6.3.4 Hand


6.3.4 Hand

Douglas A Campbell

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1 Introduction

Nowhere in the body does function follow form as closely as in the hand. The stability of its small articulations, the balance between its extrinsic and intrinsic motors and stabilizers, together with the complexity of the tendon systems, require a stable and well-aligned supporting skeleton. The outcome of skeletal injuries in the hand may be judged more on the return of function than on skeletal union.

Following injury, tendon, motor, sensory, and vascular status must be carefully assessed and documented.

The goals in treatment of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures are the same regardless of the method used. These include [13]:

  • Restoration of articular anatomy

  • Correction of angular or rotational deformity

  • Stabilization of fractures

  • Surgical approach not compromising hand function

  • Rapid mobilization

Many fractures of the hand can be treated effectively using nonoperative means. Stable skeletal fixation, however, should be considered in the following [47]:

Fractures that are:

  • Multifragmentary

  • Severely displaced

  • Multiple metacarpal

  • Short oblique or spiral metacarpal

  • Accompanied by any soft-tissue injury

Fractures at particular sites:

  • Neck fractures, proximal phalanx

  • Palmar base middle phalanx

Displaced articular fractures:

  • Bennett fracture

  • Rolando fracture

  • Unicondylar and bicondylar

Certain injury types:

  • Complete or incomplete amputations

  • Some fracture dislocations

Fracture stability depends upon its morphology, location, relationship to tendon and ligament insertions, and any associated injuries.

2 Anatomy

2.1 Metacarpal bones

The five metacarpals form the breadth of the hand, with the index and middle metacarpals acting as a rigid central pillar. The distal transverse arch of the hand is located along the deep metacarpal ligaments, which connect the metacarpal heads. The thumb, ring finger, and little finger metacarpals are the mobile units. A stable base is required for useful finger function, and this is achieved by the width and stability of the four-finger metacarpals, bound tightly together by their basal ligaments and supported by their more mobile distal intermetacarpal ligaments. Unstable fractures of the border metacarpals (index or little) narrow this stable base and result in poorer grip and altered finger function. The metacarpal shaft has dorsal convexity; the concave palmar cortex is denser as this is the compression side with tension on the dorsum.

2.2 Carpometacarpal joints

The capitate articulates with three metacarpals (index, middle, and ring) and the index metacarpal articulates with three carpal bones (trapezium, trapezoid, and capitate). The index and middle carpometacarpal joints are practically immobile. The connection to the ring finger and little finger are mobile, hinge-shaped joints with strong palmar ligaments. The carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is a reciprocally biconcave saddle joint. This allows an extensive range of motion, including some rotation, but provides great stability in compression ( Fig 6.3.4-1 ).

Fig 6.3.4-1a–b The saddle joint of the thumb carpometacarpal joint. a Neutral position. b During opposition.

2.3 Metacarpophalangeal joints

When viewed in the sagittal plane, the metacarpal head is cam-shaped and similar to the knee. During flexion, the axis of rotation moves in a palmar direction. The articular surfaces form a condyloid joint: the metacarpal head is narrow dorsally with a widened palmar flare giving progressively more contact with the base of the proximal phalanx with increasing flexion. This anatomical shape, combined with the eccentric origin of the collateral ligament, means that the collateral ligaments are tight in flexion and lax in extension ( Fig 6.3.4-2 ). Hence, the fingers cannot be spread (abducted) unless these joints are extended.

Fig 6.3.4-2a–b The metacarpophalangeal joint. The collateral ligament is lax in extension (a) and tight in 90° flexion (b).

Due to the anatomical arrangement of the collateral ligaments, the metacarpophalangeal joints must always be immobilized at 90° flexion to minimize stiffness.

2.4 Phalanges

The proximal and middle phalanges are divided into the base, shaft, neck, and head (condyles). In contrast to the metacarpals, the phalanges are enveloped by the gliding surfaces of the overlying intrinsic and extrinsic tendons. Fractures or surgical approaches in this area predispose to scar formation and adherence of the overlying extensor tendon. This limits both active and passive movement ( Fig 6.3.4-3 ).

Fig 6.3.4-3 The relationship of the gliding tendons with the proximal phalanx. Transverse section at midphalanx. 1 Extensor digitorum communis tendon. 2 Flexor tendon sheath. 3 Split flexor digitorum superficialis tendon. 4 Flexor digitorum profundus tendon.

