- •
Dextrose prolotherapy has level B strength of recommendation for chronic pain in eight areas based on a growing number of RCTs and meta-analyses.
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Dextrose, when used in perineural and hydrodissection procedures, often has a prompt analgesic effect and is an alternative to anesthetic injection for treatment of neuropathic pain.
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The evidence base supporting dextrose prolotherapy, perineural injection therapy, and hydrodissection of nerves is growing.
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Treatment of individual regions of the body should consider nociceptive sources in joints, connective tissue, and their related nerves due to shared neural origins (Hilton’s law).
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Image guidance is often crucial in the performance of dextrose prolotherapy, and ultrasound guidance is required to visualize nerves for hydrodissection.
Therapeutic injection of dextrose is a potentially disease-modifying treatment for chronic pain. Three related but discreet approaches have emerged using dextrose injectates, comprising dextrose prolotherapy (DPT), perineural injection therapy (PIT), and hydrodissection (HD). These approaches have significant overlap but are distinct enough to merit individual consideration. This chapter addresses the evidence associated with each, and the contribution of ultrasound guidance.
Prolotherapy is the oldest regenerative injection technique for chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions, emerging as a modality to treat chronic pain in the early 20th century. Initially called “sclerotherapy” due to the scarring produced by early caustic injectants, clinicians treated the same conditions as today, but also chronic, repetitive joint subluxations and inguinal hernias. George Hackett, MD, a general surgeon in the United States, formalized these injection techniques in the 1950s based on clinical experience and research. Considering proliferation of injected tissue to be an essential aspect of prolotherapy’s effects, he renamed the procedure: “To the treatment of proliferating new cells I have applied the name prolotherapy.”
One of the most common agents used for prolotherapy is hypertonic dextrose but several other injectates can be utilized as well. Hackett’s early injection protocols and comprehensive textbook informed the field’s procedural work for the rest of the 20th century. His central diagnostic principle was that ligament laxity led to pain and disability. The location of laxity was understood to be the entheses of ligaments and tendons. This was prescient, as we now understand that degenerative change and laxity are core features of overuse tendinopathies. Injections at tender entheses and adjacent joint spaces defined the core procedure and could be done at any joint. Out of necessity, identification of bony anatomy for localization was based on palpation, and a cadre of clinicians with advanced skills in superficial anatomy comprised the early clinical and research endeavors, and published clinically based research reports. While palpation guidance was the previous gold standard, teaching organizations are in the process of developing protocols including high-resolution ultrasound (HRUS) and fluoroscopy to augment palpation guidance, particularly for difficult-to-identify and higher-risk anatomic targets.
Mechanism/Animal Model Research
The in vitro mechanism of action of DPT has received little attention, and it is unclear how cellular changes associated with dextrose affect pain. Small concentrations of dextrose (15 mM, 0.27%) have been shown to alter the expression of various cytokines in multiple cell lines with less than 20 minutes of exposure, , while exposure to 0.6% dextrose in culture for 24 hours results in significant cellular death and dysfunction. , However, in vitro studies have not attempted to simulate the declining concentrations and limited exposure time seen in vivo.
Research using an in vivo rabbit model reported a proliferative effect of 10% dextrose in ligament tissue in the absence of an inflammatory response or cellular death. The same researchers confirmed organized connective tissue proliferation with 10% dextrose injections in three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) using the same rabbit model. All three studies demonstrated nearly a doubling of the ligament’s thickness after the dextrose injection, greater force was required to rupture the ligament, and histologic findings were normal. Studies have not compared the relative proliferative effect of differing dextrose concentrations in vivo. Although a proliferative effect of hypertonic dextrose injection has been documented, the therapeutic effects of hypertonic dextrose injection are likely multifactorial and a combination of proliferative and other biologic effects.
