- Kevin E. Wilk, PT, DPT
The Throwers’ Ten Exercise Program *
* Modifed from Wilk, K.E., Andrews, J.R., Arrigo, C.A., et al. (2001): Preventative and Rehabilitation Exercises for the Shoulder and Elbow, 5th ed. Birmingham, AL, American Sports Medicine Institute.
is designed to exercise the major muscles necessary for throwing. The goal of the program is to be an organized and concise exercise program. In addition, all exercises included are specific to the thrower and are designed to improve strength, power, and endurance of the musculature of the shoulder complex.Diagonal Pattern (D2) Extension. The athlete grips the tubing handle overhead and out to the side with the involved hand. The athlete pulls the tubing down and across the body to the opposite side of the leg ( Fig. A-1, A ). During the motion, the athlete leads with the thumb.

Diagonal Pattern (D2) Flexion. The athlete grips the tubing handle in the hand of the involved arm and brings the arm out 45° from the side, palm facing backward. After turning the palm forward, the athlete proceeds to flex the elbow and bring the arm up and over the uninvolved shoulder ( Fig. A-1, B ). The palm is turned down and reversed to take the arm to the starting position. The exercise should be performed in a controlled manner.
External Rotation at 0 ° Abduction. The athlete stands with the involved elbow fixed at the side, elbow at 90°, and the involved arm across the front of the body. The athlete grips the tubing handle (the other end of the tubing is fixed), pulls out with the arm while keeping the elbow at the side ( Fig. A-2, A ), and returns the tubing slowly and in a controlled manner.

Internal Rotation at 0 ° Abduction. The athlete stands with the elbow at the side, fixed at 90°, with the shoulder rotated out. The athlete grips the tubing handle (the other end of the tubing is fixed), pulls the arm across the body while keeping the elbow at the side ( Fig. A-2, B ), and returns the tubing slowly and in a controlled manner.
External Rotation at 90 ° Abduction. The athlete stands with the shoulder abducted to 90° and the elbow flexed to 90°. The athlete grips the tubing handle (the other end is fixed straight ahead, slightly lower than the shoulder). Keeping the shoulder abducted, the athlete rotates the shoulder back while keeping the elbow at 90° ( Fig. A-2, C ). Slow- and fast-speed sets should be performed with the tubing. The clinician will need to change the tubing resistance as appropriate.
Internal Rotation at 90 ° Abduction. The athlete stands with the shoulder abducted to 90° and externally rotated to 90° and the elbow bent to 90°. Keeping the shoulder abducted, the athlete rotates the shoulder forward while keeping the elbow bent at 90° ( Fig. A-2, D ) and then returns the tubing and hand to the starting position. Slow- and fast-speed sets should be performed with the tubing. The clinician will need to change the tubing resistance as appropriate.
Shoulder Abduction to 90 ° . The athlete stands with the arm at the side, the elbow straight, and the palm against the side and raises the arm to the side, palm down, until the arm reaches 90° (shoulder level) ( Fig. A-3 ). The athlete holds the position for 2 seconds and lowers the arm slowly.