6.7.1 Patella


6.7.1 Patella

Mahmoud M Odat

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1 Introduction

1.1 History

Nonoperative treatment of displaced patellar fractures prevailed until the end of the 19th century when Quenu [1] published a review of 26 cases treated surgically and recommended operative repair. In 1942, Gallie and Lemesurier [2] described a technique to repair a quadriceps tendon rupture. Following these reports, surgical management became increasingly accepted.

1.2 Epidemiology

Patellar fractures are relatively common, accounting for approximately 1% of all skeletal injuries [3]. The patella is prone to injury because of the subcutaneous anterior location. About half of these fractures are nondisplaced, with the extensor mechanism remaining intact. Patellar fractures may occur as direct or indirect trauma with dashboard injuries, and falls being the most common causes.

1.3 Special characteristics

The patella serves as the fulcrum of the extensor mechanism with two lever arms: the quadriceps tendon and the patellar tendon. Enormous forces are transmitted across the patellofemoral joint. This can reach up to seven times body weight, thus the load-bearing capacity required for an osteosynthesis is high. Some types of activities, such as stair climbing and squatting, may generate patellofemoral compressive forces more than seven times body weight; consequently, the tension strain at the anterior patellar surface is close to the values that result in fracture [4]. The shape of the patellofemoral joint, and hence, the posterior surface of the patella, varies widely. Patellar tracking also depends on the configuration of the extensor mechanism and on the balance of the quadriceps muscles. The congruity of the articulation of the patella with the femur changes considerably from extension to flexion. From full extension to 45° of flexion the articular surface of the patella is in contact with the anterior femur. In a knee flexed more than 45°, the posterior surface of the quadriceps tendon is in contact with the patellar facets of the femur and this increases the lever arm.

The increased lever arm of the extensor mechanism due to the patella acting as a fulcrum adds an additional 60% of the force needed to gain full extension (final 15°).

Thus, full extension power is markedly reduced following patellectomy.

2 Evaluation and diagnosis

2.1 Case history and physical examination

The mechanism of injury and the type of force determines the fracture pattern. A direct force from a direct blow to the front of the knee causes the patella to fail in compression and results in a multifragmentary or in a stellate fracture pattern with significant chondral damage. More commonly, the patella fails in tension, as force from the extensor mechanism exceeds the strength of the bone. Typically, this fracture type is transverse or an avulsion of the inferior pole. The injury often extends in a transverse fashion through the retinaculum and results in fracture displacement and loss of active knee extension [5]. In closed patellar fractures, typical clinical signs are swelling, tenderness, and limited or loss of function of the extensor mechanism.

Preservation of active knee extension does not rule out a patellar fracture if the auxiliary extensors of the knee (retinacula) are intact [5].

If displacement is significant, the physician can palpate a defect between the fragments. The examination must include evaluation for pure rupture of the quadriceps or patellar tendons and injury to other knee ligaments resulting in joint instability (see chapter 6.7.2).

2.2 Imaging

In addition to standard x-rays of the knee in two planes, a tangential view of the patella may be useful in some cases. In the AP view the patella normally projects into the midline of the femoral sulcus and usually delineates the primary nature and direction of the fracture lines and may reveal additional fracture fragments. A lateral view taken with the knee in 30° of flexion demonstrates the true extent of displacement. The proximal tibia must be visible to exclude a bone avulsion of the patellar tendon from the tibial tuberosity. A rupture of the patellar or quadriceps tendon results in an abnormal position of the patella with a high-riding patella (patella alta) or low patella (patella baja). The Insall-Salvati method [6, 7] is used to evaluate the position of the patella ( Fig 6.7.1-1 ). The tangential view (skyline view), which is obtainable in 45° knee flexion, can identify a longitudinal or osteochondral fracture. Computed tomography and ultrasonography may be helpful to further define osteochondral or sleeve fractures. Bone scanning may be indicated for detection of occult stress fractures. Magnetic resonance imaging is helpful to diagnose cartilage defects and ligamentous lesions; anterior cruciate ligament rupture is a common associated injury.

Fig 6.7.1-1 The Insall-Salvati ratio is the relationship of the length of the patella and the patellar tendon on a lateral x-ray. This ratio is normally r = 1, a ratio r < 0.8 suggests high-riding patella (patella alta) or patellar tendon rupture.

