorly

images  Ankle dorsiflexion engages anterior part into the mortise images fits more securely (stable) and can cause pain in syndesmosis injury (widen tibiofibular space)

images  Plantar flexion of ankle (narrower posterior dome) images unstable (more common position in ankle sprain)

    images  Axis of talus to the 1st web space (in relation to impingement)

images  Bony impingement

             Dorsiflexion images anteromedial impingement

             Plantarflexion images Posterolateral impingement

images  If impingement location is at anterolateral or posteromedial of the ankle images suspect soft tissue (ligament and scar tissue) impingement

    images  Direct blood supply retrograde fashion in talus (because of limited soft-tissue attachments) images vulnerable to osteonecrosis

  Ankle joint axis: medial 8° higher (lower in lateral side) in coronal plane, the lateral malleolus is 20° to 30° posterior compared to the medial malleolus (axial plane)

    images  Ankle dorsiflexion images slight abduction of forefoot due to tilting

    images  Ankle joint x-ray (mortise view): internally rotate the leg by 20°

  Ankle stabilizers: bony (mortise with wide anterior talar dome), ligaments, muscles across the ankle joint

    images  Ankle dorsiflexion blocks (stabilizes) the movement in the ankle mortise, and tightens the Achilles tendon and locks the subtalar joint

Subtalar joint (Figure 10.2)

  Between talus and calcaneus with three articular facets: anterior, middle, and posterior facets

    images  Multiple configurations in joint articulations and orientations

  Triplanar mechanism (movement similar to 45° oblique hinge)

    images  Axis: 42° (posterior-inferior to anterior–superior in sagittal plane) and 16° (posterolateral to anteromedial in axial plane)

    images  Pronation: dorsiflex in sagittal plane with forefoot abduction in axial plane and hindfoot eversion in coronal plane

    images  Supination: the opposite of pronation when the foot responds to the demands of uneven terrain

  Stabilizers (9)

    images  Bony configuration of facets: anterior, middle, and posterior facets

    images  Muscles across the subtalar joint

    images  Ligamentous stabilizers

images  Major stabilizers: interosseous talocalcaneal ligament (most important), cervical ligament, and lateral talocalcaneal ligament

images  Posterior, anterior, medial, and lateral capsular thickening images eversion/inversion control

images  Anterior part: cervical ligament; floor of sinus tarsi to talar neck images primarily limits inversion

images  Lateral talocalcaneal ligament limits inversion, medial talocalcaneal limits eversion

images  Calcaneofibular ligament: lateral stability to the ankle and subtalar joint

images  Bifurcate ligament

Midtarsal joint (Chopart or transverse tarsal joint)

  Calcaneocuboid and talonavicular joint

    images  20° adduction and 10° abduction

    images  Stability

images  Congruence of the calcaneocuboid joint

images  Subtalar joint motion (supination images calcaneocuboid and talonavicular joint axes are not parallel images close-packed position; midtarsal joint locking)



Bony anatomy of foot with location of accessory bone (ossicles).

images  Ligaments

             Bifurcate ligament (calcaneocuboid, calcaneonavicular) in the dorsum

             Wedge-shaped labra within calcaneocuboid joint

             Spring ligament (calcaneonavicular) in the medial/plantar aspect

             Plantar calcaneocuboid ligament

TMT joint: referred as midfoot joint or Lisfranc joint

  Cuneiform-metatarsal and cuboid-metatarsal joints

  Medial column (1st ray, medial cuneiform–1st metatarsal (MT)), middle (2nd and 3rd ray, intermediate, lateral cuneiform-metatarsal) and lateral column (cuboid-4th and 5th MT)

    images  Medial cuneiform-metatarsal (1st TMT) joint: reciprocal saddle joint similar to 1st carpometacarpal (CMC) joint in hand

    images  Mobile lateral column: 20° flexion/extension versus rigid medial column; cuneiform-2nd MT (<4°)

