3.7 Pelvic ring


3.7 Pelvic ring

Pol M Rommens, Michael Blauth, Alexander Hofmann

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1 Introduction

Pelvic ring disruptions in younger patients are typically high-energy injuries resulting from traffic accidents, falls from great height, or crush traumas. Very often, these patients are multiply injured, need hemodynamic resuscitation and provisional pelvic stabilization with a pelvic binder, clamp or another type of external fixation. Selective angiographic arterial embolization and pelvic packing are often indicated [1].

Fragility fractures of the pelvis present a totally different clinical picture. They occur in frail, older patients and are the result of a low-energy trauma such as a ground-level fall. In some patients, the history of their injuries is not obtainable. Repetitive “harmless” events such as the transfer from the bed to a chair or from a chair to the toilet, sneezing, coughing, which may not be regarded as traumatic, have been described as causing fragility fractures of the pelvis [2].

Pelvic ring injuries in advanced age may also result from a high-energy trauma. A typical accident mechanism is a trauma from being struck by a vehicle while crossing the street. These patients find themselves quickly in a life-threatening situation; resuscitation must follow the rules of advanced trauma life support similar to younger adults [3]. In this chapter, we discuss the characteristics, diagnostic, and therapeutic measures pertaining to fragility fractures of the pelvis. In this chapter, “fragility fractures of the pelvis” is abbreviated as FFP; note that this abbreviation is used for “fragility fracture patient” in other chapters.

2 Epidemiology and etiology

In some countries, the incidence of hip fractures is declining while the number of pelvic and acetabular fractures is increasing. In the US, hip fractures peaked in 1996 and declined by 25.7% until 2010. During the same 18-year period, pelvic fractures increased by 24%. Absolute numbers, however, remained different with 167,000 hip fractures and 33,000 pelvic fractures in 2010 [4]. In Finland, the age-adjusted incidence of hip fractures has also steadily declined since 1997. From 1970 to 2013, the number of age-adjusted incidences of pelvic fractures has increased from 73 to 364. The incidence increased in all age groups (ie, ages 80–84 years, 85–89 years, and 90+ years) of women and men during the entire study period. If both the fracture incidence and rate of the aging population continue to rise at the current pace, the number of low-trauma pelvic fractures in Finland will be 2.4 times higher in 2030 than it was in 2013 [5].

Both advancing age and comorbidities are associated with the increase of the risk of suffering a fragility fracture of the pelvic ring (FFP). Many patients have a history of osteoporosis, vitamin D deficiency, long-term immobilization, long-term glucocorticoid use, pelvic irradiation for malignancy, or bone graft harvest at the posterior ilium for lumbar spine surgery ( Fig 3.7-1 ) [6].

Fig 3.7-1a–d A 75-year-old woman with a history of spondylodesis. Cancellous bone grafts were taken from the left posterior ilium. a Transverse computed tomographic (CT) cut through the posterior pelvic ring showing the bone defect at the left posterior ilium (arrow). b Coronal CT cut showing the large cortical defect and a fracture line through the ilium (arrows). c Transverse CT cut through the anterior pelvic ring showing a right superior pubic ramus fracture. d Transverse magnetic resonance imaging picture showing the bone defect at the left posterior ilium (arrow) and bone bruise in the whole sacrum.

Fragility fractures of the pelvic ring occur in osteoporotic bone. With increasing age, bone mass is decreasing continuously. Wagner et al [7] demonstrated that this decrease is following a specific and consistent pattern in the sacrum. The sacral body is far less affected than the sacral ala. In advanced cases, areas of very low bone mineral density without any bone, called an alar void, can be seen in the region lateral of the S1 and S2 neuroforamina ( Fig 3.7-2 ).

Fig 3.7-2a–d Averaged morphology of the nontraumatized sacrum of 92 Europeans, derived from their pelvic computed tomographic data. a Group of Europeans with bone mineral density above 100 Hounsfield Units (HUs) measured in the center of the L5 vertebral body. There are only small areas with bone mineral density below 0 HUs. They are colored in yellow and situated just lateral and below the neuroforamen S1. b Group of Europeans with bone mineral density below 100 HUs measured in the center of the L5 vertebral body. There are large areas with bone mineral density below 0 HUs. They are colored in yellow and are situated in the left and right sacral ala and extend from S1–3. There are smaller areas of low bone mineral density in the sacral bodies S2 and S3 (Courtesy of Wagner et al [7]). c Computed tomographic cut through the posterior pelvis of an 89-year-old woman. Large areas without trabecular bone are visible in the left and right sacral ala (arrows). They are called “alar voids”. d A 3-D reconstruction of the pelvic ring of the same person as in c. The alar voids in the sacral ala are clearly visible.

