4 The Elbow: Diagnostic Imaging


4 The Elbow: Diagnostic Imaging


Ultrasound examination of the elbow allows a low-cost, non-invasive, and dynamic evaluation of the periarticular tendons and nerves as well as several joint ligaments. The commonest indication for elbow ultrasound is for pain around either the lateral or medial aspect of the joint (“tennis” and “golfers” elbow). However, ultrasound may also aid clinicians in the assessment of a wide variety of other disorders, including trauma (partial and complete tendon ruptures, ligament tears, and fractures), overuse problems (lateral and medial epicondylosis, triceps tendon enthesopathy), inflammatory diseases ­(osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and bursitis), and neuropathies (ulnar or radial nerve entrapment neuropathies and nerve instability). Ultrasound is also capable of detecting very small joint effusions not identified clinically, synovial hypertrophy, and associated marginal joint erosions.

A high-frequency (7-15 MHz) linear probe with a relatively large footprint should be used for diagnostic imaging to allow sufficient anatomical resolution. The examination should include dynamic assessment where appropriate

4.1 Diagnostic Imaging of the Elbow: Introduction

The elbow may be considered as consisting of four quadrants, anterior, medial, lateral, and posterior. Ultrasound would normally be focused on only one or two of these quadrants depending on the clinical diagnosis.

Imaging includes the following:

  • Anterior

    • Brachialis muscle.

    • Brachial artery and vein.

    • Median nerve.

    • Anterior radiocapitellar joint.

    • Radial fossa.

    • Anterior humeroulnar joint.

    • Coronoid fossa.

    • Distal biceps tendon.

  • Lateral

    • Lateral epicondyle and common extensor tendon.

    • Radial collateral ligament including dynamic varus stress as indicated.

    • Radiocapitellar joint.

  • Medial

    • Medial epicondyle and common flexor tendon.

    • Ulnar collateral ligament including dynamic valgus stress as indicated.

    • Humeroulnar joint.

    • Ulnar nerve including dynamic scan for subluxation as indicated.

  • Posterior

    • Triceps tendon.

    • Olecranon process and olecranon bursa.

    • Olecranon fossa and posterior joint.

4.1.1 Anterior

Transverse Scan

The patient is seated opposite the clinician with the arm resting on a table. The elbow should be placed in extension and full supination. A few degrees of flexion may be of use if an effusion is suspected as full extension will tend to force any fluid from the anterior aspect of the elbow resulting in a false-negative result. The probe is placed in the anatomical transverse plane over the anterior aspect of the elbow (Fig.  4‑1 , Fig.  4‑2 , Fig.  4‑3 ).

Fig. 4.1 Transverse scan of the anterior aspect of the elbow. The probe is placed in the anatomical transverse plane. The probe should be moved from a position a few centimeters above the joint distally until the shaft of the radius and ulna can be seen to ensure that the entire joint is evaluated.
Fig. 4.2 Transverse image of the anterior aspect of the elbow joint. In this image the probe is placed over the distal aspect of the humerus to view the humeral trochlea and capitellum. Cap, capitellum; HT, humeral trochlea; Br, brachialis; Pr, pronator teres; white arrowhead, median nerve; yellow arrow, brachial artery; dashed yellow arrow, distal biceps tendon.
Fig. 4.3 Anterior coronal view of the right elbow joint. The capsule has been resected to demonstrate the bony architecture of the distal humerus and proximal radius and ulna. Imaging should include transverse views of the distal humerus and medial and lateral longitudinal views of the humeroulnar and radiocapitellar joints, respectively. (Reproduced from Schuenke, Schulte, and Schumacher, Atlas of Anatomy, 2nd edition, ©2014, Thieme Publishers, New York. Illustration by Karl Wesker/Markus Voll.)

Longitudinal Scan

As the elbow consists of two distinct articulations, two separate longitudinal views are required: one of the lateral radiocapitellar joint the other of the medial humeroulnar joint.

Radiocapitellar Joint

The elbow should be in extension and full supination. The probe is placed in the sagittal plane over the lateral half of the anterior aspect of the antecubital fossa.

Humeroulnar Joint

The elbow is maintained in extension and full supination. The probe remains in the sagittal plane and is moved medially over the medial half of the anterior aspect of the antecubital fossa (Fig.  4‑4 , Fig.  4‑5 ,Fig.  4‑6 ,Fig.  4‑7 , Fig.  4‑8 ).

