50 Biological Evaluation and Testing of Medical Devices
In order to exclude potential biological hazards or to control residual risks as much as possible, the consolidated Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC (MDD) 1 and the Active Implantable Medical Device Directive 90/385/EEC (AIMDD), 2 request that medical device manufacturers establish a risk management process pursuant to European Norm (EN) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14971. 3 This risk management process must include, among others, a comprehensive and conclusive biological evaluation. For this purpose, the provisions of EN ISO 10993–1 4 and, as applicable, of the 18 subparts of this basic standard must be observed. For some particular medical devices, even specific product-related international standards have been developed, which must be observed in addition to the aforementioned EN ISO 10993 series of standards. Such product specific “vertical” standards are, for example, EN ISO 11979–5 for intraocular lenses, 5 EN ISO 9394 for contact lenses and contact lens care products, 6 and EN ISO 7405 for medical devices used in dentistry. 7
With only a few exceptions, all aforementioned international standards have been harmonized under the MDD and the AIMDD. Harmonized standards are European standards that were elaborated at the instigation of the European Commission and that were finally referenced in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).
Based upon the regulation of the MDD and the AIMDD, “Member states shall presume compliance with the essential requirements to Article 3 in respect of devices which are in conformity with the relevant national standards adopted pursuant to the harmonized standards the reference of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union” (MDD Article 5.1). Consequently, if medical device manufacturers deliver documented evidence that they have complied with harmonized standards, European competent authorities as well as European notified bodies will presume conformity with the applicable essential requirements as mentioned in Article 3 and listed in Annex I of the applicable MDD.
Based upon this regulatory background, harmonized standards are of particular importance and must be observed during the whole life cycle of a medical device.
A complete and updated list of harmonized standards applicable for medical devices is available from the European Commission′s homepage (Table 50.1).
Therefore, in order to give documented evidence for the biocompatibility of a medical device, the EN ISO 10993 series of standards provides appropriate and reliable guidance as to which aspects are to be considered for the biological safety assessment and how this assessment is being performed based upon testing and literature research within a risk management process.
It shall be noted that the EN ISO 10993 series of standards still allows room for interpretation, and, therefore, may not fully satisfy non-European regulators. With the aim to provide more precise rules, additional standards and guidelines were developed by certain national organizations which must be observed for medical device registrations in certain countries such the United States and Japan:
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Blue Book Memorandum # G95–1: Use of International Standard ISO 10993, “Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices—Part 1: Evaluation and Testing” 8
New U.S. Food and Drug Administration draft guidance: Use of International Standard ISO-10993, “Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices Part 1: Evaluation and Testing,” issued on April 23, 2013 9
American Society for Testing of Materials F748–06 (2010) Standard Practice for Selecting Generic Biological Test Methods for Materials and Devices 10
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Notification No. 0213001: Basic Principles of Biological Safety Evaluation Required for Application for Approval to manufacture (Import) Medical Devices. February 13, 2003 11
Notification Number 36 of the Japanese Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, March 19, 2003: “Test Methods for Biological Safety Evaluation of Medical Devices, Assessment of Medical Devices” 12
These national regulations are intended to be more stringent than the basic EN ISO 10993–1 standard, giving less room for interpretation. For Japanese submissions, medical device manufacturers must be prepared to do some additional testing in compliance with Japanese requirements, as the technical conduct of certain biological tests as well as the respective biological end points differ from the ISO requirements.
Jargon Simplified: Abbreviations
AIMDD: Active Implantable Medical Device Directive 90/385/EC
ASTM: American Society for Testing of Materials
EN: European Norm
FDA: U.S. Food and Drug Administration
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
MDD: Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC
OJEU: Official Journal of the European Union
MHLW: Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Jargon Simplified: Terms and Definitions (EN ISO 10993–1; EN ISO 14971)
Final product: Medical device in its “as-used” state, as defined by the manufacturer′s specifications or labeling
Material: Any synthetic or natural polymer, metal, alloy, ceramic, or other nonviable substance … used as a medical device or any part thereof
Harm: Physical injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to property or the environment Hazard: Potential source of harm
Risk: Combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm
50.1 Historical Development of European Norm International Organization for Standardization 10993 Series of Standards
Since 1989, European Committee for Standardization/Technical Committee 206—in liaison with ISO/Technical Committee 194—developed standards to guide the biological safety assessment of medical devices and to propose appropriate test and evaluation procedures. Meanwhile, 18 working groups have become active 13 and developed 25 published ISO standards (number includes updates), with active contribution of 22 countries and 25 additional countries observing the process. 14
With regard to the EN ISO 10993 series of standards, the standards in Table 50.2 have been prepared by the various Working Groups of European Committee for Standardization/Technical Committee 206 and ISO/Technical Committee 194.
