Arthroscopic debridement, ulnohumeral arthroplasty, interpositional arthroplasty, and total elbow replacement are the mainstays of treatment for elbow arthritis. Several new techniques, such as gene therapy and modular total elbow replacement, are emerging, whereas others, such as cartilage regeneration procedures, have been used successfully in other joints and have demonstrated early successes in the treatment of elbow arthritis or its precursor lesions. The rationale behind the development of gene therapy and modular total elbow arthroplasty is presented with preliminary studies involving their use. The techniques of cartilage restoration and distraction arthroplasty are described along with current indications and early- and mid-term results.
Gene Therapy
Investigators have successfully transferred gene sequences into recipient human subjects.
Several obstacles, such as prolonged transgenic expression and efficacy of transgene products to change the course of the disease, must be overcome before this technology can be implemented.
Cartilage Restoration
Of articular cartilage lesions treated nonoperatively, 50% cause pain and arthritis at 20 years.
Stable lesions in adolescents with open capitellar physes should be treated nonoperatively.
Unstable or lesions in patients who are skeletally mature are more amenable to surgical intervention.
Microfracture is preferred for smaller lesions (less than 50% of the articular surface), and mosaicplasty has been advocated for larger lesions.
Distraction Arthroplasty
Accurate placement of the transaxial pin is achieved by placing the pin in the center of the capitellum on lateral fluoroscopic projections and serially following the pin fluoroscopically across the distal humerus.
Meticulous pin care and careful dissection during pin insertion limit common complications, such as pin-tract infections and iatrogenic nerve injuries.
Modular Total Elbow Arthroplasty
Modular total elbow arthroplasty allows transition from unconstrained to semi-constrained prostheses without explanting the ulnar or humeral components.
High rates of early complications, including radial head dissociation and periprosthetic fractures, have tempered enthusiasm over early-generation implants.
Elbow arthritis remains a difficult dilemma for most orthopedic surgeons. Although significant improvements have been made since Dee introduced elbow replacement in 1972, major advances in the treatment of elbow arthritis have lagged behind those of other joints, such as the knee, hip, and shoulder. Most available methods, such as arthroscopic debridement, ulnohumeral arthroplasty, interpositional graft insertion, and elbow replacement, are successful over short- and mid-term followup but lead to less favorable long-term outcomes. Furthermore, interpositional and total elbow arthroplasty, the options available to surgically treat moderate and severe arthritis, represent significant surgical undertakings with the potential for premature or catastrophic failure, or both. Adverse outcomes occur more frequently in high-demand patients, who, not coincidentally, are also the group most likely to develop elbow osteoarthritis or posttraumatic arthritis.
Because of the gaps between patient needs and available options, elbow arthritis is ripe for the development of new technologies. Advances produced over the past decade fall under one of three general categories: (1) prevention of the disease, (2) improvement of previous techniques, and (3) introduction of new treatment strategies. Although research into the use of gene therapy to treat rheumatoid and osteoarthritis remains preliminary, several methods have shown mid-term success in delaying the onset of osteoarthritis in young patients sustaining osteochondral defects. Two treatments for advanced arthritis—distraction arthroplasty and modular total elbow arthroplasty—have been used intermittently, but long-term followup studies remain scarce.
Ideally, all forms of arthritis could be treated in its early stages by local injection of materials to halt or reverse the cartilage destruction. Vigorous research is currently being conducted to develop a system to replace or overpower deleterious genes or their proteins. Although research is still in its infancy, evidence is accumulating that gene therapy may become a tangible option in the orthopedist’s armamentarium of the future.
Before gene therapy becomes reality, several prerequisites must be accomplished. First, genes and their products must be identified and their functions must be elucidated. Second, a vector, usually viral or plasmid DNA, must be capable of transferring the desired genetic DNA into the target cell. Third, the “transgene,” or newly transduced genetic sequence, must retain the ability to express the desired product within the new host. Fourth, the transgene and its product must escape the clenches of the human immune system and remain viable long enough to elicit the desired response, which varies according to disease. For example, episodic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis may require sustained activity of the transgene and its product, whereas limited expression for a finite period may be adequate to elicit the desired outcome. Finally, the transgene and its vector must be safe to the implanted host. Although the implanted viruses are altered and theoretically nonvirulent, there have been scattered reports of adverse effects and even several deaths attributed to gene transfer.
