1.8.6 Internal fixation of unstable fractures (types B3 and C)


1.8.6 Internal fixation of unstable fractures (types B3 and C)

Milton Lee (Chip) Routt Jr, Timothy S Achor

1 Patient selection/indications

An unstable pelvic ring injury alters the patient selection process since surgical treatment is essentially always indicated for patients with types B3 and C unstable pelvic ring injuries. In the past, nonoperative treatment consisted of prolonged bed rest, skeletal traction, body casting, and even mobilization despite significant discomfort due to instability. Nonoperative management of unstable pelvic ring disruptions leads to poor results including symptomatic pelvic deformity and nonunion [1, 2] ( Fig 1.8.6-1 ).

Accurate reduction and stable fixation have become the foundation of successful pelvic surgical management because they provide early patient comfort, promote improved healing while minimizing deformity, and avoid the ill effects of prolonged patient recumbency [36].

Acute pelvic ring instability after trauma is identified using several simple techniques. For most clinicians, screening x-rays are the initial alert to pelvic instability. Significant fracture displacements and/or hemipelvic deformities are usually obvious and easily noted on initial screening of plain pelvic x-rays [2, 6] ( Fig 1.8.6-2 ).

Fig 1.8.6-1 This pedestrian was struck by an automobile and had a minimally displaced pelvic fracture on her initial pelvic imaging. A mechanical evaluation for instability could not be completed with the patient awake because of her pain on attempted physical examination, and none was performed under anesthesia. Despite complaints of severe pelvic pain, she was treated without surgical stabilization. Follow-up x-rays revealed significant displacements due to the pelvic instability. Pain, with attempted mobilization and a compressive physical examination of the pelvis under anesthesia with image intensifier demonstrates the fracture instability.
Fig 1.8.6-2 The left hemipelvic instability and related deformity is obvious on this AP pelvic image. The right hemipelvic iliac fracture is less displaced but was also clinically unstable to physical examination.

On the other hand, minimally displaced pelvic fractures can also be unstable and such “occult radiographic” instability would be missed if x-rays are used alone. The physical examination using manual compression toward the midline and applied bilaterally at the iliac crests by the examiner should be the primary diagnostic tool for pelvic instability. Manual pelvic compressive examination identifies pelvic instability that plain x-rays often underestimate. The examining physician feels pelvic instability as structural collapse of the pelvis. When the unstable pelvis yields to the examiner′s hands, the alert patient will immediately complain because of the increased pain [5, 7].

The compressive examination can also be done using real time image intensifier when available to visualize the injured sites ( Fig 1.8.6-3 ). The image intensification identifies and quantifies the fracture displacements [7] ( Fig 1.8.6-4 ).

Pelvic instability can also be missed due to certain early treatments or interventions. Circumferential pelvic sheet and related commercial pelvic binders will occasionally accurately reduce even unstable type C pelvic injuries and a large number of open book injuries (type B1 or type B3.1). If the circumferential sheet is applied prior to initial diagnostic pelvic imaging and the resultant reduction is excellent, then the pelvic instability can be underestimated or missed entirely ( Fig 1.8.6-5 ).

When treating patients with pelvic ring injuries, the physician must evaluate the initial plain x-rays as well as the pelvic computed tomographic (CT) scan. In some instances, the axial images alone may underestimate the injury severity ( Fig 1.8.6-6 ).

While pelvic instability is the primary indication for operative management, other factors must be considered. Patient age is a common point of controversy when managing unstable pelvic ring injuries. While significant pelvic trauma occurs rarely in children, being a child does not exclude one from surgical management. Treatment methods are adjusted according to special considerations, such as the child′s size, the triradiate physis, and the periosteal envelope. In younger children, techniques such as suturing disrupted areas and protective spica casting are possible. Another unique aspect of children′s fractures is the incomplete but displaced injuries pertaining to the pelvis. These incomplete fractures may have a stable compressive manual examination, but still may require operative reduction to relieve skin and soft-tissue tension secondary to osseous deformity ( Fig 1.8.6-7 ). Implant removal is much more common after pelvic surgery in younger patients.

Fig 1.8.6-3 Bilateral manual compressive pelvic examination with image intensification. The examiner must be in a stable position with both hands located at the iliac crests. In this figure, the examiner′s left arm is adducted against the chest and the elbow is flexed. The examiner′s right upper extremity is positioned away from the imaging beam and provides contralateral resistance during the compressive examination. The C-arm is tilted to an inlet view and centered on the anterior pelvic ring. The inlet tilt demonstrates the instability and avoids superimposition of the examiner′s arms on the image.
Fig 1.8.6-4a–b Bilateral manual compressive pelvic examination with image intensification. a The unstressed inlet image. b The stressed inlet image revealing right hemipelvic instability.
Fig 1.8.6-5a–b a This patient sustained a motorcycle injury and had an unstable left hemipelvis as clearly noted on the screening AP pelvic x-ray. A circumferential pelvic sheet was quickly applied and clamped during his resuscitation, and the subsequent plain pelvic AP x-ray demonstrated an excellent overall reduction of the injured hemipelvis. b If the initial x-ray had never been obtained, the treating physicians could have missed or underestimated the extent of injury.
Fig 1.8.6-6a–b This adult patient has bilateral completely displaced sacroiliac dislocations and a right-sided acetabular fracture. The initial treating physician examined the axial pelvic computed tomographic (CT) scan image alone (a) and did not see the plain pelvic x-ray (b). The plain pelvic AP image shows the obvious spinopelvic dissociation. The AP pelvic image must always be evaluated along with the pelvic CT scan.

Similar to the very young patients, being an elderly patient does not obviate operative management. Older patients usually have associated medical comorbidities that complicate overall patient management. Poor bone quality is common in older patients and challenges standard reduction and fixation techniques. Osteopenia also can significantly compromise what should be routine intraoperative pelvic image intensification. The combination of constipation, abdominal ileus, and osteopenia can complicate pelvic intraoperative imaging and therefore fixation surgery in elderly patients. The strength and durability of fixation is decreased due to osteopenia such that elderly patients may warrant additional fixation implants. The technique of implant application must be performed even more carefully than usual in these patients since even slight over-tightening of screws might cause intrusion through the weak cortical bone. Treating physicians must be sensitive to the fact that pelvic ring instability can result from even minor traumatic events, such as a fall from standing. Insufficiency fractures in elderly patients may or may not be related to traumatic events and can be delayed in their diagnosis. Usually nonoperative management is selected along with protected weight bearing; however, when these fractures are unstable, the patients are unable to be mobilized routinely and may require operative fixation ( Fig 1.8.6-8 ).