  Stabilizers of TMT joint

    images  Osseous, ligamentous (1st cuneometatarsal ligament; large dorsal and broader but inconsistent plantar, inconsistent interosseous, and absent intermetatarsal ligament), and muscles (peroneus longus and flexor halluces longus against dorsal instability)

images  If stabilizer is dysfunctional images 1st ray hypermobility with compensation mechanism to increase stability with stiffening strategy

             Reduced range of motion (ROM) of the 1st MT during walking

             Disproportionate increase in 1st MT and calcaneal eversion ROM

    images  Osseous stability

images  Lisfranc joint: Roman arch configuration, apex at the 2nd MT (transverse arch)

images  Base of 2nd metatarsal (longer than other metatarsals) in keystone shape; inherent stability

             Stress fracture more common in 2nd metatarsal bone

             Can be related to intractable plantar keratosis underneath

  Cuneiform-metatarsal; less mobile versus cuboid-metatarsal; more mobile

    images  Stability of cuboid-4th metatarsal joint

             Dorsal and plantar cuboideometatarsal ligaments

             Wedge-shaped fibroadipose labra within cuboid metatarsal joints

             4th metatarsal cuboid sprain images subluxation/instability

1st MTP joint

  Stabilizers (inherently unstable joint)

    images  Static: collateral ligaments, capsule, and plantar fascia

    images  Dynamic: peroneus longus and intrinsic muscle of the foot insert to the base of the proximal phalanx, augmented by extrinsic muscles (EHL and FHL)


Ankle ligaments (10)

  Lateral ankle ligaments: anterior/posterior talofibular, and calcaneofibular ligaments

    images  Anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL)

images  Two bands, anteromedial, 1 cm proximal to tip of fibula to talar body

images  Posterolateral to anteromedial course: resist anterior translation and internal rotation of talus

images  Thinnest of all lateral ligaments: MC injured ligament, not pivotal in gross stability

  Deltoid ligament

    images  Superficial: tibiocalcaneal (to sustentaculum tali), tibionavicular, superficial tibiotalar/tibiospring ligament

             Holds calcaneus and navicular against the talus and reinforces the action of the spring ligament on which the head of the talus rests

    images  Deep: deep anterior and posterior tibiotalar ligament (strongest)

    images  Constant: tibiospring, tibionavicular ligament, and deep anterior/posterior tibiotalar ligament


  Anterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament (accessory ligament: Basset ligament), post-inferior tibiofibular ligament (the strongest), inferior transverse tibiofibular ligament (form a labrum/fibrocartilagenous), and interosseous tibiofibular ligament

  Important ankle mortise stabilizer

Spring ligament (11)

  Composed of inferior (more rigid) and superomedial (more elastic, injured MC) calcaneonavicular ligament


    images  Articular sling around the head of the talus (sling around the head of the talus like acetabulum (with navicular and calcaneus)

images  Functional spring–ligament complex including anterior portion of superficial deltoid ligament and posterior tibialis tendon (PTT)

    images  Major supporter of medial arch and head of the talus

    images  Control talocalcaneonavicular joint

Liscfranc ligament (12,13)

  Ligaments at TMT joint

    images  Plantar and dorsal ligaments: longitudinal, oblique (tarsal to metatarsal bone), and transverse (between metatarsals)

images  The plantar ligaments are stronger than the dorsal ligaments, which may account for the dorsal direction of dislocations of TMT joints

    images  Interosseous ligaments

images  The Lisfranc ligament (medial interosseous ligament)

             Located between the medial cuneiform and the base of the second metatarsal

             The largest of the interosseus ligaments and strongest in providing the most stability, followed by the plantar and dorsal ligaments, respectively

images  Absent between the bases of the first and second metatarsals and between medial and middle cuneiforms


Flexor retinaculum

  Medial side, roof of tarsal tunnel

Extensor retinaculum

  Dorsum of the foot and ankle

  Superior (above the ankle joint) and inferior (at ankle joint and tarsal bone) extensor retinaculum

