3.2 Humeral shaft
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1 Introduction
Humeral shaft fractures are common in geriatric patients with a clinically significant impact on upper extremity function, independence, gait, balance, and mobilization.
Historically, nonoperative treatment has been common. However, surgical fixation may restore patients’ independence more rapidly and allow for safer mobilization. As with proximal humeral fractures, treatment recommendations depend in part on surgeon experience, skills, and preference.
2 Epidemiology and etiology
Humeral shaft fractures account for 1–3% of all fractures [1]. They are less frequent than fractures of the proximal humerus. In one series of 2011 humeral fractures 79% were proximal, 13% shaft, and 8% distal humeral fractures [2]. Fractures of the humeral shaft have a bimodal age distribution, with a minor peak in the third decade and a major peak in the eighth decade. In the younger population, most fractures occur in men and are predominantly due to high-energy trauma. In older adults, simple falls are the most common mechanism of injury and the overwhelming majority are in women [2].
3 Diagnostics and classification
Patients present with arm pain, swelling and hematoma. Depending on the amount of fracture displacement, axis and rotation of the arm may deviate. The arm may be shortened and may demonstrate crepitus with manipulation. A careful neurovascular evaluation of the extremity is essential.
Usually plain x-rays in AP and lateral including the adjacent joints are sufficient for diagnosis and classification.
Complex or combined fractures of the shaft and the proximal or distal end of the humerus should be assessed with computed tomographic (CT) scan.
The AO/OTA Fracture and Dislocation Classification is recommended and can be applied to older patients as well.
4 Decision making
4.1 Nonoperative treatment
Historically, nonoperative treatment has been widely used for these injuries [3]. The authors prefer conservative treatment especially in simple long spiral fractures. However, short oblique or transverse fractures are also suitable for nonoperative treatment [4, 5].
The risk of nonunion and impaired shoulder function after nonoperative treatment must not be underestimated ( Case 1: Fig 3.2-1 ).

If nonoperative treatment is considered, bone fragments must align and approximate without suspicion of interposed muscle tissue.
It may be necessary to revise the decision for nonoperative treatment if bone healing appears unlikely and/or if the burden of nonoperative treatment mainly in terms of pain and functional restriction cannot be handled by the patient ( Case 2: Fig 3.2-2 ) [6, 7].

An 82-year-old man had an unobserved fall. He sustained a fracture of the right humerus ( Fig 3.2-1a–b ).
Renal failure
Failure to thrive
Treatment and outcome
Decision making—Due to the fracture type, general state of the patient (eg, alcoholism and frailty), and concerns for noncompliance, nonoperative fracture treatment was chosen. The x-rays showed the initial position in a hanging cast ( Fig 3.2-1c–d ).
Course of treatment—After 3 weeks, the fracture was significantly displaced by the traction of the deltoid muscle with fracture angulation of 45°. Due to inability to comply with immobilization the fracture reduction could not be maintained with bracing ( Fig 3.2-1e–f ). The patient had little pain and no soft-tissue problems. After 5 weeks the situation was unchanged so the treatment decision was revised ( Fig 3.2-1g–h ).
Operative treatment—The nonunion was explored and reduced using an anterior approach by pushing the biceps muscle medially and performing a centric split of the upper portion of the brachialis muscle. Reduction was retained temporarily with a reduction clamp, while the antegrade nailing was performed ( Fig 3.2-1i–j ). The anterolateral approach was used for nailing and the anterior approach to the humeral shaft was used for addressing the nonunion (Fig 3.1-2k).
Postoperative—Anatomical fracture fixation was achieved with no soft-tissue complications and little pain ( Fig 3.2-1l–m ). At the 6-month follow-up, the fracture had healed with restoration of adequate function ( Fig 3.2-1n–r ).
A 92-year-old woman with left humeral shaft fracture related to low-energy trauma.