Elderly patients also may have had previous surgical procedures and resultant scarring that impact surgical management. Despite these issues, elderly patients with types B3 and C unstable pelvic ring injuries deserve high-quality surgical care. Poor bone quality and resultant insufficient imaging make compressive bilateral pelvic physical examination essential to identify pelvic instability.

Fig 1.8.6-7a–b This 8-year-old boy was crushed by a bus sustaining numerous injuries including an unstable pelvic ring injury. He was resuscitated and underwent pelvic angiographic embolization for bleeding. His pelvis was displaced and grossly unstable. An open reduction and suture fixation of the anterior pelvic injury, along with closed reduction and screw fixation of his posterior pelvic injury were performed. His injuries healed uneventfully and the iliosacral screws were removed 8 months after injury.
Fig 1.8.6-8a–h A 72-year-old female patient fell three to four steps and reported pelvic pain. She had a medical history significant for a colostomy and diabetes mellitus. No manual compressive pelvic examination was performed, and the AP plain pelvic x-ray identified only an essentially nondisplaced pubic ramus fracture (a). She was discharged from the emergency department and treated with mobilization using a walker. One week later, she consulted her orthopedic surgeon because she was unable to walk even with the assistive device. A pelvic computed tomographic scan and reconstructed images demonstrated displaced parasymphyseal pubic ramus fractures and a Y-shaped sacral fracture. The sagittal reconstructed images showed the transverse sacral fracture component at the upper and second sacral junction with anterior displacement of the upper sacral and spinal portion relative to the caudal sacrum. The axial images also identified the sacral fracture (b–c). She underwent operative stabilization using percutaneous fixation for the sacral and pubic ramus fractures with excellent resolution of her pain (d–h). She healed uneventfully and resumed her prior activities.

2 Nonoperative management

Nonoperative management is rarely indicated for patients with unstable pelvic ring injuries. The fracture reductions as well as maintaining the reductions until union are significant problems. Many unstable pelvic ring disruptions can be accurately realigned using simple techniques, such as skeletal traction. In the acute preoperative phase, the use of traction is helpful to maintain the displaced hemipelvis in a near anatomical alignment and help with operative reduction. However, attempts to maintain the achieved closed reduction usually require methods such as prolonged skeletal traction and body casting. For most patients with unstable pelvic ring injuries, these treatments do not provide sufficient stability and result in subsequent loss of reduction, nonunion, and malunion [24].

Nonoperative techniques commonly restrict patient mobility to either the bed or perhaps a chair for 6–12 weeks. Other complications, such as deep vein thrombosis, pneumonia, muscle atrophy, and skin pressure ulcers are associated with bed confinement over extended periods. More aggressive, nonoperative management focuses on early patient mobility with protected weight bearing on the injured side. Crutches or other ambulatory assistive devices are used under the direction of a licensed physical therapist to try and mobilize the patient. Pelvic instability causes pain such that many patients require significant narcotic medications in order to attempt this mobilization. The physical therapist and physician must communicate clearly and identify any problems early on. Serial pelvic biplanar x-rays are necessary to reveal displacements and deformities before they become healed. Early detection of these situations is important to avoid late deformity [5].

Some patients with unstable pelvic ring injuries are unable to have operative management for a variety of reasons. Certain religious groups will not accept blood or blood product transfusions. This complicates the resuscitation efforts and also may prevent safe surgical intervention, depending on what operative technique is needed [8] ( Fig 1.8.6-9 ).

Significant medical comorbidities may prevent safe anesthesia. Morbid obesity can be so extensive that routine surgical devices, such as image intensifier, operating tables, retractors, and fixation implants are not sufficient to treat the patient ( Fig 1.8.6-10 ).

For morbidly obese patients undergoing percutaneous fixation, extra-long guide pins, soft-tissue protection sleeves, and screwdrivers are required. The surgeon should be aware that in some instances of excessive obesity, the C-arm is not powerful enough to penetrate the thick fat layers to demonstrate the bone landmarks.

Nonoperative management may be initially necessary when the surgeon does not have experience to treat the injury or works in a system without proper subspecialty consultants to help manage these complicated patients. In these situations the patient should be referred quickly to an experienced surgeon at a medical center capable of operative management.

3 Preoperative planning

Planning surgery is one of the most important parts of patient care. Developing a surgical tactic is best done without hurry and in a stress-free environment. The surgeon carefully considers all patient factors and the specific injury details to formulate the best plan. All the x-rays are examined so that nothing is missed. Pelvic models and 3-D images provide the surgeon with spatial details that are not available on 2-D films. The 2-D images are used to plan reduction maneuvers, clamp application sites, and also measure the available osseous fixation pathways’ dimensions, particularly the width available and the length necessary for screw insertions. These measurements, especially those of the posterior pelvic ring on axial CT images, alert the surgeon when unusual implants, such as additional length screws or plates, will be needed before surgery ( Fig 1.8.6-11 ).

Some surgeons use synthetic bone pelvic models to draw the fracture lines to better understand them. These pelvic models also help the surgeon to plan the reduction maneuvers and clamp application sites. This information affects patient positioning and surgical exposure planning. The pelvic models are used as templates for contouring plates that will be needed at surgery. Contouring several plates prior to surgery saves operative time and blood loss, and also alerts the surgeon to a variety of potential problems. The contoured plates can be sterilized prior to surgery. Each institution′s policies concerning preoperative plate contouring and resterilization are different so the surgeon is advised to check the hospital′s policy. A pelvic model is useful to anticipate the specific intraoperative imaging necessary to evaluate the surgical result. A thorough written preoperative plan is informative; thus, helpful to the surgical support staff [911].

