Sepsis of the Shoulder Girdle

Sepsis of the Shoulder Girdle

John L. Esterhai Jr.


This chapter will address the issues of diagnosis and management of infections involving the shoulder. The major focus is on primary pyarthrosis of the glenohumeral joint. We will also discuss shoulder sepsis associated with osteomyelitis, septic subacromial bursitis, soft tissue infection, and infections involving the sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints. No attempt has been made to specifically include Lyme disease, brachial plexus neuritis, or nonsuppurative (viral, fungal, or mycobacterial) infections, which may be part of the differential diagnoses of an infected shoulder joint. For the purpose of presentation, the topic is subdivided into pathophysiology, specific clinical entities, evaluation techniques, treatment, authors’ preferred treatment, prognosis, and directions for further study.


Natural History of Septic Arthritis

Studies conducted in animals have demonstrated that direct joint inoculation with bacteria is followed by synovial, bone, and cartilage changes within a matter of hours. Experiments have been performed on mice, rats, rabbits, chickens, and hamsters, and most have utilized direct joint inoculation. Septic arthritis caused by S. aureus in a rabbit model displays two processes acting simultaneously. The synovium becomes inflamed and hypertrophies within minutes of infection, with an influx of polymorphonuclear cells. This develops into an invading pannus, eroding and undermining the articular cartilage. Bacteria can be identified in and extruded by the pannus, thus maintaining the inflammatory reaction and lysosomal discharge.94 Within 3 hours, a purulent exudate is observed, and within 24 hours multiple abscesses are seen. By day 5, synovial inflammation is so aggressive that there is extension below the cartilage interface, causing erosion and loosening in this area.

Simultaneously, by day 2, progressive loss of glycosaminoglycan occurs, as observed by a loss of safranin staining. This is most pronounced in the marginal areas near the leading edge of the pannus. The degradation of cartilage occurs through bacterial endotoxin, prostaglandins, and cytokine-mediated events that invoke a host inflammatory response and a release of destructive enzymes by synoviocytes and leukocytes.34 Total glycosaminoglycan depletion occurs by 14 days, and the protein-polysaccharide-depleted cartilage is susceptible to degradation by collagenases released by the lysosomes.94,122 The predominant cytokine is interleukin-1 (IL-1), which is released by synovial macrophages and circulating monocytes. IL-1 has been shown to inhibit chondrocyte proliferation and decrease expression of type II and X cartilage, making the articular cartilage more friable and susceptible to bacterial adhesion. Bremell et al., in their studies on septic arthritis in rats, noted the importance of CD4* T lymphocytes expressing IL-2 receptors, indicating activation. Deletion of T lymphocytes downgraded the intensity of infection, indicating a pathogenic role.12

If infection remains untreated for 7 to 10 days, cartilage fissuring and a decrease in height occur, most commonly involving the weight-bearing areas. Continued infection results in joint capsule and ligament dissolution, ending in fibrous ankylosis in 5 weeks in the rabbit model.94 Antibiotics, administered in this animal model before or at the time of inoculation, significantly reduced joint destruction.107 Irreversible changes occurred if the joint was not sterilized within 5 days of infection.84

Subacromial Septic Bursitis

Pyarthrosis of the glenohumeral joint may extend into the subacromial bursa. Most commonly, the infection occurs by direct erosion through the rotator cuff. However, 10% of the patients may have intact cuffs.122

Rarely, subacromial septic bursitis may occur in isolation, as the primary infection,112 or as a result of hematogenous seeding from a distant source of infection.23 The diagnosis is made by aspiration of the bursa for Gram stain and culture. Aspiration is performed in an area that will likely have the highest yield, usually where there is maximal tenderness and fluctuation (Fig. 35-2).

Septic Arthritis of the Sternoclavicular Joint

The sternoclavicular joint is an unusual site for infection, comprising 1% of all cases of septic arthritis.96 Sternoclavicular septic arthritis usually develops in patients with an underlying medical condition or predisposing factor, such as intravenous drug abuse,11,43,49 diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, liver disease, alcohol abuse, renal disease, malignancy, steroid use, or infection at another site.17,96,123 However, infection may occur via a hematogenous route or by direct inoculation from trauma or subclavian vein catheterization in healthy patients. Ross and Shamsuddin96 recently reviewed the published reports of sternoclavicular septic arthritis and found 170 cases, 33 of which were associated with intravenous drug abuse. Serious complications such as osteomyelitis (55%), chest wall abscess or phlegmon (25%), and mediastinitis (13%) were common. S. aureus
was the most common pathogen, responsible for infections in 49% of the cases. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was responsible for only 10% of the cases; this represents a dramatic decline in incidence compared to older reports, presumably due to the end of an epidemic of pentazocine abuse among intravenous drug users in the 1980s. Before 1981, Pseudomonas was responsible for 9 of 11 cases of sternoclavicular septic arthritis among intravenous drug users. After 1981, 17 of 22 cases in intravenous drug users were caused by S. aureus. An earlier review by Wohlgethan et al.123 found S. aureus to be responsible for infections in 8 of 10 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and three of four patients with renal failure. Of seven patients with a history of alcohol abuse, six were infected with streptococci.

