Fig. 44.1
First-generation Wallis device

Fig. 44.2
Wallis implant

Fig. 44.3
UniWallis implant
Our indications for our system have evolved over the years. The current principal indications and contraindications of the Wallis and UniWallis devices are summarized in Tables 44.1 and 44.2.
Table 44.1
Interspinous dynamic stabilization is indicated for degenerative lesions with potential or reducible instability (less than 2 mm on dynamic films)
1. | After disk surgery, especially massive disk herniation, transitional L4–L5 disk if sacralization of L5 is present, and recurrent herniated disk |
2. | Chronic low back pain with degenerated disk and/or facet joint arthritis, or Modic I changes refractory to conservative treatment |
3. | After decompressive laminotomy for central stenosis |
4. | For dynamic foraminal stenosis with retrolisthesis on dynamic X-rays due to posterior disk collapse |
5. | Stabilization of one or two symptomatic apical levels in lumbar degenerative scoliosis in elderly patients (alternative to deformity corrections with extensive fusion constructs) |
6. | Instability adjacent to a prior lumbar fusion |
7. | “Topping off” for a degenerated adjacent segment above lumbar fusion or total disk replacement |
Table 44.2
Contraindications for interspinous dynamic stabilization include
1. | Spondylolisthesis of any grade and nonreducible retrolisthesis |
2. | Spinal deformities of children and young adults |
3. | Psychological, social, and professional issues |
At the same time as our second-generation interspinous dynamic stabilization implant was being launched, the interspinous implant X-Stop was developed for an entirely different reason, to distract the interspinous space in order to relieve neurogenic claudication without using laminectomy or laminotomy in patients with lumbar canal stenosis [10, 11].
The interspinous dynamic stabilization devices we developed were followed by other interspinous devices that were also intended for dynamic stabilization, not distraction. Among the first of these were the Interspinous U (which later became the Coflex) [12] and the DIAM [13], but many others have appeared over the years: LimiFlex [3], In-Space [14], Ligament Vertebral de Renfort [15, 16], BacJak and Viking [17], Dallos [18], InSWing [19, 20], and Locker [21, 22]. Likewise, there was a proliferation of devices intended for interspinous distraction rather than dynamic stabilization that were marketed after the appearance of X-Stop: Aperius [23, 24], an unnamed device from Kinoshita Giken Corporation, Japan [25], In-Space [26, 27], Superion [28, 29], SMID [30, 31], and ExtenSure [32]. This fundamental difference in indications (dynamic stabilization vs. distraction) is not always perceived by authors reporting on interspinous devices in the literature [32–39]. Moreover, devices like In-Space are used for dynamic stabilization by some authors [14], for distraction by some [26], and for both by others [40]. One study even compared the clinical efficacy of distraction alone for canal stenosis with Wallis, Coflex, and X-Stop, with no associated surgical decompression: as would be expected, VAS pain score improvements were poor for all three devices used in this indication [41]. Although the distraction principle improves symptoms of lumbar canal stenosis more than conservative treatment [26, 42], distraction is well documented to be less effective than surgical decompression [23, 27, 37, 43–48], except in one meta-analysis, which was based upon indirect comparison of these techniques [49]. Furthermore, other disadvantages have been reported in patients treated for canal stenosis with interspinous distraction instead of surgical decompression [50–53]. Reviewers who believe that all interspinous devices are used for distraction have concluded that “interspinous technology” is unproven and unreliable or that the risks outweigh the benefits [54, 55]. Tamburrelli et al. put it well, concluding that “as generally occurs with any new technique, the early contagious enthusiasm—resulting in an excessive and sometimes incorrect use of the device—has resulted in a rising number of failures and in a critical consideration about the indications and the true advantages of the technique [17].” This situation is further complicated by reviewers who consider that the only posterior dynamic stabilization systems are pedicle screw-based devices, appearing to ignore entirely the existence of interspinous dynamic stabilization [56, 57].
