18 Internal Impingement


18 Internal Impingement

David M. Dare, Christopher L. Camp, Matthew A. Tao, and David W. Altchek


The complex biomechanics of the thrower’s shoulder predisposes them to numerous types of shoulder dysfunction, and these patients are a clinical challenge for even experienced sports medicine physicians. Internal impingement is one of the most common entities affecting overhead athletes. While the pathophysiology of this condition continues to be defined, the constellation of symptoms result largely from the abutment of the articular surface of the rotator cuff and the posterosuperior glenoid. Athletes often complain of posterosuperior shoulder pain in the late-cocking and early-acceleration phases of throwing. Accurate diagnosis requires careful correlation of history, physical examination, and imaging studies. Once the diagnosis is established, a majority of patients are successfully treated with rest and rehabilitation. Arthroscopic evaluation and treatment, however, is indicated if exhaustive nonoperative treatment results in an inability to return to play. The thrower’s shoulder undergoes numerous anatomic adaptations and the surgeon must be careful to treat only the pathology that contributes to the athlete’s symptoms. The appropriate surgical treatment should be followed by a comprehensive rehabilitation program that considers the thrower’s age, sport, and position.

18.1 Introduction

Internal impingement describes the pathologic contact between the posterosuperior glenoid and the articular side of the rotator cuff, resulting in a constellation of symptoms that most frequently affect overhead throwing athletes. 1 , 2 The overhead athlete’s shoulder is exposed to repetitive activities at the extremes of the functional arc of motion under high loading conditions, which may result in both osseous and soft-tissue adaptations. 3 8 The contributions of Neer, Jobe, Walch, and others have improved our understanding of internal impingement. 1 , 2 , 5 , 9 12

While the biomechanical pathogenesis of internal impingement has been debated, current thinking suggests that symptomatic internal impingement is multifactorial, involving physiologic shoulder remodeling, posterior capsular contracture, and scapular dyskinesis. 13 , 14 The overhead athletes’ performance is related in part to the adaptive changes that develop in response to their repetitive overhead activities. Baseball pitchers have been shown to possess a maximum internal rotation velocity of upward of 7,000 deg/s. Such velocity is achieved by expanding the arc of rotation, in this case, increasing external rotation in the late-cocking phase of throwing. Several adaptations develop in the throwing shoulder to optimize velocity—increased glenohumeral external rotation, increased humeral head and glenoid retroversion, and anterior capsular laxity. 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 , 15 , 16 Consequently, numerous compensatory and sometimes pathologic anatomic changes may occur, including anterior instability and posterior capsular contracture. Both of these factors are believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of internal impingement.

Due to repetitive overuse, throwers may develop posterior shoulder muscle fatigue and weakness. This includes fatigue and weakness of the rotator cuff and periscapular stabilizers. A glenohumeral distraction force of up to 1.5 times the body weight is produced during the deceleration phase of the throwing motion. This enormous distraction moment is counterbalanced by posterior shoulder muscle contraction at ball release. In the setting of posterior muscle weakness, this distraction force is counteracted by the posteroinferior aspect of the capsule, resulting in capsular thickening and contracture, and a subsequent glenohumeral internal rotation deficit. A posterior capsular contracture has been demonstrated to shift the glenohumeral contact point posteriorly and superiorly, thereby significantly decreasing shoulder internal rotation in the abducted and externally rotated position. 17 , 18

Edelson and Teitz 19 posited that violent deceleration of the arm in the follow-through phase of throwing causes abrasive degeneration of the rotator cuff on the posterosuperior aspect of the glenoid. Burkhart and Morgan, 20 on the other hand, proposed that the superior and posterior translation of the humeral head contact point on the glenoid reduces the cam effect of the humeral head and permits supraphysiological external rotation. This, they believe, exposes the rotator cuff to a hypertwist mechanism with large shear stresses, ultimately leading to failure.