Fig 1.8.6-9a–c External fixation management of a pelvic ring injury. a This 16-year-old girl sustained an unstable pelvic ring injury due to a high-speed automobile crash. She and her parents refused all blood and blood products according to their religious belief. b After numerous meetings with the family, the patient was treated with anterior pelvic external fixation alone. c Her pelvic injuries healed with deformity, and she developed symptomatic right pubic ectopic bone formation. The symptomatic bone was surgically excised when her overall health was optimized.
Fig 1.8.6-10 This computed tomographic scan scout image demonstrates a morbidly obese patient with an unstable left hemipelvis and femoral fracture. Morbid obesity complicates the management of unstable pelvic ring injuries in essentially every way. The physical examination for pelvic instability is compromised, as are the x-ray techniques.
Fig 1.8.6-11a–b The axial computed tomographic (CT) image provides a wealth of information for preoperative planning. a 1: The body habitus is muscular and not obese. 2: The bone quality is excellent. 3: The abdominal hematoma on the left side is significant. 4: The left sacral articular fracture fragment is segmental and could affect the fifth lumbar nerve root function and frustrate an open reduction via an anterior iliac exposure. 5: The left hemipelvic displacement and deformity patterns are noted. An open reduction using a posterior exposure would optimize the reduction maneuver, allow simple clamp placement, and reduce accuracy. 6: The upper sacral segment is not dysmorphic and after reduction, the osseous fixation pathway of that segment can be measured for its safe area for iliosacral screw application. 7: An iliosacral screw′s starting point, aim, length, and exact location can be planned, assuming that the open reduction will be accurate. b Postoperative CT axial image demonstrates realization of the plan.

4 Surgical techniques

4.1 Access

Standard surgical exposures provide anterior and posterior pelvic access (see Chapter 1.6). The Pfannenstiel, extended Pfannenstiel (Stoppa), and low midline exposures are the three most commonly used anterior pelvic exposures [12]. These exposures provide anterior pelvic access from the iliopectineal eminence to the symphysis pubis. For all three, the patient is positioned supine. To elevate the patient from the operating table and also to provide percutaneous posterior pelvic opportunity, a folded operating room blanket or two can be positioned posterior to and in line with the lumbosacral region between the patient and the operating table. For most patients with unstable pelvic injuries, the perineal area warrants significant cleansing including hair removal and topical antiseptics. Once the region is thoroughly cleansed, a topical skin adhesive is applied to the perimeter of the anticipated surgical field and improves adherence of isolation barrier drapes ( Fig 1.8.6-12 ). The penis, scrotum, and urethral catheter are included in the sterile surgical field when combined procedures are planned with the urologists or general surgeons. Antiseptic solutions prepare the skin, and the field is draped. The Pfannenstiel skin incision should be located approximately 2–3 cm cranial to the palpable superior pubis. In obese patients and those with significant displacements so that pubic palpation is not possible, C-arm image intensifier is used to locate the best site for the skin incision. The incision length depends on the extent of the planned work. If the surgeon plans visual and direct access lateral to the midportion of the superior ramus, then the incision should extend to that limit. In male patients, some surgeons prefer to identify and to protect the spermatic cord. Next, any traumatic inguinal soft-tissue injuries are identified, detailed, and explored. Occasionally the traumatic soft-tissue injury provides more than sufficient exposure for repair of the anterior pelvic bone injury. For most patients, the rectus abdominus raphe is identified and incised from the symphysis pubis to approximately 6–10 cm cranially. The rectus abdominus muscle inserts along the cranial and anterior pubic region bilaterally and blends with the thigh adductor muscle origins. The bladder is retracted posteriorly and protected with a malleable retractor, the rectus abdominus insertions are elevated incompletely, and the subperiosteal dissection continues laterally along the superior pubic ramus to the peripheral extent necessary to reduce and stabilize the injury. The pectineus muscles are elevated, if needed, to apply a plate at their site of origin. If the subperiosteal dissection is performed posterior to the rectus abdominus insertions, the inguinal ligament insertions at the pubic tubercles will be elevated as a single soft-tissue unit along with the rectus abdominus incomplete tenotomies. These technical details during the dissection improve the quality of the subsequent soft-tissue closure. It is not necessary to completely tenotomize the rectus abdominus insertion. Muscle relaxation for the patient is provided and maintained during surgery by the anesthesiologist. The benefit of muscle relaxation includes improving retraction′s exposure and making closure easier.

Fig 1.8.6-12 The patient is positioned supine on a radiolucent operating table. The pelvis and lower lumbar region are elevated from the table using a folded blanket positioned in the midline posteriorly. Elevation of the pelvis from the table provides posterior pelvic percutaneous access. The perineum is completely shaved, cleansed thoroughly, and then isolated from the anticipated sterile field using adhesive barrier drapes. One, both, or neither lower extremity can be included in the sterile field as needed. This patient′s right lower extremity will be included in the sterile field.

Bladder and urethral repairs by the urologists or general surgeons are best performed prior to the anterior pelvic reduction and fixation. Retracting at the traumatic pelvic injury site usually improves direct surgical access. Once they have completed their repairs, the wound should be irrigated thoroughly and then proceed with anterior pelvic bone reduction and fixation. In some patients, ongoing anterior pelvic bleeding is best controlled by reducing the bone injury first. In these instances the orthopedic portion is prioritized. Since the orthopedic surgeon will usually need a much wider surgical field that includes access to the posterior pelvis for potential percutaneous fixation, the orthopedic surgeon should always position the patient, clean the perineum, drape the operative field, perform the Pfannenstiel exposure that allows both bone and bladder work to occur, and then repair the traumatic and surgical portions of the wound during closure. Wound closure must always include accurate repair of the surgical exposure as well as the traumatic soft-tissue injuries, such as adductor origin avulsions, inguinal fascial disruptions, and rectus abdominus injuries. The extended Pfannenstiel or Stoppa exposure continues the dissection from the symphysis pubis along the posterior surface of the superior pubic ramus to the anterior sacroiliac joint. This exposure provides access to the peripheral pubic ramus’ posterior cortical surface, quadrilateral surface, and greater sciatic notch. Retraction of the bladder posteriorly and retraction of the iliac vessels anteriorly is eased by ipsilateral hip flexion which improves access. Communicating vessels are frequently noted between the iliac and obturator systems at the posterior cortical surface of the superior pubic midramus. These are ligated or coagulated according to their diameter as the dissection proceeds posteriorly. The periosteum of the peripheral superior pubic ramus and quadrilateral surface blend together with the iliopectineal fascia insertion at the pelvic brim. This tissue is incised and elevated. The depths of the Stoppa wound are best illuminated using a headlamp to improve visualization.

The low anterior abdominal midline pubic surgical exposure requires the same patient positioning and draping as for the Pfannenstiel exposure. The low midline skin wound extends cranially from the symphysis pubis approximately 8–14 cm depending on the patient′s size and body habitus. The rectus abdominus muscles is split along the linea alba and incompletely tenotomized as for the Pfannenstiel exposure, so essentially the same anterior pelvic access is obtained. The Stoppa exposure may also be performed with a low anterior pubic midline skin incision. The low pubic midline wound troubles orthopedic surgeons for several reasons. Primarily it is unfamiliar to most orthopedic surgeons or they have been taught that the peripheral anterior pelvic access will be limited compared to the peripheral exposure provided by a Pfannenstiel exposure. The low midline pubic healed surgical scar is more difficult to conceal with clothing and tends to be wider than a Pfannenstiel scar.

