Anesthetic Considerations in Rehabilitative Surgery

Spinal level

Activities of daily living



Feeding possible with balanced forearm orthoses

Computer access by tongue, breath, voice controls

Weight shifts with power tilt and recline chair

Mouth stick use

Operate power chair with tongue, chin, or breath controller


Drink from cup, feed with static splints and setup

Oral/facial hygiene, writing, typing with equipment

Dressing upper body possible

Side-to-side weight shifts

Propel chair with hand rim projections short distances on smooth surfaces

Power chair with hand controller


Feed, dress upper body with setup

Dressing lower body possible

Forward weight shifts

Bed mobility with equipment

Level surface transfers with assistance

Propel indoors with coated hand rims


Independent feeding, dressing, bathing with adaptive equipment, built-up utensils

Independent bed mobility, level surface transfers

Wheelchair use outdoors (power chair for school or work)


Independent in feeding, dressing, bathing

Bowel and bladder care with setup

Propel chair, including curbs and wheelies

Wheelchair-to-car transfers


Independent in all self-care

Transfer from floor to wheelchair

Stand with braces for exercise

Potential for swing to gait with long leg braces indoors

Use of forearm crutches

Potential for community ambulation

Potential for ambulation with short leg braces

Potential for ambulation without assistive devices

This article was published in Randall [24]. Copyright 2000 Elsevier

Cardiovascular System

Patients with high spinal lesions lack innervation to the sympathetic splanchnic outflow. Lack of basal sympathetic tone to peripheral blood vessels results in vasodilation and postural hypotension. This is modulated over time by an increase in the renin–angiotensin system compensation resulting in a higher capacitance vessel tone. Intravascular volume is often decreased in these patients, and it is critical to ensure adequate volume resuscitation prior to induction of anesthesia. In addition, they have inadequate norepinephrine release that often magnifies the hypotension on induction.

As mentioned above, lesions above T6 interrupt the cardiac accelerator fibers resulting in bradycardia and a diminution in inotropy. As a result, patients present with high vagal tone with conduction defects, heart block, and arrhythmias. A preoperative electrocardiogram (ECG) should be routine regardless of the patient’s age.

Respiratory System

Respiratory compromise is common not only in patients with lesions above C6, the level of innervation of the diaphragm, but in those with thoracic lesions as well. In thoracic lesions, abdominal muscle activity may be absent and intercostal activity, minimal. This impairs coughing, deep breathing, and clearing secretions [7]. Upper accessory muscles, e.g., the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius, may play a larger role in breathing. Gastric and bowel distention from autonomic dysfunction may further impair diaphragmatic excursion and increase atelectasis, as well as increased risk of regurgitation and aspiration. Kyphoscoliosis, an abnormal curvature of the spine in both a coronal and sagittal plane, is common in these patients and may aggravate these issues. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) often show a decrease in vital capacity, functional residual capacity, and expiratory flows as well as a decrease in PaO2 and increase in dead space and PaCO2 secondary to the increase in atelectasis. Management may include placement of a nasogastric tube to decompress bowel, chest physiotherapy, and tracheal suctioning.

Genitourinary System

Chronic infection and colonization of the urinary tract develops early in the spinal cord-injured patient. Chronic infection leads to proteinuria, hypocalcemia, and renal insufficiency. A main cause of death in chronic spinal cord lesion patients is renal failure [8]. Patients also develop amyloidosis and hypoalbuminemia secondary to albuminuria. This can lead to significant peripheral edema and skin breakdown. These patients often need prophylactic corticosteroid administration secondary to adrenal cortical dysfunction. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels can be measured to assist in monitoring adrenal function [11].

Chronic renal insufficiency also leads to a decrease in hemopoietin hormone production causing chronic anemia. This may require blood transfusions prior to surgery. The resultant renal insufficiency can also result in electrolyte and acid–base imbalances often exacerbated by treatment for constipation with enemas, diuretics for peripheral edema, and low-salt diets.

Calcium and potassium imbalances can put the patient at risk for cardiac arrhythmias if not corrected preoperatively [9].

Musculoskeletal System

SCI patients develop osteoporosis and muscle wasting very quickly after injury [10]. Hypocalcemia from renal insufficiency accelerates mobilization of calcium from bones resulting in a high propensity for pathologic fractures from simple movement or positioning on an operating room table. Pressure injury to the skin below the level of the SCI occurs commonly. Decubitus ulcers can develop after 2 h of continuous pressure on a skin area. The chronic anemia and hypoalbuminemia of renal insufficiency make para- and quadriplegic patients even more susceptible to this kind of injury. Secondary osteomyelitis develops at these areas, particularly the ischium, sacrum, and heels. Ulceration at the site of possible injection, fever, elevated white count, or untreated infection are contraindications to regional anesthetic block [11]. Skeletal muscle spasm can also occur after a stimulus below the level of the spinal cord lesion. This involves a spinal reflex arc. This can occur intraoperatively and interfere with the surgical procedure.

Thermal Regulation

The SCI patient is poikilothermic, having a body temperature that varies with the temperature of the surroundings below the level of the spinal cord injury with loss of autonomic control cutaneous vasoactivity, sweating, and shivering. These patients are particularly susceptible to the changes in ambient temperature in an OR. They are not able to efficiently get rid of heat in a warm OR or develop hypothermia quickly in a cold OR [12].

This requires close monitoring of temperature with either an esophageal or bladder temp probe. Forced air warmers and warmed intravenous (IV) fluids should be immediately available.

