10 Wound closure and coverage techniques (III)
10.5 Regional flaps—principles and specific flaps
Authors Maurizio Calcagni, Pietro Giovanoli, John S Early, Yves Harder
10.5.1 Introduction
Regional flaps are characterized by a pedicle that remains in continuity with the tissue defect while the transferred tissue (eg, skin, muscle, bone) originates from the same extremity. If the pedicle consists of the vascular bundle, and sometimes an accompanying nerve and more or less of the surrounding adipose tissue (ie, pedicle without skin), the flap is called an island flap. Accordingly, these flaps have a longer arc of rotation in comparison to local flaps (chapter 10.4). A selection of techniques for the transfer of regional flaps must be part of the surgeon′s armamentarium in order to reliably treat soft-tissue defects following trauma. Moreover, the following factors will strongly influence the outcome of the flap:
the general condition of the patient (age, health risks, comorbidities, etc)
the local vascular status of the patient (comorbidities, etc)
the mechanism and energy of the trauma, ie, the visible extent of the injury as well as the invisible zone of injury, which is usually less evident or even hidden (chapter 10.3.3)
a careful clinical evaluation of the regional vascular perfusion in the area of interest using different imaging techniques (chapter 10.3.4).
It order for a pedicled flap to become an option, these factors must be checked first. In case the patient′s general condition is bad, comorbidities are present, or the extremity is severely injured, it has been proven that the outcome of the flap will be inferior compared to that in healthy patients and nontraumatized donor sites.
This chapter illustrates the most commonly used pedicled flaps: fasciocutaneous and muscle flaps as well as their surgical variations with regard to supplying pedicles, direction of blood flow, and tissue composition. The choice and details concerning flap dissection reflect the authors’ personal preferences. The proposed positions during surgery usually allow simultaneous and easy access to both the donor and the recipient site.
10.5.2 Fasciocutaneous flaps
Radial forearm flap
Anatomy and blood supply
The radial forearm flap is a fasciocutaneous flap that is supplied by multiple, vertically directed septocutaneous perforating vessels arising along the entire course of the radial artery, which run within the radial intermuscular septum. Proximally the radial artery courses between the supinator muscle and the fibrous origin of the flexor digitorum super-ficialis muscle. In the medial third of the forearm, the artery runs between the pronator teres and brachioradialis muscles, and further distally anterior to the flexor pollicis longus muscle. At the wrist, the artery may be palpated between the radius and the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle. From there, the superficial palmar branch passes anteriorly or through the thenar muscles to join the superficial branch of the ulnar artery forming the superficial palmar arch. At the snuff box, the first dorsal metacarpal artery gives off the princeps pollicis artery to the thumb and terminates in the deep palmar arch. The venous drainage is provided by the basilic and cephalic vein, respectively (superficial system), and by paired concomitant veins (deep venous system) that travel with the arteries and terminate in the cubital vein.
Indication and landmarks
For tissue defects of the upper extremity, the radial forearm flap having a long, wide and reliable pedicle is a very good option. It may be used in different compositions of tissues including fascia, tendons, nerve, and bone. It may also be used as a flow-through flap (eg, defect coverage proximally and revascularization of the fingers distally) or a sensitive flap, including the antebrachial cutaneous nerve [37]. The distally based pedicled radial forearm flap with retrograde flow is versatile and suitable for reconstructions of the hand, the fingers and the forearm. With a proximally based pedicle and antegrade blood flow the radial forearm flap is usually used for reconstructions around the elbow ( Fig 10.5-1a–b ). It has been challenged by pedicled perforator flaps (chapter 10.4), other fasciocutaneous or free muscle flaps. When planning a radial forearm flap, the patency of the ulnar artery with sufficient blood supply to all fingers must be assessed by the Allen test. This test is used to check the collateral circulation of the hand by alternating evaluation of the patency of the radial and ulnar arteries. It involves the following:
The patient is asked to make a fist for ~ 30 seconds with the hand elevated.
Pressure is applied in order to temporarily occlude both the radial land ulnar arteries.
The elevated hand is opened and should appear blanched (pallor can be observed at the fingernails).
Pressure is released, and the color should return within ~ 7 seconds, demonstrating adequate recapillarization due to a patent radial/ulnar artery.
In doubtful cases (eg, after direct trauma to the arm or in elderly patients), Duplex sonography or angiography may be indicated in order to demonstrate an adequate perfusion of the palmar arches. The size and position of the skin island for the flap are chosen so that they will fit the defect. The flap usually measures 5–8 cm in width and 8–10 cm in length. Its widest extension may reach from ~ 3 cm proximal to the cubital fossa to the distal crease of the wrist (ie, 10–12 cm in width and 20–30 cm in length) ( Fig 10.5-1c ). The landmarks consist of the cubital fossa, the palmaris longus muscle and the flexor carpi radialis muscle as well as the snuff box and, if visible or palpable, the cephalic vein.