The posterior pelvis has three standard surgical exposures. One is performed with the patient positioned supine, while the other two require prone positioning. Accessing the sacroiliac joint with the patient supine uses the anterior iliac surgical interval of the ilioinguinal exposure. The patient is positioned supine as described for the Pfannenstiel approach, but the ipsilateral lower extremity is included in the surgical field so it can be easily manipulated during surgery. Hip flexion is used to relax the iliopsoas muscle and iliac vessels during surgery so they can be retracted easily. The skin incision is parallel to the anterior and middle portions of the iliac crest. At the midpoint of the iliac crest, the incision continues posteriorly and superiorly in line with the external oblique muscle fibers. The dissection proceeds through the fat. Next the surgeon should take the time necessary to identify the interval between the abdominal oblique muscle insertion and tensor muscle origin at the anterior iliac crest. The abdominal oblique muscular insertion is elevated sharply or with electrocautery from the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) region and proceeds posteriorly along the crest.

The iliac crest curves posteriorly and superiorly at its midpoint. The surgeon can either follow the dissection along the crest, or incise the external oblique fibers proximally in parallel with their bundles. The internal oblique and transversus abdominus muscle tendon insertions are elevated from the iliac crest at their common tendon insertion that is often noted to be located together with the peripheral iliacus muscle origin. Additional exposure is achieved by extending the dissection medially from the ASIS. First the anterior abdominal fascia is incised approximately 4–6 cm medial to the ASIS and 1–2 cm cranial to the palpable inguinal ligament. The caudal flap is retracted, revealing the lateral portion of the inguinal ligament. That lateral portion of the inguinal ligament is then incised so that it is divided in half, taking care to preserve the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve as it pierces the inguinal ligament in that region. The posterior half of the inguinal ligament is detached from the ASIS in continuity with the prior abdominal oblique insertion elevation in that area.

The iliacus muscle can then be elevated from the cortical bone of the internal iliac fossa. The iliacus and iliopsoas muscle retraction are eased by muscle relaxation, slight hip flexion, and the medial extension of the iliac surgical interval. The deep dissection easily extends from iliac crest to pelvic brim and from anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) to the sacroiliac joint. The sacroiliac anterior ligament tissues are elevated from the anterior and lateral cortical surface of the sacrum as needed. Retractor placement and clamp applications protect the fifth lumbar nerve root pathway along the sacral ala and the superior gluteal neurovascular bundle anteromedial to the sacroiliac joint ( Fig 1.8.6-13 ).

Access to the sacrum, posterior ilium, and posterior sacroiliac joint are possible using two common posterior exposures. Both require the patient to be positioned prone. Prone position requires special equipment such as articulated arm supports, head positioners, and padded chest rolls ( Fig 1.8.6-14 ). Blindness after surgery has been noted in patients who are positioned prone due to pressure on their eyes and episodes of hypotensive anesthesia. The genitals, patella, and chin are other common pressure points when patients are positioned prone. Choosing the proper posterior pelvic surgical exposure site is dependent on the injury and the planned procedure.

Fig 1.8.6-13a–e Anterior sacroiliac joint exposure. a The patient is positioned supine and elevated on a folded blanket placed posterior to her sacrum. The abdomen, bilateral flanks, and entire right lower extremity were prepared and draped routinely. The anterior iliac exposure of the right sacroiliac joint was performed, and the interval between the abdominal oblique muscle insertion and tensor muscle origin at the right anterior iliac crest was isolated. Then the abdominal oblique insertion was released from along the iliac crest as a flap providing access to the iliopsoas muscle and internal iliac fossa to improve the quality of the eventual repair. The external oblique fascial incision was made initially parallel to the muscle bundles, and then the common tendon insertion of the internal oblique and transversis abdominus muscles was incised from midportion of the iliac crest. b Deeper dissection within the anterior iliac exposure was accomplished by elevating the iliacus muscle from the internal iliac fossa. Medial retraction of the iliopsoas muscle was improved with complete anesthetic muscle relaxation and ipsilateral hip flexion. The deep retractors were positioned along the lateral margin of the sacral ala cranially and caudally so the sacroiliac joint disruption is easily seen. The sacral side cartilage and ligament injuries were exposed. c Medial and anterior sacral alar retraction allowed the surgeon to see the fifth lumbar nerve root and its relationship to the sacroiliac joint injury. The alar periosteum was elevated anteriorly and laterally to prepare the site for eventual safe and sturdy clamp. d Careful dissection improved exposure of the fifth lumbar nerve root, preventing injury during retraction and subsequent clamp application. The nerve root and its local periosteum were retracted medially during clamp application. e A 2–3 cm incision was then made along the iliac crest laterally and subperiosteal elevation of the gluteus medius muscle performed. This lateral iliac dissection provided access to the lateral iliac cortical bone for reduction clamp application.
Fig 1.8.6-14 Prone patient positioning is demanding. The anterior skin must be clear of all adhesive monitor leads and other equipment prior to rolling into the prone position. The anesthesiologist secures the airway and then positions the facial padding so that there are no pressure points, particularly on the eyes, nose, and chin. Padded chest rolls are positioned to suspend the abdomen and improve ventilation. The breasts, nipples, and iliac crests should be pressure-free sites. The genitals are relieved of pressure and, in all patients, the urinary catheter should be well located and without any traction and focal urethral meatus distortion. The upper extremities are placed on articulated arm boards with the shoulders slightly flexed forward, adducted, and internally rotated to relieve brachial plexus stretch. The ulnar nerve is relieved particularly at the elbow. The lower extremities are positioned on soft anterior thigh pads with the knees flexed so the toes do not contact the bed. The extremities should be secured to the table and arm boards once final positioning is accomplished.