The leading symptom in patients who have suffered an FFP is pain in the pelvic region. Sitting and standing are difficult or impossible, while lying quietly in bed minimizes the pain level. Most patients are unable to walk. A minority are still able to walk short distances with walking aids. Pain typically starts immediately after the fall and has an acute and sharp character. In some patients, history of pain is longer and related to previous events, which have been unrecognized, undiagnosed, or inadequately treated ( Case 1: Fig 3.7-3 ).

Fig 3.7-3a–f A 75-year-old woman with a fracture of the right anterior pelvic ring. a X-ray showing the right anterior pelvic ring fracture. b–d Transverse and coronal computed tomographic (CT) cuts through the posterior pelvis and a coronal CT cut through the anterior pelvis. e AP pelvic x-ray after surgical stabilization. f AP pelvic x-ray 2 months postoperative showing healed fractures.



A 75-year-old woman sustained a right anterior pelvic ring fracture after slipping from a chair, 4 weeks before admission.


  • No relevant comorbidities

Treatment and outcome

The primary x-ray revealed a right superior and inferior pubic rami fracture ( Fig 3.7-3a ). Initially, treatment was nonoperative. But the patient had intractable pain which increased over time. Two months later, bilateral sacral ala fractures and another anterior pelvic ring fracture on the left side were diagnosed on a pelvic computed tomographic scan ( Fig 3.7-3b–d ). She was seen in multiple clinical departments, was bedridden because of pain, and developed pressure ulcers on both heels. She also developed recurrent urinary tract infection and weight loss. Fixation with two iliosacral screws in S1 helped lessen the pain, and mobilization with weight bearing as tolerated was started ( Fig 3.7-3e ). Two months later, the fractures seemed to have healed. The patient was very satisfied, completely pain free, and walked without crutches ( Fig 3.7-3f ).

3 Diagnostics

3.1 Physical examination

Pain is localized at the pubic symphysis, the groin, and/or in the posterior pelvis or the low back. In the latter cases, the physician may be confused and focus on diagnostic examinations of the lumbar spine:

  • Manual compression on both iliac wings enhances pain intensity dramatically without demonstrating major instability. Direct palpation of the pubic symphysis, the groin, and the sacrum will additionally provoke pain.

  • Inspection of the skin and soft tissues around the pelvic ring, including the low back and the perineal region, is necessary to rule out local infections or decubitus ulcers.

  • Neurological and vascular status of the lower extremities should be evaluated.

3.2 Creeping hemorrhage

Hemodynamic instability due to continuing bleeding after low-energy pelvic trauma is not typical, but has been described [8, 9]. There is an eightfold increase in odds of pelvic hemorrhage in patients older than 55 years ( Case 2: Fig 3.7-4 ).

Fig 3.7-4a–e An 81-year-old woman with a left superior and inferior pubic rami fracture. a AP x-ray of the pelvis showing a slightly displaced superior and inferior pubic ramus fracture (white arrows). b–c Transverse computed tomographic cuts through the anterior pelvic ring showing the left-sided superior pubic ramus fracture and a large hematoma inside the small pelvis, which stays in direct connection with the fracture (white arrow). d Angiographic image showing where an active bleeding of the pubic branch of the left inferior epigastric artery was discovered (the white arrow shows the contrast flush). e Intraoperative x-ray of the left symphyseal region after coiling.

Especially in patients taking anticoagulants, there must be a high index of suspicion for continuing bleeding. Arteriosclerosis impairs the ability of vasospasm with less chance of spontaneous cessation of arterial bleeding.



An 81-year-old woman suffered a left superior and inferior pubic rami fracture after a fall at home.


  • Atrial fibrillation

  • Cardiac insufficiency

Treatment and outcome

Nonoperative treatment with pain medication was started. The hemodynamic situation of the patient deteriorated within the first few hours after admission. A swelling above the pubic symphysis was noticed.