Clinical Research and Strength of Recommendations
Clinical research has been limited to relatively small studies. Despite modest sample sizes, numerous rigorous RCTs have reported a clinically meaningful effect of DPT in knee osteoarthritis (OA), temporomandibular dysfunction, rotator cuff tendinopathy, , lateral epicondylosis, , wrist pain, finger/thumb OA, , sacroiliac pain, hip OA due to hip dysplasia, Osgood-Schlatter disease, , Achilles tendinosis, and plantar fasciosis. ,
Strength of recommendation (SOR) criteria are commonly used to summarize the cumulative status of evidence in a given area with level A or B SOR indicating likely benefit. DPT for knee OA has level A evidence. , In a clinical model of grade IV knee OA, exposure to intra-articular 12.5% dextrose injection was followed by the appearance of new, metabolically active, type I and II cartilage in post-treatment arthroscopies. While patients in this small case series improved clinically, the relationship between such improvement and apparent cartilage growth is not clear. Assessment of prolotherapy for several conditions meet B SOR criteria including temporomandibular dysfunction, rotator cuff tendinopathy, , , , lateral epicondylosis, , , , , , wrist pain, painful finger or thumb OA, , , , , sacroiliac pain, Osgood-Schlatter disease, , , and Achilles tendinopathy. , , Treatment of plantar fasciosis has level B-C evidence. ,
Training and Protocols
Over time, individual clinicians have refined the injection protocols and developed consensus-based guidelines. , Professional medical societies with a focus on prolotherapy, including the Hackett Hemwall Patterson Foundation (HHPF) and American Association of Orthopedic Medicine (AAOM), offer conferences and training worldwide. ( Table 9.1 ). HHPF has recently released “The Prolotherapy Procedural and Study Guides,” using an iterative consensus model.
Organization | Website |
Australia | |
Australian Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine | aamm.org.au |
Asia | |
Hong Kong Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine | hkimm.hk |
Taiwan Association of Prolotherapy and Regenerative Medicine | taprm.org |
Europe | |
European School of Prolotherapy | proloterapia.it/en |
North America | |
American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine | aaomed.org |
The American Osteopathic Association of Prolotherapy Regenerative Medicine | prolotherapycollege.org/ |
Canadian Association of Orthopaedic Medicine | caom.ca |
Hackett Hemwall Patterson Foundation /International Association of Regenerative Therapy | hhpfoundation.org/ iart.org |
South America | |
Latin American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine | www.laomed.org |
Perineural Injection Therapy
The injection of dextrose around painful peripheral nerves emerged from the prolotherapy tradition, and was first introduced in 2006 as “neural prolotherapy.” The more descriptive term “perineural injection therapy” was soon adopted, since the proposed goal of treatment was restoration of nerve function, and not proliferation.
Mechanism/Clinical Research
Neurogenic inflammation is characterized by an absence of leukocytes, and is due to peptidergic nerve fibers releasing pain-producing and degenerative neuropeptides. These neuropeptides, including calcitonin gene–related peptide (CGRP) and substance P, are primarily released by type C peptidergic nerve fibers. Clinical findings of allodynia and hyperalgesia are common due to alteration of C nerve fiber firing rates and thresholds. The rapid analgesic (not anesthetic) effect after subcutaneous 5% dextrose (D5W) injection over painful peripheral nerves suggests a neurogenic effect of dextrose.
In an RCT assessing caudal epidural injection of D5W versus normal saline in participants with back and buttock or leg pain, dextrose provided a significant analgesic effect within 15 minutes, lasting 48 hours or more, and this pattern was repeated after each of the 4 consecutive biweekly treatments. Proposed mechanisms for an apparent calming effect of dextrose in the presence of neurogenic pain include alteration of key cation channels or restoration of the normal cation-pump-maintained transmembrane potential by correction of relative neural hypoglycemia.
Multiple case series report pain reduction from subcutaneous dextrose injections over painful superficial cutaneous nerves in the knee, shoulder, elbow, Achilles tendon, and lumbar region, though assignment of causality is not possible in the absence of control. One randomized controlled trial has been reported using PIT in chronic Achilles tendinopathy, with injections about the Achilles tendon showing results comparable with eccentric lengthening exercises (ELE).
Training and Protocols
Neurogenic inflammation is common with dysfunction of superficial sensory or mixed motor and sensory nerves, , which can be located by palpation with training and injected with minimal risk using small-gauge needles. Training in PIT is largely outside of conventional medical education and is often taught without ultrasound guidance. Conference-based training was introduced by and remains available from content experts John Lyftogt and HHPF/IART. ,
HD is the process of injecting fluid around a nerve to release the nerve from potentially constricting fascia. Symptomatic nerve compression or entrapment can result in fusiform swelling or flattening of the nerve, and ultrasound-guided injection of fluid between the nerve and surrounding fascia can release adherent fascial tissue. With the constriction removed, the nerve is free to resume a normal, more circular cross-section appearance.
