3.9 Femoral neck


3.9 Femoral neck

Simon C Mears, Stephen L Kates

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1 Introduction

Femoral neck fracture is a common injury in older adults, which typically requires both hospitalization and surgery. Successful management of the femoral neck fracture patient requires an understanding of the basic geriatric principles, ie, early operative intervention, managing the osteoporotic bone, and avoiding adverse events including reoperation, and how to apply them:

  • Nearly all femoral neck fractures require surgery to return patients as close as possible to their former level of function.

  • Better outcomes occur when surgery is performed rapidly after the injury. Earlier surgery has been shown to reduce the risk of mortality and morbidity even when factors such as patient comorbidities are controlled. Surgery within 12 hours of the injury may give the best results.

  • Most femoral neck fractures are unstable fractures; arthroplasty allows for immediate weight bearing.

  • A truly nondisplaced or stable impacted fracture may be treated with internal fixation techniques.

  • Displaced and angulated fractures are best treated with arthroplasty. Internal fixation of displaced fractures leads to an unacceptable rate of reoperation (ie, about 40%) [13].

  • Arthroplasty technique is dependent on patient factors and surgeon factors. Infirm patients do well with hemiarthroplasty, while active, cognitively intact patients do better with total hip arthroplasty (THA).

  • The ideal stem and cup design characteristics are unknown. However, a higher rate of periprosthetic fractures occurs after uncemented stem fixation.

  • The goal of surgery is immediate full weight bearing and mobilization. Early rehabilitation allows for maximal return of function.

  • Early surgery requires a coordinated approach to care with medical and orthopedic services working together for optimal outcomes.

  • The team also includes the emergency department team, medical doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses, therapists, and hospital administrators. All must be fully committed to early surgery and mobilization to achieve the best results.

The goal of this chapter is to present the basics of femoral neck fracture management using case presentations.

2 Epidemiology and etiology

Hip fractures are a common injury and femoral neck fractures represent about half of these fractures [4, 5]. The prevalence of femoral neck fracture is increasing worldwide as a result of the aging population. If osteoporosis is effectively treated, the incidence of fractures can be reduced [5].

Femoral neck fractures are usually the result of falls on mechanically weakened bone. Osteoporosis results in bones with thinner cortices and reduced quantity and quality of cancellous bone. Osteoporotic bones are wider in diameter and more susceptible to fracture. Osteoporotic patients also tend to fall more frequently due to poor balance, sarcopenia, visual problems, and comorbid conditions [6]. The rise in frequency of falls increases the likelihood of a catastrophic fall with fracture. Femoral neck fractures often occur in patients with multiple comorbidities. They are more common in women than men, although men experience higher complication rates after a fracture than women.

3 Diagnostics

Preoperative evaluation should be streamlined and standardized. Emergency department physicians should quickly evaluate for fracture using plain x-rays and rapidly assess the patient and consult the orthopedic surgeon and medical specialist. Standardization of orders and protocols should allow for quick admission and limited medical testing with a goal of early surgery [7].

3.1 Clinical evaluation

Patients with femoral neck fractures typically present with acute hip pain after injury and are unable to bear weight on the injured extremity. Physical examination findings typically demonstrate pain with hip motion. With a displaced fracture, the leg will be shortened and externally rotated. Nondisplaced fractures may present without shortening and the practitioner needs to have a low threshold for imaging to rule out fracture. Patients are often not reliable regarding their history of injury. They may be able to lift their leg and even walk around. If they have a nondisplaced femoral neck fracture, the fracture can displace in the next week or two. For information regarding medical assessments and optimization for surgery, see chapter 1.4 Preoperative risk assessment and preparation.

3.2 Imaging

An AP pelvis and AP and lateral views of the affected hip should be performed. A true AP view is needed to visualize the entire femoral neck. Rotated or oblique views may fail to visualize the fracture. A pelvis view is helpful to look for associated injuries or prior surgical implants. It is also used for preoperative planning. Care should be taken to place the uninjured leg in a neutral position while imaging. If the x-rays are normal and examination of the hip produces pain, a fracture is still likely. Further imaging is then required to rule out fracture.