Posterior capsular contracture produces a functional lengthening of the anterior capsule 20 that may contribute to a subtle anterior instability, or microinstability. It is not surprising, then, that glenohumeral joint laxity is a common finding in throwers. 21 , 22 Some authors 16 believe that this microinstability is critical to the development of symptoms in internal impingement, while others 1 , 4 , 13 suggest that subtle instability is protective against symptomatic internal impingement. Either way, determining the difference between adaptive and pathologic laxity is a challenging task. Determining this difference, along with assessing for other associated conditions, is critical to the evaluation of shoulder pain in the overhead athlete.

18.2 Clinical Assessment

Internal impingement describes a spectrum of associated conditions, including partial- and full-thickness rotator cuff tears, anterior and posterior capsular injury, labral tears, humeral head chondromalacia, and biceps lesions. 4 , 5 , 19 , 20 , 23 25 A thorough history, therefore, is particularly important to making an accurate diagnosis. Most commonly, the athlete reports posterior shoulder pain, which worsens at the late-cocking phase of throwing. Throwers may also note shoulder stiffness, the need for a prolonged warm-up, and a decline in performance, as manifested by loss of control or decreased pitch velocity. Jobe developed a classification system for internal impingement based on clinical presentation ( Table 18.1 ).

Table 18.1 Jobe’s clinical classification of internal impingement



I: early

Shoulder stiffness and need for prolonged warm-up, no pain with ADLs

II: intermediate

Pain localized to the posterior shoulder in the late-cocking phase, no pain with ADLs

III: advanced

Same as stage II, but refractory to a period of adequate rest and rehabilitation

Abbreviation: ADL, activities of daily living.

Often, the dominant shoulder has 10 to 15 degrees more external rotation, 10 to 15 degrees less internal rotation, and greater muscular development compared to the nondominant shoulder. 6 The scapulae should be evaluated for positioning, dyskinesias, and winging. Patients with internal impingement may also have asymmetric microinstability. Distinguishing between pathologic and adaptive laxity, however, may be difficult. However, we have found the “relocation” test to be an extraordinarily sensitive sign for pathologic anterior instability in throwers. Symptoms reflective of “dead arm,” shoulder weakness after throwing, or a subjective sense of a slipping shoulder may indicate pathologic microinstability. Apprehension in 90 degrees of abduction and external rotation is not uncommon. While the posterior impingement test is frequently positive, 25 the impingement sign as described by Neer 11 is typically absent.

Rotator cuff strength should be assessed. Rotator cuff pathology may range from undersurface fraying and partial articular-sided tears to full-thickness tears. The infraspinatus is most commonly involved; therefore, assessment of external rotation strength is critical. As mentioned earlier, internal impingement often occurs in the setting of concomitant injuries, including superior labral anterior and posterior (SLAP) and biceps lesions, bursal-sided rotator cuff tears, and tendinitis, and the patient should be examined accordingly.

18.3 Radiographic Evaluation

Standard radiographs, including internal and external rotation anteroposterior, scapular Y, axillary, and West Point views, are obtained. Radiographs are most often normal, but may show a “Bennett lesion” (exostosis of the posteroinferior glenoid rim), greater tuberosity sclerosis, posterohumeral osteochondral cysts, and rounding of the posterior glenoid rim. 26 , 27

MRI is critical to a thorough radiographic evaluation. MRI has a high sensitivity for rotator cuff, labral, and capsular pathology. We prefer a noncontrast MRI, as it has demonstrated to have equivalent or superior sensitivity to MR arthrogram when specific pulse sequences are employed. 28 Common MRI findings in patients with internal impingement are partial-thickness articular-sided rotator cuff tears, posterosuperior labral tears, and cystic changes in the posterior humeral head 24 , 29 ( Fig. 18.1 ). Patients may also display a Bennett lesion, posterior capsular contracture and thickening at the level of the posterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament, and subchondral fracture and possible remodeling of the posterosuperior glenoid. 15 In particularly severe cases, this remodeling may produce narrowing of the spinoglenoid notch adjacent to the suprascapular neurovascular bundle. As MRI may reveal lesions that are asymptomatic, radiologic findings must be correlated with clinical signs and symptoms. Halbrecht et al 4 found that 4 of 10 collegiate baseball players had abnormal signal change in the rotator cuff tendons despite the absence of symptoms. Other studies have also shown that MRI findings do not always correlate with the athlete’s symptoms. 30 , 31

