Tips, Tricks, and Pearls
“Second-hand gold is as good as new.”
There are numerous conundra that the arthroscopic shoulder surgeon faces every day that can make a case go from nearly impossible to relatively smooth if the solutions are known. In this chapter, we present some of our favorite solutions to problems that are seen quite frequently. We begin with a few broad topics such as patient positioning, portals, and visualization. Next, we present specific suggestions for arm maneuvering, using a spinal needle in surgery, and knowing when good enough is enough. We conclude with an array of miscellaneous tips, tricks, and pearls that we have learned over the years doing complex shoulder arthroscopy.
Although the beach chair position is very intuitive to learn shoulder arthroscopy, we prefer the lateral decubitus position for improved visualization and cerebral perfusion. However, we will often lean the patient’s upper torso backward ˜20° to 30° to match their native scapular protraction, so their glenoid is positioned parallel to the floor (Fig. 9-1A, B). The arthroscope is then parallel to the glenoid and to the floor (Fig. 9-1C). This not only improves the orientation of the glenoid for the surgeon but also decreases the chance the surgeon will have to lean over the patient to work through the anterior portals.
After the patient is safely padded and secured in position, we make our posterior viewing portal. However, instead of memorizing distances from the posterolateral acromion, we create our posterior portal parallel to the glenoid in the inferior half of the glenohumeral joint (Fig. 9-2). This is accomplished by taking one hand and stabilizing the acromion and distal clavicle while using the other hand to translate the patient’s humeral head anterior and posterior relative to the tip. Once the patient’s glenohumeral joint is identified, it is marked on the skin, an incision is made, and the scope sheath and obturator are aimed toward the coracoid process. Once the scope sheath and obturator enter the soft tissue of the posterior shoulder, we have found in larger shoulders that it is sometimes helpful to have our assistant internally and externally rotate the arm (“the washing machine”), which can differentiate the moving humeral head from the stationary glenoid. We have also found that having the assistant apply internal rotation to the patient’s arm can make the posterior joint capsule taut, which can aid in entering the joint.

process ensures that the final cannula will have the proper angle of approach (Fig. 9-3D). We typically use cannulas for the anterior, anterosuperolateral, and lateral portals, whereas the majority of the other portals are percutaneous. However, for most instability cases, we use cannulas for the anterior, anterosuperolateral, and posterior portals (Fig. 9-4).

![]() FIGURE 9-7 (A) The Twist-In (Arthrex, Naples, FL) cannula inserter (yellow) has the ideal shape for plugging percutaneous accessory portals (B) during shoulder arthroscopy to stop fluid outflow. |
The Cowboy’s Conundrum: Plug an Unused Leaking Portal
The Surgeon’s Solution: Use the Obturator from a Twist-In Cannula as a Plug
As we have shown, rapid outflow of arthroscopy fluid from portals harms visualization. The “Dutch Boy” technique, using manual digital pressure to stop outflow, usually is sufficient but has the disadvantage of requiring constant attention from assistants.
The plastic inserter for a Twist-In cannula (Arthrex, Naples, FL) has a convenient size and shape for plugging accessory portals (#11 blade stabs) that are no longer being used (e.g., anterior portals during work on the posterosuperior cuff) (Fig. 9-7).
This technique frees the assistant from constant attention to plugging the leak.
The Cowboy’s Conundrum: How to Seal a Leaking Cannula
The Surgeon’s Solution: Suture adjacent to the Cannula