The posterior midline exposure is familiar to spine and orthopedic surgeons. It provides sufficient exposure of the lumbar spine and sacrum, and the dissection can be extended laterally to include portions of the posterior iliac crests, if needed. The other posterior exposure for pelvic ring injuries is positioned lateral relative to the midline overlying the injured side′s posterior ilium. The skin incision parallels the posterior iliac prominence. The posterior fascia of the gluteus maximus is incised and the muscle is elevated from its origin and retracted laterally. Self-retaining retractors are not recommended since sustained retraction is rarely necessary. These retractors can crush the vulnerable posterior pelvic soft tissues and potentially contribute to wound problems. For posterior iliac fractures and sacroiliac joint injuries, the deep dissection is adjusted to access the injury site and apply necessary fixation devices. For sacral fractures, the deep dissection proceeds medially, the necrotic posterior spinal musculature is debrided, and the posterior nerve roots are preserved whenever possible. In certain sacral fractures, bone fragments are displaced into the sacral tunnels and may be related to nerve root injury. For these patients, the sacral fracture is distracted so the bone fragments can be removed. After reduction and fixation, the lumbodorsal fascia and then the gluteus maximus posterior fascia are repaired. The skin closure is done with tension-relieving sutures to decrease wound-related problems. The skin wound is sealed with a sterile barrier dressing to avoid fecal soiling ( Fig 1.8.6-15 ).

4.2 Instruments and implants

The most important aspects for surgery are reliable colleagues skilled in anesthesia, surgical nursing, and image intensification. The equipment inventory needed for safe and successful pelvic internal fixation consists of a radiolucent operating table, common soft-tissue retractors, narrow diameter wires, reduction clamps designed to accommodate pelvic osseous and soft-tissue anatomy, malleable plates of variable lengths, plate bending/contouring devices, and screws of sufficient diameter and lengths to fit the pelvic osseous fixation pathways. Obese patients may require extra-length retractors, drills, screwdrivers, a fortified operating table, and the best image intensifier unit and technician. Similarly, smaller children may require appropriately sized pelvic implants. The C-arm image intensifier unit and technician must provide high-quality images reliably, and the surgeon must have a complete knowledge of pelvic anatomy, pelvic osteology, and their correlations based on image intensifier.

Fig 1.8.6-15a–c Posterior pelvic exposure. a The posterior exposure is performed with the patient positioned prone. The perineum is cleansed thoroughly and isolated from the sterile field with skin adhesive and barrier drapes. The exposure is outlined in relationship to the injury and the proper side is double-checked to avoid wrong-sided surgery due to the confusion that can occur when the patient is placed prone. Image intensifier can also be used to assure the appropriate side. b The skin and subcutaneous tissues are divided, and the gluteus maximus posterior fascia is opened. Then the muscle is elevated laterally from its origin, posterior and medial to the sacrum. The anterior fascia is incised, and the sacral fracture is exposed using the traumatic interval and with subperiosteal elevation of the posterior sacral cortical fracture surfaces. c This patient had a closed degloving injury in association with her left-sided sacral fracture. Once the skin was incised, the extent of the degloving injury was obvious, and the deep dissection was facilitated by the trauma injury and fracture displacement through the erector spina muscles.

In the operating room, the C-arm unit is usually positioned on the opposite side from the surgeon. Once the patient is anesthetized and properly positioned, the surgeon may choose to perform a compressive bilateral manual pelvic examination under image intensifier guidance to demonstrate the sites and extent of instability. The overall pelvic reduction due to muscle relaxation, skeletal traction, and other positioning techniques are assessed and adjusted as necessary. The C-arm unit is then positioned to provide consistently reliable images during surgery. The technician and surgeon work as a team to position the C-arm unit while determining the necessary tilts and other adjustments needed for the pelvic inlet and outlet images. At each point, the technician should understand what specific osseous landmarks the surgeon is focusing on for that specific view, and the specific and consistent terminology to be used when referring to each pelvic image. The technician should mark the floor and the C-arm positions needed for each selected view. The marks on the floor and on the C-arm itself improve imaging accuracy and efficiency and decrease overall radiation exposure. During preoperative planning, the necessary intraoperative pelvic inlet and outlet tilts can be estimated on most pelvic CT scans using the midsagittal sacral reconstructed image slice. The midsagittal sacral image will reveal the exact osteology of the midsacrum [13] ( Fig 1.8.6-16 ). The surgeon should share these images and discuss the anticipated C-arm tilts with the x-ray technician prior to surgery. Once the x-ray technician understands the details of intraoperative pelvic imaging and what bone landmarks are important to achieve the desired images, the operation becomes much more efficient, safer, and less stressful. For more complex and bilateral injuries, it may be necessary for the C-arm unit to be initially positioned on one side and then switch to the other side as the surgeon again assembles the pelvic injuries sequentially. The surgeon must be patient with the x-ray technician during the transition and reorientation of the unit. Despite elaborate and often expensive special draping techniques, the lateral sacral image risks contamination of the surgical field as the C-arm unit is positioned. The surgeon helps the technician to position the unit safely prior to lateral imaging so that any wires, clamps, drills, or other devices protruding through the skin that are not easily visible to the technician on the opposite side of the surgical field are not struck accidentally by the C-arm unit. The surgeon and x-ray technician should communicate freely before, during, and after surgery to optimize the intraoperative imaging ( Fig 1.8.6-17 ).

Fig 1.8.6-16 This preoperative CT scan (sagittal image) through the midsacrum and symphysis pubis helps the surgeon and the radiologist to anticipate the amount of tilt that will be needed intraoperatively to obtain accurate and consistent pelvic inlet and outlet images. For this patient, the upper and second sacral segments are bamboo-like and therefore superimposed, so the intraoperative C-arm inlet tilt will be the same for each. Simple techniques of preoperative planning save operative time and radiation exposure.
Fig 1.8.6-17 After patient positioning, the C-arm unit is positioned and the anticipated images are obtained to ensure both consistent communication and reliable imaging. For this patient, prone positioning has been chosen and the pelvic inlet image tilt and rotation are being assessed and adjusted so the technician can transition more efficiently between the necessary images to decrease radiation exposure during operation and save operative time.