2.5 Interphalangeal joints

These are hinge joints. The heads of the proximal and middle phalanges have two articular condyles that resemble a grooved trochlea ( Fig 6.3.4-4 ) and prevent adduction and abduction. Dynamic stability results from compressive forces, which increase during pinch and grip. Passive stability derives from collateral ligament and palmar aponeurosis tension, which is greatest in full extension.

Fig 6.3.4-4 Distal articular surface of the proximal phalanx.

The proximal and distal interphalangeal joints should be immobilized in extension to minimize joint stiffness ( Fig 6.3.4-5 ).

Fig 6.3.4-5 The hand should be immobilized in the position of safety. The metacarpophalangeal joint is at 90° flexion and the interphalangeal joints are in full extension. In this position, the collateral ligaments are tight.

3 Preoperative planning

Preoperative planning is critical in the management of hand fractures. A number of surgical approaches may be possible and the correct approach must be selected to allow adequate exposure and fixation of the fracture, while minimizing the potential for soft-tissue and tendon adhesions that will cause stiffness. The bones of the hand are small and bone stock is limited; so implant selection is of critical importance ( Fig 6.3.4-6 ).

Fig 6.3.4-6 Hand skeleton with available useful implants from the modular hand set.

3.1 Implant selection

Small implants are available in the modular hand system based upon a number of different screw sizes ( Table 6.3.4-1 ). Simple adaption plates have round screw holes while the limited-contact dynamic compression plate (LC-DCP) 2.0 has oval holes to allow eccentric screw insertion and compression with the plate. Angular stable implants are available as small as 1.5 mm. These are useful for the fixation of metaphyseal and articular fractures of the metacarpals and phalanges. Specialized T-, Y-, and H-plates are also available for different fracture patterns, and anatomical plates—designed for specific fracture patterns—provide an accurate solution for certain difficult injuries. The locking compression plate (LCP) 2.0 is usually indicated for metacarpal and proximal phalangeal fractures, whereas the LCP 2.4 is indicated for larger size metacarpals and also for the distal radius. There are a number of special plates that have been designed for the specific anatomy of the distal part of the proximal phalanx ( Fig 6.3.4-7 ); the base of the thumb metacarpal ( Fig 6.4.3-8 ); and the commonly encountered metacarpal neck fracture ( Fig 6.3.4-9 ). The peculiar but consistent anatomical shape of these areas of bone has been difficult to stabilize with conventional implants. Fractures are common in these areas and the introduction of specific anatomical implants has made their stabilization less challenging and more reliable.

Fig 6.3.4-7 An anatomical plate designed for phalangeal neck fracture fixation.
Fig 6.3.4-8a–b a An anatomical plate designed for extraarticular thumb metacarpal fracture fixation. b An anatomical plate designed for articular thumb metacarpal fracture fixation.
Fig 6.3.4-9 An anatomical plate designed for metacarpal neck fracture fixation.

Table 6.3.4-1 Screw sizes and corresponding plates in the modular hand set and locking compression plate compact hand set.

Anatomical site

Screw size

Plates available

Thumb metacarpal

2.4 mm

Round hole: straight, T-plate, H-plate, condylar buttress plate


LC-DCP, LCP, LCP straight, LCP palmar plate, LCP T-plate, LCP Y-plate, LCP condylar plate


Anatomical plate; basal metacarpal


2.0 mm

Round hole; straight, T-plate, H-plate, condylar blade plate




Anatomical plate for Mc neck


1.5 mm

Round hole; straight, T-plate, H-plate, osteotomy plate


LCP; T-plate, banana plate


Anatomical plate; phalangeal neck LCP

1.3 mm

Round hole; straight, T-plate, H-plate

Small-bone fragments

1.0 mm


3.2 Operating room set-up

After disinfecting the entire hand, wrist, and arm with the appropriate antiseptic right up to the limits of the tourniquet cuff, which allows full exsanguination, the entire upper limb is prepared, which allows repositioning during surgery. If alcohol-based antiseptic is used, care should be taken that it does not run up under the tourniquet since skin damage can occur from prolonged contact with soaked material during surgery. A single-use occlusive hand drape with expandable arm opening is recommended ( Fig 6.3.4-10 ). The image intensifier is also draped.

Fig 6.3.4-10 Draping and disinfection of the patient.

The surgeon sits beside the patient′s head to gain a good view and access to the dorsum of the hand. The assistant sits opposite the surgeon. The operating room personnel sits at the end of the hand table. Adjustable-height stools and protective lead gowns should be provided for all personnel involved. The image intensifier display screen is placed in full view of the surgical team and the radiographer ( Fig 6.3.4-11 ).

Fig 6.3.4-11 Setting up the operating room.

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