An x-ray of the pelvis showed a slightly displaced superior and inferior pubic ramus fracture ( Fig 3.7-4a ). Transverse computed tomographic cuts through the anterior pelvic ring were performed showing the left-sided superior pubic ramus fracture and a large hematoma inside the small pelvis, which stayed in direct connection with the fracture ( Fig 3.7-4b–c ). The patient was taken to the angiography ward where an active bleeding of the pubic branch of the left inferior epigastric artery was discovered ( Fig 3.7-4d ). A selective embolization and coiling was performed ( Fig 3.7-4e ). The hemodynamic situation of the patient improved. She was taken to the operating room 4 days later for operative removal of the hematoma. The patient recovered well and was discharged 18 days after admission (Courtesy of Dietz et al [9]).

It is recommended to monitor the hemodynamic condition of these patients for at least 24 hours. A flowchart for early clinical and radiological monitoring of patients with FFP is presented in Fig 3.7-5 [9]. In case of bleeding, arterial angiography with selective embolization represents a highly effective treatment of choice. Patients are at risk of exsanguinating with delayed diagnosis and undertreatment.

Fig 3.7-5 Flowchart for clinical and radiological monitoring of patients with fragility fractures of the pelvic ring (Courtesy of Dietz et al [9]).

3.3 Imaging

3.3.1 Plain x-rays

AP pelvic x-ray

Fractures of the superior and inferior pubic rami or the pubic bone near the symphysis are easily recognized. In case of a lateral impact, the fracture line at the superior pubic ramus runs horizontally and there is a slight overriding of the fracture fragments, the lateral fracture fragment being displaced medially ( Fig 3.7-6a ).

Fig 3.7-6a–c A 76-year-old woman sustained a fracture of the right superior pubic ramus after a fall at home. a AP pelvic x-ray showing the visible horizontal fracture of the right superior pubic ramus. b Pelvic inlet view showing a slight internal rotation of the right hemipelvis. c Pelvic outlet view showing a symmetrical posterior pelvis. Fractures, displacement, or dislocations are not visible.

Inlet and outlet views

There is controversy whether inlet and outlet views should be taken in this patient cohort. Some authors recommend taking them as a reference for a later follow-up. Others rely on computed tomographic (CT) scans in case of any fracture visible on the AP pelvic x-ray. Computed tomographic scans may also be added to AP x-rays during follow-up.

The inlet view gives a good idea of the amount and direction of rotation of the innominate bone. Integrity of the inner curve of the innominate bone and the anterior cortex of the sacrum can best be analyzed in the inlet view ( Fig 3.7-6b ). The outlet view gives the best information about the posterior pelvis, the shape and symmetry of the sacrum, the neuroforamina and the sacroiliac joints ( Fig 3.7-6c ). We recommend taking these three views as a reference for later follow-ups.

The large, often obese soft-tissue envelope, bowel content, and bowel gas overlie bony structures and joints. Moreover, due to rarefaction of cortical and cancellous bone, fissures and nondisplaced fractures may not be recognized on plain x-rays.

Posterior pelvic ring pathology may be missed with inadequate treatment as consequence [10]. Additional pelvic fractures may occur and enhance complexity and instability ( Fig. 3.7-7 ).

Fig 3.7-7a–e A 57-year-old woman with a bilateral pubic rami fracture after a fall at home. a AP x-ray showing a bilateral, nearly nondisplaced superior and inferior pubic rami fracture (white arrows). The fractures were treated nonoperatively. b AP pelvic x-ray taken 2 weeks later showing more displacement of the pubic rami fractures on both sides (white arrows). c AP pelvic x-ray after 3 months showing complete displacement of all fractures. There is also a horizontal fissure in the right ilium starting from the sacroiliac joint (white arrow). d A computed tomographic scan of the pelvis was only taken 5 months after the fall. The 3-D reconstruction with view from the front showing a complete iliac fracture with displacement and further displacement of the anterior butterfly fragment. e A 3-D reconstruction with view from the back. (Images courtesy of Dr Guy Putzeys, AZ Groeninghe, Kortrijk, Belgium.)

3.3.2 Computed tomographic scan

A pelvic CT scan is recommended when a lesion of any kind of the pelvic ring has been diagnosed on plain x-rays. In a cohort of 245 patients with FFP, more than 80% had a posterior pelvic ring fracture. When only a plain x-ray is obtained on admission, there is a high risk of missing posterior pelvic ring fractures [11].