If the skin incision for a cannula has been inadvertently made too large or has been affected by swelling, fluid may leak around the cannula and cause visualization problems.
To solve this problem, simply seal off the cannula by closing the edge of the skin incision with a temporary monofilament (O or 2-O) suture (Fig. 9-8).
The Cowboy’s Conundrum: How to Manage Shoulder Swelling during Arthroscopy
The Surgeon’s Solution: Follow These Essential “Pearls”
It is very important to understand that significant shoulder swelling is inevitable during all but the simplest shoulder arthroscopies. Swelling indicates that the surgeon is running the arthroscopy pump at a high enough pressure to ensure good visualization (typically at least 60 mm Hg). In fact, trying to prevent swelling is a common mistake in shoulder arthroscopy, which leads to poor visualization, longer surgical times, more frustration, and inferior technical results.
The key to shoulder swelling is management of this phenomenon, not prevention.
The most critical thing to understand about swelling while performing lateral position shoulder arthroscopy is that the neck is dependent. Therefore, the airway potentially may be compromised if the neck becomes too edematous. The following points are critical:
The anesthesiologist must place an endotracheal tube for the case, not use a laryngeal mask airway (LMA). A CRNA, AA, or anesthesiologist who doesn’t have experience in lateral shoulder arthroscopy might not understand about potential airway compromise from arthroscopy fluid swelling.
The anesthesiologist must not extubate the patient until he has checked for an air leak around the ET tube or otherwise thoroughly assessed the neck for excessive swelling.
![]() FIGURE 9-8 Fluid leaking from around a cannula can be stopped by temporarily suturing the edge of the skin incision (arrow). |
If there is any question about potential airway compromise, the patient should be left intubated postoperatively and kept sitting upright in the post-operative area. When this is necessary, it is usually not for very long (<30 minutes), as swelling rapidly decreases after surgery, especially if the patient is sitting upright. When a patient is left intubated in the post-operative area for airway swelling, we usually still expect outpatient discharge.
Patients at risk for neck swelling (typically complex cases in patients 60s and older) should be counseled about the possibility of waking up from surgery with the ET tube in place.
If the surgeon plans to perform an arthroscopic biceps tenodesis at the articular margin (our preferred technique), the biceps tendon must be whipstitched outside the body fairly quickly after the case is started, otherwise swelling may prevent the tendon from being pulled far enough out to suture.
![]() FIGURE 9-9 Significant swelling after a complex shoulder arthroscopy (A) resolves very quickly (B, C) after surgery. |
There are two other anatomic locations around the shoulder that can become fairly “tight” if significant swelling occurs:
1. The superior glenohumeral joint space.
2. The posterolateral gutter of the subacromial space.
Besides the above-mentioned exceptions, large to massive shoulder swelling is rarely a technical challenge as long as some tricks for managing this are known:
Place the posterior portal “lower” (inferior) and more medial than the “standard” location taught by most authors (1 to 2 cm distal and medial to the anterolateral corner of the acromion). Our posterior portal is usually about 4 cm distal to the posterior border of the acromion. Enter the joint in the posteroinferior quadrant.
Make all other portals using an “outside-in” technique using a spinal needle to verify the correct skin location and angle. Don’t remove the spinal needle until the skin incision has been made and the next instrument placed.
Case Example: A 63-year-old man underwent repair of a massive, retracted, three-tendon rotator cuff tear. The surgical time was 3 hours 40 minutes, and 12 suture anchors were used for the repair. Photographs of the shoulder at the
time of closure (Fig. 9-9A) and on postoperative day 1 (Fig. 9-9B) show how much swelling occurred and how quickly this resolved: the shoulder is normal in size <24 hours after surgery (Fig. 9-9C). This patient was kept intubated for 20 minutes in the post-operative area of an ambulatory surgery center with the anesthesiologist confirming a clear air leak prior to extubation. He was discharged as an outpatient without any complication.
time of closure (Fig. 9-9A) and on postoperative day 1 (Fig. 9-9B) show how much swelling occurred and how quickly this resolved: the shoulder is normal in size <24 hours after surgery (Fig. 9-9C). This patient was kept intubated for 20 minutes in the post-operative area of an ambulatory surgery center with the anesthesiologist confirming a clear air leak prior to extubation. He was discharged as an outpatient without any complication.
In addition to managing fluid pressures and bleeding, going from a 30° to a 70° arthroscope can make a world of difference in terms of visualization. Sometimes an occult subscapularis tear can only be seen with a 70° arthroscope (Fig. 9-10). We have also found the 70° arthroscope to be useful for evaluating subscapularis tears that extend more than 30% of the footprint from cephalad to caudal (Fig. 9-11). The 70° arthroscope can also be very helpful in appreciating labral pathology, biceps tears and instability, coracoid preparation, and AC joint stabilization and resection.
The Cowboy’s Conundrum: Visualization in Key Areas Can Be Greatly Improved by Switching between 30° and 70° Scopes, but Isn’t This Time Consuming and Cumbersome?
The Surgeon’s Solution: Watch This!

There are several helpful maneuvers the surgical assistant may perform that can not only improve visualization but also change the angle of approach. Shoulder adduction is often helpful to improve the angle of approach for insertion of the medial row of anchors in the greater tuberosity for a rotator cuff repair, while shoulder abduction often improves the angle of approach for the lateral row. Internal rotation of the arm can improve visualization for anterior instability surgery, posterior rotator cuff preparation, and the angle of approach for anchor placement and suture passage with a HAGL lesion. External rotation of
the arm can improve visualization for posterior instability surgery, the biceps tendon (Fig. 9-13), and the angle of approach for anchor placement and suture passage with a reverse HAGL lesion.
the arm can improve visualization for posterior instability surgery, the biceps tendon (Fig. 9-13), and the angle of approach for anchor placement and suture passage with a reverse HAGL lesion.

