3.8 Acetabulum


3.8 Acetabulum

Dietmar Krappinger, Richard A Lindtner, Herbert Resch

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1 Introduction

The treatment of geriatric acetabular fractures (GAFs) presents a challenge for orthopedic surgeons for the following reasons:

  • Despite an increasing incidence over the last few decades, GAF are infrequent injuries and overall personal experience of the treating surgeon is usually low.

  • There are important treatment differences with regard to fracture type, degree of instability, and accompanying injuries such as femoral head impaction, preexisting osteoarthritis, comorbidities and functional demands of the patients.

  • Treatment options range from nonoperative treatment to internal fixation and hip arthroplasty and even internal fixation and arthroplasty.

  • Internal fixation and hip arthroplasty are performed using different approaches, techniques, and implants depending on the surgeon′s preferences and abilities.

  • There is a lack of controlled studies comparing different treatment options. Most studies typically describe case series limited by small sample sizes and lack of appropriate comparison groups.

2 Epidemiology and etiology

The incidence of GAF have shown a marked increase during the last two decades [1]. An overall increase in life expectancy as well as a higher activity level of octogenarians may account for these findings. In 2005, Cornell [2] predicted that geriatric patients may soon be the most typical age group to present with acetabular fractures. Ochs reported an increase in the mean age of patients with acetabular fractures from 43.0 (± 19.1) years in the period from 1991–1993 to 52.7 (± 19.8) years between 2005–2006 [3]. While the group of patients aged between 20–30 years were the most frequent age group in the first study period (1991–1993), the group between 60–70 years represented the peak age group in the second period (2005–2006) [3]. Ferguson et al [4] observed a 2.4-fold increase of the acetabular fracture incidence in patients > 60 between 1980 and 2007 and Sullivan [5] reported an 67% increase of GAF between 1998 and 2010. It is reasonable to assume that this trend will continue during the next few decades. While the overall majority of patients with acetabular fractures are male, women are more frequently represented in the geriatric group [3].

Acetabular fractures in younger patients usually result from high-energy trauma and frequently occur in polytraumatized patients. In older adults, acetabular fractures typically result from ground level-level falls and are either isolated injuries or combined with other osteoporotic fractures such as proximal humeral or distal radial fractures. The fracture type is mainly determined by the position of the hip joint during trauma. In younger patients, the so-called “dashboard mechanism” is a characteristic injury mechanism with the knee and hip joint in flexion and load transmission via the femoral shaft. This results in a posterior fracture dislocation with the involvement of the posterior wall and/or column (“posterior dislocation”). In geriatric patients, the hip joint is usually in extension during the fall on the involved side with load transmission via the greater trochanter and the femoral neck ( Fig 3.8-1 ). Given the anteversion of the femoral neck, the anterior column and/or wall as well as the quadrilateral plate are generally involved in GAF with medial protrusion of the femoral head (“central dislocation”) [2, 3, 6].

Fig 3.8-1 Typical mechanism of injury of acetabular fractures in geriatric patients is load transmission via the greater trochanter, involvement of the anterior column and the quadrilateral plate due to the anteversion of the femoral neck (central dislocation).

3 Diagnostics

3.1 Clinical evaluation

In GAF, individual goals of treatment and the approach largely depend on patient-related factors, so the clinical evaluation must extend beyond the routine history and physical examination. The following patient-related factors should be thoroughly assessed before treatment options are considered:

  • Preinjury ambulatory status

  • Functional demands

  • Independence in activities of daily living

  • Medical comorbidities

  • Cognitive status

  • Bone quality

  • Preexisting osteoarthritis of the affected hip

  • Concomitant injuries, especially those with an impact on postoperative mobilization plans

The optimal treatment strategy for an individual patient must be chosen considering factors related to both fracture and patient to provide the best possible clinical outcome. The primary goals in the treatment of GAF are prompt and adequate single-staged treatment (“single-shot surgery”) allowing for early mobilization and avoiding morbidity and mortality associated with prolonged bed rest and subsequent revision surgery.

3.2 Imaging

3.2.1 Plain x-rays

The three standard acetabular views include the AP view of the pelvis, the obturator oblique view (with the pelvis rotated 45° towards the uninjured side) and the iliac oblique view (with the pelvis rotated 45° towards the injured side). According to the authors’ experience, however, AP views of the pelvis with an initial CT scan are sufficient to rule out medialization of the femoral head in GAF. Impaction of the subchondral bone of the superomedial acetabular dome may be visible as a double arc on plain radiographs (“gull sign”) ( Case 3: Fig 3.8-4, Case 5: Fig 3.8-6 ) and is associated with a poor prognosis after nonoperative treatment or internal fixation [7].