Keeping in mind this confusion of interspinous dynamic stabilization with interspinous distraction, a review of available evidence on interspinous implants intended solely for dynamic stabilization indications is very enlightening, albeit still a complex undertaking. First, the biomechanical experimentation varies with the different conceptions of how dynamic stabilization should function. As for clinical results, there are also a variety of hypotheses and explanations for the therapeutic action of the devices and generally good patient outcomes. Lastly, among the available interspinous dynamic stabilization devices, there are fundamental differences that further complicate the picture, primarily whether or not there is a flexion-limiting tension band system coupled with an extension-limiting spacer, which move loads away from painful areas of the lumbar motion segment in flexion and in extension, respectively [58]. Over the past few years, there has been an explosion of evidence in the literature on interspinous dynamic stabilization, particularly from Asia. This chapter represents, to the best of my knowledge, an exhaustive review of all peer-reviewed articles pertaining to interspinous dynamic stabilization that have appeared over the last 5 years.
44.2 Results of In Vitro Biomechanical Investigations
Stabilization in terms of reduced range of motion and increased stiffness,
Unloading of the disk
The available sizes of interspinous spacers correspond to measurements of the interspinous spaces published in two studies [59, 60]. These studies suggest that the spacers should be placed anteriorly in the interspinous space, where the cortex is thicker and the interspinous process distance is greatest [60]. An in vivo radiographic study found smaller interspinous spaces, suggesting that bone trimming is typically necessary to avoid creating undesired kyphotic changes in segments treated by interspinous dynamic stabilization [61], confirming our own experience.
Maintaining segmental lordosis is capital and merits a short digression regarding several important operative and postoperative aspects: first, in order to select a spacer size that will not induce kyphosis, the patient must be operated in the prone position, not in the genu pectoral position. To insert the Wallis or the UniWallis when the patient is in the prone position, one may use a distractor. If the device fits tightly when the patient is in the genu pectoral position, the bands will loosen whenever the patient is upright. This will certainly not contribute to restoring segmental stiffness! The spacer should be pushed in against friction, but not be large enough to induce kyphosis. It is also important to use a spacer that is not too small. If it is too small, there is a risk of excessive movement that might scratch the spinous processes. Another operative point concerns the supraspinous ligament, the distal end of which is L4 in the majority of subjects. I always thought it important to disinsert the fascia of the paraspinal muscles from the spinous processes after the initial incision, then, at the end of the Wallis implant procedure, to reattach them with a suture through a small hole at the tip of the spinous process. It is also important to insist that the patient must wear a lumbar corset for 1 month following the operation to optimize development of scar tissue around the implant. Finally, just as one should do in selecting patients for fusion, surgeons should take into account psychological, social, or workers compensation-related issues when deciding which patients would best benefit from dynamic stabilization (end of digression).
In interspinous dynamic stabilization implants that do not have flexion-limiting bands, there is conflicting biomechanical evidence. In one study with axial preloading applied to cadaver specimens of the lumbar spine, Coflex, In-Space, and Aperius reduced range of motion (ROM) of the implanted segment in both extension and flexion even though the supraspinous ligament was removed for placement of the Coflex [62]. In a similar study with preloading, In-Space reduced ROM in extension, but not in flexion, lateral bending, or axial rotation; reduced disk pressure of the operated segment, with little effects on ROM or disk pressure in the adjacent segments [63]; and unloaded the facet joints when loaded in extension [64]. In contrast, cadaver studies of spacers alone (without tension bands) without axial preloading show significant limitation of ROM in extension, but not in flexion, as well as no influence on axial rotation or lateral bending [65–67]. This would apply less if the stabilization devices could be implanted without injury to the thoracolumbar fascia, fascia of the longissimus thoracis muscles, or fascia of the multifidus muscles, although avoiding these injuries is difficult when decompressing the lumbar canal [68]. Regarding the segments adjacent to implantation by a spacer alone, Hartmann et al. reported that flexion-extension ROM above and below was increased in most of their cadaver specimens with and without a follower load of 400 N [69]. Mao et al. reported increased ROM only in extension at L2–L3 with a Coflex at L3–L4, which limited flexion-extension ROM there with little effect on axial rotation or lateral bending, adjacent to L4–L5 with rigid pedicle screw fixation [70]. An in vivo radiographic study has reported that limitation of flexion by the Coflex device is possible in case of bone overgrowth into the device, but generally not expected [71]. Coflex can be used to strongly limit flexion, but the solution calls for rivets through the spinous processes, with high risk of spinous process fracture especially in L5 and in patients with poor bone quality [72].