In coronal reconstructions, a fracture of the lateral mass of the sacrum is sometimes better seen than in transverse sections. A horizontal sacral fracture with more or less severe angulation can only be recognized in sagittal reconstructions ( Fig 3.7-8 ).

Fig 3.7-8a–d An 80-year-old woman with a fracture of the right superior and inferior pubic ramus after a fall. a AP x-ray of the pelvis showing a superior (white arrow) and inferior pubic ramus fracture on the right. b Transverse computed tomographic (CT) cut through the posterior pelvis showing a bilateral fracture through the sacral ala (white arrows). c Coronal CT cut through the sacrum showing bilateral complete and displaced sacral alar fractures (white arrows). d Sagittal CT cut through the midsacrum showing a horizontal fracture component between S1 and S2 with slight displacement in flexion (white arrow).

In some patients, signs of an older injury may be visible. Bone resorption at a fracture site is a sign of chronic instability, and callus formation is a sign of bone healing. Chronic instabilities at or around a joint may end in bone resorption, joint widening, inclusion of nitrogen bubbles, and free intraarticular or periarticular bone fragments ( Fig 3.7-9 , Fig 3.7-10 , Fig 3.7-11 ).

Fig 3.7-9a–b A 74-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis. a AP pelvic x-ray showing bone resorption and widening of the pubic symphysis (white arrow) due to chronic instability. b Coronal computed tomographic cut through the sacrum showing a complete fracture of the right sacral ala, bone resorption, callus formation, and widening of the right sacroiliac joint (white arrows). On the contralateral side, there is nitrogen inside the joint as a sign of instability (white arrow).
Fig 3.7-10a–b A 75-year-old woman with a history of pelvic pain. a AP x-ray of the patient′s pelvis. There is an intrusion of the sacrum into the small pelvis (white arrows). b Transverse computed tomographic cut through the sacrum showing bilateral bone resorption, joint widening, and intraarticular nitrogen (white arrows).
Fig 3.7-11a–b A 73-year-old woman with a history of chronic pain after a fall. a AP x-ray of the pelvis showing bilateral pubic rami fractures with callus formation and bilateral widening of the sacroiliac joints with nitrogen bubbles inside (white arrows). b Transverse computed tomographic cut through the posterior pelvis revealing a left-sided ilium fracture with bridging callus, bilateral sacral alar fractures, and confirming the nitrogen inside the irregular sacroiliac joints (white arrows).

3.3.3 Magnetic resonance imaging

This is the most sensitive examination and can detect bone bruise within the sacrum, fissures, and fractures before they become visible using other modalities ( Fig 3.7-12 ). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be indicated where conventional diagnostic measures cannot explain the clinical picture or the persistent complaints of pain. If pathology is detected with MRI, it rarely has consequences in terms of an operative treatment. Differentiation between bone marrow edema and malignancy is also possible with MRI [12]. With MRI, studies demonstrate up to 95% involvement of the posterior ring.

Fig 3.7-12a–b A 72-year-old man with bone bruise of the sacral ala. a AP pelvic x-ray of the patient with chronic pelvic pain after a long walk, showing no fractures, dislocations, or irregularities. b Magnetic resonance imaging depicting right-sided bone bruise of the sacral ala without fracture.

4 Classification

The Tile [13], AO/OTA Fracture and Dislocation [14], and Young-Burgess [15] classifications have been developed to distinguish different types of high-energy pelvic ring lesions. The Tile [13] and AO/OTA [14] classifications distinguish rotationally unstable from rotationally and vertically unstable injuries after AP, lateral, or vertical impacts. According to the direction of traumatic force, the Young-Burgess classification [15] differentiates AP displacement, lateral compression, vertical shear, and combined pelvic ring injuries. The Denis classification divides the sacrum into three zones. Denis I refers to the sacral ala, Denis II to the zone around the neurforamina and Denis III to the sacral body, medial to the neuroforamina [16].

High-energy pelvic trauma is complicated by additional injuries of neurological and vascular structures, hollow organs, and the skin, with additional impacts on prognosis and outcomes.