Diabetes mellitus
Treatment and outcome
History—The patient was initially treated with a sugar-tong splint and arm sling in another hospital ( Fig 3.2-2a–b). There was significant displacement and angulation. At the 3-month follow-up ( Fig 3.2-2c ), the alignment was unacceptable and the skin was tenting with a bone spike. The patient still had pain and there was no sign of bone union. Despite this, this treatment plan was continued for 4 months.
Current situation—The treatment decision was revised to operative treatment. Soft-tissue irritation also was a cause of pain ( Fig 3.2-2d–f ).
Diagnosis and classification—The initial diagnosis was closed fracture of the proximal shaft of the left humerus (AO/OTA 12A1). The current diagnosis is nonunion.
Indication for surgery—A painful nonunion of the proximal shaft of the left humerus. Skin complication due to bony spike.
Treatment planning:
Fixation: open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) with a narrow locking compression plate and iliac bone grafting
Positioning: supine on transparent x-ray table
C-arm: located on the opposite side
Preparation and draping: from shoulder to hand and free to move in any direction
Surgical approach: anterolateral, direct reduction
Intraoperative technique—Soft tissues were removed at the fracture site and the bone ends were freshened ( Fig 3.2-2g ). The sharp spike of the proximal fragment ( Fig 3.2-2h ) and the V-shaped cortical fracture site of the distal fragment corresponding with the shape of the proximal end (behind the sharp spike in Fig 3.2-2g ) could be seen. The incision was extended distally to identify and protect the radial nerve. The sharp spike of the proximal fragment was pushed into the intramedullary canal through a V-shaped opening of the distal fragment to create a stable bone construction before plating ( Fig 3.2-2i ). This provides significant stability of fixation in osteoporotic bone, which even with the use of many locking head screws may not be able to withstand the bending and rotational deforming forces. Through a proximal incision of the deltoid split, PHILOS was inserted submuscularly into position on the lateral aspect of the humerus. Correct positioning of the plate was confirmed through a true AP x-ray of the proximal humerus using image intensification, then temporarily fixed with a K-wire ( Fig 3.2-2j–k ). The sharp bony spike of the proximal fragment was pushed into the intramedullary canal of the distal fragment to create primary stability and the screws were fixed in compression holes close to the fracture site to add more stability ( Fig 3.2-2l–m ). An iliac bone graft was impacted in the fracture gap on the medial side after complete plate fixation ( Fig 3.2-2n–p ). Immediate postoperative x-rays showed good alignment and stable bone-implant construction ( Fig 3.2-2q–r ).
Postoperative care—Gentle active assistive exercise for range of motion (ROM) of the shoulder and elbow were started on the second day postoperatively. No pushing or pulling were allowed until bone union ( Fig 3.2-2s–t ). The patient could flex the shoulder forward ( Fig 3.2-2u–v ), though her ROM was limited due to her prolonged preoperative immobility and her dementia, both of which limited rehabilitation capabilities. She could perform adequate, pain-free flexion and extension of the elbow. Rotational movement of the humerus was done gently in light of risk of screw failure due to severe osteoporosis. The patient had no pain and had good ability to perform daily living activities ( Fig 3.2-2s–v ).
4.2 Operative treatment
Operative treatment of the humeral shaft should be considered in the following situations:
Inability to maintain nonoperative fracture reduction. This depends on fracture patterns and the degree of displacement, comminution, whether short oblique or transverse fractures, as well as patient factors, such as obesity or ability to comply with activity and weight-bearing restrictions.
Complicated mobilization because of concomitant fractures of the lower extremities
Bilateral humeral fractures: fixation of at least one side to maximize the patient′s independence with activity
Ipsilateral fracture of the proximal or distal humerus, especially articular fracture extension
Ipsilateral fracture of the elbow joint or forearm
Open fractures
Pathological fractures
Fractures associated with a neurovascular injury
In addition, operative fixation may help to preserve patients’ independence by earlier and safer mobilization.
Management of humeral shaft fractures associated with radial nerve palsy is controversial [8–11]. Radial nerve injury is a common complication of humeral shaft fractures, occurring in up to 18% of closed injuries [4, 12]; spontaneous recovery can be expected in 90% of cases at 4 months after injury.