In an ovine model, Gunzburg et al. showed that an interspinous spacer reduced total segmental ROM in flexion-extension by only 17 % and that the combination of a spacer plus a tension band around the spinous processes reduced the ROM by 46 % [19]. Contrary to some interspinous dynamic stabilization devices, all three generations of our interspinous stabilization devices have a strong cord or band that limits flexion. A recent cadaver study with application of compressive preloads mimicking the stabilizing action of axial musculature demonstrated that anatomical alterations corresponding to degenerative and iatrogenic lesions result in decreased segmental stiffness. This loss of stiffness was less amenable to compensation by axial muscular activity in flexion than in extension, suggesting to the authors the potential usefulness of surgical implants that specifically increase flexion stiffness and limit flexion ROM to counteract the iatrogenic instability resulting from surgical decompression [4]. Without preloading, other cadaver studies have shown that the Wallis system restored ROM to that of the intact specimen in both flexion and extension, while Coflex and DIAM restored ROM only in extension, but not in flexion; all three systems reduced lateral bending by 10 % and axial rotation by 20 % [66, 67]. In a randomized trial of patients operated at L4–L5 for herniated disks or canal stenosis by either PLIF or Wallis dynamic stabilization, Li et al. measured the stiffness of degenerated L4–L5 segment. L4–L5 stiffness before decompression was 37 Nm; after decompression, it fell to 26 Nm, and after Wallis stabilization, it was restored to 46 Nm. The stiffness of the intact overlying adjacent segment (L3–L4) was significantly higher above the Wallis than above the pedicle screw-augmented PLIF (46 Nm vs. 35 Nm; p < 0.05), confirming their own experimental cadaver studies [73, 74]. Other cadaver studies of the second-generation Wallis have shown a 14 % reduction in flexion-extension ROM of the stabilized L3–L4 segment, with small increases in ROM at the uninstrumented L2–L3 and L4–L5 segments of 7 % and 3.5 %, respectively, and little influence on lateral bending and axial rotation [75]. Similar biomechanical results in cadavers have been found with another device that has a spacer and a tension band, which device also was shown to reduce pressures in the posterior annulus and central nucleus [22]. Comparing Wallis to a pedicle screw-based dynamic stabilization system, Schulte et al. reported that the Wallis implant reduced extension by 69 % and flexion by 62 %, with almost no action on lateral bending or axial rotation [76].
A study of distance between spinous processes showed that the variations in interspinous process distance (ISPD) are greater in patients with degenerative disk disease than in healthy subjects, demonstrating the risk of implant dislocation for interspinous devices that do not limit ISPD during flexion [77]. Indeed, among dynamic stabilization devices that do not strongly limit flexion, dislocation has been reported for Coflex in several studies [12, 78–80]. In this respect, the DIAM device appears to be an exception. Even though cadaver studies show that it fails to limit flexion [66, 67], the tethering laces probably explain the lack of reported postoperative dislocations [81]. Next to the Wallis system, other interspinous stabilization devices with strong flexion-limiting bands have been developed to restore segmental stiffness more consistently, including the Ligament Vertebral de Renfort [16], Dallos [18], InSWing [20], and Locker [21]. In a porcine study, the supraspinous ligament (SSL) and the laces of DIAM were both observed to have a mechanical role, leading the authors to recommend preservation of the SSL and use of the laces, which also were thought to prevent postoperative dislocation [82]. The LimiFlex device has flexion-limiting bands, but not an interspinous spacer [3].
44.3 Review of Clinical and Radiological Findings
In contrast to the poor efficacy associated with interspinous distraction (see above), over the last 5 years, 29 clinical studies of interspinous devices used for dynamic stabilization have reported improved clinical status and persistence of the improvement regardless of the device: Wallis [83–92], Coflex [78, 80, 86, 89, 90, 93–101], DIAM [102–107], In-Space [14, 108], Ligament Vertebral de Renfort [15, 109], or Dallos [18].