Magnetic resonance imaging is the best test to look for bone edema, nondisplaced or stress fractures [8]. A computed tomographic (CT) scan with thin cuts through the femoral neck is the second best test. This will diagnose most, but not all femoral neck fractures. It is also the most appropriate to evaluate nonunions after fixation attempts.

4 Classification

Femoral neck fracture classifications include many different systems of varying complexity [9]. The most commonly used is the Garden system that uses AP hip x-rays and classifies femoral neck fractures into four types. Types 1 and 2 are nondisplaced or minimally displaced and types 3 and 4 are displaced. Discrimination between type 1 and 2 fractures or type 3 and 4 fractures limited by high interobserver variability [10]. Because of this, fractures are termed stable or unstable. In nondisplaced fractures it is important to evaluate the lateral view as well as the AP view. Displacement on the lateral view alone may lead to a higher rate of failure with internal fixation [11]. Stable fractures are either nondisplaced or detectable only by advanced imaging or are valgus-impacted fractures with no displacement on the lateral view. Displaced fractures are any fracture with displacement on lateral x-rays and/or varus displacement.

5 Decision making

5.1 Operative versus nonoperative

Most patients with femoral neck fractures are treated operatively. A minority may be considered for nonoperative treatment [12]. Generally, this applies to a patient who cannot tolerate any type of surgery or is truly at the end of life. Some patients with dementia may have severe contractures that would make operative repair almost impossible. In these cases, patients may be mobilized as tolerated, and pain control and pressure sore prevention efforts are of utmost importance. A palliative care consult is often useful and consideration should be given to hospice care.

5.2 Fixation versus arthroplasty

5.2.1 Stable fractures

Nondisplaced fractures are often considered for internal fixation ( Case 1: Fig 3.9-1 ) [13]. It is critical that the fracture is “truly stable”. Any displacement on the lateral view generally means instability. Fixation may be performed with cannulated screws or with a sliding hip screw using standard image intensification on a fracture table.

Fig 3.9-1a–h A 93-year-old independent woman after several falls. a AP injury x-ray of the pelvis showing a valgus-impacted right femoral neck fracture. b The lateral view showing good alignment of the neck and head. c AP view of the hip with image intensification showing the position of the guide wires in the femoral head across the fracture. d The intraoperative lateral view under image intensification showing the alignment of the guide wires in the lateral plane. e AP x-ray of the hip showing the fracture fixation at 3 months after the injury. The fracture position is unchanged and there is no change in the position of the screws. f Coronal computed tomographic scan of the hip showing the contralateral fracture with a very similar pattern to the initial fracture. g AP intraoperative view with image intensification showing excellent positioning of the guide wires for the screw fixation. h Both fractures seemed to be radiographically healed and in excellent alignment 3 months after the second fracture.

For positioning of cannulated screws, three screws are commonly used and an inverted triangle formation had been shown to lead to fewer nonunions [14]. This has also been shown to be more stable. It is essential to keep the lateral screw entry point above the level of the lesser trochanter [15]. Multiple entry holes should also be avoided to prevent creation of a stress riser and subsequent subtrochanteric femoral fracture [16].

The use of arthroplasty for the treatment of stable fractures is controversial. Arthroplasty has some advantages. It presents no significant risk for poor healing, the development of avascular necrosis, or nonunion or malunion of the fracture. Patients treated with arthroplasty have fewer reoperations, less pain, and higher quality of life than patients treated with fixation [17]. The surgery, however, has risk associated with arthroplasty and leads to slightly higher blood loss [18]. Further studies are required to determine the best treatment for stable femoral neck fractures.

CASE 1: Stable fracture treated with screw fixation


A 93-year-old woman sustained a low-energy fall. She lived with her granddaughter at home and could ambulate independently.