FIGURE 35-2. Aspiration of the subacromial bursa is usually performed in an area where there is maximal tenderness and fluctuation. The needle is inserted under the acromial edge (laterally in this case) and directed slightly cephalad. This illustration also shows the outline of the acromion and acromioclavicular joint.

The diagnosis of sternoclavicular septic arthritis is often difficult, and there is usually a delay between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis. Ross and Shamsuddin’s review found that the median duration of symptoms before diagnosis was 14 days (mean 29 days).96 In those 170 cases, symptoms most commonly involved pain in the anterior chest (78%), shoulder (24%), or neck (2%) long before other signs and symptoms occurred. Fever (more than 38°C) and bacteremia were present in 65% and 62% of the patients, respectively. The sternoclavicular joint was tender in 90%, and limited shoulder motion was noted in 17% of the patients.17,38,49,96 Joint aspiration was not feasible in most patients, but when performed, cultures were positive in 50 of 65 patients (77%).96 Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should be obtained routinely to assess for the presence of chest wall phlegmon, retrosternal abscess, or mediastinitis.

Septic Arthritis Superimposed on Rheumatoid Arthritis

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis are more susceptible to joint sepsis, compared with those without the disease. Their underlying chronic joint symptoms may delay the diagnosis of infection. Furthermore, the acromioclavicular joint may be involved, adding to the complexity of presentation. Gristina et al. reviewed 13 cases of septic arthritis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and found that most presented with a sudden exacerbation of the usual arthritic pain, abrupt onset of swelling, and increased joint temperature. Only 9 of 13 were febrile. The infecting organism was S. aureus in 12 cases and E. coli in 1 case.57 Several factors may predispose a patient with rheumatoid arthritis to infection, including a poor overall health status with coexisting morbidities (such as diabetes), the chronic systemic administration of corticosteroids and cytotoxic drugs, and the intraarticular use of corticosteroids.80 It has also been suggested that the synovial leukocytes of rheumatoid patients may have less phagocytic activity than normal, making their joints increasingly susceptible to sepsis.8 The grave complication of septic arthritis should be suspected in any patient with rheumatoid arthritis when the clinical course worsens acutely, and synovial fluid should be aspirated immediately for examination. Clinical signs and symptoms are variable and inconstant, and the sedimentation rate and roentgenograms are unreliable. Upon diagnosis, prompt surgical therapy and parenteral antibiotics must be instituted, because this complication can carry a high mortality rate.

Disseminated Gonococcal Arthritis

Unlike patients with nongonococcal shoulder sepsis, those with joint infections secondary to N. gonorrhoeae are generally young, healthy adults. Disseminated gonococcal infection is the most common cause of hematogenous septic arthritis of all joints. The most common clinical manifestation is a migratory polyarthralgia (70%). However, fever, tenosynovitis (67%), and dermatitis (67%) are commonly discovered on initial examination.86 Joint aspirate yields a positive Gram stain result in only 25% of the cases, and 50% of cultures test negative.87 Synovial fluid white cell counts are less than those for nongonococcal septic arthritis, but are still greater than 50,000 white blood cells (WBCs)/mm3. Urethral, cervical, rectal, and pharyngeal cultures have a much higher yield and should be obtained from any young, sexually active patient suspected of having gonococcal arthritis. The infection shows a rapid response to ceftriaxone, and the arthritis generally resolves in 48 to 72 hours. Surgical decompression is not needed in most cases, because joint destruction is rare.


Clinical Characteristics

A general workup scheme for pyarthrosis of the shoulder is outlined in Figure 35-3. The typical clinical presentation of shoulder sepsis consists of complaints of pain, warmth, and swelling of the involved joint. A patient may exhibit a prodromal phase of malaise, low-grade fever, lethargy, and anorexia before the
acute onset.87 The acute phase usually consists of fevers and chills, with severe, incapacitating shoulder pain as the cardinal clinical manifestation. Physical examination reveals local signs of infection such as erythema, edema, tenderness, increased warmth, and limitation in range of motion (ROM). Previous reports have shown that fever is variably present (40% to 90% of patients), and when present may be low grade or transient.83,95 Rosenthal et al. noted pain in only 48 of 71 patients with septic arthritis, with limitation in ROM being the most consistent clinical sign,95 helping to differentiate a superficial soft tissue infection from a joint infection. Atypical presentations occur when there is chronic arthritis, immunocompromised states, extreme age, intravenous drug use, or low-grade prosthetic joint infection. Previous use of antibiotics as well as corticosteroids or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medication may mask symptoms. These factors, plus the low index of suspicion for shoulder sepsis, often lead to a delay in diagnosis. Ward and Goldner, in a review of 30 patients with shoulder pyarthrosis, noted mild symptoms in the 27 adults and a mean delay to diagnosis of 46 days.121

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