The standardization work is not completed after publishing a final version or after formal harmonization by referencing the standard in the Official Journal of the European Union. Based upon the regulations of the ISO, all standards are being reviewed regularly and, if necessary, revised. Therefore, Table 50.2 only represents the current status of standardization (November 2012). Furthermore, additional standards will be prepared if needed. Therefore, ISO/TC 194 WG 17 is currently working on biocompatibility issues of nanomaterials.
Jargon Simplified: Abbreviations
CEN/TC: European Committee for Standardization/Technical Committee working on a particular topic
ISO/TC: International Standardization Organization/Technical Committee working on a particular topic
ISO/TS: International Standardization Organization/Technical Specification
50.2 Biological Categorization of Medical Devices
Following the categorization rules of EN ISO 10993–1 Chapter 5, the following categorization by nature of body contact must be considered for the purpose of defining an appropriate biological evaluation program:
Surface-contacting devices with contact to
Intact skin surfaces
Intact mucosal membranes
Breached or compromised body surfaces
External communicating devices with contact to
Blood path, indirect contact to the blood path for entry into the vascular system
Tissue, bone, or dentin
Circulating blood
Implant devices with contact to
Tissue or bone
Further to this, the following categorization regarding duration of body contact is proposed:
Limited exposure: Devices whose cumulative single, multiple, or repeated use or contact is up to 24 hours
Prolonged exposure: Devices whose cumulative single, multiple, or repeated use or contact is likely to exceed 24 hours but not 30 days
Permanent contact: Devices whose cumulative single, multiple, or repeated use or contact exceeds 30 days.
If a medical device has neither direct nor indirect contact to the human body or a patient, no biocompatibility assessment needs to be performed. However, based upon the provisions of EN ISO 14971 (risk management), biocompatibility testing may additionally be necessary to not expose other persons to biological hazards (e.g., doctors, nurses, or nonpatient operators).
50.2.1 Examples from the Market
Contact lens: Surface device with permanent contact to mucosal membrane
Wound dressing: Surface device with permanent contact to breached surfaces
Laparoscope: External communicating device with limited exposure to tissue
Blood administration set: External communicating device with prolonged exposure to blood path
Vascular stent: Implant device with permanent contact to blood
Bone cement: Implant device with permanent contact to tissue or bone
50.3 General Principles to be Applied
Clause 4 (“General principles applying to biological evaluation of medical devices”) and Clause 6 (“Biological evaluation process”) of EN ISO 10993–1 describe both general and specific provisions that must be followed in order to attain a reliable biological assessment for a medical device. In addition to that, ANSI/AAMI/ISO TIR15499:2012, 15 which is a “technical information report” prepared by a group of authors responsible for the preparation of the EN ISO 10993 series of standards, gives further guidance and interpretation support regarding EN ISO 10993-1. In an attempt to summarize, the following principles were found to be of particular importance:
The process of biological evaluation must be based upon a well-structured biological evaluation program, which is in accordance with a risk management system following EN ISO 14971.3 This program “shall be planned, carried out and documented by knowledgeable and experienced professionals” (Clause 4.1), who will assess any relevant “advantages and disadvantages” of a material or final product under consideration, and who draw “informed decisions” (Clause 4.1) relative to the intended use of a given medical device.
The biological evaluation process should follow the flowchart provided in EN ISO 10993–1, Chapter 4, Figure 1. This chart gives a compulsory route to follow and assists to select appropriate chemical and biological test procedures as well as to appropriately include existing chemical, toxicological, and human exposure data from literature before a final biological assessment report can be issued.
The biological evaluation must consider potential risks relating to final products as well as to raw materials, breakdown products, leachables, extractables, and metabolites. Therefore, degradable devices must be evaluated extensively following the requirements of EN ISO 10993–9, 16 -13, 17 -14, 18 and -15. 19 Further to this, the biological evaluation must also evaluate the influence of intended additives (e.g., colors or plasticizers), process contaminants (e.g., oil or lubricants), and residues (e.g., detergents after cleaning the final product).
The biological evaluation must also investigate the potential influence of other products or components or treatments that may interact with the device under consideration. This could be, for example, the packaging materials, permitted accessories to be used in combination with the product, pharmaceutical products being in contact or medical treatments (e.g., X-ray) to potentially interact with the device, or its primary packaging.
Because biocompatibility of a final product is not only based upon its particular chemistry, physical and morphological properties of the device or material under consideration must also be evaluated and tested. This may require testing of certain mechanical properties as well as surface properties such as porosity, surface morphology, or surface charging. For this purpose, the provisions of EN ISO 10993–18 (“Chemical characterization of materials” 20) and ISO/TS 10993–19 (“Physico-chemical, morphological and topographical characterization of materials” 21) apply.
