An orthosis is an externally applied device used to modify structural and functional characteristics of the neuromuscular skeletal system. Upper limb orthoses are commonly used in patients with upper limb disorders; thus members of the rehabilitation team should be familiar with the principles and applications of common upper limb orthoses.
Principles and Indications
The objectives of upper limb orthotic applications can be classified into three major areas:
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Protection: Orthoses can provide compressive forces and traction in a controlled manner to protect the impaired joint or body part. Restricting or preventing joint motion may correct alignment and prevent progressive deformity. Protective orthoses can also stabilize unstable bony components and promote healing of soft tissues and bones.
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Correction: Orthoses help in correcting joint contractures and subluxation of joints or tendons. They assist in the prevention and reduction of joint deformities.
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Assistance with function: Orthoses can assist function by compensating for deformity, muscle weakness, or increased muscle tone.
Classification and Nomenclature
Many different terms are used to describe upper limb orthoses. They are named by the joint(s) they cross, function they provide, or condition they treat. Some are named by their appearance, and still others bear the name of the person who designed them. To date, however, no single naming system has been universally accepted and used. The terms orthotic device and splint will be used interchangeably in this chapter, although the terms splint and brace are less preferred now because they imply only immobilization and do not suggest either improved function or restoration of mobility.
Biomechanical and Anatomic Considerations (eSlide 11.1)
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The wrist acts as the base for hand positioning and splinting, except isolated digital splinting. The weight of the immobile hand, gravity, and resting muscle tension tend to pull the wrist into flexion. This increases tension in the extrinsic extensor tendons, pulling the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints into hyperextension. Concurrently, the tension of the extrinsic flexor tendons is main tained and forces the interphalangeal (IP) joints [which include the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints] into flexion. The metacarpal arch of the hand flattens, and the thumb falls into adduction, resulting in a “claw hand” that is not functional. Prevention of this deformity is one of the goals of hand splinting.
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Bone configuration of the hand and tension of the muscles and ligaments in this region contribute to the creation of an arch system composed of the proximal transverse and longitudinal distal metacarpal arches. This arch system is vital for positioning the hand for normal function related to grasp and prehension. Incorporating these arches within the orthosis is essential to allow maximum function and comfort.
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The MCP joint is the key for finger function. When MCP joints are hyperextended, the IP joints flex because of the tension of the flexors and the delicate balance between the finger extensors and flexors. Extension stability of the wrist is important for optimal function of the hand. The wrist should be placed in slight extension to maintain flexor tendon length and to improve hand function. This position will place the MCP collateral ligaments in maximum stretch, preserve the anatomic arches of the hand, and thus oppose the development of a “claw hand” deformity. This position is also referred to as the “safe” or “intrinsic plus” position. It facilitates the weaker intrinsic motions of MCP flexion and IP extension, which are difficult to obtain.
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The hand is used during functional activities through basic prehension patterns: to pinch, grasp, or hook objects. There are two basic types of hand grips: power and precision. For the power grip, the wrist is held in extension with the fingers wrapped around an object held in the palm. The spherical grip is useful for holding a ball. The hook pattern is useful for carrying heavy objects. For the precision grip, the thumb is held against the tip of the index and middle fingers. Functional hand splinting is typically aimed at improving pinch. There are three types of pinch: (1) oppositional pinch (three-jaw chuck), (2) precision pinch, and (3) lateral key pinch. It is best to splint the hand toward an oppositional pinch. This allows the best compromise between the fine precision pinch and strong lateral pinch. No practical orthosis can substitute for or improve thumb adduction. When making a splint, the therapist should fabricate it in a position that enhances prehension and does not force the thumb into a position of extension and radial abduction. This position causes the rest of the arm to compensate for poor thumb positioning.
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When increasing joint range of movement (ROM) with splinting, the angle of pull needs to be perpendicular to the bony axis that is being mobilized. Otherwise, the forces on the skin and underlying structures may cause injury through excessive pressure on the skin and deforming stresses on the underlying healing structures.
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The improvement in ROM is directly proportional to the length of time a joint is held at its end range. This is known as the total end range time principle and is used with static progressive splinting. The load should be low and the application time long. The clinically safe degree of force covers a very narrow range.
Diagnostic Categories and Splint Examples
There are many common clinical conditions for which orthotic intervention is appropriate. This section gives a brief overview of the features of specific diagnoses and the corresponding type of splint that is commonly indicated.