In contrast, low-energy FFPs have completely different trauma mechanisms. Concomitant injuries of the soft tissues are rare. It is not the direction of the traumatic impact but the areas of very low bone density that are responsible for the fracture morphology [17]. Instability of FFP may increase over time, when the original lesion has been overlooked or undertreated ( Fig 3.7-7 ). This is unique to FFP. The abovementioned characteristics of FFP led to the development of a new, specific, and comprehensive classification system. The classification of FFP is based on an analysis of both conventional x-rays and CT data of 245 patients, 65 years or older with FFPs [18].

The most important criterion is the degree of instability. Instability is defined as the inability of a structure to withstand physiological loads without displacement. Also in older adults, this criterion is crucial for identifying an indication for surgery. Fracture displacement is the leading hint of instability. Nondisplaced lesions are characterized by a crush zone or a fracture without deformation. Displaced lesions are characterized by a crush or a fracture with deformation of the anatomical landmarks. The second criterion is the localization of the fracture in the posterior pelvis. The localization of the instability determines type and invasiveness of the surgical treatment.

Four different categories with slight, moderate, high, and highest instability were identified, namely types I–IV. The subtypes were characterized by a, b, or c. The main goals of treatment are restoration of prefracture stability and mobility. Due to instability, FFP generates intense pain and immobilization. Immobilization leads to rapid deterioration of the physical condition of the patient with higher morbidity and mortality due to secondary complications. The decision for an operation is needed, and the decision on which type of osteosynthesis should be performed is based on the severity of instability of the pelvic ring. It is therefore of utmost importance to thoroughly analyze the characteristics of the fractures and classify them within the new classification system, as this will ultimately form the basis for decision making.

In the following topics, the different types and subtypes of FFP are presented and a recommendation for treatment is given for all types. The operative techniques to be used are described in topic 7 of this chapter.

4.1 Fragility fracture of the pelvis type I

Fragility fractures of the pelvis type I are anterior pelvic ring fractures without involvement of the posterior pelvic ring. These are the lesions with the lowest degree of instability. Type Ia are unilateral ( Fig 3.7-13 ) and type Ib are bilateral anterior lesions ( Fig 3.7-14 ). The latter is much less frequent. Type I comprised 17.5% of all FFP in the authors’ case series. Conversely, more than 80% of patients had a posterior pelvic ring injury. These findings support the use of CT evaluation for all low-energy pelvic ring fractures with anterior pelvic ring fractures, as there is a high risk of a concomitant posterior ring fracture that is often missed on conventional x-rays.

Fig 3.7-13a–c Type Ia—unilateral isolated anterior pelvic ring fracture. a Illustration of a type Ia fracture. b Conventional AP pelvic x-ray. c Transverse computed tomographic cut.
Fig 3.7-14a–c Type Ib—bilateral isolated anterior pelvic ring fracture. a Illustration of a type Ib fracture. b Conventional AP pelvic x-ray. c Transverse computed tomographic cut.

Fragility fracture of the pelvis type I should be treated nonoperatively. The authors hospitalize the patient and perform hemodynamic monitoring for the first 24 hours (see topic 4.2 in this chapter). When mobilization is not possible or delayed due to significant pain, pelvic stability should be reevaluated. If additional fractures are detected or primarily nondisplaced fractures displaced, operative management may be considered. External fixation can be regarded as a minimally invasive stabilization of anterior pelvic ring lesions. But there is little data on morbidity and outcome of pelvic external fixation in older adults. We assume that patients requiring anterior stabilization have posterior pelvic ring instability as well. Secondary fractures of the posterior ring may be induced over time in the stiff, older pelvis after initial anterior disruption ( Fig 3.7-7 ).

4.2 Fragility fracture of the pelvis type II

Fragility fractures of the pelvis type II are characterized by nondisplaced posterior pelvic ring fractures. Type II lesions suffer more instability than type I lesions. Type IIa is a nondisplaced isolated posterior pelvic ring fracture ( Fig 3.7-15 ), type IIb is a sacral crush with anterior disruption ( Fig 3.7-16 ), and type IIc is a nondisplaced sacral, sacroiliac, or iliac fracture with anterior disruption ( Fig 3.7-17 ). Type II fractures account for more than half of FFP [18]. Sacral fractures or crush zones of the sacral ala are much more frequent than sacroiliac dislocations or fractures of the posterior ilium. Fractures through the sacrum have unique and consistent fracture patterns [17]. The reason for this is the decrease in bone mass in the sacral ala, lateral to the neuroforamina in older patients. This has been demonstrated in a statistical model of the sacrum by Wagner et al [7, 19] based on CT data of 92 older Caucasians.