Mechanism/Clinical Research
A hypothesized mechanism of action for dextrose HD follows Bennett’s sciatic ligature model, where even mild constriction of a nerve caused neurogenic inflammation with sciatic nerve swelling, loss of axons distal to the ligatures, and neuroma formation at the level of the ligatures. A variety of injectates have been used, and saline, dextrose, corticosteroid, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) HD injectates have been compared in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). A favorable effect of HD using saline was reported in a study of CTS participants. Wu et al. reported that D5W outperformed saline and triamcinolone in treatment of CTS. PRP and D5W injection resulted in similar symptomatic benefit in a treatment-comparison trial in CTS.
Dextrose may offer advantages compared with other injectants. The risk of potential lidocaine toxicity is avoided with use of D5W or PRP without lidocaine. In addition, D5W HD without lidocaine does not result in nerve depolarization. In contrast, lidocaine depolarizes the nerve and renders distal fibers non-functional, limiting precise localization of the primary nociceptive source.
Training and Protocols
HD procedures will be discussed in this chapter and throughout this Atlas.
Regional Injection Approaches Utilizing Dextrose and Current Clinical Evidence
The goal of this section is to briefly review relevant research for each of the three modalities and identify key nociceptors. Detailed injection methods are covered in later chapters.
Head/Facial Region
Publications regarding the head/facial region have focused on DPT in or about the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Three small RCTs with moderate to high bias compared the effect of dextrose to anesthetic injection in participants with painfully subluxing TMJs. , , The protocols included injections of the TMJ capsule on multiple occasions in addition to an intra-articular injection. In all three studies, there was significant improvement in TMJ pain in both the dextrose and control injection groups, favoring dextrose upon meta-analysis. Despite a consistent reduction in frequency of perceived subluxation, a single-arm prospective study showed no change in measurable subluxation upon comparison of pre- and post-injection tomography of joint motion. The one complication observed in both the RCTs , , and open-label studies was a significant reduction in mouth opening.
Louw et al., in a larger, low-bias, RCT, injected the TMJ intra-articular space and avoided capsular injection. They reported similar clinical benefit favoring dextrose over lidocaine injection in all types of TMJ dysfunction (myofascial, disc dysfunction, and arthritic), but the dextrose group showed improved mouth opening at the 3- and 12-month follow-up. The results argue for avoidance of capsular injection clinically and in future study protocols. ,
Key Nociceptors
Nociceptive sources that are implicated in difficult pain presentations involving the head and/or face include:
- 1.
Superficial nerves: Auriculotemporal, zygomaticotemporal, lacrimal, supraorbital, supratrochlear, zygomaticofacial, infraorbital, external nasal, buccal, mental, greater auricular, greater occipital, lesser occipital, third occipital, and suboccipital.
- 2.
Deeper nerves/ganglion/plexi: Cervical plexus ( Fig. 9.1A and B ).
Fig. 9.1
(A) Cervical plexus location: The lesser occipital and greater auricular nerves are branches of the cervical plexus. Pandit et al. demonstrated through cadaveric dye study that fluid injected about the cervical plexus travels through the deep cervical fascia and is found about the cervical nerve roots. The cervical plexus can be accessed through the posterior investing fascia of the sternocleidomastoid ( arrow indicates needle placement location). Injection of the cervical plexus should avoid the carotid artery and internal jugular vein ( large and small circles, respectively). The external jugular may also need to be avoided by adjusting needle entry slightly cephalad or caudal. Because the vagus nerve is located within the nearby vascular sheath, and the phrenic nerve has partial supply from the cervical plexus, lidocaine should not be included in this injection to avoid a vagal and phrenic nerve block. (B) Hydrodissection of the cervical plexus: The arrow tip (representing the 30-gauge needle tip which is not visible in this image) is in the same location as in image A. Shown here is the area of expansion of the space under the investing fascia of the sternocleidomastoid. AT, Anterior tubercle of transverse process; LCo , longus coli; MS , middle scalene; NR , nerve root; SCM , sternocleidomastoid.