Although the roles of various genes and cytokines involved in rheumatoid and osteoarthritis have been and continue to be elucidated, a major advancement in gene therapy has been the ability to transduce cells with a gene encoding an interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor antagonist, which reduces disease in animal models of rheumatoid arthritis. Investigators have successfully transferred the IL-1 receptor antagonist gene into the metacarpophalangeal joints of nine women with rheumatoid arthritis. One week following injection of the vector, each patient underwent planned Silastic replacement of the joint; the synovia recovered from all nine subjects demonstrated elevated amounts of the IL-1 receptor antagonist. Although successful gene therapy is far from widespread use, critical early stages of development have successfully been undertaken.
Osteochondritis dessicans and osteochondral defects of the humeral capitellum are recognized precursor lesions leading to elbow osteoarthritis and, as the number of adolescent athletes increases, may contribute to an increased incidence of elbow osteoarthritis in the future. Reports suggest that, left untreated, adolescent capitellar osteochondritis desiccans progresses to degenerative joint disease in nearly 50% at an average of 23 years. Therefore, future efforts to restore articular cartilage may prevent or retard the development of elbow arthritis.
Several options exist to manage osteochondritis desiccans and osteochondral lesions of the capitellum. These strategies include traditional methods such as nonoperative elbow rest, arthroscopic debridement with excision of loose fragments, and microfracture and newer procedures such as osteochondral transplantation and autologous chondrocyte implantation.
Osteochondral transplantation, or mosaicplasty, involves the transfer of hyaline cartilage with its underlying subchondral bone into an area devoid of articular cartilage. Because of relatively low morbidity, the lateral trochlear ridge of the lateral femoral condyle is often selected as the donor site. Several commercial systems are available to facilitate the procedure.
Autologous chondrocyte implantation is a two-staged procedure in which cartilage cells are harvested from the patient, sent to a laboratory to be cultivated, and reimplanted into the defect beneath a periosteal flap. No series has been published that specifically addressed the use of autologous chondrocyte implantation in the elbow. In the United States, its only approved use remains the treatment of distal femoral lesions.
Treatment algorithms have been developed based on the status of the physis, the range of elbow motion, the degree of flattening, and the stability of the lesion. Nonoperative treatment, consisting of a period of elbow rest, has been limited to nondisplaced radiolucent lesions in elbows with an open capitellar growth plate and near-normal motion. Surgical intervention should be considered if any of the following are present: fragment displacement, elbow motion restriction greater than 20 degrees, or closed capitellar physis. Excision alone or excision combined with microfractures should be reserved for lesions that occupy 50% or less of the capitellar articular surface. Larger defects are candidates for osteochondral transplantation or autologous chondrocyte implantation.
Elbow arthroscopy may be performed in either the supine, lateral decubitus, or prone positions. However, if mosaicplasty is a potential option, the supine position with the leg prepped and draped is preferred because it allows more flexibility and ease of conversion to an open procedure. Regardless of position, a tourniquet must be placed proximally on the arm. A sterile tourniquet is often necessary. After the patient is prepped and prior to any portals being established, 20 mL of sterile saline are injected into the joint using an 18-gauge needle. The preferred site for joint penetration is the “soft spot” formed by the borders of the lateral epicondyle, olecranon, and radial head. Free back flow of fluid confirms intraarticular location. Expanding the joint with fluid minimizes risk to neurovascular structures by increasing their distance from bone.
Several important points should be considered regarding portal placement. First, all anterior portals should be established with the elbow in flexion; this position allows the adjacent neurovascular structures to fall away from the bony landmarks. Second, to avoid inadvertent injury to nerves, portals are created by incising the skin only and bluntly dissecting to bone. Finally, risk of injury to neurovascular structures is reduced by minimizing the attempts to recannulate portals. Portals should be protected once they have been established to obviate the need to reestablish them.
The high anteromedial portal is made by (1) incising the skin 2 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle and anterior to the medial intermuscular septum and (2) hugging the anterior surface of the distal humerus as the trocar is directed distally. To avoid injury to the ulnar nerve, the portal must remain anterior to the intermuscular septum. A 30-degree, 4.0-mm arthroscope is inserted into the joint and positioned at the intersection between the radial head and capitellum.