4.3 Reduction (closed, miniopen, open)

Pelvic reductions are accomplished using several standard techniques. External methods include manual manipulation, circumferential pelvic compressive devices, skeletal traction, and external fixation systems. Manual compression and circumferential sheeting are most successful when performed early after injury. Routine anterior pelvic external fixation devices are anchored to the bone using pins placed into the iliac crest and the anterior inferior iliac spine area. Posterior pelvic external fixation devices use sharp pins applied to the lateral cortex of the posterior ilium or the greater trochanter. Access for these devices is percutaneous using appropriately sized incisions. Usually the C-arm image intensifier directs the insertion of small diameter wires first, so the optimal insertion site and directional aim are both established. The wire is advanced into the bone and then the skin incision is made around the wire, and the wire is next exchanged for a drill to open the bone cortex. A cannulated drill can also be used over the initial guide pin, which is highly effective. Depending on the size of the cannulated drill and the planned bone-holding pin, the drill either prepares the entire pathway or simply makes a unicortical opening for the pin to be inserted. Then the bone-holding pin can be inserted through the small but accurately located wound and unicortical bone hole. If the reduction is approved, percutaneous fixation [14, 15] proceeds using iliosacral, superior pubic ramus, and other osseous fixation pathways-medullary screw sites to stabilize the fracture sites ( Fig 1.8.6-18 ).

Percutaneous manipulative devices use sturdy pins inserted into the bone either alone or as a part of manipulation devices attached to the bone pins, such as simple anterior pelvic external fixation, threaded bar compression-distraction devices, or more complicated devices that attach to the operating table.

Closed manipulation of unstable pelvic ring injuries is best accomplished early after injury and is most effective when the contralateral hemipelvis is stable. The sites of injury and their related deformities and displacements are first diagnosed and then detailed on the pelvic imaging studies. Deformity correction is attempted initially using external devices and then percutaneous techniques if necessary. In type C injuries, the injured hemipelvis often has the common multiplanar deformity of external rotation, flexion, distraction, and cranial-posterior displacements. Simple initial reduction techniques, such as manual traction on the ipsilateral lower extremity and pelvic circumferential sheeting, are attempted when the patient is first evaluated during the resuscitation phase. This simple maneuver often reduces the injured hemipelvis well and the manual traction is then exchanged to 4.5–6.8 kg of distal femoral traction. Rarely is more than 6.8 kg of skeletal traction weight needed to achieve satisfactory early reduction. Such traction is also contraindicated for those patients with caudal-anterior hemipelvic deformities ( Fig 1.8.6-19 ).

The skeletal traction is usually applied using a thin diameter wire in the distal femur, attached to a tensioning bow, and then connected to the weight using a simple pulley system on the patient′s hospital bed. The proximal tibia can also be used as long as the knee joint is stable. The optimal traction pin site is selected based on numerous patient and injury variables. Once the patient′s resuscitation renders some form of hemodynamic and overall clinical stability, an operative plan is made to exchange the temporary external reduction aids for definitive internal fixation. In some situations, the reduction achieved by the circumferential sheet and skeletal traction is approximate but the patient′s overall clinical condition may not tolerate a more extensive open pelvic repair. Working portals are made in the circumferential sheet allowing standard anterior pelvic external fixation and percutaneous iliosacral screw fixations [16, 17] ( Fig 1.8.6-20 ).

When the pelvic injury has good overall alignment as a result of the manipulations but has residual distractions at the injury sites, the iliosacral screws are targeted and sequenced to provide compression reduction of the distracted area ( Fig 1.8.6-21 ). Iliosacral lag screws alone rarely provide a perfect reduction but they can be useful during resuscitation to provide early internal fixation and stability [17]. If the manipulative reduction is unacceptable, then the reduction can be revised using open techniques and the fixation adjusted as needed. When postoperative imaging identifies an unacceptable closed reduction result, the iliosacral screws can still be used for definitive fixation since the open reduction will change the screws insertion site.

For certain patients with acute traumatic pelvic instability, circumferential pelvic sheeting accentuates their pelvic deformity but skeletal traction can still provide helpful correction ( Fig 1.8.6-22 ).

More complex multiplanar deformities in types B3 and C injuries may require oblique application of the external manipulating device using pins placed at asymmetrical sites bilaterally. The oblique orientation of the external manipulating device allows correction of the multiplanar deformities ( Fig 1.8.6-23 ).

