Talus Fractures

Talus Fractures

Khusdeep S. Vig

Curtis T. Adams

Andrew J. Rosenbaum


  • Radiolucent table without attachments at the foot (Figure 26.1)

  • Supine positioning with a bump under the ipsilateral hip until ankle malleoli on operative side are horizontal

  • Prone position for posteromedial or posterolateral approaches

  • Lateral recumbent effective for posterior-to-anterior fixation

  • Position patient with foot at end of table.

  • Drape with U-drape (one or two), and extremity drape.

  • Place C-armor, if desired.

  • Position C-arm machine perpendicular to foot/ankle from contralateral side.

    • Anteroposterior (AP), mortise, and lateral of the ankle

    • AP and oblique of the foot

    • Canale view of the heel with maximum dorsiflexion and x-ray 15° caudad

Figure 26-1. A, Supine position for medial and anterolateral approaches. B, Supine position for direct lateral approach. C, Prone position for posterior approach.

Surgical Approaches

Dec 14, 2019 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Talus Fractures

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