Altered mental state in the elderly

Chapter 35 Altered mental state in the elderly

Case 35.1


Frank, a 66-year-old retired male teacher who presents complaining of low back pain, confides during the history that he is concerned about his memory. Upon further questioning, he states that he sometimes forgets what he is supposed to be doing, has trouble remembering people’s names and difficulty in finding the right words for objects. He says that he has noticed this over the past year and that it is getting gradually worse. He is worried because his mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 70. He has not mentioned these concerns to any other healthcare practitioner. His medical history is significant for hypertension, for which he takes Ramipril (an ACE inhibitor). He smokes 10–15 cigarettes per day and has done so since the age of 30, and drinks no more than six standard drinks of alcohol per week. He denies feeling down, depressed or hopeless, and continues with his hobbies and social activities without any loss of pleasure. He also denies any history of head or neck injury. He claims to be feeling generally well apart from his presenting complaint and his concerns regarding his memory.

Case 35.2


Barbara is a 79-year-old widow living in her own home. Her daughter brings her to see you as she has had a painful left knee for 3–4 days. She describes it as more like a discomfort and stiffness rather than actual pain, and is worse at the end of the day. Although it is worse on movement, there is no particular type that makes the discomfort worse. She states that it is not tender or swollen.

While taking the history, she also complains that she feels ‘a little giddy’ and ‘not quite myself’. The giddiness is worse when she arises in the morning, or when she needs to go to the bathroom during the night. She has had nocturia for many years. Her daughter also tells you that her mother has been a little confused over the past few days, which is quite unusual for her.

Barbara suffers from a number of chronic medical problems including ischaemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and urinary incontinence. Her diabetes and hypertension are usually well controlled.

Her present medications are:

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Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Altered mental state in the elderly

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