Fig 1.8.6-18a–i The osseous pathways of the upper sacrum are different for dysmorphic and nondysmorphic patients. a This pelvic model shows both outlet and inlet tilts, and the corresponding axial CT images. This patient demonstrates a nondysmorphic or normal upper sacrum. The colored cylinders correspond with a variety of safe iliosacral screw insertion options in the upper and second sacral segments. The yellow tubes on each side represent the oblique sacroiliac style screws that insert posterior-inferior and are directed anterior-superior into the body of the upper sacrum beneath the sloped alar cortical bone and above the nerve root′s tunnel. The blue tube represents a transiliac transsacral osseous pathway. The pathway is located anterior-inferior in order to remain completely intraosseous and thereby avoid extruding through the alar cortical bone and nerve root tunnel. The orange tube indicates the safe osseous pathway at the second sacral segment. On the outlet view, this second sacral segment osseous pathway is consistently located at the level of the middle and lower thirds’ junction. On the inlet image, it is anteriorly located. The lateral sacral image reveals the colored cylinders (upper and second sacral osseous pathways). The osseous pathways of the upper sacrum are different for dysmorphic and nondysmorphic patients. b The yellow tubes indicate the oblique upper sacral nondysmorphic osseous pathways. The osseous pathways of the upper sacrum are different for dysmorphic and nondysmorphic patients. c The blue tube indicates the transsacral transiliac nondysmorphic osseous pathway. In this patient, a similar transsacral transiliac pathway (red) located cranial and posterior to the caudal-anterior (blue) is available but risks injuring the sacral nerve roots as they exit the spinal canal. The nerve root exit from the spinal canal is variable; therefore, this screw location (like all iliosacral screws) must be carefully planned and precisely inserted. The osseous pathways of the upper sacrum are different for dysmorphic and nondysmorphic patients. d The nondysmorphic second sacral segment′s osseous pathway is indicated by the orange tube. Because of the osteology, this is also a transsacral transiliac pathway. On the outlet image, the nondysmorphic second sacral pathway is consistently located cranial to the nerve root′s exit at the anterior neuroforamen and on the inlet image just posterior to the anterior cortical limit. On the lateral image, the caudal-anterior pathway is best seen. The osseous pathways of the upper sacrum are different for dysmorphic and nondysmorphic patients. e This is an example of symmetrical upper sacral dysmorphism. On the outlet image, the lumbosacral disc is collinear with the iliac crests. There is a residual disc between the upper and second sacral segments. The alar slope is more acute from posterior to anterior and from central to peripheral than in a nondysmorphic sacrum. The upper sacral nerve root tunnel exit points (neuroforamen) are misshapen and noncircular, compared to the lower foramen, and there are residual transverse processes (mammillary bodies) on the cranial posterior ala bilaterally. On the inlet (first) image, the upper sacral alar anterior cortical limit appears as an indentation (white arrow) relative to the alar anterior cortical of the second sacral segment (yellow arrow). The upper and second sacral alar anterior cortical limits are different but easily seen on the inlet view. The surgeon must understand these differences and then visualize them under image intensifier in the operating room because the iliosacral screws must be located posterior to these alar cortical limits. The osseous pathways of the upper sacrum are different for dysmorphic and nondysmorphic patients. f The dysmorphic upper sacral iliosacral screws must be oriented obliquely from posterior-caudal to anterior-cranial in order to remain contained within the bone. In the upper sacral segment, the anterior cortical indentations are easily seen on the inlet image. The osseous pathways of the upper sacrum are different for dysmorphic and nondysmorphic patients. g The orange tube marks the dysmorphic second sacral segment pathway. On the inlet image, the second sacral segment does not have an indentation anteriorly but the cortical limit is easily seen. On the outlet image, the pathway is slightly cranial to the second sacral nerve root exit site (foramen). Once inserted, the second sacral segment screw will obstruct the inlet imaging of the upper sacral alar anterior cortical indentation. For this reason in patients with sacral dysmorphism, the upper sacral segment screws are routinely inserted before the second sacral segment screws so that the anterior alar indentation can be best seen. The osseous pathways of the upper sacrum are different for dysmorphic and nondysmorphic patients. h Obliquely oriented screws are also possible in the dysmorphic second sacral segment as shown. The osseous pathways of the upper sacrum are different for dysmorphic and nondysmorphic patients. i All of the potential safe screw pathways for a dysmorphic sacrum are shown on these models and axial images. It is easy to see how confusing the inlet image could become in surgery if multiple screws were planned.
Fig 1.8.6-19a–b Skeletal traction is not advocated for patients with caudal and anterior hemipelvic displacements, such as this patient. Further caudal-anterior displacement due to the traction can cause stretch injury to the vascular tree and lumbosacral plexus.
Fig 1.8.6-20 This pedestrian was crushed in the pelvic region by the tires of a heavy truck. He presented with hemodynamic and pelvic ring instability. A circumferential pelvic sheet was applied, and he was resuscitated. The right inguinal area was accessed for pelvic angiography and embolizations by cutting a working portal in the sheet. Then he was taken to the operating room where working portals were cut in the circumferential sheet so that the iliosacral screws could be inserted percutaneously. Working portals allow the circumferential sheet to maintain the pelvic reduction while other procedures are ongoing.
Fig 1.8.6-21a–b Iliosacral reduction screw was used acutely during this patient′s resuscitation to decrease the pelvic volume as well as to realign and stabilize the posterior pelvic injuries. He became hemodynamically stable after the screws were applied.
Fig 1.8.6-22a–b This patient′s pelvic deformity is accentuated by circumferential pelvic sheeting. The sheet was removed and she was placed in skeletal traction. Her overall pelvic reduction was corrected and was acceptable in traction. She underwent percutaneous pelvic stabilization.
Fig 1.8.6-23a–e Multiplanar deformity correction with external fixation. a–b This lateral compression injury shows excessive internal rotation and some flexion. c The left hemipelvic multiplanar deformity was corrected in this patient using an obliquely oriented anterior pelvic external fixation device. The right-sided pin was placed between the iliac tables at the iliac crest. d The left-sided pin was inserted in a supraacetabular location. e Oblique distraction using a uniplanar single bar frame corrected the complex deformity and reduced the pelvis such that internal fixation could be used to stabilize the injury sites.

Successful open reduction is not easy but is best accomplished using well-positioned and sturdy bone-holding clamps according to a detailed surgical tactic. A single reduction clamp, if positioned appropriately, can correct complex 3-D deformities. For the anterior reduction of the sacroiliac joint through an open anterior approach, a large pointed reduction clamp is used. This is placed outside the iliac wing through a small incision over the iliac crest for the posterior or lateral tine, and the ventral tine is place over the anterior lateral sacral ala taking care to avoid the lumbar′s fifth root ( Fig 1.8.6-24 ). This technique allows for the placement of a screw into S2 if the lateral tine is blocking access to S1. Once the S2 screw is placed, the S1 screw can be inserted without fear of losing the reduction ( Fig 1.8.6-25 ). Clamp reduction using a Farabeuf clamp that uses screws to affix it to the bone is also possible from the anterior aspect of the ilium and sacrum. This is effective but has a tendency to open the posterior aspect of the sacroiliac joint if excessive force is applied during the reduction ( Fig 1.8.6-26 ). The Jungbluth clamp is a similar reduction clamp that can be used as well ( Fig 1.8.6-27 ).

Open posterior reductions can be performed from the posterior approach with the patient in the prone position. For sacral fractures, the posterior lateral iliac cortex and the posterior sacral spinous processes are predictable clamp application sites. A routine large pointed reduction clamp is effective but it must be positioned correctly. The deformity obliquity determines these clamp application sites. Commonly the unstable iliac side is secured by inserting the pointed tine into a small drill hole made on the posterior lateral iliac cortex, while the other tine is attached to the stable side on the posterior sacral cortical bone. The sacral spinous processes are good application sites for this clamp but the surgeon must avoid clamp application into the spinal canal area since clamp-related nerve root damage can result. With CT scan, the surgeon ensures that the posterior sacral lamina is intact and fit for any planned clamp application in that area [1820] ( Fig 1.8.6-28 , Fig 1.8.6-29 ).

Open reduction of iliac crescent fracture with sacroiliac joint disruption is accomplished using either a posterior surgical exposure or an anterior iliac exposure. The posterior exposure is performed with the patient in the prone position, so direct surgical access to the anterior pelvic ring injury is not possible as with the anterior iliac exposure. Regardless of the chosen exposure, the injury site is cleansed and then manipulated under direct vision using a variety of reduction clamps. Using the posterior exposure, a pointed reduction clamp is usually effective with one tine placed through a small cortical drill hole through the lateral iliac cortical bone on the unstable fragment and the other tine is located on the stable posterior iliac crest fragment. A Farabeuf clamp attached with bone screws can also be used to reduce these injuries ( Fig 1.8.6-30 ). If the anterior iliac exposure is selected, the reduction maneuvers and clamp applications are essentially the same as for sacroiliac joint dislocations [2123].