Using interspinous dynamic stabilization devices to decompress nerve roots and to off-load disks and facet joints, many authors report radiological data that shows increased foraminal dimensions, disk height, or both [14, 91, 92, 99, 101, 110, 111], with the exception of DIAM, which has a spacer made of silicone [103]. Even though these mechanisms of action undoubtedly contribute to the efficacy of dynamic stabilization devices [112], we developed the Wallis line of implants primarily to relieve chronic low back pain associated with loss of intersegmental stiffness. Other authors agree that the clinical action of interspinous dynamic stabilization devices is theoretically due to unloading of the facet joints, restoration of foraminal height, and/or increased intervertebral stability [108, 113–116]. As stated above, experimental in vivo proof in patients demonstrates that the Wallis device does indeed restore physiological stiffness of the treated segment without adversely affecting the stiffness of the adjacent segments [73]. However, because direct measurement of stiffness in patients is impractical, to measure stabilization authors report instead radiological flexion-extension ROM restrictions achieved and maintained by dynamic stabilization devices compared to the preoperative ROM. The overall flexion-extension ROM, which is increased by intervertebral degenerative disease and further increased by decompressive procedures, is consistently improved by the placement of an interspinous spacer, even if the spacer has no flexion-limiting attachments. When the implant has nothing that limits flexion, postoperative adherences between the spinous processes and the medial fascia of the paraspinal muscles may limit flexion of the implanted segment after several weeks. In any case, because spacers do reduce extension, this automatically reduces overall flexion-extension ROM. Most authors who have compared preoperative to follow-up flexion-extension ROM in their patients have reported improved (reduced) ROM of the treated segments at follow-up [18, 84, 95, 97, 99, 104, 107, 113]. Others have reported almost no change between preoperative ROM and ROM at final follow-up [95, 96, 110]. Sun et al. reported more restriction of flexion-extension ROM achieved with Wallis (10°) with its flexion-limiting band than with Coflex (13°) (p = 0.019) [90], and Chao et al. showed that the ROM in extension decreased, but that the ROM in flexion increased in lumbar segments implanted with Coflex [95].
The ROM of the intervertebral segments adjacent to the treated segments is equally important. Above a fused lumbar segment, ROM of the adjacent segment increases, which is thought to accelerate adjacent segment disease [113]. We developed dynamic stabilization devices that would stiffen the treated segment without completely eliminating flexion and extension there in order to preserve physiological functioning in the adjacent segments. Ideally, the flexion-extension ROM in adjacent, healthy segments should not be affected by placement of an interspinous dynamic stabilizer. All authors who have measured adjacent segment ROM report no undesired increase in that ROM during follow-up of the interspinous dynamic stabilization devices that they use [84, 95, 99, 111, 113]. In a study of 60 patients who underwent decompression of L4/L5 for degenerative canal stenosis, Liu et al. reported that the follow-up ROM of L3/L4 was increased and the disk height of L3/L4 was decreased significantly more in the 31 patients who had 360° fusion of L4/L5 compared to the 29 patients stabilized at L4/L5 by an interspinous dynamic stabilization device (p < 0.05), leading those authors to conclude that dynamic stabilization would delay degeneration of L3/L4 [97].
In one study, Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival from failure showed that decompression by laminotomy and flavectomy stabilized by fusion was 76 % at 5 years, with all failures caused by additional surgery for adjacent level syndrome. In that study, among the patients who had the same operation without fusion, 5-year survival from failure was 92 %, with both failures at the index level [43]. In patients who had lumbar decompressive surgery, Hong et al. compared 18 patients who had no stabilization to 23 who had dynamic interspinous stabilization, resorting to revision by fusion for symptomatic instability in 1 of the 23 patients (4 %) in the stabilized group and in 5 of the 18 patients (28 %) in the unstabilized group [109]. In a matched retrospective comparative study, Liu et al. reported that, compared with isolated PLIF of L5–S1, PLIF at L5–S1 combined with Wallis or Coflex dynamic stabilization at L4–L5 restricts the ROM of L4–L5 in extension and prevents excessive olisthesis of L4 in both extension and flexion. Based upon these findings and convincing MRI evidence of differences in L4–L5 disk degeneration and Modic changes, they concluded that follow-up of their patients longer than 24 months would potentially show that interspinous dynamic stabilization reduces degenerative changes adjacent to fusion [113, 117]. Even the DIAM device, which limits flexion and extension less than the Wallis system [66, 67], has been reported to slow the development of radiological adjacent segment degeneration above a PLIF (p = 0.03), although no significant difference in additional surgery at the segment rostral to PLIF was observed in that cohort [81]. In a randomized controlled study of Wallis dynamic stabilization above lumbar osteosynthesis procedures, Korovessis et al. have provided the best evidence that these devices can delay symptomatic adjacent segment disease: the ROM in flexion and extension of the adjacent segments protected by a Wallis implant remained stable after the operation, while there was progressive significant increase (p < 0.02) in the adjacent segment ROM of the control patients who had no protection above the fusion; this was associated with better ODI scores in the Wallis group (p < 0.05) and more adjacent segment revision operations in the control group (14 % vs. none) [85].