- 3.
Entheses: Capiti and trapezius.
- 4.
Joints: Temporomandibular.
Cervical Spine/Neck
DPT was studied in a small group of participants ( n = 6) with cervical laxity with greater than 2.7 mm of cervical translation on flexion-extension x-rays and referred shoulder pain. Using fluoroscopic guidance, subjects underwent injections with 12.5% dextrose into the involved posterior elements, lamina, and spinous processes. Reduced cervical translation in flexion-extension x-rays, along with a significant reduction in pain, was observed. For facet-mediated pain, Hooper et al., in a small case series ( n = 18) involving 20% dextrose injection into the zygapophysial joint at 2 to 4 levels using fluoroscopic guidance in post whiplash patients, found DPT improved pain and function.
Key Nociceptors
Nociceptive sources that are commonly important in difficult pain presentations involving the neck include:
- 1.
Superficial nerves: Posterior supraclavicular and superficial cervical rami.
- 2.
Deeper nerves/ganglion/plexi: Cervical dorsal rami and cervical plexus.
- 3.
Entheses: Cervical multifidi and facet ligaments 3 to 7 ( Fig. 9.2A ), levator scapulae origin ( Fig. 9.2B ), and C2 facet ligament ( Fig. 9.3A and B ).
Fig. 9.2
(A) Injection of posterior cervical structures: The posterior cervical elements, including the posterior capsular ligaments and enthesis along the lamina and spinous process, can be accessed with a single entry and needle redirection, illustrated by the three arrows on the right. The interspinous ligament between posterior spinous processes (not depicted) can be targeted using a similar approach. (B) Injection of levator scapulae origin: Ultrasound visualization is important to inject the levator scapulae origin from the C2 to C4 posterior tubercles, either by advancing a few millimeters anterior to the cervical facets to avoid nerve root contact using an axial view to visualize the posterior tubercle (arrow) or using a sagittal view showing multiple tubercles (not depicted). LS , Levator scapulae; Mult , multifidus; Sm Cap , semispinalis capitis; Sm Cerv , semispinalis cervicis; Sp Cap , splenius capitis; SP , spinous process; TP , transverse process.
Fig. 9.3
(A) Visualization of the vertebral artery by Doppler: This is critical when targeting the C1 to C2 capsular ligaments and the lateral occipitoatlantal capsular ligament (latter not depicted). (B) Injection of C2 superior articular facet: Injections in this region should utilize hydrodissection technique when advancing the needle to push away the vertebral artery until bone contact. Lidocaine concentions of 0.1% or less and aspiration at the point of bone contact is advised to minimize the risk of complications from inadvertent vertebral artery injection. OCI , Obliquus capitis inferior; RCPMa , rectus capitis posterior major; SC , spinal cord; SCM , sternocleidomastoid; Sm Cap , semispinalis capitis; Sp Capitis , splenius capitis; VA , vertebral artery.
Thoracic Spine/Upper to Mid Back
In a study of 70 subjects with chronic axial spine pain treated with 20% DPT targeting the ligaments and facet joint capsules at symptomatic levels, Hooper et al. reported clinically significant improvement as measured by the patient-specific functional scale (PSFS). Of interest is that 50 of the 70 participants were litigants, with outcomes comparable to non-litigants.
Key Nociceptors
For the thoracic spine region, nociceptive sources that are commonly important include:
- 1.
Superficial nerves/penetrators: Posterior supraclavicular and medial and lateral penetrators of the posterior thoracic rami.
- 2.
Deeper nerves/ganglion/plexi: Dorsal scapular nerve ( Fig. 9.4A ), thoracic dorsal rami, and the paravertebral ganglia/space ( Fig. 9.4B ).