We have found the 18-gauge spinal needle to be an extremely versatile tool in shoulder arthroscopy. We have already mentioned how we use spinal needles for out-flow to improve visualization, triangulation, and portal creation. However, there are many other uses including but not limited to passing sutures (Fig. 9-15), stabilizing structures, and retracting tissues (Fig. 9-16).

An interesting concept when performing any arthroscopic procedure in the shoulder is to know “when you are done.” The surgeon should have a specific technical “end point” in mind for each major step in the procedure, not just for the end result. For instance, in arthroscopic instability surgery, when is the anterior labrum mobilized enough to move on to the next step in the operation? We believe this level of technical expertise in arthroscopic shoulder surgery truly improves patient outcomes and that it is an integral part of the surgeon’s burden of craft.
![]() FIGURE 9-17 Left shoulder, anterosuperolateral viewing portal. After capsulolabral (CL) mobilization, the subscapularis muscle belly is visible deep to the capsule. G, glenoid; M, muscle. |

The capsulolabral complex must be dissected off the anterior glenoid to such an extent that the subscapularis muscle belly is visible deep to the capsule (Fig. 9-17).
The more inferior part of the Bankart lesion is best mobilized with a 30° elevator (rather than 15°) because its greater angle allows easier access around the curve of the inferior glenoid below 6:30 (left shoulder) (Fig. 9-18) or 5:30 (right shoulder).
A 2-mm strip of articular cartilage is removed from the anterior glenoid rim with a ring curette in order to provide a larger area of contact between labrum and bleeding bone bed (Fig. 9-19).
In the case of labral preparation for an ALPSA lesion, the labrum (as viewed from an anterosuperolateral portal) must be seen to “float up” to the level of the glenoid rim (Fig. 9-20).
![]() FIGURE 9-18 The 30° elevator’s more acute blade-shaft angle makes it easier to do the capsulolabral dissection below the 6:30 position. G, glenoid; H, humeral head. |

Debride all the calcium from the tendon and the bone bed. It is always more extensive than you think (Fig. 9-21).
If calcium is not completely removed from the tendon in calcific tendinitis, it will continue to be a symptomatic irritant. In our experience, if the patient has failed non-operative treatment (including barbotage), simply needling the deposits under arthroscopic visualization is not enough. The calcific deposits tend to run in finger-like extensions from the main deposit, and these must be followed and removed. The calcific deposits often invade the bone and can be distinguished from bone by their granular consistency. These deposits in the surface of the bone must also be removed.
After complete removal of the calcium deposits, the rotator cuff defect must be repaired like any other rotator cuff tear with a similar pattern.
What Is the End Point of Coracoplasty?

One should also recognize that, with a normal coracoid, the posterior surface of the coracoid tip is in the same plane as the conjoined tendon. Any portion of the coracoid tip that extends posterior to that tip is an osteophyte.
Therefore, our two criteria for the end point of coracoplasty are as follows:
1. Removal of any osteophyte that extends posterior to the plane of the conjoined tendon (Fig. 9-22); and
2. Achievement of at least a 7-mm space between the coracoid tip and the anterior surface of the subscapularis (Fig. 9-23).
What Is the End Point Subacromial Exposure?

We remove the fibrofatty tissue medially until we have a clear view of the scapular spine (Fig. 9-24). This allows
us to have unobstructed access to visualization of the AC joint, and it also gives us a clear view of the entire muscle-tendon units of supraspinatus and infraspinatus because the scapular spine creates a raphe between the two muscles (Fig. 9-25).
us to have unobstructed access to visualization of the AC joint, and it also gives us a clear view of the entire muscle-tendon units of supraspinatus and infraspinatus because the scapular spine creates a raphe between the two muscles (Fig. 9-25).
![]() FIGURE 9-24 Left shoulder, lateral viewing portal. The fibrofatty tissue has been removed from the area around the scapular spine, leaving a clear view of the scapular spine. SP, scapular spine. |
![]() FIGURE 9-25 Left shoulder, lateral viewing portal. The raphe (dotted line) between supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles is clearly visible at the base of the scapular spine. SP, scapular spine. |
We clear the bursal and fibrofatty tissue from the lateral and posterior gutters. The axillary nerve branches are located distal to the sulcus of the lateral gutter, so as long as we do not go below the termination of the sulcus, we will not jeopardize these nerve branches (Fig. 9-26).
![]() FIGURE 9-26 Left shoulder, posterior viewing portal. The blind pouch at the bottom of the lateral sulcus is visible (*). Axillary nerve branches are located below that point. |
![]() FIGURE 9-27 The internal deltoid fascia has been divided. As the two leaves of fascia pull apart (arrows), visualization in the lateral gutter is improved for arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. |
We divide the internal deltoid fascia laterally. Using an electrocautery electrode, we divide the fascia proximally until we reach the lateral border of acromion, ensuring that our acromioplasty will not leave behind any lateral acromial osteophytes. Then we divide the deltoid fascia distally, stopping before we reach the distal termination of the sulcus. This split in the fascia allows the two leaves of the deltoid fascia to separate, opening a wider space in the lateral gutter to allow for greater ease of lateral row fixation of the rotator cuff tears (Fig. 9-27).
What Is the End Point of Distal Clavicle Excision?

