Peter O’Sullivan, Darren A. Rivett Jack is a 22-year-old man who presented with a 7-year history of progressively disabling chronic central low back pain. Jack’s symptoms began gradually when he was 15 years of age while he was undergoing intensive football (soccer) training. He had tried to manage the pain by doing a lot of core stability exercises, as advised by his physiotherapist. However, 6 months after this time, when he was 16 years of age, he experienced a ‘major’ episode of pain at training, whereby his back ‘spasmed’ and he was carried off the field. He reported his pain was 10/10 and ‘frightening’. At this time, he was playing at an elite level and was aiming for a professional contract. Jack went to see his general practitioner, who referred him for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, which he stated had found a number of ‘damaged discs and bulges’. He was referred to an orthopaedic surgeon who, after reviewing the MRI, told him that he had the ‘back of a 70-year-old’. He also told Jack that he would have to stop playing football and might need to have a spinal fusion, whereby they would have to ‘operate through his stomach’. He was further told this operation could prevent him from having children in the future and ‘all this [other] scary stuff’. As a young man of 16 years, Jack described how this frightened him and that he feared for his future. Jack denied any contextual life stressors around the time of this severe pain episode. Based on this advice, Jack ceased playing football, left school and started a manual job. Since that major episode of pain, he reported that ‘his back was never the same again – it is always tense and doesn’t relax’. He further reported that over the subsequent years, his back pain had slowly become more intense and disabling. A year prior to the first consultation, Jack ceased doing manual work due to the high levels of pain he experienced and instead took a desk job. However, because his pain was aggravated by sitting, he had now been out of work for 3 months due to his back pain. He was currently spending his time at home, lying down or going for walks. Jack had trialled various passive interventions (mobilization, manipulation, massage and acupuncture), which he reported only gave him short-term relief. He noted that having his girlfriend walk on his back with heels had given him the most relief, as had massage and heat. He had undertaken no self-management strategies. Jack stated that he experienced constant tension in his back which increased when he maintained upright postures, such as sitting and standing. He reported a deep, gnawing pain in his lower back that increased during the day, and he also reported a severe, sharp pain when he flexed, extended or rotated his back. He rated his gnawing pain as 9/10 and his sharp pain as 9/10 on a numerical pain rating scale. He described a positive relationship between the level of ‘tension’ in his back and his pain. That is, when one increased, so did the other. Jack denied any leg pain or neurological symptoms (see Fig. 24.1). Jack recounted that he consciously tensed his trunk muscles when undertaking these activities to help protect his back. He also said that he avoided bending and lifting due to pain. Jack only reported pain relief after a massage or applying heat to his back. He also repeatedly self-manipulated his back for relief. When his back muscles were relaxed, he also felt less pain. Jack reported that he experienced very disrupted sleep because he couldn’t find a position of comfort and woke whenever he rolled over. He described that he was stiff in the morning and found it difficult to move, get out of bed and dress. Jack reported that he walked daily and that he enjoyed physical activity, but whenever he went to the gym or went for a run, it flared his back pain, and so he had stopped these activities. This made him feel sad and disabled. Based on what he had been informed from the MRI, Jack believed that his back was damaged, and he had little hope this could change. He reported that he was fearful of doing further damage and believed that pain was a sign of damage. He felt that his back was going to ‘snap’. Jack further reported that he was constantly thinking about protecting his back and that he didn’t believe that he would do manual work or play football again. He did hope he would return to a sitting job but was frightened that he would end up severely disabled and need a spinal fusion. Jack had no insight as to what treatment would be helpful for him and little expectation for symptomatic change. Jack reported that he often felt down and that he also felt high levels of frustration and anger about his situation. He denied that his emotional state influenced his levels of pain, and he was very certain that these factors were a response to pain, as previously he had been a happy person. The coping strategies Jack had adopted were avoidance of provocative activities, protective behaviours and passive treatments. Apart from walking, Jack reported no active coping strategies. Jack had become very protective of his back; he postured his back into a lordosis, used his hands to unload it and slowed all his movements down to control the pain. Because he feared his back would ‘snap’, he avoided doing activities that caused pain, such as bending and lifting. Jack lived with his girlfriend and didn’t socialize much due to his pain. Although he was not currently working, he indicated that he would like to return to work if he could control his pain better. He had supportive family and friends. There were no other reported health disorders; however, Jack felt run down and fatigued due to the pain and lack of sleep. Given there is evidence that low back pain and associated beliefs and behaviours are clustered in families (O’Sullivan et al., 2008), his family history was pursued. However, he reported there was no family history of back pain. Jack had trialled various medications such as gabapentin (anti-epileptic medication used to treat neuropathic pain) and strong analgesics; however, he stopped them because he didn’t like the side effects such as feeling tired and ‘foggy’. MRI scans (Fig. 24.2) conducted when he was 16 and then repeated when he was 21 years of age confirmed his reports of multi-level disc degeneration in the lower lumbar spine. Disc bulges were noted at L4/L5 and L5/S1, and multiple levels of disc fissures and Schmorl’s nodes were visible at T12 and L1. There was no sign of nerve compression. Jack reported that he wanted to be able to control his pain, get back to work and return to light sport such as football. He didn’t know if this was realistic or how to achieve these goals. The score recorded for the Örebro Screening Questionnaire was 132, indicating that Jack was at high risk for chronicity (Boersma and Linton, 2005; WorkSafe Victoria, 2016). Of particular note were the high scores recorded for the following questions:
A Professional Football Career Lost
Chronic Low Back Pain in a 22 Year Old
Subjective Examination
Pain Characteristics
Primary Aggravating Factors
Easing Factors
Activity Levels
Levels of Distress
Coping Strategies
Protective Behaviours
Social Factors
General Health and Comorbidities
MRI Scans
Örebro Screening Questionnaire
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A Professional Football Career Lost
Fig. 24.1 Jack’s body chart showing symptoms.
Fig. 24.2 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lumbar spine.