3.2.2 Computed tomographic scan

Computed tomography (CT) is the gold standard for the evaluation of acetabular fractures, and multiplanar CT reconstructions are mandatory for understanding the exact acetabular fracture pattern [8, 9]. CT imaging of the pelvis allows for proper assessment of the following parameters:

  • Detailed fracture line characteristics and type of acetabular fracture ( Case 1: Fig 3.8-2 )

  • Extent of anterior and posterior wall comminution and/or marginal impaction

  • Impaction of the weight-bearing acetabular dome and of the femoral head ( Case 3: Fig 3.8-4, Case 5: Fig 3.8-6 )

  • Articular surface congruity

  • Subtle subluxation/medialization of the femoral head ( Case 3: Fig 3.8-4 )

  • Intraarticular bony fragments

Fig 3.8-2a–g A 76-year-old man after a fall. a X-ray showing a minimally displaced acetabular fracture, no medial protrusion of the femoral head, and preexisting signs of hip osteoarthritis. b–f Computed tomographic scan with coronal and 3-D reconstructions showing anterior column with incomplete posterior hemitransverse fracture, no articular displacement, no medial protrusion of the femoral head. g X-ray after 12 months showing mild radiological progression of the osteoarthritis, no medial protrusion of the femoral head, functional recovery.

Furthermore, modern CT permits manual multiplanar 2-D reconstruction in any arbitrary plane. Additional manual reconstructions complement the information gained from standard axial, coronal, and sagittal planes.

3.2.3 Three-dimensional reconstruction

Three-dimensional surface-rendered CT images from different regions are of great help for enhancing the surgeon′s understanding of the acetabular fracture and spatial relationship of fracture fragments as well as for planning the operative approach. Three-dimensional CT allows for subtraction of the femoral head and enables the surgeon to view the complex 3-D anatomy of the fractured acetabulum from any perspective, including the intraoperative view. Furthermore, 3-D CT helps to improve the accuracy and interobserver reliability of acetabular fracture classification especially in surgeons with limited experience [10, 11]. Three-dimensional CT images complement the 2-D images, as the latter more accurately depict fracture details such as marginal and acetabular dome impaction, column comminution, small intraarticular fragments and subtle fracture lines.

3.2.4 Magnetic resonance imaging

In general, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is of limited value in the routine assessment of GAF. High-resolution MRI allows for imaging of the acetabular labrum and cartilage. In geriatric patients MRI may be helpful to rule out occult acetabular, femoral head or femoral neck fractures, which may not be visible on x-rays or CT scans.

4 Classification

4.1 Classification of Letournel and Judet

The classification system of Letournel and Judet is the most widely used and represents an anatomical and radiographic description of acetabular fracture patterns [12]. This system divides acetabular fractures into two groups, ie, basic and associated fractures, with five fracture subtypes in each group. Basic fracture patterns include posterior wall fractures, posterior column fractures, anterior wall fractures, anterior column fractures, and transverse fractures. Associated fracture patterns include T-shaped fractures, posterior column with posterior wall fractures, transverse with posterior wall fractures, anterior column with posterior hemitransverse fractures and two-column fractures. While the AO/OTA or Tile classification of pelvic ring injuries is limited in its use for the assessment of geriatric pelvic ring injuries (see chapter 3.7 Pelvic ring), the commonly used classification systems for acetabular fractures (Letournel and AO/OTA classifications) are valuable for the assessment of GAF as well. The distribution of acetabular fracture patterns in older adults differs significantly from younger patients, with fracture types involving the anterior column being much more common ( Fig 3.8-1 ).

4.2 AO/OTA Fracture and Dislocation Classification

The alphanumeric AO/OTA classification of acetabular fractures is based on the classification of Letournel and Judet, but includes additional modifiers, making it more complex and less commonly used in daily practice. The AO/OTA classification distinguishes between type A (partial articular fractures with one column involved: A1, posterior wall; A2, posterior column; A3, anterior wall or anterior column), type B (a portion of the acetabular articular surface is in osseous continuity with the iliac bone: B1, transverse; B2, T-shaped; B3, anterior column and posterior hemitransverse) and type C (fracture patterns with no osseous continuity between the acetabular articular surface and the iliac bone: different subtypes of two-column fractures).

4.3 Typical fracture types in geriatric patients

Geriatric acetabular fractures show less variation than acetabular fractures in younger patients due to more uniform injury mechanisms. The incidence of anterior column and wall fractures as well as anterior column with posterior hemitransverse fractures is significantly higher in these patients than in younger populations [4]. Additionally, radiographic findings associated with poor outcome, such as superomedial dome impaction (gull sign) ( Case 3: Fig 3.8-4, Case 5: Fig 3.8-6 ), comminution, and marginal impaction in posterior wall fractures and femoral head impactions are more commonly seen in geriatric patients [4].

A characteristic fracture type in geriatric patients is the anterior column with posterior hemitransverse fracture ( Case 1: Fig 3.8-2, Case 3: Fig 3.8-4, Case 5: Fig 3.8-6, Case 6: Fig 3.8-7, Case 8: Fig 3.8-9 ). In these fractures the anterior column is often multifragmentary or comminuted ( Case 5: Fig 3.8-6 ), while the posterior hemitransverse fracture is simple and frequently undisplaced ( Case 1: Fig 3.8-2 ). The quadrilateral plate is generally in osseous continuity with the posterior column ( Case 5: Fig 3.8-6 ). Due to the medial protrusion of the femoral head with medialization of the quadrilateral plate, the posterior column is typically internally rotated. This mechanism is comparable to the opening of a swinging door by the femoral head and is called “open door injury” by the authors in analogy to the “open book injury” of the pelvic ring.

