6.7.2 Knee dislocations


6.7.2 Knee dislocations

James Stannard

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1 Epidemiology and mechanism of injury

The knee is one of the most complex joints of the human body. High- and low-energy trauma may produce a knee dislocation, which is defined as an abnormal displacement between the tibia and the femur associated with the injury of two or more major joint ligaments [1]. Motor vehicle crashes and contact sports injuries are the main causes of these injuries but simple falls in patients with morbid obesity is an increasing problem. Knee dislocations are considered to be uncommon. However, it is likely that these injuries were overlooked in the past because most cases reduce spontaneously and many are associated with polytrauma [1, 2].

Kennedy [3] proposed a classification based on the position of the tibia in relation to the femur. Hyperextension of the knee is considered the most common injury mechanism and results in anterior knee dislocation ( Fig 6.7.2-1 ). At 50° hyperextension, the popliteal artery tears due to traction [3]. Direct impact over the anterior aspect of the tibia is the mechanism associated with posterior knee dislocations: this is observed in the dashboard striking the anterior knee in motor vehicle crashes. Posterior knee dislocations are frequently associated with extensor mechanism disruption and popliteal artery contusion with intimal damage. The positional classification also describes medial, lateral, and rotatory knee dislocations. Rotatory dislocations are subdivided into anteromedial, anterolateral, posteromedial, and posterolateral. The latter may be irreducible, when the femoral medial condyle buttonholes through the medial capsule and the medial collateral ligament (MCL) protrudes into the knee joint. A typical clinical sign of this variant is a skin depression or dimple on the medial side of the knee. Posterolateral knee dislocations may cause peroneal nerve injury because of traction over the lateral femoral condyle.

Fig 6.7.2-1a–c Anterior knee dislocation which spontaneously reduced. a–b Examination under anaesthetic showed severe hyperextension and instability to varus stress but there was no arterial injury. c However, the patient had foot drop on admission and posterolateral exploration of the knee showed complete rupture of the common peroneal nerve.

The positional classification lacks specificity to define which knee structures have been injured. Moreover, it is not applicable to most cases, which reduce spontaneously before clinical and radiological examinations. Therefore, Schenck [4] proposed an anatomical classification based on the findings of the clinical examination under anesthesia. This classification aids in deciding which structures must be repaired or reconstructed. This classification has become the most commonly used scheme with five major categories:

  • KD I: any knee dislocation where either the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) are intact

  • KD II: a tear of the ACL and the PCL only

  • KD III: a tear of both the ACL and PCL as well as either the posterolateral corner (PLC) or posteromedial corner (PMC)

  • KD IV: a tear of the ACL, PCL, PLC, and PMC

  • KD V: an articular fracture (usually tibial plateau) associated with a knee dislocation

2 Surgical anatomy

Knee dislocations are considered to be multiligament injuries. However, there are other important structures at risk. For didactic reasons, structures will be grouped according to the topography of the knee.

2.1 Central pivot

This extraarticular area of the knee contains both cruciate ligaments. The cruciate ligaments are the main static restrictors of AP translation of the tibia in relation to the femur. Knee dislocation must result in injury to at least one cruciate ligament unless there is an associated fracture. In most knee dislocations both cruciate ligaments are disrupted. Experimental studies [3] revealed that the anterior cruciate ligament is torn by the femoral notch, usually in hyperextension; whereas the PCL is more sensitive to forces applied parallel to the axis of its fibers. High-energy trauma with high strain applied to the PCL may cause its avulsion from the femoral notch, resulting in an injury pattern that also involves the posterior capsule, which “peels off” its femoral attachment deep to the origin of the gastrocnemius muscle. In general, knee dislocations are associated with midsubstance cruciate injuries.

2.2 Posteromedial corner

The PMC of the knee contains the superficial medial collateral ligament, the deep MCL, the posterior oblique ligament (POL), the direct insertion of semimembranosus, and the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle ( Fig 6.7.2-2 ). The medial meniscus also helps to stabilize the knee via its meniscofemoral and meniscotibial attachments and one of these attachments is often ruptured in knee dislocation; severe rotatory forces may result in both the femoral and tibial attachments rupturing. The superficial MCL is the largest structure on the medial side of the knee. On the femoral side it attaches to a bony depression located proximal and posteriorly to the femoral epicondyle. Distally it attaches to the medial tibial crest. The POL consists of three fascial expansions of the semimembranosus tendon [5]. Repair or reconstruction of the PMC involves restoration of the MCL and the POL and the medial meniscal ligaments.

Fig 6.7.2-2 Structures of the posteromedial corner of the knee. Abbreviations: DMCL, deep medial collateral ligament; POL, posterior oblique ligament; SMCL, superficial medial collateral ligament.