  Inferior extensor retinaculum

    º  Inferior (inferomedial) band: roof of anterior tarsal tunnel (deep peroneal nerve entrapment site; anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome [TOS])

    images  Lateral portion (stem, frondiform ligament): forms ligament like roots located in the sinus tarsi (15)

Peroneal retinaculum

  Superior: sheath covering peroneal tendons in retromalleolar groove, can be injured during inversion injury causing instability or lateral ankle snapping

  Inferior: from lateral rim of the sinus tarsi to a point of attachment below the trochlea of the calcaneus. If injured images underrecognized source of pain

NERVE (16)

Tibial nerve (main motor nerve to intrinsic foot muscles and sole of the foot), peroneal nerve (dorsum of foot and extensor digitorum brevis and peroneus tertius), saphenous nerve (medial), and sural nerve (lateral side of ankle and foot)

Tibial nerve branches (17) (Figure 10.3)

  Medial plantar nerve: 1st lumbrical, abductor halluces, and FHB; cutaneous sensation of medial plantar sole. Continues to be the medial hallucal nerve (with other nerve contribution)

  Lateral plantar nerve: 4th interosseous; quadratus plantae, flexor digiti minimi brevis, adductor hallucis, 2nd to 4th lumbricals, and lateral plantar sole

  Interdigital nerves: sensory branches from medial and lateral plantar nerves

    images  Third interdigital nerve is formed by contribution from both medial and lateral plantar nerves

  Inferior calcaneal nerve (Baxter’s nerve, or 1st branch of lateral plantar nerve)

    images  40% direct branch from the tibial nerve

    images  Flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti quinti pedis (ADQP), periosteum medical calcaneus (sensory afferent); no cutaneous innervation

Peroneal nerve (Figure 10.3)

  Common peroneal nerve passing around the fibular neck in an exposed fibro-osseous tunnel bordered superficially by the peroneus longus tendon images bifurcates into recurrent articular branch, and deep and superficial branch in the lateral leg compartment



Nerve innervation of the foot and ankle.

  Superficial peroneal nerve

    images  Superficial peroneal nerve pierces the deep fascia and becomes subcutaneous 7 to 10 cm above the ankle

    images  Major innervation of cutaneous sensation in the dorsum of the foot except the 1st web space

  Deep peroneal nerve

    images  First-web space cutaneous sensation and afferent sensation from periosteum of sinus tarsi

    images  After bifurcating, the deep peroneal nerve enters anterior compartment under peroneus longus, piercing the intermuscular septum between the lateral and anterior compartment (potential entrapment site)

    images  Deep to EDL to the anterior interosseous membrane (anterior compartment), reaching the anterior tibial artery in the proximal one-third of the leg

    images  At the ankle, it divides into the lateral branch to extensor digitorum brevis (EDB) muscle, sinus tarsi, lateral tarsal joints, and medial terminal branches (lateral to the dorsalis pedis artery)

  Anatomy of anterior tarsal tunnel

    images  Roof: inferomedial border of the inferior extensor retinaculum, floor: talonavicular joint capsule

Big-toe innervation

  Medial hallucal nerve; extension of medial plantar nerve

  Deep peroneal nerve (1st web space)

  Superficial peroneal nerve (medial dorsal branch)

  Saphenous nerve (controversial)







Ankle joint: approximately 5 times the body weight (BW) loading during walking

Ground reaction force (GRF) during stance phase: typical muscle pattern (first peak; initial heel strike, 2nd peak: heel rise and heel off), lower during midstance

Compensation mechanism (19,20)

  In a closed chain system (eg, standing or stance phase of gait), each segment is interrelated and interdependent (eg, pronation and supination response)

  Loss of mobility at any one joint images a complex series of compensations that affect all the other articulations of the foot, ankle, and lower extremity