Fig. 9.4
(A) Hydrodissection (HD) of dorsal scapular nerve: The dorsal scapular nerve branches off the brachial plexus and can be involved in a whiplash injury. The dorsal scapular nerve travels with the dorsal scapular artery (both nerve and artery are within the dashed circle ), lateral and inferior to the levator scapulae ( dotted red triangle ). The needle is represented by the arrow . (B) HD of the paravertebral space: This can be helpful in severe neuropathic pain such as in post-herpetic neuralgia. HD into the paravertebral space surrounds the spinal nerves as they emerge from the intervertebral foramen and surrounds the sympathetic ganglion. The needle passes just lateral to the transverse process. As the needle approaches the target (path shown by the long arrow), the bevel of the needle is down to avoid contacting the parietal pleura with a sharp needle tip. The paravertebral space is seen opening between the intercostal muscle and the parietal pleura (area between small arrows). ICM , Intercostal muscles and membrane; L , longissimus: LS , levator scapulae; M , multifidus; Sp Th , splenius thoracis; SS , supraspinatus; T , trapezius; TP , transverse process.
- 3.
Entheses: Thoracic multifidi and facet ligaments ( Fig. 9.5 ).
Fig. 9.5
Injection of posterior elements of thoracic spine: The posterior elements, including the facet ligaments, entheses along the lamina, and spinous process can be accessed with a single entry and multiple needle redirections (arrows in image). L , longissimus; M , multifidus; SP , spinous process; Sp Th , splenius thoracis.
- 4.
Joints: Costotransverse ( Fig. 9.6A and B ).
Fig. 9.6
(A) Injections of T1 to T2 costotransverse junctions: The costotransverse junctions of the upper rib levels can be injected by visualizing the rib blocking the lung and injecting the joint between rib and transverse process. (B) Option for injecting lower (T3 to T12) costotransverse junctions: At lower rib levels (3 to 12) an easier approach with good visualization involves altering the angle of the probe parallel with the rib but below the rib so the rib is not seen in ultrasound. All that is seen then is the transverse progress with intercostal muscle to its right. This allows for a clear view of the pleura (arrows) with injection maximizing safety by visualizing the needle while infiltrating against or close to the transverse process. This injection appears to be a reasonable substitute for intra-articular injection at each level. ICM , Intercostal muscles and membrane; I , iliocostalis; L , longissimus; LD , latissimus dorsi; LT , lower trapezius, M , multifidus; R , rhomboid; Sp C , splenius cervicis; SPI , serratus posterior inferior; TP , transverse process.
Shoulder Girdle
DPT for rotator cuff tendinopathy has been the object of considerable research. Bertrand et al. conducted a three-arm blinded RCT ( n = 73) comparing landmark-guided injection with dextrose into the painful enthesis to lidocaine at the enthesis and superficially. Seven et al., in an open label RCT ( n = 101), compared ultrasound-guided dextrose injections into the subacromial bursa and tender entheses to extensive physiotherapy. While both groups had significant improvement from baseline measures, the dextrose group significantly outperformed the control at 6 and 12 weeks in pain score reductions, Western Ontario Rotator Cuff (WORC) index, and Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI).
In a pairwise and network meta-analysis by Lin et al. comparing all injection therapies in the treatment of rotator cuff tendinopathy, platelet-rich plasma and prolotherapy injections yielded better outcomes than control injections in the long term (>24 weeks). Study heterogenicity limited conclusions to level B confidence. A systematic review by Catapano et al. of DPT for symptomatic rotator cuff tendinopathy concluded that dextrose demonstrated at least short-term improvements in pain and function compared to physical therapy alone. There was a high risk of bias and variable efficacy within the studies, but repeated multisite injections showed more consistent improvements.
Key Nociceptors
Nociceptive sources of particular importance for this region include:
- 1.
Superficial nerves/penetrators: Posterior and intermediate supraclavicular, suprascapular, axillary, subscapular, and musculocutaneous nerves.
- 2.
Deeper nerves/ganglion/plexi: Suprascapular, interscalene, supraclavicular, and axillary brachial plexus.
- 3.
Entheses: Supraspinatus insertion, infraspinatus insertion, subscapularis insertion, inferior and anteroinferior glenohumeral ligament, and origins of the infraspinatus, teres major, and teres minor.
- 4.
Joints: acromiocalvular (AC) joint, sternoclavicular (SC) joint, and glenohumeral (GH) joint.
- 5.
Other: Subscapular bursa, subdeltoid bursa, and biceps long head.
