7: Irritable bowel syndrome

Case 7 Irritable bowel syndrome

Description of irritable bowel syndrome


Between four and thirty-five per cent of the world’s population is affected by IBS. Much of this variation can be explained by geographical variability, with higher prevalence rates observed in China and Western countries, and lower rates noted in South Africa and Thailand.1 Onset of IBS typically occurs in the teens or second decade of life; incidence peaks in the third and fourth decades of life and falls in the sixth and seventh decades.1 Race does not appear to be a factor in the incidence of IBS, though the condition does more commonly affect women than men, at a ratio of 3:1.2

Clinical manifestations

People with IBS often present with an array of gastrointestinal, psychological and/or systemic symptoms of varying intensity and frequency. Non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, chronic headache and sleep disturbances may be accompanied by psychological manifestations that include poor concentration, anxiety and depression. An individual may also complain of dyspepsia, flatulence, mucorrhoea, rectal sensitivity, nausea, abdominal bloating, left lower quadrant tenderness and periodic constipation and/or diarrhoea.2 According to the Rome III criteria for the diagnosis of IBS, the defining feature is the presence of colicky pain or continuous dull ache to the lower abdomen or left lower abdominal quadrant for at least 3 days a month in the past 3 months (with the onset of symptoms occurring at least 6 months prior), which is associated with at least two of the following: a change in stool consistency, a change in the frequency of defecation and/or improvement post defecation.1

Clinical case

32-year-old woman with irritable bowel syndrome


Adopt the practitioner strategies and behaviours highlighted in Table 2.1 (chapter 2) to improve client trust, communication and rapport, as well as the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the clinical assessment.

Medical history


CAM practitioners may request, perform and/or interpret findings from a range of diagnostic tests in order to add valuable data to the pool of clinical information. While several investigations are pertinent to this case (as described below), the decision to use these tests should be considered alongside factors such as cost, convenience, comfort, turnaround time, access, practitioner competence and scope of practice, and history of previous investigations.

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Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on 7: Irritable bowel syndrome

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