The current issue of Orthopedic Clinics of North America has three topics dedicated to orthopedic trauma, which we trust you will find timely and potentially useful in your clinical practice. Intramedullary nailing of tibia fractures typically presents a technical challenge when treating proximal injuries. Malreductions are frequent without the use of blocking screws, certain reduction techniques, and alternative positioning. Drs Mir and Stinner have provided their expertise in treating these particular injuries in their review/technique article. Peripheral nerve injuries are a dreaded complication of surgical treatment of fractures and other orthopedic conditions. These can occur preoperatively, intraoperatively, or postoperatively due to compression, traction, ischemia, or a combination of mechanisms. Dr Plastaras and colleagues have tackled this topic in the form of two articles: upper extremity and lower extremity peripheral nerve traction injuries. Finally, Dr Sullivan and colleagues have written on the complex topic of spondylopelvic dissociation. Whereas unilateral sacral fractures are typically part of the injury pattern seen in many pelvic ring injuries and are well-understood, U-shaped and related patterns can be missed, are treated with unfamiliar methods, and, if not properly treated, can lead to complete loss of sacral nerve function. I hope that you and our readers enjoy this particular issue.
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