Fig. 4.4 Longitudinal scan of the lateral elbow joint encompassing the radiocapitellar joint. The probe is placed in the sagittal plane.
Fig. 4.5 Longitudinal image of the radiocapitellar joint demonstrating the radial head, capitellum, and overlying muscles. BR, brachialis; Cap, capitellum; EM, extensor muscles; RH, radial head; SUP, supinator; yellow arrows, anterior joint capsule.
Fig. 4.6 Longitudinal scan of the medial elbow encompassing the humeroulnar joint. The probe is positioned in the sagittal plane.
Fig. 4.7 Longitudinal image of the humeroulnar joint demonstrating the coronoid (CR), humeral trochlear (HT), and coronoid fossa. BR, brachialis; white arrowhead, coronoid fossa; yellow dashed arrow, anterior fat pad.
Fig. 4.8 Medial sagittal section of the elbow taken through the humeroulnar joint. Note the relative positions of the coronoid and olecranon fossae and fat pads. The superficial olecranon bursa overlying the triceps insertion cannot normally be seen on ultrasound if nonpathological. (Reproduced from Schuenke, Schulte, and Schumacher, Atlas of Anatomy, 2nd edition, ©2014, Thieme Publishers, New York. Illustration by Karl Wesker/Markus Voll.)

4.1.2 Distal Biceps Tendon

Longitudinal Scan

The distal biceps tendon is best examined longitudinally. Transverse imaging is of little practical value due to anisotropy.

The forearm should be placed in full extension and supination to bring the radial tuberosity into an anterior position. The probe is aligned in an oblique orientation and aimed laterally a few degrees toward the radius. In addition, the probe may be “toed-in” distally to allow better visualization of the biceps tendon. Even so the tendon is difficult to image particularly in patients with muscular forearms or who have pathology involving the tendon and are reluctant to allow optimal positioning due to pain inhibition (Fig.  4‑9 , Fig.  4‑10 , Fig.  4‑11 ).

Fig. 4.9 Longitudinal scan of the distal biceps tendon. The probe is aligned obliquely a few degrees and angled laterally. A “toe-in” position can allow for better visualization of the tendon.
Fig. 4.10 Longitudinal image of the distal biceps tendon (yellow arrows). The tendon may be seen to run from proximal and superficial to distal and deep to insert onto the radial tuberosity (RT). BR, brachialis; RH, radial head.
Fig. 4.11 Anterior coronal view of the right cubital fossa demonstrating the relationship and relative positions of the muscles, nerves, and distal biceps tendon. The boundaries of the fossa are formed superiorly by an imaginary horizontal line connecting the medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus; medially by the lateral border of pronator teres muscle originating from the medial epicondyle of the humerus; laterally by the medial border of brachioradialis muscle originating from the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus; its apex is formed by the meeting point of the lateral and medial boundaries. The floor of the fossa is formed by the brachialis and supinator muscles. The cubital fossa contains four main vertical structures. From lateral to medial these are the radial nerve located between the brachioradialis and brachialis muscles; the biceps brachii tendon; the brachial artery (which may be seen to bifurcate near the apex of the fossa into the radial artery (superficial) and ulnar artery (deeper); and the median nerve. (Reproduced from Schuenke, Schulte, and Schumacher, Atlas of Anatomy, 2nd edition, ©2014, Thieme Publishers, New York. Illustration by Karl Wesker/Markus Voll.)

Distal Biceps Tendon: Pathology

See Fig.  4‑12 and Fig.  4‑13 a,b.

Fig. 4.12 Longitudinal image of the distal biceps tendon (yellow arrows). The proximal tendon to the left of the image appears of normal fibrillar pattern. Distally toward the right and bottom of the image some tendon fibers can be seen. However, there is a 24-mm gap within the tendon indicating a complete rupture. RT, radial tuberosity.
Fig. 4.13 (a) Longitudinal image of the distal biceps tendon. The tendon appears intact; however, there is evidence of a low echo collection deep to the tendon (white arrowheads). (b) Transverse image of the same tendon (yellow arrow) with evidence of a low echo swelling around the tendon (white arrowhead). The patient was a 32-year-old climber with insidious-onset elbow pain felt deep in the joint and aggravated with end range pronation. Findings are indicative of an effused bicipitoradial bursa in keeping with a diagnosis of a “climber’s elbow.” RH, radial head; RT, radial tuberosity; yellow arrow, distal biceps tendon; white arrowhead, fluid and thickening around the distal biceps tendon.

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