In order to avoid unnecessary animal testing, EN ISO 10993–1 requests to start the biological evaluation process always with a physical and chemical material characterization (Clause 4.3) and also to use in vitro test procedures before in vivo tests are initiated (Clause 4.6). Further to this, EN ISO 10993–1 Clause 6.2.1 describes particular conditions where animal experimental studies are not justifiable in terms of EN ISO 10993–2. 22 Such conditions occur if previous study results and/or conclusive toxicological data are available for chemically identical products or materials, or if preclinical and clinical data (including a human history of safe use) exists for a chemically identical material or final product.
Another important general requirement of EN ISO 10993–1 is found in Clause 4.6. According to this, “all tests shall be conducted according to recognized current/valid best laboratory/quality practices, for example Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) or ISO/IEC 17025.” Therefore, any subject matter expert preparing a written biological assessment report must check the available documents whether the reported study results were obtained under such a quality management system. The guidelines for Good Laboratory Practice 23 are available free of charge from public sources, whereas the ISO/IEC 17025 standard, 24 like any other official standard, must be purchased from one of the national standardization organizations.
Following the general principles of risk management, the biocompatibility files must be kept updated by the responsible manufacturer during the entire life cycle of a medical device or material under consideration. Therefore, EN ISO 10993–1 specifies five conditions in Clause 4.7 where a biological re-evaluation must be performed:
If a material′s specifications or its supplier changes
If the manufacturing formulation, processing, primary packaging, or sterilization changes
If shelf life and/or transportation routines are changed
If the intended use of a product (i.e., its nature and/or duration of body contact) is changed
e) If any evidence becomes available that a product may cause unexpected adverse effects in humans
Considering these points, a medical device manufacturer must also re-evaluate biological hazards if changes occur to parts of the manufacturing equipment, to manufacturing aids (e.g., lubricants, grease, cooling agents), or to manufacturing processes (e.g., temperature profiles during manufacturing or introduction of product surface modifications).
In the case of “minor” changes (e.g., new supplier, changes to manufacturing equipment or manufacturing conditions), the medical device manufacturer may initiate some limited comparative physicochemical and biological tests to investigate whether the aforementioned changes are likely to have a relevant impact on the biocompatibility of the modified material.
50.3.1 Example from Laboratory Practice
If a medical device manufacturer wants to change his supplier of an implantable grade polypropylene, how could he practically approach the required biological safety re-evaluation?
In a first step, the specifications of the polypropylene raw material of the old supplier must be compared to the specifications of the material provided from the potentially new supplier. There should be no critical differences between the materials.
In a second step, the two polypropylene materials should undergo comparative physicochemical material characterizations. A quick and easy test for organic leachables/extractables would be to perform gas chromatographic fingerprint investigations, coupled with a mass spectrophotometer using both polar and nonpolar extraction vehicles. The respective chromatograms should show no relevant differences between the two materials.
In order to exclude potential biological hazards from inorganic substances, the two polypropylene materials could be subjected to comparative infrared spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma analyses. Again, both materials should provide essentially identical test results. At least, the “new” material should not present with additional peaks or impurities as compared to the “old” material.
After successfully completing this chemical material characterization work, some in vitro testing should be performed in order to exclude potentially low-concentration toxic substances that may be responsible for a potential toxic reaction. Therefore, a comparative cytotoxicity test pursuant to EN ISO 10993–5 25 is proposed as a biological end point. Growth inhibition levels of the “new” material should not be higher than the “old” material and—following the requirements of the standards—should be below 30% for the undiluted extract.
If the polypropylene raw material is finally intended to be used as an implantable material, a bacterial in vitro genotoxicity test (Ames test) pursuant to EN ISO 10993–3 26 is recommended as a second biological end point. Genotoxicity may be caused by very low concentrations of genotoxic substances. Therefore, this test may be advisable even if chemical material characterization did not reveal obvious differences between the “old” and the “new” materials.
In summary, if this series of chemical testing and in vitro biological testing was completed successfully, no further biocompatibility tests need to be repeated for the “new” material. All tests previously performed with the “old” material are fully applicable for the “new” material, and duplicative testing can be avoided.
This approach, which we would call a “bridging approach,” was initially suggested by NAMSA Inc. in 1996 27 and further detailed in 2007, 28 in order to avoid multiple testing of identical materials. This strategy, systematically applied, can widely be applied in order to justify minor changes to medical device materials, manufacturing processes, cleaning procedures, or even to reprocessing and sterilization of final product, without a need to repeat the whole animal experimental biocompatibility testing that was previously performed for the initial material or final product.