Fig 3.7-15a–c Type IIa—nondisplaced isolated posterior pelvic ring injury. a Illustration of a type IIa fracture. b Conventional AP pelvic x-ray. c Coronal computed tomographic cut.
Fig 3.7-16a–c Type IIb—sacral crush with anterior pelvic ring fracture. a Illustration of a type IIb fracture. b Conventional AP pelvic x-ray. c Transverse computed tomographic cut.
Fig 3.7-17a–c Type IIc—nondisplaced sacral fracture, nondisplaced iliosacral or iliac fracture with anterior pelvic ring fracture. a Illustration of a type IIc fracture. b Conventional AP pelvic x-ray. c Transverse computed tomographic cut.

Fragility fractures of the pelvis type II must be regarded as posterior pelvic fractures before completion and displacement. They are more unstable than isolated anterior lesions but less unstable than displaced posterior lesions. They are typically associated with anterior instabilities. The traumatizing vector of FFP type IIb and FFP type IIc comes from a lateral direction, reflecting a sideways fall from a standing position with a lateral compression injury.

Nonoperative treatment with weight bearing as tolerated is initiated if patients are able to be mobilized within a few days. As the pelvic ring is broken posteriorly and anteriorly, we expect more pain and a longer rehabilitation time compared to FFP type I. It is important to listen to the complaints of the patient. If, after a maximum of 1 week, the pain is subsiding and the patient is able to mobilize independently, nonoperative therapy is continued. Followup x-rays after mobilization, and at 3, 6, and 12 weeks are recommended. Secondary fracture displacement with a higher degree of instability and transformation into a higher FFP type must be ruled out. Displacement of fractures of the posterior pelvic ring leads to a higher degree of instability and to classification in a higher FFP category. Nonoperative therapy must then be switched to operative therapy.

Complaints are another reason for changing therapy. When there is intense pain and patient transfer out of bed is impossible, operative fixation is recommended ( Case 3: Fig 3.7-18 ). If the fracture fragments of the posterior pelvic ring are not displaced, percutaneous stabilization techniques such as iliosacral screw fixation seem most useful.

Fig 3.7-18a–h Example for change in treatment—an 85-year-old woman with fragility fracture of the pelvis type IIc. a AP pelvic x-ray of a left-sided pubic ramus fracture. b Pelvic inlet view. c Pelvic outlet view. d Coronal computed tomographic (CT) cut through the sacrum showing a complete fracture of the left sacral ala. e Transverse CT cut through the anterior pelvic ring showing the left-sided pubic fracture. f The AP x-ray of the pelvic ring after 2 years showing complete healing of the anterior and posterior pelvic ring. This AP x-ray is showing that the sacral alar fracture is fixed with two iliosacral screws and the pubic ramus fracture with a retrograde transpubic screw. g Pelvic inlet view. h Pelvic outlet view.



An 85-year-old woman had a fall at home and sustained a fragility fracture of the pelvic ring type IIc.


  • Hypothyreosis

  • Arterial hypertension

Treatment and outcome

The AP x-ray of the pelvis showed a left-sided pubic ramus fracture. Due to intense pain, mobilization was not possible for 3 weeks ( Fig 3.7-18a ). Inlet and outlet views were obtained ( Fig 3.7-18b–c ).

A coronal computed tomographic (CT) cut through the sacrum was performed and showed a complete fracture of the left sacral ala (white arrows in Fig 3.7-18d ). The transverse CT cut through the anterior pelvic ring showed the left-sided pubic fracture ( Fig 3.7-18e ). After a 3-week nonoperative treatment, operative fixation was performed. The sacral alar fracture was fixed with two iliosacral screws, the pubic ramus fracture with a retrograde transpubic screw. The AP x-ray of the pelvic ring after 2 years showed complete healing of the anterior and posterior pelvic ring ( Fig 3.7-18f ). Another pelvic inlet and outlet view were obtained ( Fig 3.7-18g–h ).