In a study of patients who underwent revision surgery for degenerative disease of the segment adjacent to prior fusion, Cho et al. recommended treatment by decompression and an interspinous dynamic stabilization device instead of extending fusion, because clinical results were equally good and dynamic stabilization preserves posterior complex integrity [118].
As we have recommended for our system, authors using other systems also preserve the supraspinous ligament [14, 78, 79], which contributes to segmental stability [119, 120], sends proprioceptive information to the paraspinal musculature [121, 122], and prevents increased ROM in flexion and extension in the adjacent segments [123].
Some authors have reported less favorable results for interspinous dynamic stabilization devices or results not superior to control groups. In each of these reports, the less favorable results can be attributed to either use of the devices in controversial indications or insufficient length of follow-up. Because dynamic stabilization devices are intended to relieve instability-related pain, many months may be necessary before differences in low back pain appear between decompressed patients with and without stabilization. In a study with 24 months of follow-up, no difference was found in clinical outcome, which was good, between patients with or without Coflex stabilization after decompression of canal stenosis (with spondylolisthesis in half of the patients) [115]. In an as yet unpublished randomized controlled trial presented by Mahir and Marsh at the British Orthopaedic Association 2012 Annual Congress in 2012, both groups (30 patients treated by decompression alone compared to 30 patients treated by decompression and Wallis dynamic stabilization), postoperative clinical results were good, practically identical and stable in the two groups at 1 year and 2 years, but the unstabilized group worsened after 3 years while the same good results persisted in the group stabilized by Wallis [124]. Clinical results regarding symptomatic adjacent segment disease are also time dependent, more than 2 years of follow-up being necessary to demonstrate superiority of interspinous dynamic stabilization over arthrodesis in terms of revision surgery for adjacent-level syndrome [5, 6].
In two examples of less favorable results involving controversial indications, Mayer et al. reported revision surgery within 34 months in 8 of 32 patients in whom they used In-Space for arthrogenic low back pain [40], and, using the Coflex device for distraction in 20 patients who also had isolated facet joint pain, Cabraja et al. reported reduction of 50 % in VAS pain score in only 7 patients (35 %) after 2 years [125]. This suggests that unloading the facet joints with an interspinous spacer for isolated facet joint pain may be a poor indication. These poor results might be attributable, however, to the use of too much distraction of the treated segments (L4–L5), with a radiographically demonstrated loss of lordosis there, (p < 0.001) and increased lordosis at L3–L4 (p < 0.032). These changes induced in the sagittal profile may have contributed to further facet joint degeneration possibly explaining why the clinical outcome of these patients was better at 1-year follow-up than at final follow-up [125].
In patients with grade I degenerative spondylolisthesis, which, in my opinion, is certainly a contraindication, interspinous dynamic stabilization devices have failed to prevent further slippage [16, 21, 126] and, in one study, good clinical results were achieved in only two thirds of the patients [16]. A 6-year study of 23 patients stabilized with an interspinous dynamic device for grade I degenerative spondylolisthesis compared to 22 patients treated for the same indication with pedicle screw-augmented PLIF provides even more convincing confirmation that interspinous dynamic stabilization should not be used for spondylolisthesis [127].
