Acute Pelvic Discontinuities

Fig. 12.1
(a) Anteroposterior (AP) pelvic and (b) lateral immediate postoperative radiographs of a 70-year-old female who underwent an uncemented primary THA at an outside institution. On the AP radiograph, there is disruption of Kohler’s line and asymmetry between the obturator foramens. On the cross-table lateral, a fracture of the posterior column is noted. All of these findings are concerning for an acute pelvic discontinuity. The dotted line on the right hemipelvis indicates the disrupted ilioischial line, whereas the dotted line on the left side indicates the intact ilioischial line. Images courtesy of Michael J. Taunton, M.D.


Fig. 12.2
(a) Anteroposterior (AP) pelvic, (b) oblique, (c) AP hip, and (d) cross-table lateral radiographs of the above patient when she presented to our institution several weeks later. In conjugation, the radiographs reveal an acute pelvic discontinuity with catastrophic failure of an attempted open reduction and internal fixation with plating . Images courtesy of Michael J. Taunton, M.D.


Pelvic discontinuities consist of a lack of continuity between the superior hemipelvis and inferior hemipelvis. While typically encountered in failed total hip arthroplasties (THAs) with massive bone loss, acute pelvic discontinuities may also occur during primary THAs due to excessive acetabular reaming or impaction of press-fit acetabular components. A thorough history and physical examination are paramount, but radiographic analysis remains the cornerstone of such a diagnosis. Indications of a pelvic discontinuity include a visible fracture line, obturator ring asymmetry, and medial migration of the inferior hemipelvis with disruption of Kohler’s line [1].

Many classifications have been proposed to describe periprosthetic bone loss in revision THAs. Paprosky et al.’s [2] is the most commonly utilized scheme, but the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) [3] also has a classification scheme available. In the Paprosky classification, there is no specific classification for a pelvic discontinuity. However, they can occur with type IIC or IIIB defects. Based upon the AAOS classification, pelvic discontinuities are considered a type IV defect [3]. Berry et al. [1] further subclassified these type IV defects into three subtypes: type IVa (association with cavitary or mild segmental bone loss), type IVb (large segmental or a combined defect), and type IVc (any lesion on a previously irradiated acetabulum).


The true epidemiology of pelvic discontinuities after primary THA is difficult to assess. However, most literature suggests that the incidence is between 1 and 5% [46]. The Mayo Clinic reported an incidence of 0.9% in 3505 revisions [7]. Given the fact that primary and revision THAs are projected to increase by 174% and 137%, respectively, by the year 2030 [8], it is likely that pelvic discontinuities will continue to be an increasing burden.

Risk Factors

There are several risk factors that may predispose patients to an intraoperative pelvic discontinuity. Those factors include:

  • Female gender [9]

  • Rheumatoid arthritis [1]

  • Poor bone quality

  • History of radiation [1, 10]

  • Press-fit acetabular components [11]

There are a few scenarios that deserve special attention. Postmenopausal women have a particularly increased risk of acute pelvic discontinuity given their smaller acetabuli and lower bone density [12]. In addition, the use of press-fit acetabular component is a risk factor for pelvic discontinuities. While Springer et al. [11] highlighted the risk of an intraoperative pelvic discontinuity due to over-reaming of the acetabulum, others have shown an increased risk of fracture with under-reaming and impaction of uncemented acetabular components [12, 13].


There are several preventative measures that may reduce the risk of pelvic discontinuity during a primary THA. Foremost, a safe and adequate exposure of the acetabulum is essential. The importance of such an exposure is highlighted by the fact that cup malpositioning is more common in obese patients where exposure is often compromised [14]. In addition, patients with poor bone quality (i.e., postmenopausal females with osteoporosis) deserve special attention to avoid overly aggressive placement of retractors.

Once an adequate exposure is obtained, the surgeon must carefully ream the acetabulum, taking into account the preoperative templating, sharpness of the reamers, quality of the host bone, and particular implant system being utilized. Over-reaming can lead to major defects, particularly when the acetabulum is reamed asymmetrically. In some scenarios, the surgeon may consider line-to-line reaming to minimize aggressive impaction of the acetabular component. If an uncemented acetabular component is impacted and an adequate press-fit is not obtained, the surgeon should remove the acetabular component to ensure that a discontinuity was not inadvertently created. Intraoperative imaging in orthogonal planes should also be considered if suspicion for an intraoperative fracture exists.