Surgical technique
General procedure
The patient lies in supine position with the abducted arm on a hand table. Use of a tourniquet is optional, yet most often very useful for flap preparation. Complete exsanguination using an Esmarch bandage is not advisable in order to allow better visual access to the small septal branches.
Distally based pedicled flap with retrograde blood flow
After outlining the island flap on the skin, the dissection begins proximally on the ulnar margin ( Fig 10.5-1d ). The deep fascia of the forearm is included and temporarily fixed to the skin ( Fig 10.5-1e ). The incision is continued distally, identifying and exposing the radial artery and its associated veins. Dissection continues from ulnar to radial beneath the deep fascia preserving the paratenon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle as far as the ulnar aspect of the intermuscular septum. Next, the skin is incised on the radial side, again including the deep fascia, but taking care not to injure the superficial branch of the radial nerve. The brachioradialis muscle is retracted exposing the radial artery and its accompanying veins within the intermuscular septum radially ( Fig 10.5-1f ). The vascular pedicle can now be isolated as far distally as defined by the pivot point. All small periosteal and muscle branches are coagulated or clipped and transected. Proximal clamping of the vascular pedicle and releasing the tourniquet allows observing whether distal reperfusion and capillary filling of the flap′s septum and skin island and the fingers is adequate. If this is the case, the pedicle is divided proximally and the flap may now be elevated completely and transposed into the defect needing to be covered ( Fig 10.5-1g–h ). The donor site is usually covered with a split-thickness skin graft, possibly supplemented by dermal substitutes (eg, Matriderm® or Integra®) (chapter 10.2). If small-sized flaps are used, donor-site closure may be achieved by primary intention, possibly supplemented by a local advancement and/or a rotation flap, pedicled on the ulnar artery. The following modifications of the flap are useful:


Proximally based pedicled flap with antegrade blood flow
Elevation of the flap is performed in analogy to the distally based flap with retrograde blood flow. However, the pedicle is transected distally. The cephalic vein should be routinely included in the dissection of the vascular pedicle and followed as far as the cubital fossa, where a communicating branch to the concomitant veins of the radial vein is encountered. The concomitant veins can be ligated proximally to guarantee venous drainage along the superficial and deep venous system.
Osteofasciocutaneous flap
If a bone segment has to be included within the flap, the skin island should be planned between the insertion of the pronator teres muscle proximally and the tendon of the brachioradialis muscle distally. Dissection of the skin paddle is performed in analogy to the proximally based flap with antegrade blood flow, followed by an incision of the pronator quadratus and the flexor pollicis muscles on the ulnar side of the intermuscular septum. Then a longitudinal osteotomy is performed through the ulnar and radial cortices of the radius. The distal and proximal osteotomies are conducted in an oblique manner in order to reduce the risk of stress fractures. If periosteal and musculoperiosteal attachments are preserved, a bone segment of 10–12 cm by 1.5 cm may now be harvested.
Sensate radial forearm flap
To use the flap as a sensate one, dissection may include the medial or lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve that is sutured to a recipient nerve using neurography for monitoring.
Further specific variants of the radial forearm flap
It is further possible to divide the skin island longitudinally or transversally into subunits of skin vascularized by independent branches of the radial artery running within the intermuscular septum. Another possibility is to integrate the palmaris longus tendon within the flap as a vascularized tendon, which is a useful option for reconstructions of tendons in the hand. The superficial branch of the radial nerve may be transferred as a vascularized nerve accompanying the radial artery and concomitant veins. The adipofascial flap, ie, a skin island without epidermis and dermis, may be used to replace missing gliding tissue around tendons and nerves in the distal forearm or wrist. Appearance and function of the donor site are better with an adipofascial flap than with a fasciocutaneous flap, because normal skin will still cover the donor site once the adipofascial flap has been elevated. Finally, it is possible to elevate the flap in a suprafascial plane in order to increase the rate of skin-graft take at the donor site, in particular over exposed tendons [38, 39]. Finally, the radial forearm flap is even more versatile, if it is used as a free flap. Its versatility even increases if it is used as a composite free flap.
Most complications develop at the donor site including delayed wound healing and/or skin-graft loss with reduced function of the hand as well as hypo- or hyperesthesia along the dorsal aspect of the thumb and index (superficial branch of the radial nerve) (chapter 12.12).
Pearls and pitfalls
The flap is versatile in its use and one of the best flaps for the hand.
The flap has a wide, safe, and reliable pedicle.
Venous drainage may be provided by the superficial and/or deep venous system.
Gentle dissection of the skin island is advised in order to preserve the paratenon of the flexor tendons and thus ensure skin-graft take.