Musculoskeletal Conditions
Tendonitis, Tenosynovitis, and Enthesopathy (eSlide 11.2)
Tendonitis, tenosynovitis, and enthesopathy can all result from excessive repetitive movements or external stressors. The upper limb tendons most commonly involved are wrist extensors and the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis muscles of the thumb. The goal of splinting for these conditions is to immobilize the affected structures to facilitate healing and decrease inflammation. For example, the forearm-based thumb spica splint used for de Quervain stenosing tenosynovitis immobilizes the wrist, carpometacarpal (CMC) joint, and MCP joint of the thumb. The IP joint of the thumb needs no fixation because the affected tendons do not move this joint.
Lateral epicondylitis is a common enthesopathy of the upper limb, which can be treated with a tennis elbow orthosis. This is a forearm band that changes the lever arm against which the wrist extensors pull. In essence, it puts the origin of the extensor muscles at rest and decreases the microtrauma from overuse. This orthotic device is a firm strap against which the extensors press when contracting; it is placed approximately 2 fingerbreadths distal to the lateral epicondyle. A similar orthosis is used for medial epicondylitis.
Trigger finger causes a snapping sensation in the volar surface of the digits on release of the grasp. It is usually a result of trauma to the flexor tendon sheath of the fingers or thumb, producing thickened tendinous sheaths and restriction of motion. In advanced trigger finger, the digit can become “locked” in flexion. The goal of trigger finger treatment is to temporarily halt the repetitive motion to allow the sheath to heal. Functional use of the hand should be maintained, although the affected digit is immobilized. The splint for trigger finger covers the proximal phalanx and MCP joint of the involved digit. It decreases the tendinous excursion through the first annular pulley at the base of the MCP joint and allows the inflamed structures to rest.
Sprains (eSlide 11.3)
Sprains are defined as momentary subluxations with spontaneous reduction that result in torn ligamentous structures. Sprains require joint immobilization in a position of function to allow for healing as well as functional use. Common sprains include dislocation of the IP and MCP joints caused by hyperextension and are often seen in sports injuries.
Splints commonly used for digital sprains are finger extension splints that hold the PIP joint in extension but allow flexion of the DIP joint. This position keeps the oblique retinacular ligament and terminal extensor tendon lengthened, preventing boutonnière deformities during the healing phase. Ulnar collateral ligamentous injuries at the MCP joint of the thumb are treated with a hand-based thumb spica splint to immobilize the joint during the healing phase. Wrist splints that place the wrist in slight extension are used for wrist sprains. For mild sprains, splints with no spline (metal bar insert) permit some motion and avoid creating significant stiffness. They also limit available range to approximately 40 degrees of total motion. Elbow neoprene sleeves are helpful for mild sprains in the elbow because they limit the extremes of ROM but allow some functional movement.
Fractures (eSlide 11.4)
Most major fractures need total immobilization by casting, surgical intervention, or both. Some fractures, however, do not need total limb immobilization and can be treated with orthotic devices. These devices should immobilize the body part or the joint sufficiently to promote healing while also optimizing function. A gutter splint is used primarily for phalangeal and metacarpal fractures. These splints extend from the proximal forearm to beyond the DIP joint and can be radial (immobilizing the index and long fingers) or ulnar (immobilizing the ring and little fingers; also called a boxer splint). The splint should be wide enough to surround both fingers and the wrist. Other examples include traction-type splints that allow for very controlled motion during the healing phase of intraarticular finger fractures treated with pinning. Joint movement has been credited with enhancing cartilage nutrition and preventing intraarticular adhesions.
Arthritis (eSlide 11.5)
Joint diseases of the hand and wrist have the most significant impact on function. Orthotic devices can provide functional positioning to prevent further deformity and loss of use in arthritic diseases, as well as to protect the joints from further injury.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects synovial joints. The most frequently affected joints in the upper limb are the wrists, MCP joints, and PIP joints. Deformities include subluxation and ulnar deviation at the MCP joints, subluxation and radial deviation at the wrist, and swan neck and boutonnière deformities of the fingers. These deformities usually progress, especially if no attempt is made to rest and protect the affected joints from overuse. Several options are available for splinting the rheumatoid hand. Ulnar deviation splints that pull the MCP joints toward radial deviation and increase the functional use of the hand are now lightweight and permit full MCP joint motion in flexion and extension. Wrist splints that provide light support for the wrist are usually well tolerated. Swan neck and boutonnière splints can be made from thermoplastics but are often bulky and cosmetically unpleasing. The swan neck splint allows for flexion of the digit but blocks hyperextension. The boutonnière splint holds the DIP or PIP joint in extension.