Psychological Issues

Depression is common in these patients, particularly at the time of the acute lesion. Emotional strains are compounded by the work of rehabilitation economic pressures and recognition of their permanent handicap. Frequently, these problems are compounded by alcohol and drug dependence. It is important to elicit any drug or alcohol use in the preoperative interview as well as any herbal or homeopathic remedies [13].

Intraoperative Considerations

Intraoperative Monitoring

Routine monitoring, including ECG, BP, pulse oximetry, and EtCO2, as well as temperature measurement, should be used on all cases. A urinary catheter is necessary as these patients have no control of bladder function. More invasive monitors, including intra-arterial monitors, should be used if there are expected fluid shifts, a prolonged case, or a patient with a history of severe autonomic hyperreflexia because blood pressure changes may be unpredictable. This also allows for regular measurement of hematocrit, electrolytes, and arterial blood gases.

Central venous pressure monitoring also is recommended when significant fluid shifts are expected because urine output in these patients is not always a good marker of fluid status. It also allows for vasoactive drugs to be given directly into the central circulation to treat episodes of hyper- and hypotension.

Anesthetic Considerations

Patients with SCI require anesthesia for procedures because of the occurrence of autonomic hyperreflexia in otherwise insensitive areas (Box 3.1). It is not recommended to perform surgery on these patients, including common urinary tract work (calculi, fistulas, or bladder work), debridement of decubitus ulcers, or even minor procedures, without an anesthetic that blocks reflexes at the spinal cord level. An episode of hyperreflexia can provoke life-threatening hypertension and bradycardia. Furthermore, topical anesthesia does not block afferent transmission to the spinal cord. Attempting to perform a procedure under inadequate, local anesthesia in a patient with SCI may be extremely dangerous and should not be attempted [14].

General Anesthesia


Induction of anesthesia in these patients is full of challenges. Not enough anesthesia can induce a hyperreflexic crisis, but too much and profound hypotension and tachycardia ensues. A slow and gentle induction in these patients is required along with the availability of agents to treat wide swings in blood pressure. It is often valuable to monitor BP with an arterial line in these patients so beat-to-beat changes can be treated quickly. Direct-acting agents, like epinephrine, norepinephrine, and phenylephrine, and adequate fluid resuscitation should be used. Indirect-acting agents such as ephedrine should be avoided [15]. Depolarizing paralytics, e.g., succinylcholine, should not be used in the first 18 months after injury, as it can cause release of large amounts of potassium into the bloodstream causing ventricular fibrillation. A defasciculating dose does not mitigate this risk. Non-depolarizing agents should be used exclusively in these patients [16].

These patients remain at high risk of aspiration during anesthesia and should always be considered “a full stomach.” As discussed earlier, they often do not have adequate respiratory function and reserve and, under anesthesia, are unable to develop adequate inspiratory pressures. For this reason, laryngeal mask airways should be avoided. Endotracheal intubation is the preferred method of protecting the airway. A rapid sequence induction with a non-depolarizing agent, Sellick maneuver (cricoid pressure), and preoxygenation is standard. Awake intubation is an option in patients with an unstable neck or a fixed and fused spine. Newer intubation tools such as video laryngoscopes also have a role. Asleep intubation with a fiberoptic scope is another safe and useful way to secure the airway. The key is a thorough and careful airway examination.


Inhalational anesthetics, particularly agents such as desflurane and sevoflurane, allow for careful titration to stimulus. Maintaining adequate levels of anesthesia allows for attenuation of hypertensive response to stimulus. This often means keeping the patient “deep” until the end of the operation. The choice of inhalational anesthetic is dependent on the underlying hemodynamics of the patient and comorbidities. Renal disease is common in patients with SCI; avoiding sevoflurane in these patients would be appropriate. On the other hand, desflurane can cause tachycardia in therapeutic doses, making hemodynamic control more difficult. Narcotics should be used judiciously in these patients both intra- and postoperatively as they contribute to ileus, which is already common in these patients. One approach to pain management is the use of multimodal therapy, including intravenous (IV) nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, IV acetaminophen, steroids, gabapentins, and judicious use of narcotics.

This helps speed return of bowel function and prevention of ileus.

Use of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants is important to prevent mass muscle reflex occurring during abdominal surgery and facilitates mechanical ventilation in a patient with limited functional reserve capacity. This helps with pulmonary toilet and helps to prevent hypercarbia, atelectasis, and respiratory fatigue in patients with limited reserve [17]. However, mechanical ventilation causes diminished preload by impeding venous return to the heart contributing to the hypotension from the inhalation anesthetics. This is best treated with increased fluids and repairing preload [18].

Increased bleeding is noted in these patients, even in the face of normal clotting parameters. This may be related to the loss of sympathetic tone in arterioles and smaller venules. Hypertensive responses will increase this bleeding, and early transfusion is recommended [13]. Integument protection and temperature control are also critical in these patients. They are far more prone to decubitus ulcers and skin degradation or abrasion. In addition, temperature regulation is significantly more difficult to control in these patients without any compensatory vasoconstriction or dilatation, even if depressed by anesthesia. Forced air warming of these patients as well as using warmed IV fluids can help. The key is temperature monitoring as overenthusiastic warming can lead to hyperthermia [15].


Because these patients are being kept “deep” to avoid blood pressure swings during the procedure, it is important to have a controlled emergence and loading of adequate amounts of narcotic to prevent a hypertensive crisis on emergence. The challenge remains to weigh the return of adequate respiratory function [15]. The ability to clear secretions, adequate tidal volume, and minute ventilation all contribute to the decision of when to extubate. The right balance between residual narcotic, inhalation anesthesia, and muscle relaxant all make the decision to extubate often a difficult one.

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Jul 8, 2017 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Anesthetic Considerations in Rehabilitative Surgery

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