3: Asthma

Case 3 Asthma

Description of asthma


This distressing, often disabling, and sometimes fatal disorder affects around ten per cent of the Australian population.1 A slightly higher prevalence rate is evident among adult women (eleven per cent) and among the 15–24 and 75 years and over age groups (eleven per cent). Higher rates of asthma are also observed among socially disadvantaged, unemployed and Indigenous populations.1

Aetiology and pathophysiology

The aetiology of asthma is multifactorial, with genetic and familial factors playing a major part in the pathogenesis of the disease. There is some suggestion that the growing prevalence of asthma is also due to a number of environmental contacts, such as vaccination, early introduction of foods, early exposure to antibiotics and food additives,2,3 but there are insufficient data to support these theories. Emerging evidence does indicate that exposure to infectious agents may be a risk factor; one recent longitudinal study reported significantly higher odds of asthma and respiratory wheeze among 5-year-old children who reported severe respiratory infections during infancy, particularly those with atopy.4 Other factors linked to the development of asthma are obesity, exposure to household allergens (e.g. dust mite, cockroaches, pets), omega 3 fatty acid intake and perinatal issues (e.g. lack of breastfeeding, poor maternal nutrition, young maternal age, prematurity, low birthweight).3,5 Evidence linking nutrient deficiency (e.g. vitamin C, vitamin E) with asthma is not convincing.6,7

The acute onset of asthma in susceptible individuals can be initiated by a range of allergic and non-allergic triggers, including household allergens (e.g. dust mite, cockroaches, animal dander), respiratory irritants (e.g. air pollution, cigarette smoke, perfumes, cleaning agents, sulfur dioxide), grass and tree pollens, occupational irritants (e.g. latex, solder, flour), hormonal changes, exercise, emotions (e.g. anger, anxiety, excitement), respiratory infections, cold air, aspirin and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.3,8 It is not yet established how these factors trigger respiratory distress, although the prevailing theory suggests that heightened inflammatory activity could be a precipitating factor. The predominance of T-helper cell type 2 (Th2) activity observed in asthmatics and the subsequent increase in pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, airway eosinophilia and immunoglobulin (IgE) production, all appear to promote the development of smooth muscle hypertrophy and airway remodelling.9 These changes lead to airway hyper-responsiveness, which, upon exposure to any one of the aforementioned triggers, causes airway inflammation, submucosal oedema, increased mucus production, bronchoconstriction, mucus plugging and respiratory distress.3,9

Clinical manifestations

People with mild asthma are normally asymptomatic between exacerbations. In more severe cases of asthma, and during acute exacerbations of asthma, people typically present with dyspnoea, tachypnoea, chest tightness, cough, audible wheezing and anxiety. As airway obstruction progresses, and oxygen exchange diminishes, more serious manifestations begin to emerge, including hypoxia, cyanosis and altered consciousness, and at worst, respiratory failure and death.3,8

Clinical case

23-year-old woman with exercise-induced asthma


Adopt the practitioner strategies and behaviours highlighted in Table 2.1 (chapter 2) to improve client trust, communication and rapport, and the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the clinical assessment.

Medical history


CAM practitioners may request, perform and/or interpret findings from a range of diagnostic tests in order to add valuable data to the pool of clinical information. While several investigations are pertinent to this case (as described below), the decision to use these tests should be considered alongside factors such as cost, convenience, comfort, turnaround time, access, practitioner competence and scope of practice, and history of previous investigations.


The range of interventions reported in the CAM literature that may be used in the treatment of asthma are appraised below.


Low-calorie diet (Level I, Strength C, Direction +)

As previously stated, there are a number of factors that elevate a person’s risk of developing asthma. A risk factor that is generally responsive to dietary change is obesity. There is, for instance, convincing evidence that high body weight at birth and/or during middle childhood increases the risk of developing asthma.17 Whether weight-reduction strategies are able to reverse this risk or improve asthma outcomes requires evidence from intervention studies. According to a Cochrane review, only one RCT has explored this hypothesis. The trial found the consumption of a low-energy diet plus education for 14 weeks to be statistically significantly superior to normal diet plus education at improving FEV1, FVC and rescue medication use in obese people with asthma.18 Given that low-calorie diets also reduce serum levels of inflammatory markers19 suggests that the low-energy diet could have improved respiratory function via an anti-inflammatory effect.

Miscellaneous diets (Level I, Strength C, Direction o)

Dietary modification is central to the overall management of asthma in many fields of CAM. While there is adequate theoretical justification to recommend many of these dietary interventions to people with asthma, such as a low-reactive or anti-inflammatory diet, there is a paucity of evidence to support these practices. A number of systematic reviews have also found insufficient or inconclusive evidence to link fish oil supplementation,20,21 dietary salt reduction22 and tartrazine avoidance23 to improvements in asthma outcomes. A recent meta-analysis of 10 observational studies also failed to find a significant correlation between dietary intake of antioxidants (including vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene) and risk of asthma.6 By contrast, the consumption of whole foods (e.g. apples, pears, whole milk, butter) appears to offer some protection against asthma, according to a community-based, cross-sectional study of 1601 young adults.24 Several controlled trials have also found the dietary consumption of sulfur dioxide to exacerbate asthma in adults25 and to significantly reduce lung function in children with asthma.26 Nonetheless, these studies were small and, despite being published more than 15 years ago, have yet to be replicated using larger samples and more rigorous methodology.

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Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on 3: Asthma

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