  Tight Achilles cord (gastrocnemius) increases loading on the forefoot

    images  Decreased ankle dorsiflexion (during stance phase) compensated by neighboring (subtalar, midtarsal, knee) joints with pronation response usually

    images  Navicular drop/in rolling (as the compensation response) can cause other problems

  Rationale for orthotic or footwear: mitigating painful or abnormal degrees of compensation by accommodating loss of mobility in addition to decreasing painful ROM


Ankle joint (19)

  To advance in the mid- to terminal stance of gait, 10° dorsiflexion is ideally required

    images  In equinus state/deformity, other functional ankle joints compensate for the decreased ankle (tibiotalar) joint motion; sagittal compensation

    images  Functional ankle joints are other neighboring joints that substitute or compensate for an ankle joint motion

images  Subtalar joint (talocalcaneal) compensation with other components of pronation response kicks during dorsiflexion images forefoot abduction, navicular drop (in rolling), and hindfoot eversion

images  Midtarsal (transverse tarsal) joint

images  Knee joint (knee recurvatum compensate/or secondary to tight Achilles cord)

             Can cause posterior knee pain or infrapatellar fat-pad impingement

images  Shoe (rocker bottom simulating dorsiflexion). Solid ankle cushion heel (SACH) simulating a plantarflexion

    images  Gait changes with ankle osteoarthritis (OA) (22)

images  Lower walking speed, lower ankle and hindfoot ROM, lower peak-ankle plantarflexion moment and lower peak-ankle power, lower peak-muscle activation of the calf muscles during walking

Subtalar joint

  Subtalar eversion and tibial-talar internal rotation during initial heel strike

    images  Dissipates the GRF from an axial to a rotational vector at heel strike

Midfoot and forefoot

  The weight-bearing cross-lateral oblique (toe break line: weight bearing, shorter lever) to medial oblique (mobile, longer lever from calcaneus to big toe)

  Midfoot joint

    images  Compensation mechanism to increase stability if midfoot stability compromised: stiffening strategy

images  Reduced ROM of the 1st metatarsal bone during walking

images  Disproportionate increase in 1st MT and calcaneal eversion ROM in more challenging activities (eg, stair descent)

  Loss of dorsiflexion of the first metatarsal phalangeal joint (MTPJ); hallux limitus/rigidus images limiting the transition from midstance to propulsion in the gait cycle referred to as “sagittal plane blocking”

    images  Picking up the foot early (steppage), rolling-off the medial aspect of the foot abruptly, and shortening the stride on the involved side (limp)

    images  Late and excessive supination, overloading the lateral metatarsals (or causing lateral side foot and lateral leg pain from peroneal overloading)

Pronation and supination response






Forefoot abduction

Midfoot dorsiflexion

Talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joint are parallel

images Flexible, adaptive to irregular surface (initial stance phase)

Navicular dropping

Talus: medially deviated, plantarflexed

Calcaneal eversion (normal up to 5°–10°)

Forefoot adduction

Midfoot plantarflexion

Talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joint intersect

images Stiff, lever arm for push up (late stance phase)

Calcaneal inversion

Common foot pattern/deformity

Flat foot (forefoot varus/hindfoot valgus)

Cavus foot (forefoot valgus and hindfoot varus)

Proximal segment

Tibial/femur internal rotation (on standing; closed kinetic chain)

Tibia/femur external rotation

Common pathologies

Posterior tibialis tendon insufficiency

Navicular pain, calcaneocuboid joint pain

Peroneus tendinopathy

Midtarsal joint pain


Arches of the foot

  Longitudinal arch (24,25)

    images  Lever for transmission of plantarflexion force of Achilles tendon (not in other primate)

    images  Medial arch and lateral arch (often neglected, calcaneus, cuboid, 4th and 5th metatarsals, important in Charcot neuroarthropathy progression)