3 Anatomy

The patella is the largest sesamoid bone in the human body. It is located in the extensor apparatus of the knee. The primary extensor mechanism of the knee is composed of the quadriceps muscle and tendon, the patella, and the patellar ligament. Anatomical features include the cranial base, the caudal apex, the anterior extraarticular, and the posterior articular surfaces. The rectus femoris and intermedius muscles insert at the base, the vastus medialis and lateralis muscles on either side ( Fig 6.7.1-2 ). The patellar tendon originates from the apex patellae and inserts at the tibial tuberosity.

Fig 6.7.1-2 The infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve crosses from medial to the anterolateral aspect of the tibia close to the apex of the patella.

The posterior articular surface (superior three fourths) of the patella is composed of two large facets (medial and lateral) separated by a vertical ridge and covered with the thickest articular cartilage in the body (up to 5 mm).

Bipartite patella results from lack of assimilation of the bone during growth and has a characteristic x-ray feature with rounded, sclerotic lines rather than the sharp edges and lines of a fracture. It is commonly located on the proximal lateral quadrant of the patella. Bipartite patella should not be confused with fracture. Bipartite patella is found in 2–3% of the population and it is bilateral in 50% of patients [8].

3.1 Key anatomical features

The anterior surface is surrounded by an extraosseous arterial ring, which receives inflow from branches of the genicular arteries. This anastomotic ring supplies the patella through midpatellar vessels, which penetrate the middle third of the anterior surface, and the polar vessels, which enter the apex. The infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve crosses from medial to the anterolateral aspect of the tibia close to the apex of the patella ( Fig 6.7.1-2 ). It runs in the subcutaneous tissue layer and is at risk with longitudinal incisions. The surgeon must also be aware of the integrity of the other important structures that make up the extensor mechanism, such as the quadriceps and patellar tendons and the patella-femoral ligament.

4 Classification

Fractures of the patella are generally described according to the amount of displacement (nondisplaced or displaced; step-off or gap of more than 2 mm), the pattern of the fracture (transverse, vertical, marginal, osteochondral, or comminuted), and the location of the fracture (central, proximal, or distal third). The size of osteochondral fragments is variable and they may be difficult to see radiologically, as they may be largely cartilaginous. Sleeve fracture occurs most commonly in children and adolescents and involves the inferior pole with a major portion of articular cartilage attached to a small distal bone fragment.

4.1 AO/OTA Fracture and Dislocation Classification

The patella bone is coded as 34 in the AO/OTA alphanumeric system with patellar fractures classified as extraarticular, partial articular, and complete ( Fig 6.7.1-3 ) with further subclassification shown in Fig 6.7.1-4 .

Fig 6.7.1-3 AO/OTA Fracture and Dislocation Classification—patella.
Fig 6.7.1-4 Subclassification of patellar fractures.

5 Surgical indications

The management of patellar fractures is challenging because its subcutaneous position can result in wound-healing problems, the articular surface requires precise anatomical reduction, and the requirement for early motion to prevent knee stiffness means that the fixation is subjected to substantial forces. Operative treatment is indicated for patellar fractures with the following:

  • 2 mm of fragment displacement (gap)

  • 2 mm of articular incongruity (step-off)

  • Osteochondral fractures with associated intraarticular loose bodies

  • A compromised extensor mechanism at the proximal or distal end of the patella with loss of active extension

The method of treatment is chosen on the basis of patient factors (age, bone quality, activity level, and compliance) and fracture pattern. The modified tension band is the most widely recommended form of fixation. The use of screws alone or in combination with an anterior tension band has recently been advocated [9]. Partial or total patellectomy with repair of the extensor mechanism are avoided unless reduction and fixation is not possible.

6 Preoperative planning

Clinical examination of knee stability with the patient under anesthesia is vital. Associated lesions, such as cruciate ligament damage, must be ruled out.

6.1 Implant selection

Tension band wiring is highly effective in transforming tension force into compression force (see chapter 3.2.3). A 1.25 mm wire in combination with 1.6, 1.8, or 2.0 mm K-wires are the implants of choice. Single 3.5 mm cortex screws, if applied properly as a lag screw, will add to stability, but should not be used without a tension band except in longitudinal type B fractures. Articular osteochondral fractures can be reduced and fixed with biodegradable pins (1.6–2.0 mm diameter). Heavy sutures (No. 5 nonabsorbable) may also serve to reduce bone and soft tissues. Cannulated screws (4 mm) can also be placed across the reduced fracture and the tension band wire placed through the screw. This has been shown to be biomechanically stronger than the K-wire construct [10]. Patellar plates can be used in complex multi planar fracture.

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