Osteoarthritis most commonly involves the CMC joint of the thumb. A hand-based or forearm-based thumb spica splint can be prescribed for CMC joint osteoarthritis . By limiting motion at the base of the thumb, the splint decreases pain, especially with pinching-type activities.
Neuromuscular Conditions
Nerve Injuries (eSlides 11.6 and 11.7)
When a peripheral nerve is injured, the level and completeness of the injury determines the extent of the deficit incurred. For example, in a distal median nerve injury, a simian hand deformity may occur, and the functions most affected are thumb palmar abduction and opposition. The goal of an orthotic device is to help restore this function. The splint usually has a spring coil design that holds the MCP joints in slight flexion but permits MCP extension. This splint also has a portion to position the thumb in palmar abduction.
Radial nerve injuries distal to the humeral spiral groove commonly present with wrist drop and finger drop. The goal in these cases is to enhance wrist and finger extension. A radial nerve palsy orthosis is based on the forearm, with an outrigger holding the wrist, fingers, and thumb in extension and allowing flexion of the digits.
With a proximal ulnar nerve injury, the patient has a “benediction hand,” characterized by hyperextension of the fourth and fifth MCP joints and flexion of the PIP joints because of the loss of balance between the extrinsic and intrinsic hand muscles. Here the goal is to prevent fixed deformity of the fourth and fifth MCP joints and improve function. An ulnar nerve palsy orthosis holds the MCP joints of the fourth and fifth fingers in slight flexion by a spring coil or figure-of-eight splint design. The spring coil design assists MCP flexion and permits extension of the MCP joints but blocks hyperextension. This can also be accomplished with a static splint that uses a “lumbrical bar” to prevent hyperextension of the MCP joints of the fourth and fifth digits. Thumb position is most often compromised in low median and ulnar nerve injuries, which leave the patient with no or a weakened ability to place the thumb in opposition and palmar abduction.
Incomplete nerve injuries can be caused by compression without producing complete paralysis (for example, in median nerve injury from carpal tunnel syndrome). The purpose of the splint is to immobilize the wrist to minimize swelling from overuse of the tendons. Complete resolution of carpal tunnel syndrome can occur if wrist orthoses are applied early, when symptoms first appear. The splint is molded to the patient from a thermoplastic that offers excellent conformity to hold the wrist in 0-5 degrees of extension. The splint’s commonly used name, wrist cock-up splint, is misleading and should be avoided because it implies that the wrist should be placed in extension. The patient should be instructed to reduce activities that stress the wrist and to wear the splint all night.
A word of caution is in order regarding prefabricated wrist splints for carpal tunnel syndrome. Many of these splints have an angled metal bar to hold the wrist in 45 degrees of extension. This angle far exceeds the recommended 0-5 degrees of extension needed to decrease pressure in the carpal tunnel. Patients need to be instructed to remove the metal spline, flatten it, and then replace it in the fabric sleeve. Usually, this splint should be worn for 4-6 weeks, with gradual weaning from the splint and return to activity with workstation modifications.
Cubital tunnel syndrome (compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow) can be treated with long arm splints that hold the elbow in 45 degrees of flexion, the forearm in neutral position, and the wrist in 0-5 degrees of extension, leaving the thumb and fingers free.
Brain Injury and Stroke (eSlide 11.8)
Depending on the area of brain injury and ensuing deficits, particularly if there is a change in muscle tone, orthotic devices should be designed to prevent deformities and help adjust muscle tone. Resting and positioning orthotic devices are also necessary to help prevent complications, such as distal edema, joint subluxation, and contracture formation. In upper limb paralysis, a resting hand splint is commonly used to position the wrist in slight extension, the MCP joints in slight flexion, and the IP joints in extension. The thumb is supported in a position between palmar and radial abduction. Full support of the first CMC joint prevents ligamentous stresses on the thumb, especially in the insensate hand. This thumb position uses a reflex-inhibiting posture to decrease tone in the hand. The antispasticity ball splint places the fingers and hand in a reflex-inhibiting position and serves to reduce tone.