We had the initial premise that the AC joint was a pain generator only if abutment of the distal clavicle against the acromion occurred with cross-body adduction. Therefore, the goal or end point was to remove enough distal clavicle that abutment of the remaining distal clavicle would not occur. Over the course of dozens of cases, we removed 2-mm increments of distal clavicle in a given patient, then brought the arm across the body while arthroscopically observing for abutment of the distal clavicle against the acromion. What we found was that most patients had continued abutment until 6 to 8 mm of AC joint space
had been achieved, but with a 10-mm space nobody had abutment of the distal clavicle. Since our standard motorized burr had a 5-mm outer diameter, we found it easy to remove enough distal clavicle to create a space that was “two burr-widths” in diameter.
had been achieved, but with a 10-mm space nobody had abutment of the distal clavicle. Since our standard motorized burr had a 5-mm outer diameter, we found it easy to remove enough distal clavicle to create a space that was “two burr-widths” in diameter.
Also, we began to routinely use an anterior working portal (for the burr) and a posterior viewing portal with a 70° arthroscope. The 70° scope allowed us to “look around the corner” to see the most superior and posterior portions of the distal clavicle so that we would not leave behind any potentially impinging spikes of bone that could cause abutment.
We begin with a 30° scope in the posterior viewing portal, and a shaver through an anterior working portal that is parallel to the AC joint. The skin puncture for a standard intra-articular anterior mid-lateral portal (which enters the joint over the lateral half of the subscapularis tendon) usually gives a near-perfect angle of approach when one redirects his instruments toward the AC joint (Fig. 9-28).
Soft tissues are first removed from the undersurface of the distal clavicle by means of electrocautery and power shaver and then a power burr is used to mark a preliminary line of resection (Fig. 9-29).
Then we switch to a 70° arthroscope and continue the line of resection proximally, removing the anterior and superior cortex but preserving the superior AC ligaments (Fig. 9-30). For bone removal at the interface with the ligaments, we run the burr on reverse, which prevents damage to the ligaments. We believe it is important to preserve the superior ligaments.
Once the anterior 2/3 of the distal clavicle has been removed in this manner, we rotate the light cable on the 70° scope to give ourselves a panoramic view of the posterior and posterosuperior aspects of the distal clavicle (Fig. 9-31). Then we continue with the bone resection until the posterior AC ligaments are fully exposed indicating that we have removed a full thickness of distal clavicle. Our end point occurs when we have achieved a space that is two burr-widths in diameter from front to back and from bottom to top (Fig. 9-32).
![]() FIGURE 9-28 Outside view of a left shoulder while a distal clavicle resection is being performed. Note that the standard anterior portal lines up exactly parallel to the AC joint. |
What Is the End Point of Interval Slides?
Anterior Interval Slide In-continuity

bed on the anterior portion of the greater tuberosity, then an anterior interval slide in-continuity should be done.
The surgeon’s goal with this procedure is to release the bands of the coracohumeral ligament (CHL) that might be restricting lateral excursion of the supraspinatus. The CHL is typically located 10 to 15 mm anteromedial to the root of the biceps at the base of the coracoid. There are often two to three individual capsular bands of the CHL that must be divided (Fig. 9-33). The end point is reached when all of these capsular bands at the root of the biceps have been released. A successful anterior interval slide in-continuity will generally provide an additional 10 to 15 mm of lateral excursion of the supraspinatus.
![]() FIGURE 9-33 Right shoulder, posterolateral viewing portal. Coracohumeral ligament (*) is being divided by the electrocautery probe. The ligament is located ˜15 mm anteromedial to the root of the biceps (there is only a stump of biceps in this case, since biceps tenodesis has already been carried out). BS, biceps stump; *, coracohumeral ligament.
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