  • Hypertension

  • Mild cognitive dysfunction

Treatment and outcome

The patient′s x-rays in the emergency department revealed a right-sided valgus-impacted femoral neck fracture ( Fig 3.9-1a ). This appeared well aligned on the lateral view ( Fig 3.9-1b ). She underwent screw fixation in situ, which was found to be stable under image intensification ( Fig 3.9-1c–d ). She was mobilized and allowed to bear weight, and the fracture showed evidence of radiographic and clinical healing at 3 months ( Fig 3.9-1e ).

Nine months later she had a similar fall and sustained a similar injury on the contralateral side ( Fig 3.9-1f ), despite the use of intravenous bisphosphonate therapy to manage osteoporosis after the first fracture. This was also treated with screw fixation ( Fig 3.9-1g ). Her second fracture also went on to uneventful healing ( Fig 3.9-1h ).


This patient sustained sequential bilateral stable femoral neck fractures. Both were treated successfully with internal fixation. The patient was allowed to bear weight as tolerated after both surgeries, which was crucial for early rehabilitation and return to function.

Operative fixation options here included the use of internal fixation or arthroplasty. Unstable fracture patterns have more reoperations when internal fixation is used than stable fracture patterns. Determination of the stability of the fracture can be assessed using x-rays with AP and lateral views. There may be a role for the use of computed tomographic scanning to help in this determination [19]. Another possible option is to use image intensification in the operating room to assess stability with range of motion of the hip. This does require extra operating time as this must be done prior to positioning the patient for either internal fixation or hemiarthroplasty. Two image intensifiers can also help in positioning the screws during surgery.

If internal fixation is chosen, various options exist. It is unclear if screw fixation or sliding hip screw with side plate is the best option [20]. Currently, the results of the trial by fixation using alternative implants for the treatment of hip fractures investigators, which seeks to answer this question, are nearing publication [21]. Arthroplasty, while a longer surgery, may provide better results long term with less reoperations and higher patient satisfaction [18]. Another controversial topic within this case is the prevention of second osteoporotic fractures. The rate of a second fracture is particularly high in female patients with advanced age and multiple comorbidities [22]. The exact pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis in geriatric patients or near the end of life is controversial. Treatments that take time to work may not be worthwhile. Bisphosphonate therapy is thought to be cost-effective in patients up to age of 90 years [23]. Fall prevention strategies and supplementation with calcium and vitamin D are worthwhile. Patients with femoral neck fractures should be assessed and treated for osteoporosis after fracture. Despite treatment with intravenous bisphosphonate, this patient sustained a second fragility fracture.

Key points

  • Stable femoral neck fractures with no displacement or with stable valgus impaction can be treated with internal fixation.

  • Screws should be carefully positioned in an inverted triangle to give the best chance of fracture healing with internal fixation.

  • If the fracture is noted to be unstable on evaluation with image intensifier, strong consideration should be given for arthroplasty rather than internal fixation.

5.2.2 Unstable fractures

Most femoral neck fractures are displaced and are best treated with arthroplasty. In several studies, internal fixation had a significantly higher reoperation rate for nonunion, malunion, shortening, or avascular necrosis [13]. ( Case 2: Fig 3.9-2 ). A treatment algorithm or femoral neck fracture treatment is seen in Fig 3.9-3 .

Fig 3.9-2a–i A 72-year-old woman with an unstable fracture. a Injury AP x-ray showing a low femoral neck fracture. b AP x-ray showing a 2-hole sliding hip screw with side plate placed above the existing retrograde nail. c Lateral x-ray showing that the reduction was not completely anatomical. d At 2 weeks after surgery the hip screw had migrated superiorly into the femoral head. e At 4 weeks the fixation has completely failed and the head screw had penetrated the femoral head. f Intraoperative image intensification showing an AP view of the distal femur. The fracture line is visible at the supracondylar level. g Intraoperative x-ray showing plate fixation of the femur. h Three months after surgery, an AP x-ray shows healing at the fracture site. i AP view of the hip showing the femoral head resection and the plate extending up to the proximal femur.
Fig 3.9-3 An algorithm for treatment of femoral neck fractures [25].