If there are no objective clinical signs of radial nerve recovery at 6 weeks postinjury (ie, return of brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, and brevis muscle function), electromyography and nerve conduction studies should be performed. In the absence of recovery at 12 weeks, as indicated by clinical examination and neurophysiological testing, surgical exploration of the radial nerve is recommended [4].
If in doubt, ultrasonographic assessment of the integrity of the radial nerve may inform the treatment decision [13].
4.3 Plating versus nailing
Plating and nailing can achieve similar reduction. Antegrade nailing can potentially cause shoulder pain or restricted range of motion because the involvement of the rotator cuff. We are not aware of any study focussing on shoulder problems after antegrade nailing in older patients [14].
In their metaanalysis, Liu et al [15] found that intramedullary (IM) nailing appears comparable to plate fixation in terms of rates of nonunion, postoperative infection, and radial nerve palsy. The only minor difference they identified was a higher delayed healing rate in patients treated with a nail.
Kumar et al [16] came to a similar conclusion in their prospective study of 30 patients: finding that plating offered advantages in less time to union, better joint function, and reduced reoperation, whereas nailing offers a minimally invasive approach, less infection, less nerve injury, and less chance of implant failure.
Retrograde nailing became unpopular mainly because of the somehow unpredictable risk of creating iatrogenic distal humeral fractures while inserting the nail.
As the literature does not clearly support a superior procedure, the experience and preference of the surgeon must also be considered.
4.4 Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis versus open reduction and internal fixation
Selecting minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) or open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) depends on the fracture type: in case of type A fractures (simple fracture), ORIF is preferred to close the fracture, create adequate contact, and reduce the strain of the fracture site [17].
On the other hand, in case of type C (multifragmentary) fractures of the midshaft of the humerus, bridging plate with MIPO on the anterior surface is a good option, as the strain of the fracture sites is lower and the procedure preserves the blood supply of the fragments [18, 19].
The treatment decision in type B fractures is controversial: it depends on many details such as size, type of wedge, displacement, and quality of reduction, if indirect reduction leaves a significant gap and creates so-called high-strain condition, ORIF to reduce the fracture with adequate soft-tissue handling is required to preserve nutritional soft-tissue attachment to the fracture fragments.
5 Treatment
5.1 Nonoperative techniques
The fracture should be reduced to ensure length, axis, and rotation. Then it has to be immobilized (Desault plaster, hanging cast, U-plaster splint). The achieved reduction should be documented and monitored radiographically.
After 2–3 weeks of cast immobilization, the authors switch to functional bracing for 6–8 weeks until the fracture is healed.
Case 3: Fig 3.2-3 [20, 21] shows nonoperative treatment of a midshaft humeral fracture.

A 68-year-old woman fell and had right arm pain and swelling.
Diabetes mellitus
Previous cerebrovascular accident
Treatment and outcome
Diagnosis—The diagnosis was a closed fracture of the right humeral shaft (AO/OTA 12A3). There was minimal displacement and no distraction ( Fig 3.2-3a ).
Treatment plan—Nonoperative treatment with a coaptation splint and arm sling. After closed manipulation and immobilization in a U-slab, AP and lateral x-rays of the right humerus showed adequate apposition ( Fig 3.2-3b–c ), the axial alignment was acceptable in both views. X-ray at the 2-week follow-up with coaptation splint showed that alignment was maintained ( Fig 3.2-3d ). At the 2-month follow-up, there were signs of callus formation at the fracture site ( Fig 3.2-3e–f ). The patient had minimal pain, good elbow flexion/extension ( Fig 3.2-3g–h ), and forward flexion of the shoulder ( Fig 3.2-3i ). At the 3-month follow-up, there was adequate callus formation. The patient was pain free, and the splint was removed ( Fig 3.2-3j–k ).
Nonoperative treatment was possible in this case as there were many favorable factors including:
Mild displacement with adequate apposition visible on the initial x-rays
Axial alignment was adequate with acceptable angulation
No distraction at the fracture site
These x-ray findings reflect the condition of the periosteum around the fracture which might be intact.

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