2.3 Posterolateral corner

The PLC of the knee has complex anatomy and injury is due to varus thrust on the knee, often combined with rotation or hyperextension. The main structures to be repaired or reconstructed are the lateral collateral ligament, the popliteus tendon and the popliteofibular ligament ( Fig 6.7.2-3 ). The lateral meniscus also helps to stabilize the knee via its meniscofemoral and meniscotibial attachments and one of these attachments is often ruptured in a knee dislocation; severe rotatory forces may result in both the femoral and tibial attachments rupturing. These injuries should be repaired, if possible. The meniscotibial attachment may avulse the periphery of the tibial plateau, producing a Segond fracture ( Fig 6.7.2-4 ). Three additional lateral structures frequently injured during knee dislocations are the biceps tendon, the iliotibial band, and the common peroneal nerve. In some cases, the fibular head may present with an avulsion fracture; the iliotibial band may be stripped away from Gerdy′s tubercle or the tubercle may be avulsed. Peroneal nerve injury may be present in one third of all knee dislocations and its prognosis is poor, with half of the patients unable to recover useful function [6]. In the most severe injuries, the nerve is avulsed from the sciatic nerve ( Fig 6.7.2-1c ).

Fig 6.7.2-3 Structures of the posterolateral corner of the knee.
Fig 6.7.2-4a–f a Segond fracture due to avulsion of bone by the meniscotibial ligament. b The patient had a tense, painful hematoma in the popliteal fossa with foot drop but normal pulse and computed tomographic angiogram. At exploration, the tibial vein was ruptured. c–d This was repaired; the Segond fracture fixed with (tension band) plates 2.7, and the posterior capsule, posterior cruciate ligament, and lateral collateral ligament anatomically repaired and reattached to the tibia and fibula with suture anchors. e–f Follow-up at 2 years showed good range of movement and no symptoms of instability.

2.4 Extensor mechanism

Posterior dislocations are frequently associated with disruption of the extensor mechanism of the knee and this may be associated with severe soft-tissue injury with closed degloving or open wounds. Vascular injury is a common finding. The combination of a knee dislocation with an extensor mechanism disruption is the most difficult type of knee dislocation to rehabilitate because the knee dislocation benefits from immediate motion while the extensor mechanism injury benefits from limited motion during the early rehabilitation period.

2.5 Popliteal fossa

The major concern with any knee dislocation is vascular injury ( Fig 6.7.2-5 ). A recent systematic review [7] identified 862 patients with knee dislocations, of whom 171 (25%) sustained vascular injuries. However, most contemporary literature reports an incidence of flow limiting vascular injury in the 5–15% range. Regardless of the exact incidence, surgeons must be alert and look for popliteal artery injuries. All patients must have examination of the peripheral pulses and this must be recorded in the medical notes. Any abnormality mandates immediate action. The anatomy of the popliteal artery makes it susceptible to injury with significant knee displacement. The artery is relatively tethered in two sites: proximally, at the level of its emergence from the fibrous tunnel of Hunter′s canal and, distally, at the level where it crosses deep to the soleus arch and trifurcates.

Fig 6.7.2-5 Neurological and vascular structures of the posterior knee.

3 Evaluation and primary treatment

The medical history should include the mechanism of injury and any reduction maneuvers undertaken at the injury scene. In polytrauma patients, evaluation follows the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocol. In most cases, the knee has spontaneously been reduced and there is no obvious deformity. Contusions on the anterior aspect of the proximal tibia, generalized swelling and tenderness should always raise suspicion of knee dislocation. Ligament stability must always be evaluated in knee injuries with comparison with the contralateral side. Whenever possible, history of injuries to the knee must be obtained to rule out chronic instabilities. It must be recognized that examination of the acutely injured knee is difficult even for experienced clinicians, and pain and muscle spasm may limit clinical examination.

The clinician must have a high index of suspicion for the presence of multiligament knee injury with a low threshold for further evaluation by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or examination under anesthesia.

If the knee has not been reduced before the examination, this allows the examiner to define the direction of the dislocation. It is important to reduce the joint as soon as possible by means of closed reduction. A delay of a few minutes to obtain an x-ray is reasonable but there should not be a significant delay to obtain imaging. If the knee is dislocated and has an open wound, the reduction should be performed as soon as possible in the operating room. Copious irrigation is performed before reduction to avoid gross contamination of the joint.

3.1 Neurovascular assessment

In all cases, neurovascular assessment is a priority.

It is important to assess the ability of the patient to perform dorsiflexion of the great toe. The possibility of compartment syndrome should always be considered. Perfusion below the knee, including palpation of the pulses of the posterior tibial artery and anterior tibial (dorsalis pedis) artery, must be checked and compared with the contralateral side. Doppler scans are recommended to document the presence and intensity of the pulses distal to the knee if there is any difficulty with palpation. If there are no pulses distal to the knee, an emergent surgical exploration of the artery is indicated. Do not delay imaging unless it can be performed in the time it takes to prepare the operating room. In general, vascular lesions with clear ischemic signs require immediate vascular intervention. The later the intervention, the higher the amputation rate and the results of revascularization after 6 hours are very poor. If the pulses are present but diminished, advanced imaging is indicated, usually with computed tomographic (CT) angiogram or an MR angiogram. The ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) has been used to determine whether the patient should undergo an arteriography and it is recommended that patients with an ABPI less than 0.9 have urgent vascular imaging or surgery [9]. If vascular repair is required, a temporary arterial shunt is helpful and reduces ischemic time. A provisional external fixator may be required to stabilize the joint.

Patients with no vascular symptoms or signs still require close observation and should be admitted to hospital. A detailed vascular clinical examination is recommended at admission, after 4–6 hours and at 24 and 48 hours. This must be clearly documented in the medical records [8]. Late popliteal artery thrombosis, usually associated with an asymptomatic intimal tear, is a recognized and devastating complication [10].

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