    º  Beam (plantar ligament) and truss mechanism and windlass mechanism (plantar aponeurosis)

    images  Apex of the arch located at the transverse tarsal (midtarsal) joint medially and laterally (at cuboid)

    images  Key dynamic stabilizers: TP and gastroc-soleus muscle

  Transverse arch

    images  Three metatarsocuneiform and two metatarsocuboid joints

    images  Roman arch by the wedge-shaped bone (apex at intermediate cuneiform)

    images  Dynamic stabilizers: TP and peroneus longus

Neutrally aligned feet: lower frequencies of intrinsic muscle atrophy, bony prominences, and toe deformities

Pes cavus (high arch foot) (26)

  Selective muscle weakness images imbalance of muscles images flexible deformity initially with fixed deformity later

    images  Hereditary sensory motor neuropathy (CMT): peroneus brevis and TA primarily affected

             Unopposed pull of posterior tibialis tendon (with fascia of abductor hallucis shortened) and tight Achilles cord images hindfoot varus

             Unopposed pull of peroneus longus (PL) (plantarflexion of 1st MT; forefoot supinatus)

             Achilles cord; hindfoot adductor (varus), EHL recruited as secondary ankle dorsiflexor

    images  Foot intrinsic muscle weakness in peripheral neuropathy images unexposed extrinsic muscles such as EDL and FDL

             Unopposed EDL: hyperextend the lesser MTP joint and flexion deformity of interphalangeal joint, forefoot equines images further shorten plantar fascia—cock-up hallux deformity

  Foot pain and deformity related to pes cavus (27)

    images  Prolonged MTP joint plantarflexion (forefoot supinatus/varus) in cavus foot

images  By putting the lateral forefoot on the ground, forefoot tilt laterally (forefoot varus) followed by hindfoot inversion; forefoot-driven hindfoot varus

images  Limited lateral forefoot weight bearing on walking (forefoot already in varus) and functional hallux rigidus (MTP joint dorsiflexion) images Overusing toe break with pain during walking; at the end of stance phase or MTP joint subluxation

    images  Ankle/subtalar arthropathy, midfoot arthropathy (asymmetric articular buttress)

    images  Overload in the lateral aspect of the foot: peroneal tendinopathy, stress fracture on the metatarsal, and hindfoot varus (inversion): lateral ankle sprain

    images  MTP joint overloading images MTP subluxation, high arch (plantar fasciitis)

    images  Tight/short plantar fascia; plantar fasciitis

Pes planus (flat foot)

  Principal mechanical contributors: contracture of the triceps surae, attenuation of the ligamentous supports, and PTT dysfunction (25)

  Common foot pain conditions related to pes planus (28)

    images  Leg pain (EDL overuse as it becomes major ankle dorsiflexor rather than TA with subtalar axis changes)

    images  Plantar fasciitis with excessive traction to the plantar fascia

    images  Functional hallux rigidus: as the foot rolls inward, the medial column (navicular, medial cuneiform, and first metatarsal) of the foot is elevated or dorsiflexed. Hallux valgus

    images  TP dysfunction (etiology as well as result)

    images  Arthralgia: ankle, subtalar, and talonavicular joint pain, later, calcaneocuboid joint pain by increased stress and asymmetry of forces transmitted through the ankle and subtalar joints




Medial longitudinal arch

  From medial side inspection: look for congruence, flat in pes planus, and high arch (acute angle) in pes cavus

Hindfoot and midfoot

  Talonavicular joint area (observation from behind): concave (cavus) or convex (bulge: planus)

  Lateral aspect: convex (bulge) in pes cavus and concave below the lateral malleolus in pes planus

  Posterior aspect: calcaneus inversion (medial) in pes cavus and eversion in pes planus


  Alignment: abduction (lateral; too many toes sign) in pes planus or adduction in pes cavus (on axial plane)

    images  With subtalar neutral, valgus in pes cavus and varus in pes planus (coronal plane)