Depending on the location of the lesion, an anterolateral or posterolateral portal can be created to facilitate debridement and potential microfractures of the lesion. A spinal needle can be inserted in either proposed portal site to gauge accessibility to the defect. An anterolateral portal is created by placing a spinal needle into the skin 1 cm inferior and anterior to the lateral epicondyle and visualizing its tip in the joint. A posterolateral portal can be made by palpating the “soft spot” in the posterolateral elbow and following the standard technique for portal creation.
Once a working portal is established, debridement of the lesion can commence. A 3.5-mm shaver is used to remove any loose chondral fragments. A curette, usually curved, aids in removing the calcified cartilage layer and creating a stable rim of articular cartilage. An assessment of the defect size is made. If the lesion occupies less than 50% of the capitellar articular surface, a microfracture procedure should be considered. Larger lesions are candidates for mosaicplasty.
If a microfracture technique is selected, a 45-degree microfracture awl is used to create several holes that penetrate the subchondral bone. Holes should be separated by several millimeters to prevent cracking into each other. At the completion of the microfracture procedure, the tourniquet should be deflated and each hole should be inspected for evidence of bleeding. Hemorrhaging confirms penetration of the subchondral bone necessary for marrow cell infiltration of the lesion.
If mosaicplasty is chosen, conversion to an open procedure is necessary. An anterolateral incision is made starting just proximal to the lateral epicondyle and extending distally toward the radial head. A capsulotomy is made along the anterior humeral ridge and extending distally anterior to the midline of the radial head to preserve the lateral collateral ligament. To avoid iatrogenic injury to the posterior interosseous nerve, the forearm should be held in pronation. Additional exposure can be created by releasing part of the extensor mass proximally. After the soft tissues are retracted, the forearm should be manipulated until visualization and access to the lesion are achieved. Usually, elbow extension is the optimal position for exposure of the injury. The size of the lesion must first be determined and the appropriately sized coring instrument (manufactured by several companies) is used to excise the defect as a cylindrical bone plug.
A lateral parapatellar arthrotomy is made in the ipsilateral knee. The proximal aspect of the lateral femoral condyle is exposed, and a size-matched osteochondral cylindrical graft is harvested as laterally and proximally as possible on the lateral femoral condyle to avoid disruption of the weightbearing portion of the trochlea. This donor osteochondral plug is then press-fit into the capitellar lesion. The donor plug should be identical in depth and width to the previously created capitellar recipient site. Matching graft/hole sizes allows restoration of a smooth articular surface. The femoral donor site can be backfilled with the previously harvested capitellar bone.
A light dressing is applied postoperatively, and active motion is encouraged immediately. Formal physical therapy should begin on postoperative day one to maximize motion within 3 weeks. Weightbearing and lifting of any weight is restricted for 6 weeks or until evidence of osteochondral bone plug osseous incorporation. Immediate motion and weightbearing of the ipsilateral knee is allowed as tolerated.
Although early short-term studies advocated excision and debridement of osteochondral lesions, current literature favors a cartilage restoration procedure, especially for larger lesions. The data on microfractures of the elbow are sparse. Only one study has specifically addressed results after microfractures. A series of three young gymnasts reportedly returned to high-level gymnastics by 5 months with no symptoms for more than a year. Prospective studies of the microfracture technique performed for articular cartilage lesions in the knee have shown good to excellent outcomes in more than two thirds of patients with at least 2 years of followup.
Several short-term studies have shown nearly universal successful outcomes in both throwing and nonthrowing populations with mosaicplasty for both osteochondritis dessicans and osteochondral lesions of the capitellum. Mid-term results are equally encouraging. All seven patients in a recent study had improved functional and pain scores, improved range of motion, and graft incorporation without any evidence of joint degeneration at a mean of nearly 5 years after mosaicplasty. Furthermore, functional effects of graft harvest from the ipsilateral knee appear minimal at two years. Most donor sites refill with fibrous tissue.
In conclusion, long-term results following cartilage regeneration procedures for defects of the capitellum are lacking. Although short- and mid-term studies have shown promise, a longer followup period (potentially up to 20 years) is necessary to make any definitive statements comparing regeneration procedures to nonoperative treatment.

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