Abnormalities in bowel or urination habits

Chapter 25 Abnormalities in bowel or urination habits

Case 25.6


Bridget is a 24-year-old woman who has had a number of episodes of abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhoea over the previous 2 years. The pain is most often located in the lower abdomen, sometimes localised to the left lower quadrant, but can also be found in other regions of the abdomen. She describes the sensation as a constant dull ache, with occasional exacerbations of crampy, more severe pain. Whenever she has pain in the left upper quadrant, it is often referred to her left shoulder as well. The usual precipitating factor is eating, and defecation or the expulsion of gas will often relieve the pain. Bridget has noticed that certain foods tend to be associated with pain. Abdominal distension often accompanies the pain, and is similarly relieved by the same factors.

Bridget’s diarrhoea often, but not always, accompanies these episodes, but may also occur without the pain or bloating. She has not noticed any blood in her stools, but does comment about the frequent presence of mucus. Bridget has episodes of diarrhoea approximately 5–6 days each month. The length of time between episodes varies. There is also a degree of urgency which accompanies it.

The faeces is brown in colour, not pale, and flushes normally. Her stools between these episodes are normal. Bridget has no nausea, vomiting, constipation, anorexia or dysphagia. There has been no weight loss.

Bridget works in the retail industry and is in a stable and happy relationship. She is a non-smoker, drinks socially, and her only medications are the oral contraceptive pill and multivitamins.

Relevant family history is a grandfather who died from carcinoma of the colon. Past medical history is unremarkable.

Dec 26, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Abnormalities in bowel or urination habits

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