  Forefoot deformities: hallux valgus, varus, toes (claw, hammer toes similar principles to finger deformity), joint enlargement/osteophytes, gout, OA, hallux rigidus/limitus

    images  Toe deformity: claw, hammer toes similar principles to finger deformity

  Overlying toe, widening of 2nd web space, 2nd MTP subluxation (medially)

    images  Often deformity is subtle

  Too-many-toes sign (≥2 toes laterally, from observation from behind) observed in forefoot abduction (pes planus and with posterior tibialis dysfunction)

Excessive callus

  Metatarsal heads (at MTP joint) common with Achilles tightness and pes cavus (1st ray plantarflexion), callus under the lesser toes common with 1st ray insufficiency (with pinch callus in phalange)

  Baby-like skin (indicating limited weight bearing) common with 1st ray insufficiency

Inspection of shoes

  Size; tight shoes (especially with forefoot pain), and worn-out pattern (laterally worn out in pes cavus, medially worn out in pes planus)

Foot posture index for pes cavus and planus (29)

  To semiquantify the degree of pronation or supination; useful in follow-up

    images  Normal: 0 to 5, highly pronated: ≥10, highly supinated ≤−5

    º  Each component has −2 (supination) to +2 (pronation)

    images  Lateral malleolar curvature (concave), calcaneal position in coronal plane (eversion), prominence in the region of the talonavicular joint, congruence of medial longitudinal arch, and abduction of the forefoot

    images  Palpation for talar head

  Inspection for other foot deformities: equinus, varus, equinovarus, equinovalgus, and calcaneovalgus

  Have patient undress to evaluate the proximal segments

  Calf for atrophy or pseudohypertrophy, knee and hip alignment, and back for spinal deformity


Medial side

  Bony landmark

    images  Medial malleolus, TP (on medial malleolus)

    images  Navicular tuberosity: prominent bone 1- to 1.5-finger breadth distally/inferiorly (obliquely)

images  Talonavicular joint: proximal to navicular tuberosity

images  Naviculocuneiform: distal to navicular tuberosity

    images  Cuneiform-1st MT joint: gap with metatarsal bone movement with shifting distal metatarsal bone (like seesawing a log)

    images  Sustentaculum tali: one-finger breadth below and slightly distal to the medial malleolus (between medial malleolus and navicular tuberosity)

images  Calcaneal attachment site for calcaneonavicular ligament (spring ligament)


    images  TP (between the medial malleolus and navicular tuberosity, visible with mild resisted hindfoot inversion and forefoot adduction)

    images  Flexor digitorum longus (FDL) superficial to sustentaculum tali, and FHL is below the sustentaculum tali (not palpable)

    images  Groove behind the medial malleolus: TP, FDL, vein, artery, nerves, and FHL (anterior to posterior)

Lateral side

  Lateral malleolus: ATFL attached at the tip

    images  Tenderness on the anterior fibular tip in sprain

  Peroneal tubercle: inferior (1–1.5 cm below) and slightly distal to the lateral malleolus; bony crest between peroneus longus (below) and brevis (above); prominent in males, pes cavus, and osteoma formation

    images  Peroneal tendon: visible with resisted eversion

  Cuboid: groove for peroneus longus

    images  Calcaneocuboid joint: immediately distal to the sinus tarsi

    images  Cuboid-4th metatarsal joint; mobile (compared to cuneiform-metatarsal joints): move the distal part of metatarsal bone while palpating the cuboid-4th metatarsal joint

  5th MT (styloid process); gives attachment to peroneus brevis


  Ankle joint: about 1 cm above the bisecting line of the medial and lateral malleolus

  Talar head: bisecting line between the medial malleolus and navicular tuberosity, immediately proximal to the talonavicular joint prominent on eversion images more prominent in pes planus

    images  Talonavicular joint; N spot; common location for spur or ganglion cyst, can irritate the superficial/deep peroneal nerve