Rabago et al., in a three-arm RCT, compared prolotherapy with dextrose and dextrose-morrhuate injections to watchful waiting for lateral epicondylosis. Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation scores at 16 weeks in both prolotherapy injection groups were significantly better than in the watchful waiting group, and there was no difference between the dextrose and dextrose-morrhuate injection groups. Bayat et al. compared DPT to methylprednisolone. While both injections resulted in significant clinical improvements at 3-month follow-up, dextrose was superior in Quick DASH (Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder and Hand) and pain improvements. In the most rigorous study of dextrose injection therapy for lateral epicondylosis, Yelland et al. conducted a single-blind RCT ( n = 120) comparing 20% DPT, physiotherapy, and combined treatment with prolotherapy and physiotherapy. At 1 year, all groups showed significant improvement with no significant differences between groups. Dong et al., in a systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis of all injection therapies for lateral epicondylalgia, concluded that botulinum toxin, platelet-rich plasma, autologous blood injection, hyaluronate injection, and prolotherapy can be considered for lateral epicondylitis, but cortisone was not recommended. Hyaluronic acid injection and prolotherapy might be superior, but Dong and colleagues suggested additional research is needed.
Key Nociceptors
Nociceptive sources/targets for dextrose proliferant or perineural injection are grouped below according to lateral or medial elbow:
Lateral elbow:
- 1.
Superficial nerves/penetrators: Posterior and lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerves.
- 2.
Deeper nerves/ganglion/plexi: Median nerve under pronator teres, and ulnar nerve across elbow.
- 3.
Entheses: Common extensor origin, and radial head ligament.
- 1.
Medial elbow:
- 1.
Superficial nerves/penetrators: Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve.
- 2.
Deeper nerves/ganglion/plexi: Radial nerve in spiral groove, at elbow, and within the supinator.
- 3.
Entheses: Common flexor origin.
- 1.
Reeves et al. compared hypertonic dextrose (10%) solution to lidocaine alone injection for proximal interphalangeal (PIP), distal interphalangeal (DIP), and trapeziometacarpal (TMC) OA at 0, 2, and 4 months. There was no significant difference at rest, but a significant improvement in pain with finger function and finger flexion range of motion in the dextrose group was reported at 6-month follow-up. Jahangiri et al. in an RCT ( n = 60) compared 3 monthly dextrose injections for TMC OA to a group with saline (at 0 and 1 months) and methylprednisolone (at 2 months). At 6-month follow-up, pain and pinch improvements were significantly more in the dextrose group. The above studies were included in two systematic analysis of RCTs for the treatment of knee and hand OA. , Krsticevic et al. in a narrative review concluded that there was limited evidence indicating a beneficial effect of prolotherapy for finger/thumb OA management, and Hung et al. in a systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that dextrose injection reduced pain in patients with hand OA.
At the wrist, Hooper et al. in an RCT ( n = 39) compared periscaphoid and perilunate injections with hypertonic dextrose to lidocaine in participants with dorsal wrist pain and normal x-rays. At 3 months there was no difference in outcomes, but at 12 months the Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE) scores were significantly improved in the DPT group compared to the lidocaine group. Both groups improved more than the minimal clinically important difference (MCII) for PRWE, indicating a clinical benefit from lidocaine needling as well.
Wu et al. have reported three RCTs on HD for CTS. One trial ( n = 34) compared saline HD (5 mL) into the intracarpal region to superficial injection of saline outside the carpal tunnel, and found a therapeutic benefit to HD in mild-to-moderate CTS. A second study ( n = 49) compared a single HD with 5 mL of D5W to HD with saline around the median nerve, and showed the D5W group had a significant reduction in pain and disability, improvement on electrophysiologic response measures, and decreased cross-sectional area of the median nerve compared to the saline HD control group. A third study ( n = 54) compared a single HD with 5 mL of D5W to triamcinolone injection 3 mL, and showed a significant reduction in pain and disability compared to triamcinolone. Shen et al., in an RCT ( n = 52) comparing HD with dextrose to HD with PRP for the treatment of mild to moderate CTS, reported significant and comparable improvements in pain and functional status in both groups.
Studies by Wu et al. are among the most rigorous RCTs for any dextrose-related therapy and strongly support an independent biologic action for dextrose D5W HD compared to saline or corticosteroid injection.