5 Decision making

5.1 General remarks

In younger patients, we strive for fracture healing in an anatomical position. Thus, displaced fractures generally require open reduction and internal fixation. The overall goals in the treatment of GAF are as follows:

  • Rapid restoration of the hip function by an adequate single-staged treatment (single-shot surgery) to allow for early mobilization with weight bearing as tolerated

  • Avoidance of the morbidity and mortality associated with bed rest and/or revision surgery [13, 14]

Treatment options for GAF include:

Fig 3.8-3a–d A 79-year-old woman after a fall on her hip. a X-ray showing hip osteoarthritis but no visible fracture. b Computed tomographic scan with transverse reconstruction showing a nondisplaced transverse fracture of the right acetabulum. c X-ray after 10 months showing the healed fracture and radiological progression of hip osteoarthritis. d Total hip arthroplasty with uncemented press-fit cup.
Fig 3.8-4a–f An 81-year-old woman after a fall. a X-ray showing an anterior column fracture and superomedial dome impaction (gull sign). b–d Computed tomographic scan with transverse, coronal, and sagittal reconstructions showing no relevant medial protrusion of the femoral head, mild gull sign, and incomplete posterior hemitransverse fracture. e X-ray after 7 days showing increasing displacement and medial protrusion of the femoral head. f X-ray after 3 months showing healed acetabular fracture without signs of component loosening.

The exact roles of the different treatment strategies have not yet been clearly defined as there is a paucity of adequately powered randomized or other prospective studies. Parameters which need to be addressed during decision making include fracture type, age, comorbidities, activity level, osteoporosis, and preexisting osteoarthritis. Orthogeriatric comanagement is necessary for optimal practice. Generally, the delay between trauma and operative intervention should be minimized. The operative treatment of GAF, however, requires special skills and an appropriate level of experience. A delay until operative treatment may be justified if no experienced surgeon is immediately available [13, 14].

5.2 Nonoperative versus operative treatment

The appraisal of joint instability, rather than joint congruency in younger patients, represents an important factor in the decision-making process. Instability is often positively correlated with pain and the inability to ambulate. In unclear situations, an attempt to mobilize the patient with adequate pain management and close monitoring is often made. Failure makes a strong case for operative stabilization ( Case 3: Fig 3.8-4 ).

For the assessment of fracture stability, it is more important to assess the acetabular columns rather than the acetabular walls. While displaced acetabular walls need operative intervention in young patients, this may not be true for geriatric patients. A displacement of a few millimeters may be tolerated if the femoral head remains centered during weight bearing ( Case 1: Fig 3.8-2 ). Regular follow-up x-rays are therefore necessary in these cases in order to detect additional displacement ( Case 3: Fig 3.8-4 ). A displacement of only a few millimeters of the acetabular columns is relevant and indicates a higher degree of instability. These fractures typically require operative treatment ( Case 7: Fig 3.8-8 ). Nondisplaced fractures of the columns as well as nondisplaced transverse or hemitransverse fractures may be treated nonoperatively with weight bearing as tolerated ( Case 1: Fig 3.8-2, Case 2: Fig 3.8-3 ). Operative treatment is usually indicated in fractures with subluxation or dislocation of the hip joint, even in patients in a poor general condition, in order to facilitate nursing care and mobilization ( Case 3: Fig 3.8-4, Case 5: Fig 3.8-6 ). Nonoperative treatment of unstable fractures with prolonged bed rest or skeletal traction leads to poor functional results and complications due to immobilization and should be avoided in the treatment of GAF [15].

5.3 Internal fixation versus arthroplasty

Due to a lack of adequate trial data, the decision to employ internal fixation or arthroplasty mainly depends on the surgeon′s preference, experience, and personal skills [1618]. New prosthetic fixation concepts for the acetabular components, such as angular stable reinforcement rings ( Case 3: Fig 3.8-4, Case 5: Fig 3.8-6, Case 8: Fig 3.8-9 ), and their further development will increase the relevance of primary arthroplasty for GAF.

A 2-stage procedure with initial internal fixation and secondary hip arthroplasty after osseous consolidation of the fracture in the situation of symptomatic posttraumatic osteoarthritis is a standard procedure in the treatment of acetabular fractures in nongeriatric patients. In geriatric patients, however, the concept of single-shot surgery, ie, a single operative intervention in the first days after trauma as a definitive solution, should be applied in order to reduce the number of operative interventions and the overall rehabilitation time. Accordingly, primary hip arthroplasty is an enticing concept for the treatment of geriatric acetabular fractures. The major challenge of primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) is the fixation of the cup in the fractured acetabulum. Revision cups and acetabular reinforcement rings and combinations with internal fixation are frequently required.

Primary arthroplasty may be considered in the following situations:

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