  Sinus tarsi: depression at distal/medial (perpendicular to the foot axis) to the lateral malleolus

    images  Common location of subtalar joint pain

  TA (easily visible with slight inversion and dorsiflexion), extensor hallucis longus (lateral to TA), dorsalis pedis artery, and deep peroneal nerve (not palpable) laterally


  Medial calcaneal tuberosity: attachment site of plantar fascia

  Master knot of Henry: medial plantar nerve entrapment site at crossing of FHL and FDL (under the naviculocuneiform joint); difficult to palpate

  Sesamoids (move with flexion/extension of big toe as these are embedded in FHB, differential with MTP joint in tenderness)



Ankle joint motion

  Place subtalar joint in neutral, move the calcaneus and measure the angle between fibular shaft and lateral aspect of the sole

  Subtalar neutral with congruent talonavicular or calcaneocuboid joint: removes subtalar/midtarsal joint compensation. Compensation usually occurs with over-pronation response with navicular lateral deviation or drop

  Silfverskiold test: check ankle dorsiflexion (for Achilles cord tightness) while extending flexed knee (differentiate gastrocnemius component from soleus)

    images  Gastrocnemius: two joints muscle (across the knee, therefore, ankle plantarflexion tightness worse as knee extends) (30)

  Equinus: inability to dorsiflex the ankle ≥10° (31)

    images  Equinus state: <10°, equinus deformity <5° of dorsiflexion

    images  Inspection for other deformities (varus, valgus, and toe deformities)

Subtalar joint motion

  Subtalar motion: 25° inversion/supination and 10° of eversion/pronation (2:1 ratio of inversion to eversion)

  Subtalar neutral: anatomical neutral position for physical examination

    images  Often used conceptually for balanced position in deformity (correction to anatomically neutral position can aggravate symptoms in a patient with long-standing deformity)

  With patient in a prone position, the bisected line of the heel is compared with the bisected line of the lower leg while the calcaneus is being inverted and everted

    images  Normal ROM is a 2:1 (20°:10°) relationship of inversion to eversion

    images  Check rigidity as it affects the decision for treatment (correction versus accommodation)

Check the forefoot (MTP joint) sitting and standing (MTP dorsiflexion with tethering effect from tight FHL)

Check for hypermobility: Beighton scale ≥4/9 (1 point for each side; 5th MCP hyperextension >90°, passive apposition of the thumb to forearm, elbow hyperextension >10°, knee hyperextension >10°, and trunk forward flexion to place the palm of the hand at rest on the floor; see Figure 1.2)

  Benign joint hypermobility syndrome; major criteria:

    images  Beighton scale ≥4, arthralgia >3 months in four joints (revised Brighton Criteria) (32)

SPECIAL TESTS (see following table)




Ankle Sprain

Inversion/eversion stress test (talar tilt test)

With ankle plantarflexion at 20º and knee flexion at 90º, heel is held from below by one hand while the other hand holds the lower leg

Push the calcaneus and talus into eversion while the other hand grips the lower leg laterally and pushes medially for deltoid ligament injury and the opposite (inversion for anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular lig. injury)

Positive if pain and laxity found during maneuver

Sen: 71–96, Spe: 33–84 (within 48 hours), higher in 4–7 days (33)

Anterior drawer test

Examiner stabilizes the distal tibia with one hand, while grasping the heel with the other hand. Apply an anteriorly directed force to the heel. This test should be performed bilaterally to compare for differences in anterior translation

Positive if pain or increased joint laxity ± a dimple or if >3 mm translation

Limited in patients with ligament laxity or guarding with pain

Sen: 80, Spe: 74

Anterolateral drawer test

Isolated testing of ATFL. Anterior drawer test with slight medial rotation of the forefoot. Slight medial rotation isolates resistance of anterior translation by tibionavicular lig.