50.4 Requirements for Sample Preparation
An appropriate sample preparation and selection of reference materials, comparative devices, as well as positive and negative controls are crucial for obtaining meaningful experimental results. Therefore, EN ISO 10993–12 29 addresses the following topics:
Test sample selection
Selection of representative portions from a device
Test sample preparation
Experimental controls
Selection of and requirements for reference materials
Preparation of extracts
An appropriate test sample may be the final product, a representative sample from the final product, or a particularly manufactured test item that has been processed in the same manner as intended for the final product. If applicable, this must also include cleaning and sterilization processes, aging or reprocessing processes, or intended or unintended degradation processes (e.g., through aging during shelf life).
If the final product or material cannot be tested directly, exaggerated extraction is performed with both polar and nonpolar extraction media in order to identify potential chemical hazards relating to leachable or extractable substances and manufacturing residues.
Extractions must be performed in clean, chemically inert, and closed containers that are gently agitated during extraction. Extraction vehicles as well as extraction temperatures may vary for different materials, test procedures, and medical purposes, and must be justified appropriately. Extraction vehicles must be appropriate to the nature and use of the final product, and must be compatible with the intended test procedure (e.g., not dissolve or etch the product or material).
Because extraction is a complex process, standardized procedures are requested with defined temperature conditions and defined extraction periods using appropriate polar and nonpolar extraction vehicles at defined surface-area-to-volume ratios. Based upon the provisions of Clause 10.3.1, the following extraction temperatures and periods shall be applied, as appropriate:
37 ± 1°C for 72 ± 2 hours
50 ± 2°C for 72 ± 2 hours
70 ± 2°C for 24 ± 2 hours
121 ± 2°C for 1 ± 0.1 hours
Clause 10.3.5 proposes the following extraction vehicles:
Polar extraction vehicles: water, physiological saline solution, cell culture medium without serum
Nonpolar extraction vehicles: freshly refined vegetable oil (e.g., cottonseed or sesame oil)
Additional extraction vehicles: ethanol/water mixtures, ethanol/saline mixtures, physiologically diluted polyethylene glycol 400, dimethyl-sulfoxide, and culture media with serum
The latter is preferred for devices or material extractions that are to be tested for cytotoxicity or in vitro genotoxicity. A cell culture medium containing serum is considered to represent both polar and nonpolar extraction conditions.
Regularly formed test samples where a surface area can clearly be determined must be extracted based upon the surface-area-to-volume ratios as provided in Clause 10.3.3 Table 1 of the standard. For thin materials (< 0.5 mm thickness), 6 cm2/mL extraction vehicle must be used. For materials > 0.5 mm thickness, 3 cm2/mL extraction vehicle is required. For irregularly shaped materials, a gravimetric approach is to be used. Depending on the nature of the investigational material, 0.1 mg/mL (membranes, textiles) or 0.2 mg/mL extraction vehicle (powders, pellets, foam, nonabsorbent molded items) is required. For the extraction of absorbent materials and hydrocolloids, a saturation step with extraction vehicle is proposed before an additional volume representing 0.1 g or 1.0 cm2 test material per mL extraction vehicle is achieved.
50.5 Biological Evaluation Tests
In addition to the aforementioned general principles, EN ISO 10993–1 refers to a series of specific biological test models that must be considered when planning the biological part of a biocompatibility assessment program. The biological evaluation tests applicable for a given medical device or material are listed in relation to the intended nature and duration of body contact (Clause 5, see previous discussion) in Annex A. This table “Evaluation tests for consideration” is not intended to serve as a “checklist,” but it provides a “framework for the development of an assessment program,” allowing for product-specific adjustments based on a risk management output. Such adjustments may be due to the particular short-term or long-term hazards relating to a device under normal conditions of use. Therefore, EN ISO 10993–1 principally allows for a strategy of reduced experimental testing provided that this strategy is appropriately justified in the final biological assessment report. It shall be noted that this approach is well supported by ANSI/AAMI/ISO TR15499.15
Even though EN ISO 10993–1 is a harmonized international standard, the FDA issued a guideline that amends the Table A.1 of EN ISO 10993–1 for some medical device categories. According to this “Blue Book Memorandum G95–1,”8 for example, the hazard of acute toxicity must be evaluated for all categories except skin contact and limited mucosal membrane contact.
Furthermore, both EN ISO 10993–1 and Blue Book Memorandum #G95–1 declare that serious biological hazards such as chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, biodegradation, and immunotoxicity must be addressed for any medical device or material if applicable from a risk management point of view.
It shall be noted that the FDA just recently published a new draft guideline document that is intended to later replace the aforementioned Blue Book Memorandum #G95–1. This document, which was published on April 23, 2013, “for comment purposes only,” gives extensive guidance on the issue of biocompatibility assessment of medical devices and provides helpful additional information and recommendations from an FDA perspective.
Table 50.3 and Table 50.4 summarize the “evaluation tests for consideration” as of EN ISO 10993–1 Annex A and Blue Book Memorandum G95–1 and the new draft FDA guidance as of April 23, 2013.

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