Careful flap elevation is recommended in order to preserve septal branches for vascularization of the skin island.
In situ preservation of the superficial branch of the radial nerve is advised.
Poor donor-site appearance may result if large skin islands are raised and the donor site is covered with a split-thickness skin graft.
Distally based sural flap (Video 10.5-1)
Anatomy and blood supply
The distally based sural flap is a fasciocutaneous flap with retrograde blood flow based on a dense arterial network surrounding the sural nerve, which arises from the superficial sural artery and the fibular artery. The former originates either from the popliteal artery or from the sural artery [40]. After perforating the fascia that separates the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscles, the superficial sural artery follows the lesser saphenous vein and sural nerve distally to the lateral malleolus. This artery is connected to a consistent network of musculocutaneous perforators from the fibular artery. The most distal one, which may be localized about 4 cm proximal to the lateral malleolus with a handheld Doppler device, is also the most distal pivot point for the flap.
Indication and landmarks
The distally based sural flap has a wide arc of rotation that easily reaches:

the distal third of the lower leg (chapter 12.13) [41]
both malleoli
the posterior aspect and the weight-bearing area of the heel [42]
the dorsum of the foot ( Fig 10.5-2a–c ).
The skin island may be elevated anywhere along the oblique course of the sural nerve and artery within the distal two thirds of the lower leg and it is designed to fit the defect. As a rule of thumb, the size of the skin island should not exceed the muscle bellies of the gastrocnemius muscle laterally, respectively medially, and it should be centered onto the pedicle ( Fig 10.5-2d ). Landmarks are the popliteal fossa, the crease between both heads of the gastrocnemius muscle and the posterior aspect of the lateral malleolus. Sometimes the lesser saphenous vein is visible.
Surgical technique
General procedure
With the patient in prone or lateral position, the island is outlined and the skin incised along the course of the pedicle in a straight, curved, or zigzag pattern. The distal pedicle is dissected—leaving ample subcutaneous tissue around the sural nerve, the adjacent superficial sural artery, and the lesser saphenous vein—resulting in a 2–4 cm wide adipofascial pedicle ( Fig 10.5-2e ). Next, the skin island is incised including the muscle fascia followed by ligation and transection of the pedicle proximally at the proximal end of the skin island ( Fig 10.5-2f ). Finally, the flap is elevated from proximal to distal as far as the defined musculocutaneous perforator, ie, the pivot point of the flap, and gently rotated into the defect. A donor-site defect of up to 4–6 cm in width may usually be closed primarily, otherwise a split-thickness skin graft is necessary for coverage ( Fig 10.5-2g ) (chapter 10.2). Following modifications of the flap are useful:
Distally based sural flap with fasciocutaneous pedicle Some authors advocate elevating the pedicle of a wide flap together with the overlying skin or use a tear-drop shaped skin island in order to prevent tension when transferring the flap into its recipient site [43].
Adipofascial sural flap
If a very thin and pliable flap is needed, the flap may be elevated without overlying skin. The donor site may easily be closed by primary closure of the skin. However, the flap needs split-thickness skin-graft coverage that may not take completely [44].
While the functional outcome is often good, the reported morbidity may be considerable with rates of partial flap failure of up to 27%, which mostly depends on the patency of the fibular artery. In case of peripheral artery occlusive disease, the sural artery network may be unreliable, possibly contributing to ischemic complications [43]. Fasciocutaneous flaps are more reliable than adipofascial flaps. Cosmetic outcome depends on the need of a skin graft at the donor site. Accordingly, the use of large fasciocutaneous flaps should be thoroughly discussed, especially in case of female patients.
Pearls and pitfalls
It is a straightforward one-stage operation without microsurgery and few technical pitfalls.
No major limb vessel is sacrificed.
Identification of the most distal musculocutaneous perforators (ie, pivot point) and the course of the pedicle is necessary using a handheld Doppler device.
It has a large arc of rotation.
A tear-drop shape of the skin island can reduce tension over the pedicle.
Primary closure of the donor site is required if the skin island is < 4–6 cm.
It is less reliable than muscle flaps of the leg.
Lateral supramalleolar flap
Anatomy and blood supply
The lateral supramalleolar flap is one of the types of flaps with blood flow, which depend on a dense arterial network that originates from the fibular and the anterior tibial artery. If the fibular artery is divided, the flap (ie, an extended Masquelet flaps) is supplied by a reversed blood flow.


The main vessel that perforates the interosseous membrane is located within the tibiofibular angle—lying ~ 5 cm proximal to the lateral malleolus and palpable as a depression—and anastomoses with the lateral tarsal artery distally. Proximally, this vascular network is interconnected with the vessels accompanying the superficial fibular nerve. Drainage is provided by a dense superficial venous network that accompanies the arteries.

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