While a thorough history and physical examination are important, most pelvic discontinuities are diagnosed on imaging studies. All patients should have a basic set of radiographs including an anteroposterior (AP) pelvis, AP hip, and a lateral hip. With these views, the anterior column can be evaluated via the iliopectineal line, while the posterior column can be evaluated via with ilioischial line (Fig. 12.1). A disruption in either of these lines is concerning for a pelvic discontinuity. Judet radiographs are often very helpful, including an iliac oblique and obturator oblique [15]. Martin et al. [16] recently showed that radiographic indicators of a pelvic discontinuity include either a fracture line identified on two orthogonal views (i.e., AP pelvis and true lateral radiograph or both Judet views) or a fracture line identified on one view (AP pelvis, Judet view, or true lateral radiograph) associated with evidence of pelvic rotation or pelvic asymmetry (Fig. 12.1). The above criteria was accurate in diagnosing 94% of pelvic discontinuities without advanced imaging. Moreover, the combination of an AP pelvis, a lateral hip, and Judet views led to an accurate diagnosis in nearly all cases.

However, advanced imaging, particularly thin-cut (i.e., 1 mm) computerized tomography (CT) scans are playing an increasing role in both the diagnosis and management of patients with pelvic discontinuities. When compared to radiographs, CT scans incrementally allow for assessment of remaining columnar bone, as well as amount of remaining superior dome, anterior wall, and posterior wall. Three-dimensional reconstructions are increasingly useful for the diagnosis of a pelvic discontinuity as well [17]. Contemporary higher quality CT scans have been available through the use of metal artifact reduction sequences (MARS) . Additional techniques can lead to more precise evaluation. Recently, Fehring et al. [18] reported a novel technique where CT scans were reformatted into 45° Judet views. This allowed for an increase in the sensitivity of diagnosing pelvic discontinuities by 18%.

Nonoperative Treatment

The treatment of an intraoperative pelvic discontinuity primarily depends on when the discontinuity is recognized. If noted intraoperatively, pelvic discontinuities should be treated operatively (as noted below). However, if only appreciated postoperatively, then a discussion must occur between the patient and the surgeon to discuss management options. Nonoperative management is reserved for frail patients who cannot tolerate a second operative procedure.

Operative Treatment

The surgical treatment of pelvic discontinuities is demanding given the fact that both fracture and implant fixation must be addressed. The first goal is to restore a biomechanically continuous pelvic ring connecting the superior and inferior aspects of the pelvis (and thus acetabulum). The second is to obtain a stable reconstruction based on rigidly fixed implants.

Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF) with Plating

In the majority of acute pelvic discontinuities , there is minimal bone loss. As such, open treatment with plating of the posterior column and bone grafting of the fracture is typically successful [19]. Traditionally, plate fixation is achieved by placing three screws superior and three screws inferior to the pelvic discontinuity. Plate stability is critical as it creates compression forces on the fracture to promote healing. Autologous bone grafting may also be considered. After the pelvic ring is restored with osteosynthesis, a highly porous uncemented acetabular component can be placed with supplemental screws through the acetabular component and into host bone. If ORIF and plating do not provide adequate stability to allow for placement of an acetabular component, then one of the below reconstructions is recommended.

Cup-Cage Construct

When stability cannot be achieved with ORIF via plating in the setting of an acute pelvic discontinuity, consideration should be given to a cup-cage construct [9, 20, 21]. With this technique, a highly porous acetabular component is placed on host bone with proximal screws placed into the ilium and inferior screws placed in the ischium. In essence, the acetabular component serves as an “internal plate.” Thereafter, a cage is placed from the ilium to ischium with supplemental superior and inferior screws for additional “splinting” of the fracture while healing of the construct occurs.

Highly porous implant surfaces have been developed that promote bone ingrowth and are also associated with higher coefficients of friction against bone to increase initial implant stability [10]. Our preference is to use a tantalum acetabular component (Trabecular Metal™ [TM]; Zimmer; Warsaw, IN) given its high porosity, high coefficient of friction, modulus of elasticity that is similar to cancellous bone, and excellent track record in challenging scenarios [10, 22, 23]. The cage is fixed to the bone by screws into the ilium superiorly with the inferior flange typically placed directly into the ischium. As the cup we prefer is non-modular, the liner is then cemented into the construct , with the least amount of constraint preferred to minimize bone-implant loads. However, in some rare circumstances, a dual-mobility construct or constrained liner is needed. Ultimately, the stability of the construct is based upon the highly porous acetabular component, supplemental cage, and numerous additional screws for adjunctive fixation [24].

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