A mobile arm support can be used to enhance function for patients with proximal upper limb weakness, especially when the weakness is profound and the outlook for recovery is guarded. A mobile arm support is particularly helpful when activities of daily living, such as eating and grooming, are performed. When attached to a wheelchair with a swivel joint, the mobile arm support is often called a balanced forearm orthosis.
Many types of slings are available for patients with decreased tone in the upper limb. Decreased tone can result in shoulder subluxation, and a sling can decrease this deformity. These slings restrict active motion of the shoulder by keeping the humerus in adduction and internal rotation and placing the elbow in flexion. They are designed to unload the weight of the arm on the shoulder, but they do not approximate the humeral head back into the glenoid fossa. Slings or half-arm trays do not completely correct shoulder subluxation. The arm trough or half-lap board is often preferred because it does not restrict use of the limb and places the humerus in a position that is more naturally approximated into the glenoid fossa.
Spinal Cord Injury (eSlides 11.9 and 11.10)
In patients with spinal cord injury, orthotic devices are needed to enhance function, help with positioning, or both. The type of device depends on the level of injury and the extent of neurologic compromise. With spinal cord injury at the C1-C3 level, the goals are to prevent contractures and hold the wrist and digits in a position of function with a resting hand splint. In a C4-level injury, the goal is to use the available shoulder strength by providing mobile arm support to enhance function, as previously described. In a C5-level injury, the goal is to statically position the wrist in extension with a ratchet-type hinged orthotic device to hold devices and use the shoulder musculature for function. An orthotic device for a C6 tetraplegia patient can enhance finger flexion with a tenodesis flexion effect from wrist extension. For example, a Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago tenodesis splint, molded from thermoplastic materials, has several positioning components. A thumb post component positions the thumb in palmar abduction. A dorsal finger piece component, which is attached with a static line to a volar forearm component, holds the PIP joints of the index and long fingers in slight flexion. When the patient extends the wrist, the static line pulls the fingers toward the thumb post. This produces a three-point pinch, allowing the patient to grasp an object. When the patient relaxes the wrist, the fingers extend passively, releasing the object. The degree of pinch varies depending on the strength of the wrist extensors and the degree of finger flexion, extension, and opposition. This custom-made thermoplastic tenodesis device is mainly used in training and practice. If a patient finds the device useful, a light metal custom-made tenodesis orthosis achieves better functional restoration. An adaptive or functional use orthosis promotes functional use of an upper limb that is impaired because of weakness, paralysis, or loss of a body part. An example is the universal cuff, which encompasses the hand and holds various small items, such as a fork, pen, or toothbrush, to enhance independence.
Orthoses for Other Injuries
Postsurgical and Postinjury Orthoses (eSlides 11.11, 11.12, and 11.13)
Many types of splints have been developed to help regain motion in stiff joints. Examples of such splints include dynamic elbow flexion and extension splints after upper arm or elbow fracture, dynamic wrist flexion and extension splints after a Colles fracture, and dynamic finger flexion and extension splints for stiffness after crush injuries to the hand. Similar splints can be fabricated with a static progressive approach. Joints that have a soft end feel do well with dynamic splints. Those with a rigid end feel typically respond better to a static progressive approach that will maintain a constant joint position while the tissue gently accommodates to the tension, without the influence of gravity or motion. Examples of static progressive splints are the Joint Jack or cinch straps and splints for PIP and DIP joint contractures with the MERiT components. Selection of forearm-based or hand-based splints is determined by the need for stabilization. In general, the goal is to immobilize as few joints as feasible. Forearm pronation–supination splints with both dynamic and static features are very helpful in regaining motion after fractures of the radius and ulna.
Several splint designs are currently used after repair of tendon injuries. The type of surgical procedure or injury level often dictates the type of splint used so that the splints cannot be used interchangeably. After flexor tendon repair, Kleinert and Duran splints are commonly used. The Kleinert splint features dynamic traction into flexion but allows active digit extension within the constraints of the splint. The Duran splint statically positions the wrist and MCP joints in flexion and IP joints in extension. The Indiana Protocol splint can also be used. This splint adds a tenodesis-type action splint to the Kleinert componentry for specific, active-assisted ROM exercises. It can be used only if a specific surgical suture technique has been used.