Key Nociceptors
Nociceptive sources about the hand include:
- 1.
Superficial nerves/penetrators: Superficial ulnar, median, and radial cutaneous nerves.
- 2.
Deeper nerves/ganglion/plexi: Radial, median, and ulnar nerves at the elbow, median nerve at the wrist, and interdigital nerves.
- 3.
Entheses: Radiocarpal, ulnocarpal, and intercarpal ligaments, triangular fibrocartilage complex, 1st dorsal interosseous, adductor pollicis, and abductor pollicis brevis.
- 4.
Joints: Trapeziometacarpal joint/capsule, wrist joint, metacarpophalangeal (MCP), PIP, or DIP joints.
Lumbosacral Area
Yelland et al. assessed the efficacy of needling the entheses of symptomatic lumbo-pelvic ligaments and sacroiliac joints with dextrose versus lidocaine ( n = 110). Both groups reported a clinically significant improvement in pain and disability at the 2-year follow-up irrespective of the solution injected, suggesting that needling of entheses has a therapeutic effect. These findings are consistent with other DPT studies with a needling control, , and imply that needling controls should not be considered as a control in future research design. Instead, inclusion of a non-injection control should be considered.
Maniquis-Smigel et al. in a prospective uncontrolled cohort study ( n = 32) evaluated the effect of caudal epidural injection of D5W (without an anesthetic or corticosteroid component) in participants with chronic low back pain radiating to the gluteal area or lower extremities. Participants received 10 mL D5W caudally biweekly (x4) and then as needed. At the 1-year follow-up, 66% of participants reported a 50% or more reduction in chronic pain, and improved disability ratings on Oswestry Disability Index.
Kim et al. in a single-blind RCT ( n = 48) compared 25% dextrose to triamcinolone injections into the sacroiliac joint using fluoroscopic guidance with up to three biweekly injections. At 15-month follow-up, dextrose injection showed a significant improvement in pain compared to cortisone, with more subjects reporting a ≥50% reduction in back pain (58.7% vs. 10.2%). For coccygodynia, Khan et al. published the largest case series with 37 consecutive patients with > 6 months of pain treated with 25% DPT at the area of maximum pain. There was a reduction in VAS pain score in excess of 70% after 2 injections, but only 2-month follow-up was reported. Thirty patients had good relief and seven had minimal or no relief.
Key Nociceptors
For this area important nociceptive sources to consider in treatment of the complex pain patient using therapeutic dextrose injection include:
- 1.
Superficial nerves/penetrators: Superficial dorsal rami medial and lateral branches, superficial superior, middle, and inferior cluneal nerves, and superficial iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves.
- 2.
Deeper nerves/ganglion/plexi: Dorsal rami, superior cluneal ( Fig. 9.7A ), and middle cluneal nerves, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves, and lumbar plexus (see Fig. 9.7B ).
Fig. 9.7
(A) Superior cluneal nerve hydrodissection (HD): superior cluneal nerve (SCN) entrapment can be a source of low back and leg pain. The SCN can be localized as it crosses the iliac crest by finding the accompanying vessel. If the vessel is difficult to localize, HD under the fascia both above and below the iliac crest at the maximal area of tenderness is likely to release the entrapment of the SCN in its osteofibrous tunnel (two arrows in figure A showing injection under fascia above [left] and below [right] the iliac crest and under the fascial layer). (B) Lumbar plexus HD: HD of the lumbar plexus can downregulate neurogenic pain originating at mid to lower lumbar levels. If the needle passes lateral to the transverse process, and infiltration occurs bevel down for optimum safety, fluid will be observed filling the space posterior to the psoas. That space (located at the arrow tip) communicates with the lumbar plexus. CE , Cauda equina; ES , epidural space; GMe , gluteus medius muscle; GMx , gluteus maximus muscle; IC , iliocostalis lumborum muscle; LD , latissimus dorsi muscle; LT , longissimus thoracis muscle; M , multifidus muscle; TP , transverse process; QL , quadratus lumborum.
- 3.