With ankle plantarflexed, it can isolate CFL


Syndesmosis Injury

Squeeze test

With proximal calf squeeze (distract/widen the distal part), the patient reports pain in the ankle. Less reliable than passive ankle dorsiflexion test

  Passive ankle dorsiflexion test; widen mortise (stretch the syndesmosis) as anterior talar dome is wider


Cross leg test

With crossing the symptomatic leg, the patient reports pain (in the ankle) and symptom reproduction

  Weight of foot externally rotate the leg by gravity images widen the mortise


External rotation stress test

Similar principle to cross leg test with widening the mortise by abducting forefoot


Other Heel Examination

Calcaneal squeeze test

Mediolateral compression simultaneously by thenar eminence causing pain

Positive in calcaneal fracture and Sever’s disease (apophysitis)

  Heel propping test: stand with examiner holding the fat pad with hypothenar eminence images relief of pain indicating fat-pad atrophy

Sen: 97, Spe: 100 for Sever’s disease

Coleman’s block test

To evaluate the midfoot flexibility of forefoot-driven (PL-driven) cavovarus

Place wooden block (1 or 1/2 inch) under the lateral border of the foot (4th and 5th MT) to reverse forefoot supinatus (varus)

  If hindfoot varus is supple, hindfoot varus correctable, Figure 10.4

  If hindfoot varus is fixed images hindfoot varus not corrected (34,35)


Tibialis Posterior (TP) Dysfunction

Heel rise test

Normally, the patient inverts the hindfoot as they lift heels, positive if failed to do on double heel rise test

Single heel rise test if the double heel rise test is intact (36)


Metatarsal rise test

The patient stands, fully loading both feet. The shin of the affected side is taken with one hand and externally rotated. By doing this, the heel is passively brought into a varus position because of the mechanical coupling between the tibia and calcaneum (supination response). The head of the first metatarsal remains on the ground in normal function of the tendon but is lifted in dysfunction (37)


Morton’s Interdigital Neuritis (38)

Lateral squeeze test

Squeeze the metatarsal shaft from the sides images positive if it reproduces the pain (lateral forefoot)

Often false positive if pressed on the MTP joint (pain source can be from MTP joint pathology)


Mulder’s click

Squeezing the forefoot (metatarsal shaft) from the sides. Positive (for neuroma) if a palpable (not necessarily audible) clicking is appreciated


Compression test

Compress the nerve from the plantar aspect (distal to the MTP joint) with MTP dorsiflexion (therefore, exposing the interdigital N plantarly). Positive if reproducing the symptom


Pinch test

Pinch from the plantar and dorsum of interdigital space. Positive if reproducing the symptom


First Ray Insufficiency


Drawer sign

Shift 1st metatarsal head compared to the 2nd MT head. Positive if ≥8 to 10 mm of dorsal displacement occurs


Achilles Tendon Rupture

Matles test

In the prone position, with the foot over the end of the table, the patient is asked to flex the knee to 90°. The position of the foot is observed throughout the arc, and the foot is slightly plantarflexed normally. Positive if the foot falls into neutral or the slightest dorsiflexed position

Sen: 88, Spe: 85

Thompson test

When squeezing the calf of the affected leg, normally the ankle will be slightly plantarflexed. Positive if no motion of the foot occurs

Sen: 96, Spe: 93

ATFL, anterior talofibular ligament; CFL, calcaneofibular ligament; lig., ligament; N, nerve; Sen., sensitivity; Spe., specificity; TP, tibialis posterior.



Coleman’s block test

Evaluation for instability (39)

  Ankle and subtalar instability; difficult to distinguish clinically (9)

  Evaluate cavus deformity (hindfoot varus, 1st ray plantarflexion), generalized ligamentous laxity (Beighton score), hindfoot varus (inspection and Coleman block test), and ankle ligaments injury

  Subtalar instability test: calcaneus inversion test with ankle dorsiflexion (stabilizing the ankle joint)

  Midtarsal joint examination by abduction/adduction stress test


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Feb 21, 2018 | Posted by in MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE | Comments Off on ANKLE ANKLE AND FOOT

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