The type of extensor tendon repair splint depends on the level of injury. A mallet finger injury requires only a Stax splint, which is a static splint holding the DIP joint in full extension. A more proximal injury, however, needs a splint that holds the wrist statically in extension, with dynamic extension of the MCP and IP joints. Such a splint permits active flexion of the MCP joints within the constraints of the splint to an angle of approximately 30 degrees. Injuries to the thumb flexor or extensor tendons require more specific splinting that depends on the level of the injury.
Postoperative joint replacements for the PIP, DIP, or MCP joints of the hand require specific splints that promote healing or encapsulation of the joints while preserving ROM during the healing phases.
Orthoses for Burns (eSlide 11.14)
After burn injuries, body parts should be repositioned to prevent the development of expected deformities. For example, in burns of the dorsal surface of the hand, the wrist is placed in 15-20 degrees of extension, the MCP joints in 60-70 degrees of flexion, the PIP and DIP joints in full extension, and the thumb between radial and palmar abduction. If tendons are exposed, flexion of the MCP joints should be decreased to 30-40 degrees to keep some slack in the tendons until there is wound closure. Palmar hand burns require maximum stretching to counteract the contracting forces of the healing burn. The antideformity position of a palmar burn consists of 15-20 degrees of wrist extension, extension of the MCP and IP joints, digital abduction, and thumb abduction and extension. This has been referred to as an “open palm” or “pancake” position. For prevention of shoulder adduction deformity after axillary burns, the shoulder should be held in abduction with an airplane splint. The tendency toward hypertrophic scarring after a burn is addressed with a selection of compression garments, elastomer molds, facial splints, gel shell splints, and silicone gel sheeting.
Pediatric Applications ((eSlide 11.15)
Major reasons for the use of orthoses in the pediatric patients include functional positioning, normalizing muscle tone, postoperative protection, and positioning after surgery for a congenital deformity. Orthotic management of the child must consider the child’s age, developmental status, growth, and functional status. Orthoses are expected to last at least a year, so the material must accommodate some growth, as well as be durable and safe (especially when used in young children who have a tendency to chew on their hand braces). Parents should be educated on how to apply the orthosis and watch for any skin injury related to the orthosis.
Children with abnormal tone or progressive neuromuscular disorders are at higher risk for contracture development. A major rationale for controlling the degree of contracture development is to minimize the adverse effects of contractures on function. It is important to acknowledge that static positioning of the limbs in patients with weak musculature is the most important cause of contracture development. Upper limb contractures may not negatively affect function if they are mild. Stretching and ROM exercises are the mainstays in preserving function.
Special Considerations
Splints can be perfectly designed and skillfully fabricated but are useless if not worn. The more choice and input patients have in splint design, the more compliant they are with splint wear. The wearing schedule depends on the goals for the splint and the patient’s tolerance for wearing it. For example, a patient with a brain injury who is “storming” (i.e., sweating excessively and posturing) may tolerate a resting hand splint for positioning for just 30 minutes on and 3 hours off. In contrast, a patient with stroke and mild spasticity could wear a resting hand splint for 2 hours on and 2 hours off during the day and keep it on all night. Static progressive splint wear depends on the tissue response to gentle stretching. The stretch should be perceived as mild, and it should never awaken the patient at night. In a patient with both flexion and extension splinting needs, the flexion splint can be worn 1 hour on and 2 hours off during the day and the extension splint can be worn at night.
Blueness or redness of the digits when wearing a splint tells the observer that an overly aggressive stretch is being applied to the shortened neurovascular bundles. These structures sometimes shorten because of joint contractures, in which case the splint tension must be decreased and the contracture stretch should be less aggressive. Skin checks should be performed after a splint is removed. More frequent checks should be done, especially if the splint is new or has been recently changed. Complaints of pain or tenderness may signal where to focus the examination. The skin is examined for abrasions and erythema. A blanchable lesion will lose its redness when pressed and is not as serious as a nonblanchable lesion, which reflects underlying tissue injury.
Orthotic Materials
Most splinting materials are low-temperature thermoplastics. Many are known by their trademark names, such as Orthoplast, Aquaplast, and Orfit. Low-temperature thermoplastics become soft and pliable when exposed to relatively low temperatures and can be shaped in a water bath at 150° F to 180° F (66° C–82° C). High-temperature thermoplastics are more durable but require oven heating (up to 350° F, or 177° C) and placement over a mold to achieve the desired shape.