Tibiotalar Arthrodesis: Anterior Approach

Tibiotalar Arthrodesis: Anterior Approach

Mackenzie T. Jones

Scott Ellis


Ankle arthrodesis has been the treatment of choice for end-stage ankle arthritis. Even with the availability of total ankle arthroplasty, a fusion still has many advantages such as less need for revision,1 consistent results with regard to patient pain relief,2 low cost of initial surgery,3 and success in young active patients who would not be good candidates for arthroplasty.4

There are multiple approaches available for an ankle arthrodesis including arthroscopic, lateral, posterior, and anterior. The anterior approach provides good exposure, making it easier for the surgeon to achieve the correct position of the heel in the coronal plane.5 In addition, it is often preferred for patients with post-traumatic arthritis because the anterior approach will avoid any prior lateral incisions. Another advantage is that the anterior approach allows the fibula to be spared so that the joint can potentially be converted into arthroplasty in the future using the same incision.6


  • The patient is placed in the supine position.

    • Support the ipsilateral pelvis to control external rotation of the leg. The patella should be directed upward to facilitate surgical approach and operation.

    • Pad all bony prominences to protect nerves.

  • Place a nonsterile tourniquet on the operative thigh. Prep and drape the lower extremity in a sterile manner.

  • Exsanguinate the lower extremity using an Esmarch bandage and inflate the tourniquet 250 to 300 mm Hg.

Iliac Crest Aspiration

Although there is no data to support the idea that an iliac crest aspiration promotes bone fusion, the procedure has low morbidity, with a chance of reducing the risk of nonunion.7

  • Introduce the trocar into the iliac crest, proximal to the anterior superior iliac spine.

  • Advance the trocar into the bone, taking care not to violate the cortex of the crest.

  • Remove 60 mL to be processed.

  • Remove the trocar and place Steri-strips over the small poke hole followed by a clean, sterile dressing.

  • Concentrate aspirate with one of a number of commercially available systems.

Surgical Approach

Dec 14, 2019 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Tibiotalar Arthrodesis: Anterior Approach

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