Fig. 18.1 (a,b) Coronal proton density sequence demonstrates rotator cuff tendinosis with an articular-sided partial-thickness tear at the interface between the supraspinatus and infraspinatus footprints. (c) Axial image shows thickening of the posteroinferior glenohumeral ligament and capsule, consistent with glenohumeral internal rotation deficit. (d) A Bennett lesion, or mineralization of the posteroinferior glenohumeral ligament, is seen. (These images are provided courtesy of Hollis G. Potter, MD.)

While CT may be useful in assessing humeral and glenoid version, CT is rarely used for the evaluation of internal impingement of the shoulder.

18.4 Treatment

18.4.1 Nonoperative Management

Patients may be treated according to the stages outlined by Jobe. Patients with early stages of the syndrome describe poorly localized pain with stiffness. 5 These patients are almost always treated with rest and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Patients with more localized posterior shoulder pain typically require 4 to 6 weeks of rest and may benefit from physical therapy. 15 Physical therapy has demonstrated to be both therapeutic and protective against injury in numerous studies. 13 , 14 , 32

Therapy is directed to primarily stretch the posterior capsule and correct scapular dyskinesia. Posterior capsular stretching is achieved largely with the “sleeper stretch,” which has been proven to improve motion and prevent injury in high-level tennis and baseball players. 13 , 14 The anterior capsule, on the other hand, should not be stretched, as that may exacerbate anterior laxity. Because anterior laxity may be a potential cause of internal impingement, strengthening of the dynamic shoulder stabilizers should be emphasized. Additionally, core and lower body strengthening should be targeted to maximize efficiency in the kinetic chain. Proper throwing mechanics should also be reviewed. 32

Injections into Bennett lesions have been described. 33 These injections, however, have served diagnostic, rather than therapeutic, purposes. There are no convincing data to endorse injections for internal impingement in young throwers and these injections should therefore be used carefully due to the potential risk of permanent tendon damage.

18.5 Operative Treatment

18.5.1 Indications and Contraindications

Arthroscopic evaluation and treatment is indicated in throwing athletes with a prolonged history of pain and mechanical symptoms that correlate with radiologic findings and are refractory to nonoperative care. Contraindications include infection or concomitant medical illness that precludes surgery.

18.5.2 Surgical Planning

Treatment of the associated pathologies described earlier must be anticipated. To this end, all instruments and materials needed for the surgery should be available and/or be on the surgical field. With adequate planning, arthroscopic treatment of internal impingement should be accomplished in under 1 hour.

18.6 Surgical Technique

The goal of surgery is to treat only the pathologic entities without changing the osseous and soft-tissue adaptations required to throw at maximal velocity. Operative management includes a comprehensive diagnostic arthroscopy, labral debridement versus repair, biceps-labral complex debridement versus repair, rotator cuff debridement versus repair, and appropriate treatment of other associated lesions, if necessary.

18.6.1 Anesthesia and Positioning

Patients are administered sedation and a regional nerve block (intrascalene, supraclavicular). Patients are placed in a modified beach-chair position with a beanbag at the medial border of the scapula, which serves to elevate the ipsilateral trunk and allow maximal clearance posterior to the shoulder ( Fig. 18.2 ). The position is a slight modification of the usual beach-chair position in that the patient is more upright and the acromion is parallel to the floor. A sterile articulated arm holder is used to aid in arm positioning throughout the procedure. Prophylactic antibiotics are given and the skin is cleaned with ChloraPrep.

Fig. 18.2 Modified beach-chair position with a beanbag. The beanbag is positioned at the medial border of the scapula and elevates the arm in line with the scapular plane.

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