CASE 2: Unstable fracture treated with fixation


A 72-year-old woman with a history of stroke and left-sided weakness. Twenty years earlier, she had sustained a distal femoral fracture treated with a retrograde nail. She was minimally ambulatory getting from bed to chair and always used a walker. The patient fell from a seated position and sustained a displaced femoral neck fracture with x-rays demonstrating a low femoral neck fracture ( Fig 3.9-2a ). The intramedullary rod extended to below the lesser trochanter. After discussion with the patient and family the decision was made to attempt fracture fixation, as arthroplasty would have required removal of the nail.

Treatment and outcome

Fracture fixation was performed using a 4-hole sliding hip screw with side plate to overlap the nail ( Fig 3.9-2b–c ). The fracture was unstable at the time of fixation and a derotation pin was placed during insertion of the hip screw. The pin was removed after screw placement. The bone quality was extremely poor. After surgery, the patient had increasing pain and at 2 weeks the fracture fixation was seen to have slipped with migration of the screw ( Fig 3.9-2d ). Two weeks later the screw had cut out through the head and pain was worse ( Fig 3.9-2e ).

The patient wanted to try to walk again and elected to have the hardware removed with conversion to a hip arthroplasty. During surgery the hip screw was removed and the hip was found to be stiff. The nail was then removed. The bone of the distal femur had grown in to the nail, and some of the intramedullary bone of the distal femur came out with the nail, weakening the distal bone.

During further hip exposure the distal femur fractured ( Fig 3.9–2f ). The intraoperative decision was made to treat the distal femoral fracture with a long locking plate and the femoral head was removed ( Fig 3.9-2g). The distal femoral fracture healed and the patient went on to use a motorized wheelchair for ambulation. At 3 months after surgery, the hip was much less painful and she was satisfied with the result ( Fig 3.9-2h–i ).


Decision making is important in the minimally ambulatory patient. In this situation arthroplasty was fraught with difficulty with the in situ hardware and the extremely poor bone stock. Removal of the retrograde femoral nail was difficult, and the unstable nature of the fracture made fixation challenging. While the sliding hip screw was placed with a low tip-apex distance, the bone quality was so poor that fixation was not sufficient. Perhaps initial hip resection or nonoperative care would have led to the same results but with much less morbidity than the two operations that were performed.

Another option for difficult cases with poor bone is the use of cement augmentation. This is not approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States but is commonly used in Europe [24]. Cement is carefully placed within the femoral head prior to placement of the hip screw. Great care must be taken to prevent cement from entering the joint and if penetration of the femoral head has occurred with the guide wire, cement should not be used.

Key points

Unstable fractures have a high rate of failure with internal fixation. Some patients with complex problems and minimal ambulation may be better treated with hip resection or nonoperative treatment. Older adults with hip fractures have little reserve, and very little margin exists for both operative and medical errors. The best results should be achieved in the first surgery to prevent complications, morbidity, and mortality.

5.2.3 Timing

Timing of treatment is critical for the best outcomes. There is debate about the best time to fix hip fractures but clearly, early surgery is better. Longer delays give the patients more days in pain, are expensive, and lead to higher morbidity and mortality rates. The American Academy for Orthopaedic Surgery′s (AAOS) Hip Fracture Clinical Practice Guidelines give a moderate recommendation for surgery within 48 hours [26]. By implementation of a hip fracture audit including a requirement for hip fracture repair within 36 hours of fracture, mortality rates have been reduced nationwide in the UK from 10.9% to 8.5% (for more information on hip fracture audit, see chapter 2.9 Use of registry data to improve care) [27]. There is some data that extremely rapid repair, ie, less than 12 hours, may have the best results [28, 29].

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