Fig 1.8.6-24a–f Open anterior reduction and fixation of the sacroiliac joint. a A 21-year-old woman (the same patient as in Fig 1.8.6-13 ) sustained an automobile injury. She had right-sided pelvic pain and notable pelvic instability on physical examination. This axial computed tomographic image of her pelvis demonstrates a displaced and unstable right-sided complete sacroiliac joint fracture dislocation. Open reduction and internal fixation was planned using an anterior iliac surgical exposure. b Sacroiliac joint reduction with clamp. The reduction clamp tines were next positioned through the two intervals—one positioned through the anterior iliac interval and the other inserted via the lateral iliac subperiosteal dissection. c The reduction clamp was positioned to correct the hemipelvic deformity and then maintain the compressive reduction across the sacroiliac joint. The sacral alar tine was positioned under direct visualization just lateral to the fifth lumbar nerve root. Both clamp tines were positioned so that they did not obstruct the planned fixation devices. The lateral tine can interfere with iliosacral screw insertion while the sacral tine may obstruct sacroiliac plate application. d The reduction clamp has been tightened. The fifth lumbar nerve root is visible and is not being stretched by the clamp application. e–f These two pictures of the pelvic model show the placement of a clamp. Note that by having the tine on the outer table of the pelvis the tendency to inadvertently distract the posterior part of the sacroiliac joints is minimized. The lateral view of the posterior ilium demonstrates the clamp tine location as well as its proximity to the greater sciatic notch and iliosacral screw pathway marked by the drill.
Fig 1.8.6-25a–e X-ray images of the reduction and fixation of sacroiliac joint. a The intraoperative pelvic outlet image demonstrates the alar and lateral iliac clamp tine locations, and the sacroiliac joint reduction. The drill is located at the second sacral segment within the planned osseous pathway for eventual iliosacral screw insertion. The clamp location does not obstruct the fixation for S2. b The intraoperative pelvic inlet image shows the sacroiliac reduction and that the drill is located safely within the cortical limits of the second sacral segment. The upper sacral anterior alar cortical indentations identify dysmorphism of the upper sacrum. This drill location would not be appropriate for the upper sacral segment but is well positioned in the second sacral segment. c After reduction and clamping, the true lateral intraoperative sacral image reveals the locations and relationships of the clamp tines and second sacral segment drill. Based on the intraoperative imaging, the reduction clamp′s lateral iliac tine will obstruct upper sacral segment screw insertion at the entry site. d The intraoperative pelvic inlet and outlet images show the different starting points, directional aims, and lengths of the upper and second sacral segment iliosacral screws. Each screw is located to accommodate the sacral anatomy available for safe screw insertion. The reduction clamp obstructed the upper iliosacral screw′s ideal starting point, so the clamp was relaxed under direct visualization after the second sacral segment screw was tightened. The sacroiliac joint reduction was maintained by the initial screw so the clamp was removed to allow for upper segment screw insertion. e The postoperative pelvic computed tomographic scan confirms the sacroiliac joint reduction and also the implants’ safety.
Fig 1.8.6-26a–f Reduction of the sacrolliac joint with Farabeuf or Jungbluth clamp. a The Farabeuf and Jungbluth pelvic reduction clamps use two individual screws positioned on each side of the sacroiliac joint to reduce the displaced ilium to the sacrum. The screws must be positioned so they not only maintain the reduction but also do not obstruct the planned definitive fixation. The drill position is carefully selected prior to making the hole for the screw on the alar side. When drilling the alar side with the sacroiliac joint displaced, the surgeon can parallel the articular surface to assure proper placement. A protective drill sleeve is used to avoid iatrogenic injury to the fifth lumbar nerve root. b If the drill is aimed too laterally, it will enter the sacroiliac joint and therefore the screw will potentially obstruct the reduction. c–d The Farabeuf clamp is tightened and the well-located screws have provided balanced reduction of the sacroiliac joint. e Too much compression at the visible sacroiliac joint surface can produce distraction of the joint surfaces caudally and posteriorly. Intraoperative image intensifier is advocated prior to fixation to assess the sacroiliac joint reduction after clamp application. f Similarly if the drill is aimed too medially, the lower sacral nerve root tunnels are at risk of penetration by the drill, depth gauge, and screw. In this example, the sacral side screw is aimed at the S2 nerve root tunnel. The screws are positioned so that they do not obstruct the planned implant.
Fig 1.8.6-27 The Jungbluth pelvic reduction clamp also uses iliacand sacral-sided screws to manipulate the injured hemipelvis and provide sacroiliac joint reduction. Like any clamp applied to the sacral ala, these clamps also risk iatrogenic injury to the fifth lumbar nerve root due to their locations. It is also obvious that the alar bone must be intact to use these types of clamps. These clamps are positioned lateral to the iliopsoas muscle and therefore usually require a significant amount of retraction to both apply and then maintain them until the implants are placed.
Fig 1.8.6-28a–b The reduction of a sacral fracture using pointed reduction clamps. The tines are placed into the posterior ilium and over an intact sacral spinous process. Usually several clamps are needed to correct the multiplanar deformity.
Fig 1.8.6-29a–e Open reduction of sacral fractures through a posterior exposure and clamp application. a The axial computed tomographic (CT) slice demonstrated an unstable transforaminal sacral fracture. b Pointed reduction clamps are routinely located obliquely to compress the fracture while correcting deformity. The common sites for clamp applications are at the caudal sacral bone and between the posterior iliac spine and the intact sacral lamina. In this patient, wide displacement of the sacral fracture is revealed on the injury CT scan. The fracture hematoma is noted because it is contrast enhanced. A posterior exposure was used to reduce the fracture with an obliquely oriented clamp located between the posterior iliac spine and intact posterior sacral bone. The intraoperative images show the clamp location. c–d Intraoperative C-arm showing the safe placement of the fixation. e Iliosacral screw fixation was selected to stabilize the fracture.

For sacroiliac joint dislocations treated using a posterior exposure, the clamp is applied for sacral fractures ( Fig 1.8.6-31 ). When the sacroiliac joint is exposed anteriorly, the pelvic reduction or Farabeuf clamp can be positioned using holding screws into the bone on each side of the disrupted joint. Another reduction clamp option is to apply one clamp tine on the anterolateral sacrum avoiding the fifth lumbar nerve root and the other clamp tine through a subperiosteal interval along the lateral iliac cortical bone. Regardless of the clamp type selected, any clamp location must maintain the reduction but not obstruct the fixation [24].

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Jun 13, 2020 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on 1.8.6 Internal fixation of unstable fractures (types B3 and C)

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