Entheses: Lumbar multifidi, facet ligaments and intertransversarii ( Fig. 9.8A ), sacroiliac (SI) ligament (see Fig. 9.8B ), and iliolumbar (IL) ligaments.
Fig. 9.8
(A) Injection of posterior elements of lumbar spine: The intertransverse ligament, facet ligaments, and multifidi/posterior lumbar rami can be treated from the same needle insertion. Targeting transverse processes requires the use of ultrasound for accuracy, and for avoidance of pleural contact at L1 and L2. (B) Sacroiliac ligament injection: The sacroiliac ligament can be targeted at both deep and superficial levels. The deeper injection is below the ligament and may be intra-articular. GMe , Gluteus medius muscle; GMx , gluteus maximus muscle; IAP , inferior articular pillar; IC , iliocostalis lumborum muscle; LD , latissimus dorsi muscle; LT , longissimus thoracis muscle; M , multifidus muscle; MB , medial branch; SAP , superior articular pillar; SIL , sacroiliac ligament; SP , spinous process TP , transverse process.
- 4.
Other: Sacrococcygeal joint, and caudal epidural injection.
Hip/Pelvic Area
There are no randomized trials of DPT for primary hip OA. Gul et al. in an open-label RCT treated 41 patients (46 hips) with hip OA secondary to developmental dysplasia with hypertonic dextrose injections to tender periarticular tendons at 21-day intervals for a maximum of 6 injections versus 30 sessions of supervised progressive resistance training. DPT outperformed the exercise control for improvements in Harris Hip Score (HHS) and pain scores at the 6-month and 1-year follow-ups. These improvements were clinically significant, exceeding twice the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for VAS pain improvement and above the MCID for HHS.
DPT has been reported as a treatment for athletic pubalgia. Topol et al. reported on a case series of 72 consecutive elite soccer or rugby athletes with chronic adductor origin or pubic symphysis pain. Subjects received 3 monthly treatments of palpation-guided 12.5% DPT, and 66 of 72 (92%) returned to full sport within 3 months.
Key Nociceptors
Primary nociceptive sources to consider in therapeutic dextrose injection in this area include the following:
- 1.
Superficial nerves/penetrators: Ventral rami medical branches, superior cluneal, middle and inferior cluneal, gluteal, iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, femoral component of genitofemoral, inferior cluneal gluteal branches, perineal branches of inferior cluneal and pudendal nerves, lateral femoral cutaneous, and common fibular nerves.
- 2.
Deeper nerves/ganglion/plexi: Ilioinguinal nerve at its quadratus lumborum penetration point, sacral and potentially lumbar ganglia via caudal epidural injection, and femoral nerve proximal just distal to the inguinal ligament, inferior cluneal nerve at ischial tuberosity level, pudendal medial to ischial spine, pudendal nerve in Alcock canal, and along ischiopubic ramus.
- 3.
Entheses: Inferior gemellar origin ( Fig. 9.9A ), superior gemellar origin, gemellar and obturator externus insertions at base of trochanter and piriformis on top edge of trochanter (see Fig. 9.9B ), ischiofemoral and iliofemoral ligaments ( Fig. 9.10A ) proximal gluteal origins, gluteal insertions onto the greater trochanter, gluteus maximus junction with the iliotibial band (see Fig. 9.10B ), mid to distal iliotibial band, pectineus origin, pyramidalis insertion, rectus abdominus insertion, adductor origins, posterior insertions on ischiopubic ramus, and rectus femoris origin.
Fig. 9.9
(A) External rotator origins. Ultrasound offers the ability to accurately target the origin of several external rotators of the hip, including the inferior gemellus (at arrow tip) and superior gemellus. (B) External rotator insertions. Ultrasound also allows for targeting of insertions of the gemelli and obturator externus at the base of the greater trochanter (right arrow), and the piriformis insertion (left arrow) at the top edge of the greater trochanter laterally. GMe , Gluteus medius muscle; GMi , gluteus minimus muscle; GMx , gluteus maximus muscle; GT , greater trochanter; IFJ , iliofemoral joint; IG , inferior gemellus muscle; P , piriformis muscle; PT , piriformis tendon; SG , superior gemellus muscle; SGOI , tendons of superior gemellus, obturator internus and inferior gemellus; SP , sacral plexus.Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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