Chapter 28 Adaptive Devices
1 Eisenberg MG. Dictionary of rehabilitation. New York: Springer, 1995.
2 Safety notice MDA/2003/029 Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Bath and Shower seating equipment: Risk of injury. Available at: Accessed November 17, 2005
3 MDA: 1997 Safety Notice: Bath and shower seating equipment: risk of injury, SN9709. London: Medical Devices Agency (MDA SN9709).
4 Pain H, McLellan L, Gore S. Choosing assistive devices. A guide for users and professionals. London: Jessica Kingsley, 2003.
28.2 Commode Chairs
A commode (also commode chair) is a stationary or wheeled, chair-like framework that holds a toilet utensil (i.e., a removable bedpan) under an open seat.1,2 It can be used when individuals wish to empty their bladder (urinate) and/or evacuate their bowels (defecate).
A 1993 British study of commode users identified two issues: privacy and follow-up/safety.3