44.4 Complications of Interspinous Dynamic Stabilization Devices
The reported complication rates are generally lower in interspinous dynamic stabilization studies than in reports on patients with degenerative disease treated by fusion. In 131 patients treated with Coflex, Xu et al. reported only three implant-related complications (loosening, wing breakage, and spinous process fracture), along with five other complications requiring additional surgery (recurrent disk herniation at the treated level in two, a residual herniated disk in one, spinal canal hematoma in a patient taking anticoagulants, and incomplete decompression in one) [78]. Zang et al. reported a total of only 13 complications among 133 patients [79]. Nachakian et al. reported one revision procedure (for recurrence of neurologic symptoms) among 134 patients [98]. In a single-unit study of complications in 168 patients who had either Wallis or Coflex dynamic stabilization, the overall complication rate was 10.7 % (18/168), 6.2 % (8/130) in the Wallis group and 26.3 % (10/38) in the Coflex group (p < 0.01) [128]. Xu et al. reported that none of their 96 patients had complications related to Wallis dynamic stabilization [91]. In 48 Wallis patients, Liu et al. observed no intraoperative complications [87]. Other studies have also recorded no implant-related complications with Wallis (n = 0/20) [84], (n = 0/15) [88], (n = 0/25) [85], Coflex (n = 0/20) [94], (n = 0/29) [97], (n = 0/21) [96], DIAM (n = 0/8) [107],(n = 0/16) [106] (n = 0/68) [105], and Locker (n = 0/23) [21].
Among complications of interspinous stabilization devices, unresolved low back pain is not a serious issue, because these systems spare vertebral anatomy; they do not preclude or significantly complicate later treatment with a more definitive procedure (i.e., fusion). Some reports of interspinous dynamic stabilization include a few cases of straightforward removal and replacement by fusion [78, 79, 81, 98, 100]. The complication that naturally occurs at the index level more often after any kind of dynamic stabilization than after fusion is disk herniation, because dynamic stabilization preserves disk function, posterolateral fusion reduces disk function, and lumbar interbody fusion eliminates the disk. As shown by Floman et al. the frequency of recurrent disk depends upon the diskectomy procedure more than upon the dynamic stabilization technique [83]. After a Wallis procedure, Liu et al. reported a recurrent disk in 6 of 48 patients, 3 of whom were treated conservatively and 3 simply by removal and fusion [87]. In a study comparing Wallis in 25 patients to Coflex in 27 patients, Sun et al. reported 4 recurrent disks in the Coflex patients and none with Wallis [90]. In another series of 68 patients treated by interspinous dynamic stabilization, Li et al. reported 2 cases of recurrent disk [129]. Hrabálek et al. reported no recurrent disks among 68 patients [105].
The rate of intraoperative and postoperative spinous process fractures complicating interspinous dynamic stabilization devices is quite low in my experience with the technique, but I always used small spacer sizes to avoid distraction and preserve segmental lordosis. This contrasts with the high incidence of spinous process fractures when interspinous spacers are used for distraction to treat canal stenosis without undercutting [24, 44, 55], because larger spacers are used to obtain segmental kyphosis instead of preserving segmental lordosis as we recommend in dynamic stabilization to avoid facet joint pain. A report by Fabrizi et al. illustrates the indication-dependent aspect of this complication of interspinous devices. Among 1315 patients in whom they used an interspinous device for dynamic stabilization after decompression, they observed 7 spinous process fractures (0.5 %), whereas among 260 patients in whom the same surgeons used an interspinous device for distraction in elderly patients to avoid surgical decompression and general anesthesia, they reported 3 spinous process fractures (1.2 %) [102]. The interspinous spacers and soft polyester bands of our system may be less aggressive to the spinous process than metallic interspinous dynamic stabilization systems. Spinous process fractures have been reported with the use of Coflex [78, 79, 100, 115]. In a series of 133 patients who had Coflex dynamic stabilization, 3 had an intraoperative spinous process fracture and 2 had postoperative spinous process fracture [80]. However, in a study by Sun et al. of interspinous dynamic stabilization complications in 168 patients with either Wallis or Coflex, no spinous process fracture was reported [128]. Using a soft interspinous spacer in 65 patients, Lee et al. reported that none of the patients had a spinous process fracture [16]. In vivo radiographic analysis in 176 patients shows that the average loads exerted by an interspinous dynamic stabilization spacer on the spinous process and lamina are estimated to be only 11 % and 7 % of their respective static failure load, which would help explain the observed low rates of postoperative fractures [71].

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