4.3 Fragility fracture of the pelvis type III

Fragility fractures of the pelvis type III are characterized by a displaced unilateral posterior injury combined with an anterior pelvic ring lesion. Displaced unilateral posterior lesions represent the smallest subtype in the group of 245 FFP, occurring in 11% [18]. They have a higher instability than type II lesions. Displacement must be assessed on both CT transections and conventional x-rays. Major displacement in the anterior pelvic ring must always be combined with some displacement in the posterior pelvic ring. Also, larger fracture gaps and changes of anatomical landmarks are signs of displacement.

Fragility fracture of the pelvis type IIIa involves a displaced unilateral ilium fracture ( Fig 3.7-19 ).

Fig 3.7-19a–c Type IIIa—a displaced unilateral iliac fracture with anterior pelvic ring fracture. a Illustration of a type IIIa fracture. b Conventional AP pelvic x-ray. c Transverse computed tomographic cut.

Fragility fracture of the pelvis type IIIb is a displaced unilateral sacroiliac fracture dislocation ( Fig 3.7-20 ).

Fig 3.7-20a–c Type IIIb—a displaced unilateral sacroiliac fracture-dislocation with anterior pelvic ring fracture. a Illustration of a type IIIb fracture. b Conventional AP pelvic x-ray. c Transverse computed tomographic cut.

Fragility fracture of the pelvis type IIIc is a displaced unilateral sacral fracture ( Fig 3.7-21 ).

Fig 3.7-21a–c Type IIIc—a displaced unilateral sacral fracture with anterior pelvic ring fracture. a Illustration of a type IIIc fracture. b Conventional AP pelvic x-ray. c Transverse computed tomographic cut.

It cannot be expected that these lesions will heal spontaneously. Due to severe pain, the patients are bedridden and mobilization is impossible. Operative treatment is therefore recommended as an urgent procedure. The type of internal fixation depends on the localization of the posterior instability. With limited displacement of the sacrum, sacroiliac joint, or posterior ilium, percutaneous stabilization is possible ( Case 4: Fig 3.7-22 ). In case of gross displacement or a fracture through the ilium, an open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is required ( Case 5: Fig 3.7-23 ).

Fig 3.7-22a–h Example of a displaced type III fracture in the posterior ilium. a AP pelvic x-ray of a left-sided displaced superior and inferior pubic ramus fracture. b Pelvic inlet view. c Pelvic outlet view. d Transverse computed tomographic (CT) cut through the sacrum showing a fracture dislocation of the left sacroiliac joint (white arrows). e Transverse CT cut through the anterior pelvic ring showing the left-sided pubic fracture. f AP x-ray of the pelvic ring after 3 years showing complete healing of the anterior and posterior pelvic ring. g Pelvic inlet view. h Pelvic outlet view.
Fig 3.7-23a–f Example of a displaced type III fracture in the iliac wing. a AP x-ray of the pelvis showing a left-sided fracture through the ilium running from the inner curve to the iliac crest (white arrows) and through the left superior and inferior pubic rami. b Transverse computed tomographic (CT) cut through the posterior pelvic ring showing the fracture starting near to the sacroiliac joint. c Transverse CT cut through the ilium showing the displacement in the fracture site. It concerns a fragility fracture of the pelvis type IIIa. d Operative stabilization with angular stable plate for the ilium fracture and lag screw along the iliac crest. e Pelvic inlet view. f Pelvic outlet view.



An 85-year-old woman sustained a fragility fracture of the pelvic ring type IIIb lesion after a fall at home.


  • Hypercholesterolemia

  • Arterial hypertension

Treatment and outcome

The AP x-ray of the pelvis showed a left-sided displaced superior and inferior pubic ramus fracture ( Fig 3.7-22a ). Pelvic inlet and outlet views were obtained ( Fig 3.7-22b–c ). A transverse computed tomographic (CT) cut through the sacrum showed a fracture-dislocation of the left sacroiliac joint (white arrows in Fig 3.7-22d ) while a transverse CT cut through the anterior pelvic ring revealed the left-sided pubic fracture ( Fig 3.7-22e ). The fracture-dislocation of the sacroiliac joint was fixed with two iliosacral screws and the pubic ramus fracture with a retrograde transpubic screw. The AP x-ray of the pelvic ring after 3 years showed complete healing of the anterior and posterior pelvic ring ( Fig 3.7-22f ). Another inlet and another outlet view of the pelvis were obtained ( Fig 3.7-22g–h ).

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May 17, 2020 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on 3.7 Pelvic ring

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